with parallel passages from




based on




compiled & edited by Lisa Hyatt (Cooper),

The Academy of the New Church Press,

Bryn Athyn, 1980

This English version is only a rough approximation of Lisa's work. I am no Latin scholar, and have only used her parallel collation of these passages as a reference to find the same passages in existing translations, and copy them into a similar format.

I have not included any of her editorial notes, nor her line by line comparisons of wording & content. I'm just trying to get all the material together in one place, so we non-scholars can see all our seer wrote about our extraterrestrial neighbors.

I'd gladly yield this work to anyone who wants to do a better job of it.

Laurel Odhner Powell

Lenhartsville, 2018

Texts of English translations are taken,

via the Kempton Project website,


© 2000-2001 The Academy of the New Church

Earths in the Universe

Earths in the Universe
Arcana Coelestia
Spiritual Experiences

1. Since, from the Divine mercy of the Lord, the interiors, which are of my spirit, have been opened to me, and thereby it has been granted me to speak with spirits and angels, not only with those who are near our earth, but also with those who are near other earths; because I had a desire to know whether there are other earths, and what their nature is, and the quality of their inhabitants, therefore it has been granted me by the Lord to speak and converse with spirits and angels who are from other earths, with some for a day, with some for a week, and with some for months; and to be instructed by them concerning the earths, from which and near which they were; and concerning the lives, customs, and worship of the inhabitants thereof, and of various other things worthy to be related: and because in this manner it has been granted me to know these things, it is permitted to describe them from what has been heard and seen. It is to be known that all spirits and angels are from the human race;# and that they are near their own earths;## and that they know what is there; and that by them man may be instructed, if his interiors are so far opened that he can speak and converse with them; for man in his essence is a spirit,### and he is together with spirits as to his interiors;#### wherefore he whose interiors are opened by the Lord, may speak with them as man with man;##### which has been granted me now for twelve years daily.

FROM THE ARCANA COELESTIA; WHERE THESE AND THE FOLLOWING NOTES ARE EXPLAINED AND SHOWN. # There are no spirits and angels who are not from the human race (n. 1880). ## The spirits of every earth are near to their own earth, because they are from the inhabitants of that earth, and of a similar genius; and they are serviceable to those inhabitants (n. 9968). ### The soul, which lives after death, is the spirit of man, which is the real man in him, and also appears in the other life in a perfect human form (n. 322, 1880 1881, 3633, 4622, 4735, 6054, 6605, 6626, 7021, 10,594). #### Man, even when he is in the world, as to his interiors, thus as to his spirit or soul, is in the midst of spirits and angels, of a quality such as he is himself (n. 2379, 3645, 4067, 4073, 4077). ##### Man can speak with spirits and angels, and the ancients on our earth frequently spoke with them (n. 67-69, 784, 1634, 1636, 7802). But at this day it is dangerous to speak with them, unless man is in true faith, and led by the Lord (n. 784, 9438, 10751).

6695. On the inhabitants of other earths. As of the Lord's Divine mercy the interiors of my spirit have been opened, and it has thus been granted me to speak with those who are in the other life, not only with those from this earth, but also with those from other earths, therefore, as it was my desire to know about these latter, and as the things that have been given me to know are worthy of mention, I may relate them at the end of the following chapters. I have not spoken with the inhabitants themselves of these earths, but with the spirits and angels who had been inhabitants of them; and this not merely for a day or a week, but for some months, with open instruction from heaven as to whence they were.

2. That there are many earths, and men upon them, and spirits and angels thence, is well known in the other life, for it is there granted to every one who desires it from a love of truth, and thence of use, to speak with the spirits of other earths, and thereby to be confirmed concerning a plurality of worlds, and to be informed that the human race is not from one earth only, but from innumerable earths; and moreover to be informed what is their genius, manner of life, and their Divine worship.

That there are many earths, and men upon them, and spirits and angels from them, is very well known in the other life, for everyone who so desires is allowed to speak with them.

3. I have occasionally spoken on this subject with the spirits of our earth, and it was said that any man of keen understanding may conclude from many things that he knows that there are many earths, and that there are men there; for it may be concluded from reason that such great masses as the planets are, some of which exceed this earth in magnitude, are not empty n, asses, and created only to be conveyed in their revolutions round the sun, and to shine with their scanty light for one earth, but that their use must needs be more excellent than that. He who believes, as every one ought to believe, that the Divine created the universe for no other end than that the human race may exist, and thence heaven, for the human race is the seminary of heaven, must needs believe also, that wherever there is an earth, there are men. That the planets which are visible to our eyes, as being within the boundaries of this solar system, are earths, may be manifestly known from this, that they are bodies of earthy matter, because they reflect the light of the sun, and when seen through optical glasses, they appear, not as stars glittering by reason of their flame, but as earths variegated from darker portions.

6697. I have sometimes spoken about this with spirits, and it was said that a man of good understanding can know from many things that there are many earths with inhabitants upon them; for he can conclude from reason that masses of such size as the earths, some of which surpass this earth in magnitude, are not empty masses, created only to course about the sun, and give light to one earth; but that their use must be of greater eminence than this. He who believes, as everyone ought to believe, that the Divine created the universe for no other end than that the human race may arise, and a heaven therefrom (for the human race is the nursery of heaven), cannot but believe that there are men wherever there is any earth. That the earths which are visible to our eyes, being within the boundaries of this solar system, are earths may be clearly known from the fact that they are bodies of earthy material, because they reflect the sun's light;

The same may further appear from this, that they, in like manner as our earth, are conveyed by a progressive motion round the sun, in the way of the zodiac, whence they have their years, and seasons of the year, as spring, summer, autumn, and winter; and in like manner, as our earth, revolve about their own axis, whence they have their days, and times of the day, as morning, noon, evening and night. Moreover some of them have moons, which are called satellites, and which revolve round their globes at stated times, as the moon does round our earth. Also the planet Saturn has besides a large luminous belt, because it is very far distant from the sun, which belt supplies that earth with much light, although reflected. Who that knows these things and from reason thinks about them can say that these are empty bodies?

also that they, like our earth, revolve around the sun, and thereby make years and seasons of the year-spring, summer, autumn, and winter-with variation according to climate; and likewise that they revolve upon their own axes like our earth, and thereby make days and times of the day-morning, noon, evening, and night; and moreover that some of them have moons, which are called satellites and revolve about their respective earths in stated times, as the moon does about our earth; and that the earth Saturn, because very far from the sun, has also a great lunar belt, which gives much light to that earth, though reflected. How can anyone who knows these facts and thinks from reason, say that these are empty bodies!

4. Moreover, when I have spoken with spirits, I have said that men may believe that in the universe there are more earths than one, from this, that the starry heaven is so immense, and the stars therein are so innumerable,

6698. Moreover, I have said with spirits that men can believe that there are more earths in the universe than one from the fact that the visible universe, resplendent with countless stars, is so immense,

each of which in its place, or in its world, is a sun, and like our sun, in various magnitude. Whoever duly considers, concludes that so immense a whole must needs be a means to an end, which is the ultimate of creation, which end is the kingdom of heaven, wherein the Divine may dwell with angels and men; for the visible universe, or the heaven resplendent with stars so innumerable, which are so many suns, is only a means for the existence of earths, and of men upon them, of whom may be formed a heavenly kingdom. From these things a rational man must needs be led to conceive, that so immense a means, adapted to so great an end, was not constituted for a race of men and for a heaven thence derived from one earth only; for what would this be to the Divine, which is infinite, and to which thousands, yea, ten thousands of earths, all full of inhabitants, would be small and scarce anything.

and yet is only a means to the ultimate end of creation, which is a heavenly kingdom, in which the Divine can dwell. For the visible universe is a means for the existence of earths, and of men upon them, from whom is the heavenly kingdom. Who can ever think that so vast a means exists for so small and limited an end as there would be if only one earth were inhabited, and from it alone existed heaven! What would this be for the Divine, which is infinite, and to which a thousand, nay, myriads of earths, and all of them full of inhabitants, would be little, and scarcely anything!

5. Moreover, the angelic heaven is so immense, that it corresponds with all the particulars with man, myriads corresponding to every member, organ, and viscus, and to every affection of each; and it has been given to know, that this heaven, as to all its correspondences, can by no means exist, except from the inhabitants of very many earths. Heaven corresponds to the Lord, and man as to each and all things corresponds to heaven, and hence heaven, before the Lord, is a man in a large effigy, and may be called the Greatest Man (n. 2996, 2998, 3624-3649, 3636-3643, 3741-3745, 4625) Concerning the correspondence of man, and of all things pertaining to him, with the Greatest Man, which is heaven, in general, from experience (n. 3021, 3624-3649, 3741-3751, 3883-3896, 4039-4051, 4215-4228, 4318-4331, 4403-4421, 4527-4533, 4622-4633, 4652-4660, 4791-4805, 4931-4953, 5050-5061, 5171-5189, 5377-5396, 5552-5573, 5711-5727, 10,030).

Moreover, the angelic heaven is so immense that it corresponds to every single thing in man, and tens of thousands of its inhabitants to each member, organ, and viscus; and it has been granted to know that heaven, in respect to all its correspondences, can in no wise exist except from the inhabitants of a host of earths.

6699. I have sometimes seen as it were a great continuous stream, at a considerable distance to the right, in the plane of the sole of the foot; and it was said by angels that they who come from the worlds come that way, and that they appear as a stream by reason of their multitude. From the size and rapidity of the stream I could judge that some myriads of men flow to it daily. From this also it has been given me to know that the earths are very numerous.

6. There are spirits whose sole study is to acquire to themselves knowledges, because they are delighted only with knowledges. Therefore these spirits are permitted to wander about, and even to pass out of this solar system into others, and to procure for themselves knowledges. They have declared that there are earths inhabited by men, not only in this solar system, but also out of it in the starry heaven, to an immense number. These spirits are from the planet Mercury.

6696. There are spirits who in the Grand Man bear relation to the memory, and they are from the planet Mercury. They are allowed to wander about, and to acquire knowledges of things that are in the universe; and they are also allowed to pass out of this solar system into others. They have said that there are earths, with men upon them, not only in this system, but also in the universe, in immense numbers.

1441. CONCERNING THE SPIRITS OF MERCURY AND VENUS They said they were well aware that there were many planets, for there were types of spirits with whom they could not be present, and who therefore were not of the inhabitants of their planet.

7. As to what in general concerns the Divine worship of the inhabitants of other earths, those of them who are not idolaters, all acknowledge the Lord as the only God; for they adore the Divine not as invisible, but as visible, also for this reason, because when the Divine appears to them, He appears in the human form, as He also formerly appeared to Abraham and others on this earth;# and they who adore the Divine under a human form, are all accepted by the Lord.## They say also, that no one can rightly worship God, much less be joined to Him, unless He comprehends Him by some idea, and that God cannot be comprehended except in the human form; and if He be not so comprehended, the interior sight, which is of the thought, concerning God, is dissipated, as the sight of the eye when looking upon the boundless universe; and that in this case the thought cannot but sink into nature, and worship nature as God. # The inhabitants of all the earths adore the Divine under a human form, consequently the Lord (n. 8541-8547, 10, 159, 10, 736-10, 738). And they rejoice when they hear that God actually became Man (n. 9361). It is impossible to think of God except in a human form (n. 8705, 9359, 9972). Man can worship and love what he has some idea of, but not what he has no idea of (n. 4733, 5110, 5633, 7211, 9267, 10067). ## The Lord receives all who are in good and who adore the Divine under a human form (n. 9359, 7173).

6700. As regards the Divine worship of the inhabitants of other earths, all who are not idolaters acknowledge the Lord as the only God. They do not indeed know, except a very few, that the Lord assumed the Human in this earth and made it Divine; but they adore the Divine not as a Divine altogether incomprehensible, but as comprehensible through the human form; for when the Divine appears to them it appears in this form, as it also formerly appeared to Abraham and others on this earth; and because they adore the Divine under a human form, they adore the Lord. They also know that no one can be conjoined with the Divine in faith and love unless the Divine is in a form which they comprehend with some idea; if not in a form the idea would be dissipated, like sight in the universe. When told by the spirits of our earth that the Lord took upon Himself the Human in this earth, they mused a while, and presently said that this was done for the sake of the salvation of the human race; and that they adore with most holy worship the Divine which shines as the sun in heaven, and when it appears, presents itself to view in the human form. That the Lord appears as a sun in the other life. And that thence comes all the light of heaven, see n. 1053, 1521, 1529, 1530, 1531, 3636, 3643, 4060, 4321, 5097; but on this subject more will be specifically related hereafter.

1447. Those who suppose that the entire heaven of spirits and angels is established only from the spirits of our earth are surely men of very slight discernment, and as I may say, foolish, since here there are so few in respect to the omnipotence of the Lord as to be, as it were, altogether nothing. If there were myriads of solar systems and myriads of earths, they would still be nothing. They who deny this for the reason that the Lord became Man and suffered here on our earth, and therefore suppose that only this earth has known Him, are also insane, since all the earths in the Universe acknowledge Him alone.

8. Then they were told that the Lord on our earth assumed the Human, they mused awhile, and presently said, that it was done for the salvation of the human race.

6701. The spirits and angels who are from other earths, are all separate from one another, in accordance with the earths, and do not appear together in one place. The reason is that the inhabitants of one earth are of a totally different genius from those of another; nor are they associated together in the heavens, except in the inmost or third heaven. Those who come thither are together from every earth, and constitute that heaven in closest conjunction.

1532. Spiritual ideas, concerning which see above [nos. 1487, 1498], can make it known that the men of this earth will judge variously concerning these matters, namely, that there are such planets, which, however, can by no means be denied, and that [their inhabitants] are of such a nature, and especially, that it could be possible for men to converse with them; since men judge from the external sense and from each one's phantasy and love. But this is of no consequence, for these things have been seen and heard as sensibly as in human society, therefore I care nothing for their judgments. I am persuaded that when they become spirits, and still more in the case of those who become angels, they will clearly see the truth, as perhaps also will some of the human race, if it is well pleasing to the Lord. Let them only consider that in the spiritual world, as they call it, the distance of a place matters so little that what is remote appears near by; so that the souls who spoke with me and were heard near me, yea close to my ear, might yet have been hundreds of miles distant from me, as I sometimes told them. Since the distance between places appears so small to the eye when looking at the sun and stars, how much less must it appear to the internal sight. It is the fallacies of the senses which mislead the inhabitants of this earth, who are of the corporeal sense, and who extend their ideas scarcely beyond the senses of the body. 1748, Mar. 18.

1558. ...HOW IT IS THAT THE MINDS OF THE INHABITANTS OF THIS WORLD ARE IN COMMUNION. ((((((This being in communion results from what has been revealed respecting the inhabitants of the earths of this system, namely, that those of the planet Venus and of our earth are such as constitute or represent corporeal things and the appetencies connected with them, thus also terrestrial and lower worldly things; consequently they are those who rule the external senses. In like manner the spirits of the earth Jupiter represent rational ideas, for they live free from care, as it concerned those things that pertain to the bodily senses. They are, so to speak, a sort of ground in which things interior and inmost are sown, for without an interior rational idea those things which are still more interior and intimate are not inseminated. It is also a characteristic of ideas originating in the outward senses, that they prompt to vocal utterance.)))))) The spirits of the earth Saturn correspond to interior sense, or reason; the spirits of the earth Mercury to knowledges; The spirits of the earth Mars to thought.

The Earth or Planet Mercury

Earths in the Universe
Arcana Coelestia
Spiritual Experiences

9. THE EARTH OR PLANET MERCURY, ITS SPIRITS AND INHABITANTS. That the whole heaven resembles one man, which is therefore called the Greatest Man, and that each and all things with man, both his exteriors and interiors, correspond to that man or heaven, is an arcanum not yet known in the world; but that it is so, has been abundantly shown.# To constitute that Greatest Man, there is need of spirits from many earths, those who come from our earth into heaven not being sufficient for this purpose, being respectively few; and it is provided by the Lord, that whenever there is a deficiency in any place as to the quality or quantity of correspondence, Immediately those are summoned from another earth who can fill up the deficiency, that the proportion may be preserved, and thus heaven be kept in due consistence. # Heaven corresponds to the Lord, and man as to each and all things corresponds to heaven, and hence heaven, before the Lord, is a man in a large effigy, and may be called the Greatest Man (n. 2996, 2998, 3624-3649, 3636-3643, 3741-3745, 4625) Concerning the correspondence of man, and of all things pertaining to him, with the Greatest Man, which is heaven, in general, from experience (n. 3021, 3624-3649, 3741-3751, 3883-3896, 4039-4051, 4215-4228, 4318-4331, 4403-4421, 4527-4533, 4622-4633, 4652-4660, 4791-4805, 4931-4953, 5050-5061, 5171-5189, 5377-5396, 5552-5573, 5711-5727, 10030).

6807. On the spirits of the planet Mercury. That the universal heaven bears relation to a man, which has been called the Grand Man, and that each and all things in man, both his exteriors and his interiors, correspond to that man, or to heaven, has been shown at the close of many chapters. But they who come into the other life from this earth, being relatively few, are not sufficient to constitute this Grand Man: there must be others from many other earths; and it is provided by the Lord that as soon as the nature or the amount of the correspondence is lacking anywhere, there shall be straight-way summoned from some earth those who will make up the deficiency, in order that the proportion may be maintained, and that in this way heaven may stand firm.

10. It was also disclosed to me from heaven, in what relation to the Greatest Man the spirits from the planet Mercury stand, namely, that they have relation to the memory, but to the memory of things abstracted from terrestrial and merely material objects. Since how ever it has been granted to speak with them, and this during many weeks, and to learn their nature and quality, and to explore how the inhabitants of that earth are particularly circumstanced, I will adduce the experiences themselves.

6808. What the spirits of the planet Mercury bear relation to in the Grand Man, has also been disclosed to me from heaven, namely, the memory, but the memory of things that are abstracted from what is earthly and merely material. But as it has been given me to speak with them, and this for many weeks, and to learn their quality, and to explore the condition of those who are in that earth, I would present the actual experiences.

1558. ...spirits of the earth Mercury are cognitions...

1415. CONCERNING SPIRITS FROM ANOTHER EARTH, AND AS I GATHER, FROM THE PLANET MERCURY Spirits came to me whose nature it is permitted to describe, for they constitute those things in man which are called the internal sense, and thus in a certain respect they pertain to the memory.

11. Some spirits came to me, and it was declared from heaven, that they were from the earth which is nearest to the sun, and which in our earth is called by the name of the planet Mercury. Immediately on their coming, they sought from my memory what I knew. Spirits can do this most dexterously, for when they come to man, they see in his memory all things contained therein.# During their search for various things, and amongst others, for the cities and places where I had been, I observed that they did not wish to know anything of temples, palaces, houses, or streets, but only of those things which I knew were transacted in those places, also of whatever related to the government therein, and to the genius and manners of the inhabitants, and similar things: for such things cohere with places in man's memory; wherefore when the places are recalled, those things also are brought up. I wondered that they were of such a nature; wherefore I asked them, why they disregarded the magnificence of the places, and only attended to the things and deeds done there. They said they had no delight in looking at things material, corporeal, and terrestrial, but only at things real. Hence it was confirmed, that the spirits of that earth, in the Greatest Man, have relation to the memory of things abstracted from what is material and terrestrial. # Spirits enter into all the things of man's memory but not from their own memory into man's (n. 2488, 5863, 6192, 6193, 6198, 6199, 6214). Angels enter into the affections and ends, from which and for the sake of which man thinks, wills, and acts in such and such a manner and not otherwise (n. 1317, 1645, 5844).

6809. They once came to me and searched the things in my memory. (Spirits can do this with the utmost skill; for when they come to a man, they see in his memory everything he knows.) When therefore the spirits of Mercury searched out various things, and among others the cities and places where I had been, I observed that they did not wish to know about the churches, palaces, houses, and streets; but only what I knew to have been done in these places, and also matters relating to the government there, and to the genius and manners of the inhabitants, with other things like these; for such things cling to the places that are in man's memory, and therefore when the places are excited, these other things also come up. I wondered at this character of the spirits of Mercury, and I therefore asked why they passed by the magnificent features of the places, and only searched out the facts and doings there? They said they have no delight in looking at material, bodily, and earthly things, but only at real ones. From this it at once appeared that the spirits of that earth relate in the Grand Man to the memory of real things when abstracted from things material and earthly.

1416. They came to me and searched into those things which were in my memory, and when the various places where I had been - the streets, houses, churches and the like - were brought forth, they did not want to know about them, but at once skillfully and dexterously called forth what had been done in those places. So they called forth everything that had happened when I was there, but did not dwell upon the appearance of the place, the house, the church, and like things which relate to place. This is usually the case with man, so that when a place is remembered the things that happened there are at once recalled; thus in man the things, as it were, connected with places are wont to be present to the memory but are not within it. These spirits, therefore, skillfully passed over the places, and at once aroused the things with which they were delighted. It was also said that it is not granted them to regard places, nor material and consequently corporeal and worldly things, but they immediately pass over such things and attend only to those which are real. Hence it could later be observed that they were from another earth, because they were not willing to attend to worldly, corporeal and similar things, but only to things done. Since it is otherwise on our earth, where men are delighted with corporeal, worldly and like things, they were therefore more ready than our spirits, and quickly ran through [the things in my memory].

1417. In a word, from the fact that they were unwilling to attend to the grosser corporeal, worldly, and material things, it was given me to perceive that they were from another earth. Afterwards, from the circumstance that they did not attend to what was represented by such corporeal and worldly things, as did the men of the ancient Church, I perceived that they were not of the ancient Church. They only wanted to grasp the cognitions of things separated from corporeal and worldly things, and were delighted thereby. Hence was their readiness.

12. It was told me, that such is the life of the inhabitants of that earth, namely, that they have no concern about things terrestrial and corporeal, but only about the statutes, laws, and forms of government, of the nations therein; also about the things of heaven, which are innumerable, And I was further informed, that many of the men of that earth speak with spirits, and that thence they have the knowledges of spiritual things, and of the states of life after death; and thence also their contempt of things corporeal and terrestrial. For they who know of a certainty, and believe in the life after death, are concerned about heavenly things, as being eternal and happy, but not about worldly things, only so far as the necessities of life require. Because the inhabitants of Mercury are such, therefore also the spirits who are from thence are of a like nature.# # Spirits enter into all the things of man's memory but not from their own memory into man's (n. 2488, 5863, 6192, 6193, 6198, 6199, 6214). Angels enter into the affections and ends, from which and for the sake of which man thinks, wills, and acts in such and such a manner and not otherwise (n. 1317, 1645, 5844).

6810. I have been told that their life in their own earth is of the same character, namely, that they care nothing for earthly and bodily things; but only for the statutes, laws, and governments of the nations there, and also for the things of heaven, which are innumerable. And I was further told that many of the men of that earth speak with spirits, and from this have knowledges of spiritual realities, and of the states of life after death, and from this also they have contempt for bodily and earthly things. For they who know with certainty and believe in a life after death, care for heavenly things, as being eternal and happy, and not for worldly things except insofar as the necessities of life require.

1424. I was also given to perceive that such is their life on their own earth that they care nothing about earthly and corporeal things, but about things which are outside of themselves, such as those which are in heaven. Thus they speak with spirits who instruct them concerning the things that are in heaven, and they are thereby delighted with the cognitions of spiritual things. Therefore, also, when they called forth many things from my memory, they said and affirmed that it is of such a nature, not knowing that I am in the body.

13. With what eagerness they inquire into and imbibe the knowledges of things, such as appertain to the memory elevated above the sensual things of the body, was made manifest to me from this, that when they looked into those things which I knew respecting heavenly things, they passed hastily through them all, and continually saying that this and that were so and so. For when spirits come to man, they enter into all his memory, and excite thence whatever suits themselves: yea, what I have often observed, they read the things contained therein, as out of a book.# These spirits did this with greater dexterity and expedition, because they did not stop at such things as are heavy and sluggish, and which confine and consequently retard the internal sight, as all terrestrial and corporeal things do, when regarded as ends, that is, when alone loved: but they looked into things themselves; for such things, which are not clogged with things terrestrial, carry the mind upwards, thus into a broad field; whereas mere material things carry the mind downwards, and at the same time limit and shut it up. Their eagerness to acquire knowledges, and to enrich the memory, was manifest also from the following experience.

6811. With what eagerness they search out and learn knowledges, such as are in the memory that is raised above the sensuous things of the body, was made evident to me from the fact that when they looked into what I knew about heavenly things, they ran over them all, continually saying, "That is so-and-so, that is so-and-so." For when spirits come to a man, they enter into all his memory, and excite from it all that is suited to themselves; nay, as I have often observed, they read its contents as from a book. The spirits of Mercury did this with greater skill and quickness, because they looked at the real things themselves, and did not delay over such things as are slow, and which confine and consequently retard the internal sight, as do all earthly and bodily things when regarded as an end, that is, when loved in an extraordinary degree. For realities to which earthly things do not adhere bear the mind upward, thus into a wide field; whereas merely material things bear the mind downward, thus into a narrow one. Their eagerness to acquire knowledges also became evident in the following manner.

3288. …Thus it was several times granted them to know whatever I knew concerning anything, merely by inhering in their ideas, and so by exciting in me things, forgotten, or not forgotten, which may fall into their sphere: as has been several times, previously made known to me from experience. …

Once while I was writing something concerning things to come, and they were at a distance, so that they could not look into those things from my memory, because I was not willing to read them in their presence, they were very indignant, and contrary to their usual behavior, they were desirous to inveigh against me, saying that I was one of the worst of men, and the like; and that they might give proof of their resentment, they caused a kind of contraction attended with pain on the right side of my head even to the ear. But these things did not hurt me. Nevertheless, in consequence of having done evil, they removed themselves to a yet greater distance, but presently they stood still again, desirous to know what I had written; such is their eager thirst after knowledges. # That the spirits who are with man, are in possession of all things appertaining to his memory (n.5853, 5857, 5859, 5860).

Once when I was writing something about the future, and they were at a distance, so that they could not look at it from my memory, they were very indignant because I would not read it in their presence, and contrary to their usual behavior they desired to upbraid me, calling me the worst of men, and so forth; and in order to show their anger they induced a kind of contraction on the right side of my head as far as the ear, that was attended with pain. But such things did me no harm. But as the spirits had done evil they went still further off, and yet they waited; because they wanted to know what I had written about the future. Such is their desire for knowledges.

3289. But yet they cannot know from other spirits more than the Lord grants; which was also shown them in my case; although previously it was granted them to know something, as well by their exploring as by living voice, it was now suddenly closed, so that they could know nothing from me; wherefore, being angry they said angrily that I knew nothing.

3257. And inasmuch as they were angry, in order that they might signify their anger, they brought upon [into] the right part of the head, as far as the ear, a certain kind of contraction and pain, supposing that they must have done it from themselves. Moreover, when they departed, they removed themselves [se elongaboet] by degrees, but deep below [profundius], inasmuch as they were thus compelled to humble themselves. -l748, September 22.)

3256. CONCERNING THE SPIRITS OF MERCURY, THAT THEY DESIRE TO KNOW WHAT IS TO COME. Certain things were written concerning what is to come. When I was unwilling to read these in their presence, they were highly indignant, and desired to scoff at me, contrary to [their] usual custom, only saying that I was the worst [of men] and the like. Hence may be concluded how much special delight they take in the knowledges of future things, because they are the internal sense; and moreover, it was granted them to excite something from my interior memory, which was done readily, besides that, I knew what it was. (They did not [excite] anything but certain dreams, and the like. Such is the sagacity of those spirits, that they immediately perceive from others, and their [ideas] what they know. To such they cannot propose opposites [for] thus they could not be present in their society. - 1748, September 22.

3289. But yet they cannot know from other spirits more than the Lord grants; which was also shown them in my case; although previously it was granted them to know something, as well by their exploring as by living voice, it was now suddenly closed, so that they could know nothing from me; wherefore, being angry they said angrily that I knew nothing.

3257. And inasmuch as they were angry, in order that they might signify their anger, they brought upon [into] the right part of the head, as far as the ear, a certain kind of contraction and pain, supposing that they must have done it from themselves. Moreover, when they departed, they removed themselves [se elongaboet] by degrees, but deep below [profundius], inasmuch as they were thus compelled to humble themselves. -l748, September 22.)

14. The spirits of Mercury, above all other spirits, possess the knowledges of things, as well respecting this solar system, as respecting the earths which are in the starry heavens; and what they have once acquired to themselves, that they retain, and also recollect as often as anything similar occurs. Hence also it may appear manifest, that spirits have memory, and that it is much more perfect than the memory of men; and further, that what they hear, see, and apperceive, they retain, and especially such things as delight them, as these spirits are delighted with the knowledges of things. For whatever things cause delight, and affect the love, these flow in as it were spontaneously, and remain; other things do not enter, but only touch the surface and pass by.

6812. Above all other spirits the spirits of Mercury possess knowledges of real things, both of those within this solar system, and also of those which are beyond it in the starry heaven; and what they have once acquired they retain, and also recall, as often as like things occur. This shows very plainly that the memory of spirits is much more perfect than that of men, and also that what spirits hear, see, and perceive, they retain, especially such things as delight them, as the knowledges of real things delight these spirits. For all things that cause delight and love, flow in as it were spontaneously, and remain; other things do not enter, but only touch the surface and pass by.

3258. ...and what is wonderful, they know so many things which exist in heaven and hell, and which belong to things that no one can help wondering; and what they once perceive, this they retain.

3259. Although they are not aware that they know [a thing], yet as soon as it occurs, they remember it. Hence it may be quite clearly manifest, that the memory of spirits and angels is much more perfect than the memory of men, and that they retain whatever they hear, see [and] perceive; and still more the spirits of Mercury, because they delight in these things, and earnestly desire them; wherefore there is also adjoined [to them] more reflection than [occurs] with others; for avidity or curiosity, and the love of such things produces reflection. It is different with those who do not care for such things. In their case such things are transient, but yet remain [impresseo] still interiorly, as is the case with angelic spirits and angels, because they delight in the thought of judgment, or use hence derived.)

3260. (That they have such a memory, may be sufficiently apparent from this: that I reckoned up several instances. I do not know whether the names [were mentioned], because it was not granted to understand, but the substance [momenta] of the enumeration of persons [eorum] with whom [these] spirits also speak as [they do] with me; whether these [persons] also speak in turn with [these] spirits, I do not yet know. This is said to have occurred in the planet Mars. - 1748, September 22).

15. When the spirits of Mercury come to other societies, they explore and collect from them what they know, and then they depart; for such communication is granted amongst spirits and especially amongst angels, that when they are in a society, if they are accepted and loved, all things which they know are communicated.# # That in the heavens there is given a communication of all goods, inasmuch as it is the property of heavenly love to communicate all its possessions with others; and that hence the angels derive wisdom and happiness (n. 549, 550, 1390, 1391, 1399, 10,130, 10,723).

16. In consequence of their knowledges, the spirits of Mercury are more proud than others; wherefore they were told, that although they knew innumerable things, yet there are infinite things which they do not know; and that if their knowledges should increase to eternity, the notice even of all general things would still be unattainable. They were told likewise of their pride and elation of mind, and that this is unseemly; but they replied, that it is not pride, but only a glorying by reason of the faculty of their memory; thus they were able to excuse their faults.

6813. When the spirits of Mercury come to other societies, they search out from them what they know, and as soon as they have done this they depart. There is such a communication among spirits that when they are in a society, if they are accepted and loved, all things which they know are communicated, and this not by any speech, but by influx. By reason of their knowledges the spirits of Mercury are more conceited than others, and they were therefore told that although they know innumerable things, still there are infinite things which they do not know; and that if their knowledges should increase to eternity, they would not attain even to a knowledge of generals. They were told also of their conceit and elation of mind, and how unbecoming this is; but they answered that it is not conceit, but only a glorying in their faculty of memory. In this way they can excuse their faults.

3288. HOW THE SPIRITS OF MERCURY ACQUIRE TO THEMSELVES THE KNOWLEDGE OF THINGS. (I spoke with them, and it was perceived that whenever they come, they at once perceive from the societies of other spirits what [these] know concerning such things as are then objects: for the faculty of spirits is such, that they at once perceive what others know, and what they do not know, so that there is communication, like as when a spirit comes to man. ... Wherefore because they thus wander about, it is granted them to know innumerable things, which they also retain. But still they confess that although they know indefinites, nevertheless there are indefinites still which they do not know; for never to eternity can it be given them to be able to know anything, not even the least, although there are indefinites, because from that [one] alone spring indefinities of indefinities, which they do not know. - 1748, September 23.)

3266. (They do not wish to he called haughty, nor proud, but that [it be said] they glory in their faculty in memory.)

3239. ([Their] internal sense is such, that it delights only in the knowledges of things, and nothing beyond. Wherefore, also since there are interiors, which pertain to uses, they do not care [so much] for these; consequently not for ends, thus for the only end: hence also it comes that they are proud, and because proud [in fastu], therefore, the life of ends and uses cannot inflow into them, before that pride is taken away from them. This pride it is which has done most of those things which I have described; for they despised others in comparison with themselves. They who are in a state of humiliation have now acknowledged, with some weeping, that the Lord alone is their Lord; they then acknowledged that what they know scientifically, it is also given them to know intellectually: for they do not worship another [Lord]; but inasmuch as they esteem themselves above others, they do not care.)

17. They are averse to vocal speech, because it is material; wherefore when I conversed with them without intermediate spirits, I could only do it by a species of active thought. Their memory, as consisting of things not of images purely material, supplies objects that are nearer to the thought; for the thought, which is above the imagination, requires for its objects things abstracted from material. But notwithstanding this, the spirits of Mercury are little distinguished for their judgment, having no delight in the exercise of that faculty, and the deducing of conclusions from knowledges; for bare knowledges alone are delightful to them.

6814. They are averse to verbal speech because it is material, and therefore I could talk with them no otherwise than by a kind of active thought. Their memory, being of real things, and not of purely material images, supplies the thought with its objects more closely; for the thought which is above the imagination requires for its objects things abstracted from what is material. But in spite of this, the spirits of Mercury excel but little in the faculty of judgment. They are not delighted with matters that belong to judgment and to conclusions from thoughts; for bare knowledges are their delight.

1455 1/2. They cannot be called the internal memory because, as I have now been instructed, in them there is the faculty of thinking, that is, internal sensation gives this faculty. I could scarcely speak with them except by a kind of active thought; they can understand this much better than the speech of words which they hate and are unwilling to hear. They suppose that they are the thought rather than internal sensation, as they say. They have not, however, the faculty of judgment, but only a delight in cognitions; nevertheless they can also be called simply thought, for without it there is no interior sensation. But thought and judgment differ greatly. They are not the thought from judgment because they do not draw conclusions concerning use and end, from the end.

3265. (In a word, the inhabitants of Mercury are the memory of things, separated from the memory of images [derived] from corporeal and terrestrial things; from which memory [of things] is speculation, which is as it were interior, or rather the imagination of things; thought is of its imagination, which is their speech, wherewith it was previously granted to speak with them, and it was said that I spoke with them with [by] living thought.)

3258. (As regards the internal sense which the spirits of Mercury represent [referunt], it is such as is the memory, yea the memory of particulars, but not of the images, of things; for the memory of particulars contains visual images, which pertain to the imagination, thus to images of terrestrial and corporeal things; further, it contains things, for instance, laws and knowledges of laws, also [the things] of faith, like as that there is nothing but evil with man. This part of the memory more nearly respects [se refert ad] thought, because it affords to thought subjects of deep thinking, thus passes to speculation and constitutes it. Such memory do the spirits of Mercury represent; and what is wonderful, they know so many things which exist in heaven and hell, and which belong to things that no one can help wondering; and what they once perceive, this they retain.

1418. They are therefore called "cognitions", or rather, they were "the internal senses", because they were delighted only with cognitions, as they also confessed. That they are the memory of things from which comes speculation or the purer imagination, you may see in what follows.

18. They were asked whether they wished to make any use of their knowledges; for it is not enough to be delighted with knowledges, because knowledges have respect to uses, and uses ought to be the ends of knowledges; from knowledges alone no use results to them, but to others with whom they are disposed to communicate their knowledges; and that it is very inexpedient for any one who wishes to be wise, to rest satisfied with mere knowledges, these being only administering causes, intended to be subservient to the investigation of things appertaining to life: but they replied, that they were delighted with knowledges, and that knowledges to them are uses.

6815. I was allowed to insinuate the question whether they did not desire to perform some use by virtue of their knowledges; because it is not sufficient to be delighted with knowledges, seeing that knowledges look to uses, and uses must be the ends. From knowledges alone, I told them, there is no use to them, but only to others to whom they may desire to communicate their knowledges; and it is by no means proper for a man who desires to be wise, to halt in knowledges alone, because these are only instrumental causes, intended to serve in the search for uses, which must be of the life. But they answered that they are delighted with knowledges, and that to them knowledges are uses.

1429. I then likewise suggested the question whether they did not want to make some use of their cognitions, since only to be delighted with them is not sufficient, for cognitions regard uses and uses regard ends, and so forth. From cognitions alone, if they merely remain in them, they derive no use, but they are of use to others; we ought to think from them, or of the use that can be performed by them. But those spirits still said that they are delighted with the cognitions, and that that is of use.

19. Some of them are also unwilling to appear as men, like the spirits of other earths, and would rather appear as crystalline globes. The reason why they are desirous to appear so, although they do not so appear, is because the knowledges of things immaterial are represented in the other life by crystals.

7175. After some time there was shown me a woman of the inhabitants of the earth Mercury; she had a beautiful face, but it was smaller than that of a woman of our earth; she was also more slender, but of equal height. She wore linen on her head, put on without art, yet becomingly. I also saw a man from that earth, who likewise was more slender in body than the men of our earth; he who appeared was clad in a garment of dark blue, closely fitted to his body, without folds or prominences on either side. But that the inhabitants of that earth think little about their bodies, was evident to me from the fact that when they come into the other life, and become spirits, they do not wish to appear as men, like the spirits of our earth, but as crystal balls. The reason they desire so to appear is that they may remove from themselves material ideas; moreover the knowledges of things immaterial are represented in the other life by crystals.

3237. (((They did not admit that they were represented as men, but as crystalline globules.)))

20. The spirits of Mercury differ altogether from the spirits of our earth, for the spirits of our earth do not care so much about realities, but about worldly, corporeal, and terrestrial things, which are material; wherefore the spirits of Mercury cannot be together with the spirits of our earth, therefore wheresoever they happen to meet them, they flee away; for the spiritual spheres, which are exhaled from each, are almost contrary. The spirits of Mercury have a common saying, that they do not wish to look at a sheath, but at things stripped of their sheath, that is, at interior things.

6816. The spirits of Mercury are quite different from the spirits of our earth, for the spirits of our earth care not so much for real things as for material, worldly, bodily, and earthly things. Therefore the spirits of Mercury cannot be together with the spirits of our earth, and so whenever they meet them they flee away; for the spiritual spheres which exhale from the two are almost opposite. The spirits of Mercury have a saying, that they love what is drawn out from things material, and that they do not desire to look at the sheath, but at things stripped of their sheath, thus at interior things.

1434. Spirits of this type are entirely different from those who from exteriors bring forth interior things, being those which correspond. This is especially common with the angels of this earth; for the men of this earth more than others are in things corporeal, terrestrial, mundane, and material, and when they become angels they then bring forth the corresponding interiors, thus caring nothing for the externals. The spirits of the planet Mercury are not such, but care only for those things which adhere or have been adjoined [to externals], such as what a man has done when he was at a certain place, that is to say, for such things as are usually connected with the memory of places. They say that they are not delighted with the interiors thus drawn forth from material things, like things drawn forth from their covering, for they do not want to look at the covering. 1748, Mar. 16. Those on our earth cannot be of such a nature because all here love, and have loved, things that are external and material, for which reason the spirits of our earth cannot be with those of Mercury.

6928. The spirits of the earth Mercury are quite different from those of our earth, for the spirits of our earth, especially when newly in the other life, love bodily and earthly, that is, material things, and desire to know such things in the other life. In order therefore that they may be able to be with good spirits who do not care for such things, they are kept in places which are beneath the soles of the feet, and are called in the Word the "lower earth,"' and this even till they are averse to bodily and earthly things, and so put them off. When this is effected, they are taken up into heaven, initiated into things interior, and become angels.

6921. CONTINUATION CONCERNING THE SPIRITS OF THE PLANET MERCURY. At the end of the preceding chapter it was shown that the spirits of the planet Mercury constitute in the Grand Man the memory of things not material; and as they therefore love to know things abstracted from what is material, they are more prompt and quick than other spirits in discerning, thinking, and speaking; for material things are like weights which induce slowness and retard, because they bear the mind downward and immerse it in earthly things, and thus remove it from the spiritual world, whence all clear discernment comes. How prompt these spirits are, can be seen from what follows.

1435. The spirits of our earth are also curious and eager to know many things, especially terrestrial and material things, but they are brought by the Lord to learn the corresponding interior things, and to desire them. Hence the spirits of our earth are grosser, slower, and defiled with corporeal cupidities which must be vastated before they can grasp interior things; and they must be completely vastated to the extent that they are averse to them as things of no account, before they can be delighted with these interiors. The spirits of our earth, therefore, especially constitute the provinces of the exterior members of the body. 1748, Mar. 16.

21. There appeared a whitish flame, burning briskly, and this for nearly an hour. That Same signified the approach of spirits of Mercury, who for penetration, thought, and speech, were more prompt than the former spirits. When they were come, they instantly ran through the things contained in my memory, but I could not perceive what they observed by reason of their promptitude. I heard them afterwards saying that such is the case; in respect to what I had seen in the heavens and in the world of spirits, they said that they knew those things before. I perceived that a multitude of spirits consociated with them was behind, a little to the left in the plane of the occiput.

6922. There appeared a white flame of some brightness burning briskly, and this for some time. This flame signified the approach of spirits of Mercury more prompt than the rest. When they came, they instantly ran through the contents of my memory. (This all spirits are able to do, and being with a man they are in possession of all things of his memory, see n. 5853, 5857, 5859, 5860.) But on account of their quickness I could not perceive what these spirits observed. From time to time I heard them saying, "That's so-and-so." As regards what I have seen in the heavens and in the world of spirits, they said that they knew it before. I perceived that a multitude of spirits in association with them was at the back, a little to the left, in the plane of the back of the head.

1419. There later appeared to me quite a large bright flame, burning pleasantly and clearly for some time. This signified the advent of similar spirits, who are still more quick.

1420. When they drew near they ran through the things in my memory even more quickly, and I could not know what they had learnt on account of their subtlety and quickness. They only said that "it is so and so", in order that I might perceive that they, as it were, knew these things. In this manner did they make their inquiry.

1421. Consequently they were like flames, running through and delighting in the subtle things [of my memory], thus those things which I had seen in the heavens, which they said that they knew. I then said to them that perhaps they only supposed that they knew them, and nevertheless did not know them, because a spirit supposes that he himself knows and had known the things which he perceives in man from his memory. I perceived, moreover, that in the plane of the occiput at the back, a little to the left, there was a multitude of these spirits who together perceived this, and that they could have such thought because they attend only to the reality and thus to the interiors, being unwilling to tarry in externals; for such is the memory with spirits.

22. At another time I saw a multitude of such spirits, but at some distance from me, in front a little to the right, and thence they discoursed with me, but through intermediate spirits; for their speech was as quick as thought, which does not fall into human speech, but by means of other spirits. And what surprised me, they spoke in a volume*, and yet readily and rapidly. Their speech was perceived as undulatory, because of many together, and what is remarkable, it was conveyed towards my left eye, although they were to the right. The reason was, because the left eye corresponds to the knowledges of things abstracted from what is material, consequently to such things as appertain to intelligence: whereas the right eye corresponds to such things as appertain to wisdom.# They likewise perceived and judged of what they heard with the same promptitude with which they discoursed, saying of such a thing that it was so, and of such a thing that it was not so; their judgment was as it were instantaneous. # The eye corresponds to the understanding, because the understanding is the internal sight, and the sight of things immaterial (n. 2701, 4410, 4526, 9051, 10,569). The sight of the left eye corresponds to truths, consequently to intelligence; and the sight of the right eye corresponds to the goods of truth, consequently to wisdom (n. 4410). * A more accurate translation would be "in a rolling fashion."

6923. At another time I saw a multitude of such spirits, but at some distance from me, in front, a little to the right, and they talked with me from there, but through intermediate spirits; for their speech is as quick as thought, which can fall into human speech only through intermediate spirits. And what surprised me, they spoke all together, and yet just as promptly and quickly. Their speech was perceived as an undulation, because it was of many together; and what is remarkable, it fell toward my left eye, though they were to the right. The reason was that the left eye corresponds to knowledges of things abstracted from things material, thus to such as are of intelligence; but the right eye corresponds to those which are of wisdom. They likewise perceived and judged what was heard with the same promptness as that with which they spoke, saying that this was so, and this not so. Their judgment was as it were instantaneous.

3233. CONCERNING THE SPIRITS OF MERCURY. (I have again, by means of [through] intermediate spirits, heard the spirits of Mercury, who spoke in volume [voluminatim] so rapidly, that scarce could [an intermediate] spirit have uttered it. There was, as it were, a volume of them speaking together. But it was not their speech, [but] only the thought of the interior sense or memory that flowed into the speech of the intermediate spirit, [and was so rapid]. It was similar with the perception of those things, which were thought after that. So promptly did they perceive them, that at once, and in a moment, they judged [decided] as to the quality, saying, "This is so; this is not so; this is the quality." So that their decision [judicium] was almost instantaneous; and, moreover, they were similar to what they were before. This is remarkable, that their thought was brought to me in such volumes, that the spirits quickly undulated above me like an atmosphere; also that the cogitative undulation did not flow [labereter] towards the left eye, although they were some distance to the right. - 1748, September 21.)

23. There was a spirit from another earth, who could speak dexterously with them, because he spoke promptly and quickly, but who affected elegance in his discourse. They instantly decided on whatever he spoke, saying of this, that it was too elegant; of that, that it was too polished: so that the sole thing they attended to was, whether they could hear anything from him which they had never known before, rejecting thus the things which caused obscurity, which are especially affectations of elegance of discourse and erudition; for these bide real things, and instead thereof present expressions, which are only material forms of things; for the speaker keeps the attention fixed herein, and is desirous that his expressions should be regarded more than the meaning of them, whereby the ears are more affected than the mind.

6924. There was a spirit from another earth who, being a prompt and ready speaker, could speak with them skillfully. They judged in a moment of what he spoke, saying that this was too elegantly expressed, and that too artfully, so that they merely attended to whether they heard anything from him which was unknown to them before, thus rejecting such things as obscure the discourse, which are chiefly all affectations of elegance and erudition; for these hide the real things, and present instead thereof words, which are their material forms.

1426. There was a certain spirit* who could talk with them in a ready manner - since I was in the body I could not represent things to them so quickly - and when he spoke with them, they then indeed said that this was well. Nevertheless, they at once judged that this was said too elegantly, that too cleverly, and so forth, so that they did not approve it as being in accordance with their mind. This is also a property of the internal sense, for this sense has its own perception, and these spirits immediately judge from themselves and their own nature. From the perception of that sense it could likewise be concluded that these spirits constituted the internal senses in the Grand Body. * From parallel passages in AC 6924 and EU 23, it is evident that this spirit was from another planet.

24. The spirits of the earth Mercury do not abide long in one place, or within companies of the spirits of one world, but wander through the universe. The reason is, because they have relation to the memory of things, which memory must be continually enriched. Hence it is granted them to wander about, and to acquire to themselves knowledges in every place. During their sojourning in this manner, if they meet with spirits who love material things, that is, things corporeal and terrestrial, they avoid them, and betake themselves where they do not hear such things. Hence it may appear, that their mind is elevated above things of sense, and thus that they are in interior light. This was also given me actually to perceive, whilst they were near me, and discoursed with me: I observed at such times, that I was withdrawn from things of sense, insomuch that the light of my eyes began to grow dull and obscure.

6925. The spirits of the earth Mercury do not stay in one place, or within the sphere of the spirits of one world, but wander through the universe. The reason of this is that they relate in the Grand Man to the memory of real things, which memory must be continually enriched. Hence it is given them to wander about, and everywhere to acquire for themselves knowledges. If while thus journeying they meet with spirits who love material, that is, bodily and earthly things, they shun them, and betake themselves where they do not hear such things. From this it can be seen that their mind is uplifted above sensuous things, and thus that they are in interior light. This it was also given actually to perceive when they were near me, and were speaking with me. I then observed that I was withdrawn from sensuous things, insomuch that the light of my eyes began to grow dull and obscure.

1454. Spirits of the planet Mercury, who are the interior sense, or they who constitute it, do not remain in one place or within the sphere of the spirits of one planet, but wander throughout the Universe, not knowing whither they are being carried. Whenever they meet spirits who love material, earthly and corporeal things, they shun them, and betake themselves to where they do not hear such things, as the interior sense regarded in itself does not love the things of the external sense, for it is evident that it must be removed from the senses of the body in order that it may operate; without the removal of these senses from the body the interior sense cannot operate. Therefore the external senses and the memory of material ideas obscure, yea, extinguish the powers of operating of the interior sense. For this reason the spirits of Mercury cannot remain around this earth which they shun. When they were talking with me I also perceived in myself that the internal sense was, as it were, withdrawn from the senses of the body, so that I was almost deprived of those senses, even to the extent that the light vanished from my eye, so that whilst I was writing I could scarcely see for a few moments. Such is their effect.

25. The spirits of that earth go in companies and phalanxes, and when assembled together, they form as it were a globe. Thus they are joined together by the Lord, that they may act in unity, and that the knowledges of each may be communicated with all, and the knowledges of all with each, as is the case in heaven.# That they wander through the universe to acquire the knowledges of things, appeared to me also from this, that once, when they appeared very far from me, they discoursed with me thence, and said, that they were then gathered together, and journeying out of the sphere of this world into the starry heaven, where they knew such spirits existed as had no concern about terrestrial and corporeal things, but only about things elevated above them, with whom they wished to be. It was said, that they themselves do not know whither they are going, but that they are led from the Divine auspices to those places where they may be instructed concerning such things as they do not yet know, and which agree with the knowledges that they have already. It was also said, that they do not know how to find the companions with whom they are joined together, and that this also is done from the Divine auspices. # That in the heavens there is given a communication of all goods, inasmuch as it is the property of heavenly love to communicate all its possessions with others; and that hence the angels derive wisdom and happiness (n. 549, 550, 1390, 1391, 1399, 10,130, 10,723).

6926. The spirits of that earth go in companies and bands, and when assembled together, form as it were a globe; they are joined together by the Lord in this way in order that they may act as a one, and that the knowledges of each may be communicated to all, and the knowledges of all to each. That these spirits wander through the universe to acquire knowledges of things was made evident to me also from the fact that once, when they appeared very remote from me, they spoke with me from thence, and said that now they were gathered together, and that now they were going outside the sphere of this solar world into the starry heaven, where they know that there are such as do not care for earthly and bodily things; but for things abstracted therefrom, with whom they desire to be. It was said that they themselves do not know whither they are going; but that they are carried by the Divine guidance where they can be instructed about such things as they do not yet know, and which agree with the knowledges they already have. It was said further that they do not know how they meet the companions with whom they are conjoined, and that this also is done under the Divine guidance.

1455. Spirits of the planet Mercury go in cohorts and troops. Many are now assembled and together form as it were a globe, and in this way they are united by the Lord so that they may act as a one, and be of one sentiment and mind. Otherwise, like internal sensation, they would be easily dissipated, for they must be held together as a one by the Lord. When they speak, or when a spirit speaks what they think, then together they are moved like a great roll, and indeed by such a great undulation that my right foot, as it were, undulated, and also the earth upon which it stood. This signifies that man can by no means live as to the understanding without internal sensation, for since the foot walks it signifies to live in the body.

1456. These spirits of the planet Mercury are now far removed from me, and speak with me through spirits. They say that they are now assembled and gathered together as in a globe, and are going beyond the sphere of this solar system into the starry heaven, where they expect to find those who do not care for earthly and corporeal things. They seek such spirits and want to be with them.

1457. But it is to be observed that wherever they are in the Universe, they still operate in the same manner, like internal sensation. Neither place nor distance is of any account. They are an acting and striving force, and such effort diffuses itself into all the subjects of these sensations. But because the internal sense of the inhabitants of this earth acts only downwards, and intermingles itself with earthly and corporeal things, not being separated from them so that it can be raised upwards, or operate abstractedly, the spirits of Mercury cannot stay here. This is the reason of their wandering through the Universe. They are not allowed to operate as if they were present, except upon those who are about to speak with spirits, and who can thus be kept away from the operation of the sensual ideas of the body.

26. Because of their thus journeying through the universe, and thereby being enabled to know more than others respecting the worlds and earths out of the sphere of our solar system, I have also spoken with them on this subject. They said that in the universe there are very many earths inhabited by men; and that they wonder how any should suppose, whom they called men of little judgment, that the heaven of the omnipotent God consisted only of spirits and angels who come from one earth, when these comparatively are so few that in respect to the omnipotence of God they are scarce anything, even if there should he myriads of worlds, and myriads of earths. They said, moreover, that they knew there were earths existing in the universe to the number of some hundred thousands and upwards; and yet what is this to the Divine, which is infinite?

6927. Because of their thus journeying through the universe, and so being able to know more than others about the worlds and earths outside the sphere of our solar system, I have also talked with them on this subject. They said that in the universe there are very many earths inhabited by men, and they wondered that it should be supposed by any, whom they called men of little judgment, that the heaven of the omnipotent God consists only of the spirits and angels who come from one earth, when yet these are so few that relatively to the omnipotence of God they are scarcely anything, even if there be myriads of worlds and myriads of earths. They said further that they know of there being earths in the universe numbering more than hundreds of thousands; and yet what is this to the Divine, which is infinite?

1447. Those who suppose that the entire heaven of spirits and angels is established only from the spirits of our earth are surely men of very slight discernment, and as I may say, foolish, since here there are so few in respect to the omnipotence of the Lord as to be, as it were, altogether nothing. If there were myriads of solar systems and myriads of earths, they would still be nothing...

3264. ((The inhabitants of Mercury said they had calculated the number of earths, which they increased to about 600,000.))

27. The spirits of Mercury, who were with me whilst I was writing and explaining the Word as to its internal sense, and who perceived what I wrote: said that the things which I wrote were in a manner gross, and that almost all the expressions appeared as material; but it was given to reply, that to the men of our earth what was written seemed subtle and elevated, and many things incomprehensible. I added, that many on this earth do not know that it is the internal man which acts into the external, and causes the external to live; and that they persuade themselves from the fallacies of the senses that the body has life, and that in consequence thereof, such as are evil and unbelieving entertain doubt respecting the life after death; also, that the part of man which is to live after death is not by them called spirit, but soul; and that they dispute what soul is, and where is its abode, and believe that the material body, although dispersed to all the winds, is to be joined again to it, in order that man may live as man; with many other things of a like nature. The spirits of Mercury, on hearing these things, asked, whether such men could become angels; and it was given to answer, that those become angels who have lived in the good of faith and charity, and that then they are no longer in external and material things, but in internal and spiritual; and then they come into that state, that they are in a light superior to that in which the spirits from mercury are. That they might know that it was so, an angel was allowed to discourse with them, who had come into heaven from our earth, who had been such when he lived in the world, concerning whom more will be said presently.

6929. When spirits of Mercury were with me while I was writing and unfolding the Word as to the internal sense, and perceived what I was writing, they said that the things I was writing were very gross, and that almost all the expressions appeared as it were material; but it was given to answer that to the men of our earth the things that have been written seem subtle and elevated, and many of them incomprehensible. I added that very many on this earth do not know that it is the internal man which acts upon the external, and causes this to live; and that they persuade themselves from fallacies of the senses that the body lives of itself, consequently that the whole man is to die when he dies as to the body, and in this way they cherish inward doubts as to the life after death; also that that part of man which is to live after the death of the body, they do not call the spirit, but the soul; and they dispute what the soul is, and where is its seat, and believe that it must be joined again to the material body, in order that the man may live, besides many like things. When the spirits of Mercury heard this, they asked whether such can become angels? to which it was given me to reply that those become angels who have lived in the good of faith, and in charity; and that then they are no longer in external and material things, but in internal and spiritual things, and that when they come to this state, they are in a light above that in which the spirits from Mercury are. To convince them that it is so, an angel was allowed to converse with them who was in heaven from our earth, and who had been such when he lived in the world, of which in what follows.

3240. (Those spirits [were] around me, together with the spirits of our world [telluris], when they came into a grosser sphere to me; and at the same time they wondered that those things which I wrote, were so gross, inasmuch as no idea, as it were, was therein. But it was granted to reply, that the men of this world are of such a character, that they did not understand the tenth part, and a much less part of those things which were written; so that it can scarcely be written so grossly, as that [men can perceive] anything as they perceived [it]. I added, that they do not even know that an internal sense is given, but (suppose that it is the body which feels; therefore do not believe in a life after death, nor that the spirit exists [dari.] They then asked if such can become angels: it was said that they who spoke with them must have been such in the life of the body and yet are now so intelligent; and in the life of the body they know not the least of those things which they had said [to them] whereat they marveled. - 1748, September 21.)

28. Afterwards there was sent me by the spirits of Mercury a long piece of paper, of an irregular shape, consisting of several pieces pasted together, which appeared as if printed with types, as on this earth. I asked whether they had the art of printing amongst them; but they said they had not, nevertheless they knew that on our earth we had such printed papers. They did not wish to say more; but I perceived that they thought that knowledges in our earth were upon paper, and not so much in man, thus insinuating that the papers knew what man did not. But they were instructed how this really is. After some time they returned, and sent me another paper, which appeared also printed like the former, but not so pasted together and irregular, but neat and handsome. They said, that they were further informed, that in our earth there are such papers, and books made of them.

6930. There was afterward sent to me from the spirits of Mercury a long irregular paper consisting of a number of papers stuck together, which appeared as if printed with type such as there is on this earth. I asked whether they have such things among them? but they said that they have not; but that they know there are such papers on our earth. They were unwilling to say more, but it was given to perceive that they were thinking that in this earth the knowledges of things are of this nature, thus separate from the man himself, except when the man keeps his eye and thus his mind on such papers. In this way they were ridiculing among themselves the men of this earth, as if they knew nothing except from papers; but they were instructed how the case herein is. After some time they returned, and sent to me another paper, also as it were printed like the former, yet not so stuck together and rude, but becoming and neat. They said that they had been further informed that on our earth there are such papers, and books made of them.

3262. ...There was afterwards seen, a species of their oxen or cows, which did not indeed differ much from ours, but [was] much smaller, also approaching somewhat a species of stag [hart], of a brownish yellow color. There was afterwards sent to me by the spirits of Mercury a long paper [charta], made up from many papers, which were imprinted by types [tryckta]; just like what is impressed with type here in the world. I asked whether they had such things amongst themselves, but it was said that they only showed that they know.

3263. that there are such things in this earth) ((and they now add that in this earth their knowledges are of such a character: thus that they are as it were printed [exaratoe]. They do not wish to say that they think the knowledges of things are alone written thus in this earth; then also they laugh [mock], [saying] that men here are as it were dead, [and are] only such papers. They so consider the interiors of this earth. Wherefore they also flee from [avoid] them, because they know nothing except from papers. Thus did I follow their thoughts, when I wrote these things.))

29. From what has now been said, it appears manifest, that spirits retain in the memory what they see and hear in the other life, and that they are capable of being instructed alike as when they were men in the world, consequently of being instructed in the things of faith, and thereby of being perfected. The more interior spirits and angels are, in the same proportion they receive instruction more readily, and in a greater fullness, and retain it more perfectly: and inasmuch as this faculty abides forever, it is evident that they are continually increasing in wisdom. With the spirits of Mercury there is a constant growth in the science of things, but not in wisdom thence derived, because they love knowledges, which are means, but not uses which are ends.

6931. From what has thus far been said about the spirits of the earth Mercury, it is very manifest that spirits retain what they see and hear in the other life, and can be instructed equally as when they were men, thus in the things that belong to faith, and in this way can be perfected. The purer spirits and angels are, the more readily and fully do they take in, and the more perfectly retain in the memory, what they hear. And as this goes on to eternity, it is evident that they are continually increasing in wisdom. But the spirits of Mercury are continually increasing in the memory-knowledge of things, yet not in wisdom from it, because they love knowledges, which are means, but not uses which are ends, as was related of them above (n. 6814, 6815).

3234. (From these things it may be concluded, that whatever spirits hear they retain much more readily than men, although they do not know they retain these things; for thus is formed the interior memory. Man being ignorant [thereof], and the purer the angels, the more readily and fully they retain, so that no idea may perish. It is evident from those who so readily decide concerning each and all things, this cannot happen unless they retain. - 1748, September 21.

3235. (When it was represented to them [that] perception is of the Lord, yea, by means of representations, then, immediately in an instant, as it were, they said, that it is not so; that he does not know that this is so: so that they were then distinctly aware what perception is, which our spirits do not know or understand, even in the grossest manner.)

3236. (Still, however, spirits of this world [telluris] spoke with these, by angelic ideas, and said, much more readily than those [spirits of Mercury] what they did not know and what they knew; and very many things more rapidly than those [spirits of Mercury], so that I perceived those [spirits of Mercury] acknowledge, like as they also confessed, that therefore they were nothing as compared [with our spirits]; that [our spirits] knew things which they did not know; also, that [our spirits] knew at once what they knew: this so suddenly, by means of interior ideas, that they could not but have been amazed, as they now allege. Afterwards, they spoke in indignation; thus grosser spirits overcame, even the evil [ones].)

30. The genius of the spirits who are from the planet Mercury, may still further appear from the following account. It is to be known, that all spirits and angels whatsoever, were once men for the human race is the seminary of heaven; also that the spirits are altogether such, as to affections and inclinations, as they were during their life in the world whilst men; for every one's life follows him.# This being the case, the genius of the men of every earth may be known from the genius of the spirits who are thence. # Every one's life remains with him and follows him after death (n. 4227, 7440). The externals of life are kept closed after death, and the internals opened (n. 4314, 5128, 6495). Then all and each of the things of thought are made manifest (n. 4633, 5128).

7069. CONTINUATION CONCERNING THE SPIRITS OF THE PLANET MERCURY. The nature of the genius of the spirits from the planet Mercury may still further appear from what follows. Be it known that all spirits whatever have been men, for the human race is the seminary of heaven; also that the spirits themselves are exactly such as they had been during their life in the world, for everyone's life follows him. This being so, the genius of the men of every earth can be known from the genius of the spirits who are from it.

31. Inasmuch as the spirits of Mercury in the Greatest Man have relation to the memory of things abstracted from what is material, therefore when any one discourses with them concerning things terrestrial, corporeal, and merely worldly, they are altogether unwilling to hear him; and if they are forced to hear, they transmute the things spoken of into other things, and for the most part into things contrary, that they may avoid them.

32. That I might know for certain, that such is their genius, it was allowed to represent to them meadows, fallow lands, gardens, woods, and rivers; to represent such things is imaginatively to exhibit them before another, in which case, in another world, they appear to the life; but they instantly transmuted them, obscuring the meadows and fallow fields, and by representations filling them with snakes. The rivers they made black, so that the water no longer appeared limpid. When I asked them why they did so, they said that they did not wish to think of such things, but of things real, which are the knowledges of things abstracted from what is terrestrial, especially of such things as exist in the heavens.

7070. As the spirits from Mercury bear relation in the Grand Man to the memory of things abstracted from what is material (see n. 6808), therefore when anyone speaks with them about earthly, bodily, and merely worldly things, they are quite unwilling to hear; and when forced to hear about them they at once change them into other things, and for the most part into contrary ones, in order to escape from them.

7071. In order that I might know for certain that such is their genius, I was allowed to represent to them meadows, fallow grounds, gardens, woods, and rivers; but they at once changed them, darkening the meadows and fallow grounds, and by representations filling them with snakes; the rivers they made black, so that the water no longer appeared limpid. Then I asked them why they did so, they said that they are unwilling to think about such things, but only about real ones, which are the knowledges of such things as are abstracted from what is earthly, especially about such as arise in the heavens.

1422. When I inquired from what earth they were - because I observed that they were not from our earth - they did not want to say. Nor would they say that they had been clothed with a body, for they were unwilling to think that they had been on some earth and been clothed with a body, since it is contrary to their principles ever to think, still less to speak of, corporeal and earthly things. When I represented to them meadows, cornfields, woods, and streams of water, they thereupon immediately turned them into almost the contrary, so that they darkened the meadows and filled them, as it were, with serpents, and also blackened the waters, as if they were unwilling that I should look at the clear water. And when I wondered why this was so, why their waters should be so black, I heard that the reason was that according to their institutes or laws, they were not allowed to think about such things, but only about things that are real, to the end that they might receive cognitions of the things which take place in heaven, not of those which are on the earth.

1423. And when I told them that they ought not to change objects in this way, and so conceal these things, because it is not genuine, they did not care very much. Therefore it was given me to liken such things to the color green which is such [a representative]. They do not do this from falsity and guile but from a certain precept which they have, so that it could at once be observed that they had thus concealed things. It is guile and falsity when they do so from malice, but when they do it from precept it is not false, because this also is perceived. They have inserted these things.

33. Afterwards I represented to them birds of different sizes, both large and small, such as exist on our earth; for in the other life such things may be represented to the life. When they saw the birds represented, they at first wished to change them, but afterwards they were delighted with them and were satisfied. The reason was, because birds signify the knowledges of things, and the perception of this then flowed in also.# Thus they desisted from transmuting them, and thereby from averting the ideas of their memory. Afterwards it was allowed to represent before them a most pleasant garden full of lamps and lights; then they paused, and their attention was fixed, for the reason that lamps with lights signify truths which shine from good.## Hence it was made manifest that their attention might be fixed in viewing things material, if only the signification of those things in the spiritual sense was insinuated at the same time; for the things of the spiritual sense are not so abstracted from things material, since these are representatives of them. # Birds signify things rational, intellectual, thoughts, ideas, and knowledges (n. 40, 745, 776, 778, 866, 988, 993, 5149, 7441). And this with variety according to the genera and species of birds (n. 3219). ## Lamps with lights signify truths shining from good (n. 4638, 9548, 9783).

7072. Afterward I represented to them birds of different sizes, large and small, such as exist on our earth; for in the other life such may be represented as it were to the life, the very speech of spirits and angels being full of representations. When they saw those represented birds, they at first desired to change them, but afterward were delighted with them, and acquiesced. The reason was that birds signify the knowledges of things, of which fact the perception then flowed in; and therefore they abstained from changing them, and so turning them from the ideas of their memory. Afterward I was allowed to represent before them a most pleasing garden full of lights and oil-lamps. This arrested their attention, because lights together with oil-lamps signify truths which shine from good. From this it was evident that their attention could be fixed on material things, provided there was at the same time instilled the signification of them in the spiritual sense; for the things of the spiritual sense are abstracted from material things, but are represented in them.

1430. When I represented to them larger and smaller birds like those on our earth, they at first wanted to change them, but later were delighted with them, because before spirits birds naturally signify cognitions.

1431. Since I was unable to hold the spirits who were first with me in the representation of places, houses and the like, I represented to them some extremely lovely places with many lights and lamps. They then tarried there, and were captivated so that they were held, perhaps especially because of the lamps.

34. Moreover I spoke with them concerning sheep and lambs, but they were not willing to hear of such things, because they were perceived by them as things terrestrial. The reason was, because they did not understand what innocence is, which lambs signify, as was perceivable from this, that when I told them that lambs, represented in heaven, signify innocence, # they immediately said that they did not know what innocence was, but only knew it as to the name; and this was because they are affected only with knowledges, and not with uses, which are the ends of knowledges, consequently they cannot know from internal perception what innocence is. # Lambs in heaven, and in the Word, signify innocence (n. 3994, 7840, 10,132).

7073. I also spoke with them about sheep and lambs; but they would not hear about such things, because these were perceived by them as earthly. The reason of this was that they did not understand what innocence is, which lambs signify, which I observed from the fact that when I said that lambs do not appear represented in heaven as lambs, but that when they are mentioned, innocence is perceived in place of them, they then said that they do not know what innocence is, but that they know it by name only. The reason is that they are affected solely by knowledges, and not by uses, which are the ends of knowledges (see n. 6815); thus not being affected by the ends of knowledges, they cannot know from internal perception what innocence is.

1442. Moreover, I* spoke to them about birds and lambs, but they were unwilling to hear about such things because they are earthly. When they were told, however, that lambs signify innocences, and that they who mention lambs as signifying such things think not of the lambs but of innocences, these spirits declared that they did not know what innocence is. When asked whether they were serious [alfwarsamheter], this also they were unwilling to hear, saying they did not know what they were, but they did know what politeness [artighet] is and they sought to be such. This agrees with the interior sense. Those who do not ascend above such cognitions, do not know what innocence is, save only the word, and some of them perhaps confuse it with infancy and its ignorance, supposing that those who are endowed with great intellect cannot be innocent. Therefore, the interior sense, that is, the mere cognition of things that are in heaven, does not apprehend things interior, still less inmost, such as innocence. But to be polite [artige], that is, to be pleased with the cognition of things and to glory in them is agreeable to such spirits. * Reading sum for sunt. This is in agreement with a parallel passage in AC 7073.

35. Some of the spirits of the earth Mercury came to me, being sent by others, to bear what I was employed about. One of the spirits of our earth said to them, that they might tell those who sent them not to speak anything but what was true, and not, according to their usual practice, suggest things opposite to those who questioned them; for if any of the spirits of our earth were to do so, he would he punished. But immediately the company which was at a distance, from which those spirits were sent, made answer, that if they were to be punished on that account, they must all he punished, since by reason of acquired habit they could not do otherwise. They said that when they speak with the men of their own earth, they also do so, but this not with any intention of deceiving, but to inspire the desire of knowing; for when they suggest things opposite, and conceal things in a certain manner, then the desire of knowing is excited, and thereby from the endeavor to search out those things, the memory is perfected. I also spoke with them at another time on the same subject, and because I knew that they spoke with the men of their earth, I asked them in what manner they instruct their inhabitants. They said that they do not instruct them how the matter is, but still they insinuate some perception thereof, that thus a desire of examining and knowing may be cherished and grow; which desire would perish, in case they answered everything. They added, that they suggest things opposite also, for this reason, that the truth afterwards may better appear; for all truth is made manifest by relation to its opposites.

7074. Some of the spirits of the earth Mercury were sent by others to me in order to hear what was going on with me; to whom one of the spirits of our earth said that they might tell their companions not to speak anything but the truth, and not in their usual way to present to those questioning them things opposite; for if anyone of the spirits of our earth were to do so, he would be punished. But the company from which those spirits had been sent out, which was at a distance, then answered that if they were to be punished on that account, all would be punished, because, from constant use, they cannot do otherwise. They said that when they speak with the men of their own earth, they act in the same way, and this with no intention to deceive them, but in order to inspire a longing for knowledge; for when they present things opposite, and in a certain way hide the real things, the desire of knowing is excited, and in this way the memory is enriched by the study devoted to the exploration of the things in question.

7075. At another time I also spoke with them about the same thing, and because I knew that they spoke with the men of their earth, I asked how they instruct its inhabitants. They said that they do not instruct them how the matter stands, but still they instill some perception of it, in order that the desire to know may thereby be fed, and may increase, which desire would perish if they answered all questions. They added that they present opposites for the additional reason that the truth may afterward the better appear; for all truth appears relatively to its opposites.

1459. Some of the spirits from the planet Mercury came hither, having been sent by others that they might learn what was going on here. One of the spirits of our earth said to them that they should tell their companions to say nothing but what was true, and thus not to suggest the opposite by their questions, as was their custom; and that otherwise they would be punished. But the troop from which those spirits had been sent, which was at a distance, replied that if they were blamed on that account they would all be blamed, for they were unable to do otherwise, since they must thus answer those on their earth who inquired. This was because they should not know the things they desire to know, still less those which are earthly and corporeal, thus they do this with no intention of deceiving them. Because this is so in their intention, they do not lie, but only present things opposed to their ideas, so that they may desist. It would be different if they did so for the purpose of deceiving, which they now say is abhorrent to them. With this reply the spirit was content.

1427. Nor are they willing to instruct me concerning the things they know, for they want to change them into something else. I therefore inquired whether or not they instructed the inhabitants of their earth. I received the answer, likewise by the interior sense, that they are unwilling to instruct, but nevertheless that they explore them, which is done, as I imagine, in order that thereby their eagerness to know may be nourished and increased; for if they were to answer all questions that eagerness would perish. Therefore these spirits are kept in the state of being unwilling to inform their inhabitants, although they explore them in various ways. There is the further reason that they may not know truths in all cases, for if they knew the truths, then they would not have the opposites, thus thought also would perish, for it is varied, acts and lives from opposites.

1433. They are now also continually endeavoring to turn the cognitions, that is, the things here written concerning themselves, into other things, for they are unwilling that I should know anything that they know, but are willing to know everything from others; nor do they ever have enough. They said that knowledge is so limitless that it can never be exhausted, for though they are always learning more things, yet those which they do not know are indefinite in number.

36. It is their custom not to declare to another what they know, but still they desire to learn from all others what is known to them. But with their own society they communicate all things, insomuch that what one knows all know, and what all know each one there knows.# # That in the heavens there is given a communication of all goods, inasmuch as it is the property of heavenly love to communicate all its possessions with others; and that hence the angels derive wisdom and happiness (n. 549, 550, 1390, 1391, 1399, 10,130, 10,723).

37. Because the spirits of Mercury abound in knowledges, they are in a certain kind of pride; hence they imagine that they know so much, that it is almost impossible to know more. Rut it was told them by the spirits of our earth, that they do not know many, but few things, and that the things which they do not know are respectively infinite, and that those things which they do not know, compared to the things they know, are like the waters of the largest ocean compared with the waters of a very small fountain; and further, that the first step to wisdom is to know, acknowledge, and perceive that what is known is little and scarce anything in comparison with what is unknown. To convince them that this is the case, it was granted, that a certain angelic spirit should speak with them, and should tell them in general what they knew, and what they did not know, and that there were infinite things which they did not know, also that to eternity they could not even know the general things. He spoke by angelic ideas much more readily than they did, and because he discovered to them what they knew, and what they did not know, they were struck with amazement. Afterwards I saw another angel speaking with them, who appeared in some altitude to the right. He was from our earth, and enumerated very many things which they did not know. Afterwards he spoke with them by changes of state, which they said they did not understand. Then he told them that every change of state contains infinite things, as did also every smallest part of such change. When they heard these things, inasmuch as they had been in pride on account of their knowledges, they began to humble themselves. Their humiliation was represented by the sinking downwards of their volume; for that company then appeared as a volume, in front at a distance towards the left, in the plane of the region below the navel, but the volume appeared as it were hollowed in the middle, and elevated on the sides; a reciprocal moving was also observed therein. They were likewise told what that signified, that is, what they thought in their humiliation, and that they who appeared elevated on the sides were not as yet in any humiliation. And I saw that the volume was separated, and that they who were not in humiliation were remanded back towards their orb, the rest remaining where they were.

7076. It is their custom not to tell another what they know, yet still to desire to know from all whatever they know; but they communicate all things to their own society, insomuch that what one knows, all know, and what all know, each one therein knows.

7077. As the spirits of Mercury are of this character, and moreover abound in knowledges, they are in a kind of conceit (see n. 6813), supposing that they know so many things that it is scarcely possible to know more. But they have been told by the spirits of our earth that they do not know many things, but only a few, and that the things which they do not know are relatively infinite; and that the things which they do not know relatively to those which they do know are like the waters of the greatest ocean as compared with those of a tiny spring. In order that they might know that such is the case it was granted that a certain angelic spirit should speak with them, and should tell them in general what they do know and what they do not know; and that there are infinite things which they do not know; and also that to eternity they cannot know even the generals of things. He spoke by means of angelic ideas much more readily than they, and as he disclosed what they know, and what they do not know, they were struck with amazement. I afterward saw another angel speaking with them, who appeared at some elevation to the right; he enumerated very many things which they do not know; and afterward spoke with them by means of changes of state, which they said they do not understand. He then told them that every change of state contains infinite things, and so also does every least thing of it.

[2] When they heard this, as they had been in conceit on account of knowledges, they began to humble themselves. The humiliation was represented by the sinking of their roll downward, for that company then appeared like a roll, in front toward the left at a distance, in the plane of the region below the navel; but the roll appeared as it were hollowed out in the middle, and elevated at the sides; a reciprocal movement was also observed therein. They were also told what this signified, namely, what they were thinking in their humiliation, and that they who appeared elevated at the sides were not as yet in any humiliation. And I saw that the roll was separated, and that they who were not in humiliation were relegated toward their own globe; the rest remaining. As the spirits of the planet Mercury shun the spirits of our earth, on account of the material things in which the latter are, and as they had asked whether such can become angels (n. 6929), they now received the reply, that the angel who had spoken with them was from this earth.

3261. (The reason that the spirits of Mercury have as a law, not to say to anyone what they know, but present opposite [and] foreign [subjects], or change [the subjects], the reason is, that they may not say to other spirits what cannot be of any use to them, for the Lord Himself inseminates knowledges that suit: so that if the spirits of Mercury who wander about, should insinuate [anything], then the reformation of other spirits would be more difficult. Wherefore the spirits of Mercury also fly from them, who are particularly pleased with the memory of particulars; for the spirits of our earth lament that they have lost the memory of particulars. -l748, September 22).

3238. (For some time, there was again conversation between them and the angels of the Lord, and it was said to them, in rapid moments, through ideas not understood by me, that they know and do not know what is [evil]; also, that there are indefinite things which they do not know, indefinites in every idea, and that they cannot know even generals to eternity. This also was shown them, even to acknowledgment [so as to be recognized]; furthermore, the angels spoke with them such things as they did [could] not perceive, save by changes of state; which things, they said they do not understand, but perceive by means of changes of state. It was then said to them that every change [the least], now [occurring], contains indefinites. At length, when they perceived this, they humbled themselves; their humiliation was represented to me by the letting down of their volume more and more, towards deeper [regions]; and that still the elevation could not be concealed, on account of the volume being hollowed, and elevated at the sides; thus also by means of a sort of reciprocal slight motion [motitationem]. It was also told them what it signifies, or what they think in their humiliation; thus they are halved; a half part of the volume [is] above my head; they are removed [relegabantur] towards their planet, upwards at the back. The other half remaining in humiliation; which was a proof [sign] that they who are such as could not humble themselves, were sent back home, that they might lean there).

38. Spirits of Mercury came to a certain spirit from our earth, who during his abode in the world had been most distinguished for his learning (it was Christian Wolf), desiring to receive information from him on various subjects. But when they perceived that what he said was not elevated above the sensual things of the natural man, because in speaking his thoughts were intent on honor, and be was desirous, as in the world (for in the other life every one is like his former sea, to connect various things into series, and from those series again and continually to form other conclusions, and thus from such conclusions to link together still more, which they did not see or acknowledge to be true, and which therefore they declared to be chains which neither cohered in themselves, nor with the conclusions, calling them the obscurity of authority; they then desisted from asking him further questions, inquiring only, how this is called, and how that; and because he answered these inquiries also by material ideas, and by no spiritual ones, they retired from him. For every one, in the other life, speaks spiritually, or by spiritual ideas, so far as he had believed in God, and materially, so far as he had not believed. An occasion here offering itself, it is permitted to mention how it is in the other life with the learned who acquire intelligence from their own meditation, kindled with the love of knowing truths, for the sake of truths, thus for the sake of uses abstracted from worldly considerations, and how with those who acquire intelligence from others, without any meditation of their own, as they are wont to do who desire to know truths solely for the sake of a reputation for learning, and thereby for honor or gain in the world; thus who desire to know truth, not for the sake of uses abstracted from worldly considerations: concerning such, it is allowed to relate the following experience.

A certain sound was perceived penetrating from beneath, near the left side even to the left ear. I observed that they were spirits, who there attempted to force a way; but of what sort they were I could not know. However, when they had forced a way, they spoke with me, saying that they were logicians and metaphysicians, and that they had immersed their thoughts in such things, with no other end than to be accounted learned, and thus to be advanced to honor and wealth, lamenting that they now led a miserable life in consequence of having acquired those sciences with no other end, and thus not having cultivated thereby their rational; their speech was slow, and of a low tone. In the meantime there were two discoursing with each other above my head, and on inquiring who they were, it was said that one of them was most renowned in the learned world, and it was given me to believe that it was Aristotle. Who the other was, was not stated. The former was then let into the state in which he was during his life in the world; for every one may easily be let into the state of his life which he had in the world, because be has with him every state of his former life. But, what surprised me, he applied himself to the right ear, and there spoke, but in a hoarse tone of voice, yet sanely. From the purport of his speech I perceived, that he was altogether of a different genius from those schoolmen who first ascended, in that he evolved from his own thought the things he had written, and thence he produced his philosophy; so that the terms which he invented, and which he imposed on subjects of thought, were forms of expression by which he described interior things; also that he was excited to such things by a delight of the affection, and by a desire of knowing the things of the thought and understanding, and that he followed obediently whatever his spirit had dictated. Therefore he applied himself to the right ear, contrary to the custom of his followers, who are called schoolmen, and who do not go from thought to terms, but from terms to thoughts, thus in a contrary way; and many of them do not even proceed to thoughts, but stick solely in terms, which if they apply, it is to confirm whatever they desire, and to impose on falsities an appearance of truth according to their cupidity of persuading. Hence philosophical things are rather means of becoming insane than means of becoming wise; and hence they have darkness instead of light.

4658. ...A kind of penetrating sound was observed from below, near the left side even to the left ear. I noticed that it was spirits who were thus striving to come forth, but of what character they were I could not know. But when they had struggled forth they spoke with me, saying that they had been logicians and metaphysicians, and that they had immersed their thoughts in such things with no other end but that of hearing themselves called learned, and of thus coming to honors and wealth, and they lamented that they were now leading a miserable life because they had imbibed such things without any other use, and thus had not perfected their rational by their means. Their speech was slow, and had a muffled sound.

[2] Meanwhile two were speaking with each other above my head; and when it was asked who they were, it was said that one of them was a man most renowned in the learned world, and it was given me to believe that it was Aristotle. Who the other was, was not told. The former was then let into the state in which he was when he lived in the world; for everyone can be easily let into the state of his life which he had in the world, because he takes all the state of his life with him. But to my surprise he applied himself to my right ear, and there spoke hoarsely, but still sanely. From the meaning of what he said I observed that he was of a genius quite different from those schoolmen who first rose up, in that the things which he wrote he had hatched out from his own thought, and thereby had brought forth his philosophy; so that the terms which he invented, and which he gave to the subjects of his thought, were forms of expression by which he described interior things; and also that he had been stirred to such things by the delight of affection, and the desire of knowing the things which are of thought, and that he followed obediently what his spirit dictated. For this reason he came to my right ear. It is different with his followers, who are called schoolmen, and who do not advance from thought to terms, but from terms to thoughts, thus in a contrary way. And many of them do not advance to thoughts, but stay in the mere terms, and if they apply these, it is to prove whatever they wish, and to impose on falsities an appearance of truth, in accordance with their desire of persuading. Hence to them philosophy is the means of becoming insane rather than of becoming wise, and hence they have darkness instead of light.

3947. CONCERNING ARISTOTLE. There was perceived a sonorous something moving my skin, thus a moving sound, proceeding from the posterior region through the left side even to the left ear, which something would fain struggle forth and labored so to do. I perceived that they were spirits, but of what quality they were I could not know; but when they ascended with an effort to the ear, they spoke with me saying that they were logicians and metaphysicians and such as had immersed their thoughts in such things, and lamenting that they now lived a miserable obscure life, without perception. Their speech was dull, slow, and rough-sounding.

3948. There were moreover two who discoursed with me above the head, and it was said and perceived that it was Aristotle and another, whom it was not given to know. He spoke with sufficient clearness, as a spirit who had been some time in the spiritual world. I spoke now with him, and now with those who were at the left ear and concerning such subjects [as are mentioned above]. It thence first appeared that Aristotle was not of such a quality as his followers, who reasoned philosophically from his books, but that he was [altogether] of a different genius.

3949. Aristotle was then remitted into the state which he had when he first came into the world of spirits, but, what I wondered at, he applied himself to the right ear, and not to the left, and there spoke hoarsely [indeed], but soundly. I clearly perceived that he was altogether different from his followers, viz. in that he had developed from his own thought the things he had written, so that his philosophy had originated from [a ground of] thought which he clearly set forth, in such a way that his terms were only words by which he represented his scrutinized thoughts, and thus proceeded from thoughts to terms, which were thence called scholastic and by which his philosophy [is distinguished]. I then perceived also that he was prompted by a delight of affection which was predominant, and excited him to thought, so that it was his [genius] that he thought from affection, and thence under the impulse of delight and thus he described his [very] thoughts; wherefore he [applied himself] to the right ear. But his followers [proceeded] not from thought to terms, but from terms scientifically made, thus from mere [learned] dust [as it were] to thought, which is an inverted way, and thus from darkness and deadness to the light of thought, in which case they do not find light but darkness, nor [do they find] thought but a certain something lumpish and confused. Hence [they would proceed] to delight which cannot be given unless from a certain affection, which is not [with them] an affection and thence a delight of thinking, but an external cupidity, as of personal honor, and, more grossly still, [it is engaged in] from a regard to superior dignities, [to be attained] by different methods; and also with a view to gain; all which weigh not at all with those who are excited to think from affection and thence delight, and [accordingly] they form and put forth such [fruits of their study]. This was the reason why Aristotle was at the right, [while] the rest were at the left.

Afterwards I spoke with him concerning the science of analysis, observing that a child, in half an hour, speaks more philosophically, analytically, and logically, than he could describe by a volume, inasmuch as all things of the thought, and thence of human speech are analytical, the laws whereof are from the spiritual world; and he who desires to think artificially from terms, is not unlike a dancer, who would learn to dance by the science of the moving fibers and muscles, in which science, if he should fix his mind whilst he is dancing, it would be almost impossible for him to move a foot; and yet without that science, he moves all the moving fibers throughout the whole body, and in subordination thereto be moves the lungs, the diaphragm, the sides, the arms, the neck, and other organs of the body, to describe all which volumes would not suffice; and it is similar with those who are desirous to think from terms. He approved of these things, saying, that to learn to think in that way, is proceeding in an inverted order, adding if any one will be so foolish, let him so proceed; but let him think continually concerning use, and from what is interior.

[3] I afterwards spoke with him about analytic science, and it was given me to say that a child speaks more things philosophically, analytically, and logically in half an hour than he would be able to describe in volumes (because all the things of human thought and thence of human speech are analytical, the laws of which are from the spiritual world), and that he who wishes to think artificially from terms is not unlike a dancer who wants to learn to dance from a knowledge of the motor fibers and muscles; but if while he dances his attention were fixed on this knowledge he could scarcely move a foot; and yet without this knowledge he moves all the motor fibers scattered throughout his entire body, and in adaptation to them the lungs, the diaphragm, the sides, the arms, the neck, and all the rest, for describing all of which volumes would not suffice; and the case is similar with those who desire to think from terms. These things he approved, saying that if things are learned in this manner, they proceed in inverted order, and he added, If anyone desires to be a fool let him proceed so; but rather let him continually think of use, and from within.

3950. I spoke with Aristotle when above the head, [observing] that a child could, in the space of half an hour, speak so philosophically, analytically, and logically, that Aristotle [himself] would be unable, in many volumes, to describe all the recondite philosophy, analysis, and logic [embodied in it], and yet the child knows nothing of it. In like manner the dancer may ply his arts, moving at the same time each of his limbs artificially, yet as if naturally, and applying [the necessary] respirations to each [movement], which, if they should all be explored to their source, and their mode of operation be discovered, by investigating the action of the concurrent fibers flowing from the two brains, of the motive fibers, of the muscles, of the diaphragm, of the pulmonary respiration, and of the various application of these and the other viscera, whole volumes would be required for the description, yet he knows how to dance without knowing anything of these matters. So it is with the philosophy of these things, which is of no use, except for the sake of delight. Aristotle greatly approved of this, and said that it was so, and said that it was [otherwise] as useless and futile as the dust of the earth, which was to be wholly cast away, because such [a mode of philosophizing] merely throws a heap of rubbish before the eyes, and blinds them, in case that men proceed in such an inverted order, and would fain think from an artificial method, when [yet] thought extends itself to such artificials, which seem [to proceed] from thought, instead of thoughts [proceeding] from them. These are the sentiments of Aristotle; he added, if anyone wishes to be infatuated, let him proceed in this manner.

He next showed me, what idea he had conceived of the Supreme Deity, namely, that he had represented Him to himself as having a human face, and encompassed about the head with a radiant circle; and that now be knew that the Lord is Himself that Man, and that the radiant circle is the Divine from Him, which not only flows into heaven, but also into the universe, disposing and ruling all things therein. He added, Whosoever disposes and rules heaven, also disposes and rules the universe, because the one cannot be separated from the other. He also said that he believed in one God only, whose attributes and qualities were distinguished by a variety of names, and that these names were by others worshiped as gods. There appeared to me a woman, who stretched out her hand, desiring to stroke my cheek, and when I wondered at this, he said that when he was in the world such a woman had often appeared to him, as it were stroking his cheek, and that her hand was beautiful. The angelic spirits said that such women sometimes appeared to the ancients, and were by them called Pallases, and that she appeared to him from the spirits, who, during their abode on earth, in ancient times, were delighted with ideas, and indulged in thoughts, but without philosophy: and because such spirits were with him, and were delighted with him, because he thought from the interior, therefore they representatively exhibited such a woman.

[4] He then showed me what idea he had of the Supreme Deity, namely, that he represented Him to himself with a human face and encompassed about the head with a radiant circle; and that he now knows that the Lord is that very Man, and that the radiant circle is the Divine going forth from Him, which flows not only into heaven, but also into the universe, and disposes and rules these; adding that He who disposes and rules heaven, also disposes and rules the universe, because the one cannot be separated from the other. He also said that he had believed in one only God, whose attributes and qualities had been distinguished by as many names as were worshiped as gods by others.

[5] A woman was seen by me who stretched out her hand, wishing to stroke his cheek. When I wondered at this, he said that when he was in the world such a woman was often seen by him, who as it were stroked his cheek, and that her hand was beautiful. The angelic spirits said that such women were sometimes seen by the ancients, and were called by them Pallases; and that she appeared to him from the spirits who, when they lived as men in ancient times, were delighted with ideas and indulged in thoughts, but without philosophy. And because such spirits were with him, and were delighted with him because he thought interiorly, they therefore presented to view such a woman representatively.

3951. I asked him what idea he had of the supreme Deity. There appeared to me a certain [form] at the left above, having a human face, and his head surrounded with a kind of radiant circle. It was said that he had such an idea concerning God, having exhibited Him to himself somewhat in this form. He said that he had so thought of God, and thus had some idea of the Lord; yet he now, as a good spirit acknowledges him, and says that he rules the universe, for he that rules heaven rules the universe; the one cannot be separated from the other. These also are his sayings.

3952. A woman appeared to me and extended her hand, as if to stroke my cheek, and when I wondered what could be meant thereby, it was said that such a woman, having a beautiful hand sometimes appeared to him [during his life] when his eyes were closed, who would stroke his cheek; and speaking with the angels respecting her, they said that such were those who were called Pallases - not Minervas, but Pallases - and that they were spirits of that and of more ancient times, who, as spirits, were delighted with ideas, and indulged in thoughts, as is well known in respect to the Stoics and others; for formerly they could think much better without philosophy [than with it], so that they in a certain way mingled with spirits. Such spirits were delighted with Aristotle from his thinking justly, wherefore there was sometimes represented to him such a woman stroking his cheek. The woman was a representation [effected] by male spirits who were about him and had possession of him as a subject, so that the woman was not a spirit, but the representation of a woman, as I myself just before experienced.

3953. It was shown in what manner spirits governed him from this circumstance, that when he would speak with the woman whose hand he so often saw, she immediately averted herself saying that he must not touch her. It was then seen that she applied herself to his back, and thus took possession of him, which was a representation of the manner in which such spirits governed him, for to apply one's self to the back is to command.

Lastly, he informed me what idea he had conceived of the soul or spirit of man, which he called pneuma, namely, that it was an invisible vital principle, like somewhat of ether; and he said that he knew that his spirit would live after death, inasmuch as it was his interior essence, which cannot die, because it is capable of thinking; and that moreover he was not able to think clearly concerning it, but only obscurely, because he had not formed any thought about it from any other source than from himself, and a little also from the ancients. Moreover Aristotle is among sound spirits in the other life, and many of his followers are among the foolish.

[6] Lastly he told what kind of idea he had entertained respecting man's soul or spirit, which he called pneuma - namely, that it was an unseen vital something, as of ether. And he said that he had known that his spirit would live after death, because it was his interior essence, which cannot die, because it can think; and further that he could not think distinctly concerning it, but only obscurely,. because he had no knowledge respecting it from any other source than from himself, and a very little also from the ancients. Moreover, Aristotle is among sane spirits in the other life, and many of his followers are among the foolish.

3954. What kind of idea he had of the soul or spirit, which he called pneuma, was shown to the life, for he became [himself] what he had conceived [the soul to be], to wit, something scarcely visible, but yet something of an ethereal nature, with a kind of general undulation or self-motion. Such was the idea that he had of the spirit, saying, that he knew his spirit would survive after death, because it was his interior essence, which could not die, as it possessed the power of thought; at the same time [he said] that he could not then entertain the same idea [on the subject] which he now had, but only that the general nature of thought was that of a certain breath which he breathed with a peculiar kind of motion. As to the quality of his life, he says that he did not make it a subject of distinct thought. This is what was said by Aristotle.

3955. Moreover, Aristotle is among the sane spirits, while his followers are among the infatuated.

39. I once saw that spirits of our earth were with spirits of the earth Mercury, and I heard them discoursing together, and the spirits of our earth, amongst other things, asked them in whom they believed. They replied that they believed in God; but when they inquired further concerning the God in whom they believed, they were unwilling to say, it being customary with them not to answer questions directly. Then the spirits from the earth Mercury, in their turn, asked the spirits from our earth in whom they believed, They said that they believed in the Lord God. The spirits of Mercury then said that they perceived that they believed in no God, and that they had contracted a habit of professing with the mouth that they believe, when yet they do not believe, The spirits of Mercury have exquisite perception, in consequence of their continually exploring, by means of perception, what others know. The spirits of our earth were of the number of those who in the world had made profession of faith agreeable to the doctrine of the church, but still had not lived the life of faith; and they who do not live the life of faith, in the other life have not faith, because it is not in the man.# On hearing this they were silent, inasmuch as, by apperception then given them, they acknowledged that it was so. # They who make profession of faith from doctrine and do not live the life of faith, have no faith (n. 3865, 7766, 7778, 7790, 7950, 8094). And their interiors are contrary to the truths of faith, although in the world they do not know this (n. 7790, 7950).

7172. I once saw that spirits of our earth were with spirits of the earth Mercury, and I heard them talking together; and then among other things the spirits of our earth asked them in whom they believed. They answered that they believed in God; but when further questioned about the God in whom they believed, they were unwilling to say, because it is their custom not to answer questions directly. But then in their turn the spirits from the earth Mercury asked the spirits from our earth in whom they believed. They said that they believed in the Lord God. The spirits of Mercury then said that they perceived that they believed in no God, and that they have the custom of saying with the mouth that they believe, and yet they do not believe. (The spirits of Mercury have an exquisite perception from the fact that by means of perception they are continually exploring what others know.) The spirits of our earth were among those who, in the world, had made a confession of faith from the doctrine of the church, but yet had not lived the life of faith. When the spirits from our earth heard these things, they were silent, because from a perception then given them they acknowledged that it was so.

3255. CONCERNING THE SPIRITS OF MERCURY, HOW THEY REPLIED TO OUR SPIRITS. The spirits of our earth were with them, and spoke with them [and] asked them in whom they believed; they said that they believed in God; but as their disposition is to be unwilling to answer questions, they said that they are such that they do not say in whom they believe, nevertheless that they know. Wherefore in turn they asked the spirits of our earth in whom they believed. They answered that [they believed] in the Lord God. The spirits of Mercury said immediately that they at once perceive from their reply [they have exquisite perception], that they believe in none of them. Wherefore the spirits of our earth were speechless, and were not able to answer anything. - 1748, September 22.

1458. They indeed acknowledge the Lord as they also confessed, but only from the fact that they are cognitions, for in their thinking they will not enter more interiorly until they reach a spiritual state. But although they abound in cognitions, nevertheless they can be brought to the faith with greater difficulty than others, for they dislike the exercise of judgment, or the faculty of judging; they are perturbed thereby, as they now say, and they perceive annoyance when they even think about it. 1748, Mar. 16.

1428. When I spoke with them by means of an internal sense, they perceived more things than I did. By an interior sense I said that such things must by all means come into existence, because the Lord has so disposed, and does dispose, all things that nothing is ever lacking, and nothing more perfect is possible, and thus that this is a necessity in order that man may live. When I said this, and said it more fully than is here expressed because the interior sense has this quality in itself, they then said that it is sufficient only to know this. Thus they were astonished because this comes from the Lord.

40. There were certain spirits who knew from heaven, that on a time a promise was made to the spirits of the earth Mercury, that they should see the Lord; wherefore they were asked by the spirits about me whether they recollected that promise. They said that they did recollect it; but that they did not know whether it had been promised in such a way as to be beyond doubt. Whilst they were thus discoursing together, the sun of heaven then appeared to them. The sun of heaven, which is the Lord, is seen only by those who are in the inmost or third heaven; others see the light thence derived. On seeing the sun, they said that this was not the Lord God, because they did not see a face. Meanwhile the spirits discoursed with each other, but I did not hear what they said. But suddenly, the sun again appeared, and in the midst of it the Lord, encompassed with a solar circle: on seeing this the spirits of Mercury humbled themselves profoundly and subsided. Then also the Lord, from that sun, appeared to the spirits of this earth, who, when they were men, saw Him in the world; and they all, one after another, and thus many in order, confessed that it was the Lord Himself. This confession they made before all the company. Then also the Lord, out of the sun, appeared to the spirits of the planet Jupiter, who declared aloud that it was He Himself whom they had seen on their earth when the God of the universe appeared to them.# # The Lord is the sun of heaven, from whom is all light there (n. 1053, 3636, 4060). And the Lord thus appears to those who are in His celestial kingdom, where love to Him reigns (n. 1521, 1529-1531, 1837, 4696). He appears at a middle distance above the plane of the right eye (n. 4321, 7078). Therefore by "sun" in the word is signified the Lord as to Divine love (n. 2495, 4060, 7083). The sun of this world does not appear to spirits and angels, but in the place thereof there appears somewhat as it were darkish, not in front, but behind and opposite to the sun of heaven, or to the Lord (n. 9755).

7173. Certain spirits knew from heaven that a promise had once been made to the spirits of the earth Mercury that they should see the Lord, and therefore they were asked by the spirits about me whether they remembered this promise. They said that they remembered it, but that they did not know whether the promise was of such a nature that they should have no doubt about it. While they were thus talking together, the sun of heaven appeared to them. (The sun of heaven, which is the Lord, is seen only by those who are in the inmost or third heaven; all others see the light from it, and also the moon, n. 1529-1531, 4060.) When the sun was seen, they said that this was not the Lord God, because they saw no face. Meanwhile the spirits were talking together, but I do not know what they said. Then suddenly the sun appeared again, and in the midst of it the Lord encompassed with a solar circle. On seeing this, the spirits of Mercury humbled themselves profoundly, and settled down. Then also the Lord from the sun was seen by spirits of this earth who when they were men had seen Him in the world; and they all one after another, and thus many in order, confessed that it was the Lord Himself; and this they confessed before all the company. Then also the Lord from the sun was seen by the spirits of the planet Jupiter, who said in a plain voice, that it was He Himself whom they had seen on their earth when the God of the universe appeared to them.

1446. They were asked whether they knew the Lord. Did they not know that this cognition which was greater than all the cognitions they possessed had been promised to them? That there had been a promise they did know, but they were as yet in doubt whether it was this. There was shown them the likeness as if of the Sun; but they said that this was not the Lord because they saw no face. Here the inquiry ceased, nor can interior sensation, which loves bare cognitions, recognize anything further. Therefore they applied themselves to those who were of the planet Venus.

3292. When it was written concerning the spirits of Mercury, that knowledge [of the Lord], was promised them, and that there was shown the likeness of a sun, and they said that it was not the Lord, because they did not see the face; and when spirits spoke concerning it, though what they spoke I know not, then the Lord appeared like the sun, in whose midst [was] the Lord, surrounded by a solar bond, as it were; the spirits of Mercury then sunk down in profound humiliation, and acknowledged [him] in anxiety of humiliation, he was next seen by spirits of this world; by those who saw him in the world [he appeared] as when in the world; they confessed one after another, consequently many [of them] that it is the Lord who was in the world; thus [they spoke] before all the assemblage. Next he was also seen by the spirits of the inhabitants of Jupiter, who also said with manifest voice, that it was He whom they had seen; for in that earth he occasionally presents himself to be seen. - 1748, September 23.

41. Certain of them, after the Lord appeared, were led away towards the front to the right, and as they advanced, they said that they saw a light much clearer and purer than they had ever seen before, and that it was impossible any light could exceed it; and it was then evening here. There were many who said this.# # There is in the heavens great light, which exceeds, by many degrees, the noonday light of this world (n. 1117, 1521, 1533, 1619-1632. 4527, 5400, 8644). All light in the heavens is from the Lord as a sun there (n. 1053, 1521, 3195, 3341, 3636, 3643, 4415, 9548. 9684, 10,809). The Divine truth proceeding from the Divine good of the Divine love of the Lord appears in the heavens as light, and furnishes all the light that is there (n. 3195, 3222, 5400, 8644, 9399, 9548, 9684). The light of heaven illumines both the sight and the understanding of the angels (n. 2776, 3138). When heaven is said to be in light and heat, it signifies being in wisdom and in love (n. 3643, 9399, 9401).

7174. After the Lord had been seen, certain ones were brought toward the front to the right, and as they advanced they said that they saw a light much clearer and purer than they had ever seen before, and that no greater light was possible; and it was then eventide here. Those who said this were many.

3293. CONCERNING A LIGHT. Certain [spirits] after the Lord was seen, were let down, towards the front [regions] on the right, and as they progressed, said that they saw a light, much purer than they had ever seen, and so said many; that they have never seen greater light; and this, when here, it was evening-time. - 1748, September 23.)

42. It is to be known that the sun of the world does not appear to any spirit, nor anything of light thence. The light of that sun is as dense as thick darkness to spirits and angels. That sun remains only in the perception with spirits from having seen it during their abode in the world, and is presented to them in idea as somewhat darkish, and this behind at a considerable distance, in an altitude a little above the plane of the head. The planets which are within the system of that sun appear according to a determinate situation in respect to the sun; Mercury behind, a little towards the right; the planet Venus to the left, a little backwards; the planet Mars to the left in front; the planet Jupiter in like manner to the left in front, but at a greater distance; the planet Saturn directly in front, at a considerable distance; the Moon to the left, at a considerable height: the satellites also to the left in respect to their planet. Such is the situation of those planets in the ideas of spirits and angels; spirits also appear near their planets, but out of them. As to what particularly concerns the spirits of Mercury, they do not appear in any certain quarter, or at any certain distance, but sometimes in front, sometimes to the left, sometimes a little to the back; the reason is, because they are allowed to wander through the universe to procure for themselves knowledges.

7171. Be it known that the sun of this world does not at all appear to any spirit, nor anything of its light; for to spirits the light of our sun is like thick darkness. This sun remains in perception with spirits solely from having been seen while they were in the world, and it is presented to them in idea as something that is intensely dark, and this behind them, at a considerable distance, in altitude a little above the plane of the head. The planets within our solar system appear in a fixed position relative to the sun: Mercury behind and a little toward the right; the planet Venus to the left, a little behind; the planet Mars to the left in front; the planet Jupiter in like manner to the left in front, but at a greater distance; the planet Saturn wholly in front at a considerable distance; the Moon to the left rather high up; the satellites also to the left, each relatively to its own planet. Such is the situation of these planets in the ideas of spirits and angels; and the spirits also appear near their own planet, but outside of it.

7078. Be it known that the spirits of other earths do not appear within the sphere where the spirits of our earth are, but outside of it, some at greater, some at less distance, and also in different quarters. The reason is that the spirits of one earth are not of the same genius and life as those of another; also that they constitute different provinces in the Grand Man. The unlikeness of the state of life causes this appearance. But in the inmost heaven they do not appear separated from one another. The spirits of Mercury, however, do not appear in a fixed quarter, nor at a fixed distance, but appear now in front, now to the left, and now a little to the back. The reason is that they are allowed to wander through the universe to acquire knowledges, and thereby to enrich the memory. Their planet is presented to spirits at the back, as is also the sun of the world, when they are thinking about it, for nothing whatever of it appears. The reason why it is presented at the back is that to those who are in the other life the sun of the world is in complete obscurity, and is thick darkness; but the sun of heaven, or the Lord, appears in front before the right eye, because from this sun they have all their light; for the right eye not only corresponds to the intellectual sight insofar as it is illumined by truth, but also insofar as it is illumined by good (n. 4410). In this way does the Lord look at man from good, and illumine him through good.

43. Once the spirits of Mercury appeared to the left in a globe, and afterwards in a volume extending itself lengthways. I wondered whither they were desirous of going, whether to this earth or elsewhere; and presently I observed that they inclined to the right, and as they rolled along, approached to the earth or planet Venus towards the quarter in front. But when they came thither they said they were unwilling to be there, because the inhabitants were evil; wherefore they turned about to the back part of that earth, and then said that they would willingly stay there, because the inhabitants were good. When this took place, I felt a remarkable change in the brain, and a powerful operation thence proceeding. Hence I was led to conclude that the spirits of Venus, who were on that part of the planet, were in concord with the spirits of Mercury, and that they had relation to the memory of things material which was in concord with the memory of things immaterial, to which latter memory the spirits of Mercury have relation: hence a more powerful operation was felt from them when they were there.

7170. CONTINUATION ABOUT THE SPIRITS AND INHABITANTS OF THE EARTH MERCURY. The spirits of Mercury appeared at the left in a ball, and afterward in a roll stretching a long way, and next in a mass extending in length; and I wondered whither they desired to go, whether to this earth or elsewhere, and presently I observed that they bent themselves back to the right, and by unrolling themselves approached the earth Venus, on the side that is turned away from the sun. But when they came there, they said that they did not desire to be there, because the inhabitants were evil; therefore they bent themselves round to the other side of that earth, which looks to the sun, and then said that they desired to stay there, because the inhabitants were good. When this had taken place, I felt in the brain a remarkable change, and a strong operation from there. From this it was given to conclude that the spirits of Venus who are on that side of the planet were in accord with the spirits of the planet Mercury, and that they have relation to the memory of material things, which agrees with the memory of immaterial things, which the spirits of Mercury constitute; and therefore a stronger operation was felt from them when they were there.

1443. Moreover, I have seen very many spirits from the inhabitants of Mercury, who constitute only the internal sense, as if in one group, and they extended themselves, as it were, into long rows. But because many of them were unwilling to extend themselves in this direction, that is, towards this earth, they therefore turned themselves back like a great army, and then revolving themselves into gyres towards the right, they approached the planet Venus. When they arrived there they said they were unwilling to remain, because they know that they were very wicked. But being instructed, it was granted me to know that the spirits of Mercury called them very wicked because they said that they were nothing, that they were beasts, to which those from the planet Mercury were averse. And so they betook themselves to the other side of the planet Venus, saying that here they are good; thence as from a terminus they curved round to the right and left, and, as it were, encompassed that whole planet, that is, the spirits of that planet.

1444. It is to be observed that in heaven a few may represent themselves as if they were all, and that some few from a globe represent, as it were, the whole planet. Such is the representation in heaven, for the individuals are images of the whole, as a few are images of all.

1448. After the spirits of Mercury, of the internal sensation, encompassed the planet Venus, as it appeared, I then felt a change interiorly in my brain which the spirits around me also confessed; for it was then actuated more strongly, the interior sensation being so much more aroused. The change cannot easily be described.

1445. They went around the planet Venus for the reason that more interior things can thus be brought into communication with externals by means of the interior senses; otherwise there is no communication. Thus it is by means of interior sense that things, as it were, external communicate with those more interior, just as there can be no communication of things rational except by means of the memory of material ideas, thus neither of things intellectual except by means of the memory which is called interior, that is, by means of interior sense. He who does not know these things does not know how man can enjoy the faculty of understanding, that is, of thinking, judging, concluding, and finally determining and willing, for such things do not flow from the memory of material ideas which are derived immediately from or by means of the external senses.

44. I was desirous to know what kind of face and body the men in the earth Mercury had, whether they were like the men on our earth. There was then presented before my eyes a woman exactly resembling the women in that earth. She had a beautiful face, but it was smaller than that of a woman of our earth; her body also was more slender, but her height was equal; she wore on her head a linen cap, which was put on without art, but yet in a manner becoming. A man also was presented to view, who was more slender in body than the men of our earth are. He was clad in a garment of dark blue color, closely fitted to his body, without any foldings or protuberances. It was said that such was the form of body and such the dress of the men of that earth. Afterwards there was presented to view a species of their oxen and cows, which indeed did not differ much from those on our earth, but were smaller, and in some degree approached to species of hinds and deer.

7175. After some time there was shown me a woman of the inhabitants of the earth Mercury; she had a beautiful face, but it was smaller than that of a woman of our earth; she was also more slender, but of equal height. She wore linen on her head, put on without art, yet becomingly. I also saw a man from that earth, who likewise was more slender in body than the men of our earth; he who appeared was clad in a garment of dark blue, closely fitted to his body, without folds or prominences on either side….

7176. There were also shown me their species of oxen and cows, which did not indeed differ much from those on our earth, but were smaller and in some respects resembled a kind of deer.

3262. (Moreover there was shown me a woman [female] of the inhabitants of [that] earth; she was of a beautiful face, smaller in face than [the women] of our earth, also more graceful in body - of a height nearly equal to the inhabitants of our earth. Her head was wrapped in linen, not arranged with art, but still becomingly. I also saw a man of the inhabitants of Mercury, of similar stature, more graceful in body than the inhabitants of our earth. ...

1432. A man from the inhabitants of their earth was shown me. He was not unlike the men of our earth. He was clothed in a garment of a dark blue color, by which is signified their mind [animus], (having wide sleeves almost as with us, but with such sleeves as are used in England instead of cuffs).* Whether their men are so clothed, or whether this is a representation of their animus, I do not know; I know only this, that when later I represented to them such a man clothed in this manner, they said that they knew them, that is, "knew ourselves".

3262. ...There was afterwards seen, a species of their oxen or cows, which did not indeed differ much from ours, but [was] much smaller, also approaching somewhat a species of stag [hart], of a brownish yellow color...

45. They were also asked about the sun of the world, how it appears from their earth. They said that it appears large, and larger there than when seen from other earths, and they said they knew this from the ideas of other spirits concerning the sun. They said further that they enjoy a middle temperature, neither too hot nor too cold. It was then granted me to tell them, that it was so provided of the Lord in regard to them that they should not be exposed to too much heat by reason of their greater nearness to the sun, inasmuch as heat does not arise from the sun's nearness, but from the altitude and density of the atmosphere, as appears from the cold on high mountains even in hot climates; also that heat is varied according to the direct or oblique incidence of the sun's rays, as is plain from the seasons of winter and summer in every region. These are the things which it was given me to know concerning the spirits and inhabitants of the earth Mercury.

7177. Being asked also about the sun of the world, how it appears from their earth, they said that it appears large, and that it appears larger there than from other earths: they said that they can know this from the idea of other spirits about the sun. They said further that they have a medium temperature, neither too hot nor too cold. I was then allowed to tell them that it has been so provided of the Lord in order that they may not be exposed to too much heat, by reason of their earth being nearer the sun than other earths; for heat does not come from nearness to the sun, but from the height and consequent density of the aerial atmosphere, as is evident from the cold on high mountains, even in hot climates. Moreover, heat varies according to the direct or oblique incidence of the sun's rays, as is evident from the seasons of winter and summer in every region. These are the things that have been granted me to know about the spirits and inhabitants of the earth Mercury. At the end of the following chapter I will speak of the spirits of the planet Venus.

1425. When I represented the planets to them - because they could not say from what planet they came - they said that they know that there are many earths, and they know various things pertaining to the inhabitants of those earths, for they are delighted with cognitions. And when I represented in a spiritual manner the planets which are called Mercury and Venus, they directed my sight to the planet Venus, but I could perceive that they wanted to conceal [where they came from]. Thus I could perceive that they were from the planet nearest the sun, where such men are, and they are delighted with cognitions as I was also given to perceive from their proximity to the sun. It is they, in general, who constitute the internal senses, and thus the things which are of the internal senses, which are cognitions.

The Earth or Planet Jupiter

Earths in the Universe
Arcana Coelestia
Spiritual Experiences

46. THE EARTH OR PLANET JUPITER, ITS SPIRITS AND INHABITANTS. It was granted me to enjoy longer interaction with the spirits and angels of the planet Jupiter, than with the spirits and angels from the rest of the planets; wherefore I am at liberty to relate more concerning the state of their life, and of the inhabitants of that planet. That those spirits were from that planet was evident from many things, and it was also declared from heaven.

7799. ON THE SPIRITS AND INHABITANTS OF THE PLANET JUPITER. Social interaction with the spirits and angels of the planet Jupiter has been granted me a longer time than with the spirits of the other planets, and therefore more particulars are to be related concerning their state, and that of the inhabitants of this planet.

47. The earth itself or planet Jupiter does not indeed appear to spirits and angels: for to the inhabitants of the spiritual world no earth is visible, but only the spirits and angels who come thence. They who are from the planet Jupiter appear in front to the left, at a considerable distance, and this constantly, see above (n. 42) there also is the planet. The spirits of every earth are near their earth, because they are from its inhabitants, for every man after death becomes a spirit, and because they are thus of a similar genius, and can be with the inhabitants, and serve them.

7800. The planet Jupiter does not indeed appear to those who are in the other life; but the spirits who are from it. These appear in front, to the left, at some distance, and this constantly; there also the planet is in the idea of spirits and angels. The spirits of each planet are separate from those of other planets, and are near their own world. The reason why they are separated is that they are of a different disposition, and are in a different province in the Grand Man; and they who are of a different disposition appear remote from others according to the diversity. All separation and distinction of spirits and angels in respect to places and distances in the other life, appear in accordance with the diversities of dispositions and genius, for place corresponds to state (see n. 2625, 2837, 3356, 3387, 4321, 4882, 5605, 7381).

48. They related that in the region of the earth where they had lived while in the world, the multitude of men therein was as great as the earth could support; that the earth was fertile, and it abounded in all things; and that there they did not desire more than the necessaries of life; that they accounted nothing useful but so far as it was necessary; and that hence the multitude of men was so great.

8116. They reported that in the region of their earth where they had been, there is a great multitude of men, as great as the planet can feed; and that the planet is fertile, and abounds in all things; and that its inhabitants desire no more than will suffice for the necessaries of life, and that consequently the multitude of men is so great.

532. ... He also said that in the part of his earth where he had been, the multitude of men was as great as the earth could nourish, and that the earth was fertile, abounding in all things. Since they all live without avarice, seeking only to be nourished, it can thence be concluded what a great multitude there must be. 1748, Jan. 24-25.

They said that the education of their children was their greatest concern, and that they loved them most tenderly.

8380. They care little about worldly things, for the families live together, nor do they seek for more than to be fed and housed. What is beyond these, not being for the necessaries of life, they do not class among the utilities. Their greatest care is the education of their little children, whom they love most tenderly.

558. ...They do not seek to have more riches than are necessary for food and habitation. Moreover, their greatest care is the education of their little ones whom they love most tenderly.* * Crossed out: "They are fed with fruit."

49. They further related that they are there distinguished into nations, families, and houses, and that they all live apart with their own kindred; and that hence their interaction is confined to relatives; likewise, that no one ever covets the goods of another; and that it never enters into their minds to desire the possessions of another, still less to obtain them fraudulently, and least of all to break in and plunder. This they consider as a crime against human nature, and regard it as horrible. When I would have told them that on this earth there are wars, depredations, and murders, they then turned away, and were unwilling to hear.

8117. They reported further that they are there distinguished into nations, families, and houses; that they all dwell separately with their own; that their interaction is mostly with their family connections; that no one ever desires the goods of another, and that it never comes into their minds to claim anything thereof for themselves, still less to attack and plunder, which they regard as a crime contrary to human nature, and horrible. When I desired to tell them that in this earth there are wars, plunderings, and slaughterings, they turned away, and were averse to hear.

537. They have little interaction with those who are not of their own race. When they meet them outside their own borders they speak with them amicably, and are willing to perform all kind offices of charity to them, but their consociations are within their own kindred, which may extend very widely. Thus they are distinguished into races, families, and houses. 1748, Jan. 26.

556. In a word, although they live in such simplicity, they are, nevertheless, much wiser than those spirits and souls who want to be learned, for they perceive of themselves what is good; evil they are unwilling even to mention. On two occasions I wanted to say evil, but they were averse to it. …

It was declared to me by the angels that the most ancient people on this earth lived in like manner, namely, that they were distinguished into nations, families, and houses that all at that time were content with their own possessions that it was a thing altogether unknown for one person to enrich himself from the goods of another, and to have dominion from self-love; and that on this account the ancient times, and especially the most ancient, were more acceptable to the Lord than succeeding times: and such being the state of the world, innocence also then reigned, and with it wisdom; every one then did what was good from good, and what was just from justice. To do what is good and just with a view to their own honor, or gain, was unknown. At the same time they spoke nothing but what was true, and this not so much from truth as from good, that is, not from the understanding separate from the will, but from the will conjoined with the understanding. Such were the ancient times; wherefore angels could then converse with men, and convey their minds, almost separate from things corporeal, into heaven, yea, lead them about, and show them the magnificent and blessed things there, and likewise communicate to them their happinesses and delights. These times were known also to the ancient writers, and were by them called the golden and also Saturnian ages. The reason that those times were such, was owing to this, that men were then distinguished into nations, nations into families, and families into houses, and every house lived apart by itself; and it then never entered into any one's mind to invade another's inheritance, and thence acquire to himself opulence and dominion. Self-love and the love of the world were then far removed; every one rejoiced in his own, and not less in his neighbor's good. But in succeeding times this scene was changed, and totally reversed, when the lust of dominion and of large possessions invaded the mind. Then mankind, for the sake of self-defense, collected themselves into kingdoms and empires; and because the laws of charity and of conscience, which were inscribed on the hearts, ceased, it became necessary to enact laws in order to restrain violence, in which honors and gains were rewards, and privation of them punishments. When the state of the world was thus changed, heaven removed itself from man, and this more and more even to this age, when it is no longer known whether there is a heaven and a hell, yea, by some it is denied. These things are said, that it may be illustrated by the parallel, what is the state of the inhabitants of the earth Jupiter, and whence they have their probity, and also their wisdom, concerning which more will be said hereafter.

8118. I have been told by the angels that the most ancient people on this earth dwelt in like manner, that is, distinguished into nations, families and houses; that they were all content with their own goods; and that to grow rich from the goods of others, and to exercise dominion, were then quite unknown. On this account, the ancient times, and especially the most ancient, were more acceptable to the Lord than the succeeding ones; and such being the state, innocence also then reigned, and with innocence, wisdom. Everyone then did what is good from good, and what is just from justice. They did not know what it is to do what is good and just with a view to self-honor, or for the sake of profit. They did not then speak anything but the truth; and this not so much from truth, as from good; that is, not from the understanding separate, but from the will conjoined. Such were the ancient times, and therefore angels could then have interaction with men, and lead their minds home to heaven in a state almost separated from bodily things, and could take them round, and show them the magnificent and happy things there, and likewise communicate to them their own happinesses and delights. Moreover those times were known to ancient writers, and were called by them the Golden and also the Saturnian Age.

[2] Those times were of this nature, because, as before said, they lived distinguished into nations, and the nations into families, and the families into houses, and each house dwelt by itself; and because it never then came into anyone's mind to attack the inheritance of another, and thereby get for himself wealth and dominion. Far removed then were the love of self and the love of the world, and everyone rejoiced at heart by reason of his own good, and not less by reason of another's.

[3] But in the succeeding time this scene was changed and turned into the opposite, when the lust of dominion and of possessing the goods of others invaded the mind. Then for the sake of self-defense, the human race gathered into kingdoms and empires. And as the laws of charity and conscience, which had been written on hearts, ceased to operate, it became necessary to enact laws to restrain acts of violence; in which laws, honors, and riches were the rewards, and the deprivation of these were the penalties. When the state was thus changed, heaven removed itself from man, and this more and more, even to the present age, when it is no longer known whether there is a heaven, and consequently whether there is a hell, and when it is even denied that these exist. These things have been stated, in order that by the parallelism there may be illustrated the quality of the state of those who are on the earth Jupiter, and whence comes their good disposition, and also their wisdom, of which more will be said in what follows.

521. The spirit who spoke with me related in regard to the inhabitants of that planet that, as was said, they creep and sit; and that they are not divided into cities, and thus into general societies, as here, but into races and families as in ancient times on our earth. Being asked whether one race waged war with another, he replied mildly that they had no need, because they had all things requisite for life. They are naked, because such is the nature of their temperature [as to make clothes unnecessary].

50. By long conversation with the spirits of the earth Jupiter, it was made manifest to me that they were more upright than the spirits of most other earths. The manner of their approach to me, their abode with me, and their influx at that time, was inexpressibly gentle and sweet. In the other life the quality of every spirit manifests itself by an influx, which is the communication of his affection; uprightness by gentleness and sweetness; by gentleness, in that he fears to do hurt, and by sweetness, because he loves to do good. I could clearly distinguish a difference between the gentleness and the sweetness of the influx proceeding from the spirits of Jupiter and of that which proceeds from the good spirits of our earth. When any slight disagreement exists among them, they said that there appears a sort of slender bright irradiation, like that of lightning, or like the little swath encompassing glittering and wandering stars; but all disagreements among them are soon adjusted. Glittering stars, which are at the same time wandering, signify what is false; but glittering and fixed stars signify what is true; thus the former signify disagreement.# # Stars in the word signify the knowledges of good and truth, consequently truths (n. 2495, 2849, 4697). And in the other life truths are represented by fixed stars, but falsities by wandering stars (n. 1128).

8111. ON THE SPIRITS AND INHABITANTS OF THE PLANET JUPITER, CONTINUED By long continued interaction with the spirits of the earth Jupiter, it became evident that they are better disposed than the spirits of some other earths. Their approach when they came, their stay, and their influx at the time, were inexpressibly gentle and sweet. In the other life goodness manifests itself by gentleness and sweetness. These qualities could be very clearly distinguished from the gentleness and sweetness of the good spirits of our earth.

8112. When any slight disagreement arises among them, there appears to them as it were a slender ray of white light, such as usually is that of lightning; or a little band in which are sparkling stars. These are signs of disagreement; but the disagreement among them is quickly repaired. When the stars sparkle and at the same time wander, the sign is not good; but when the sparkling stars are fixed, the sign is good.

613. CONCERNING THE SPIRITS OF JUPITER A consociation of the spirits of Jupiter came to me. So gentle was their approach and their sojourn and also their active influx, that it can be expressed by sweetness, for they are all upright and live together in this manner, wanting nothing else than to perform kind offices to each other. Thus there was a sense of general uprightness, the gentleness or sweetness of which can fully distinguish them from the consociation of good spirits of this earth.

542. But their angels* are instantly present, and occupy the region of their head which they infill in a special manner, not in the way the spirits of this earth do; the spirits of this earth as it were obsess the brain and head, and sometimes with such force that they, as it were, either compress the scalp of the head or draw away the cranium, very often with a certain sensible pain. If anyone else should have experienced what I experienced, he would have supposed that they were drawing away his cranium, or even entirely compressing the brain. But the spirits of the planet Jupiter act with a gentle aspiration which infills the brain as with a gentle and general approach, for they fear lest the man should be injured and feel pain from them; by such an approach they were present with me. These are they who restrain the evil spirits lest they should do anything worse than the permission given them by the Lord; in this way an evil spirit is kept within limits and coerced. These are their angels who preserve them, with whom I also spoke. 1748, Jan. 26. * In the Index (s.v. Foviales), they are called "Angelic spirits".

614. If there should exist the slightest disagreement amongst them it is signified by a tenuous white ray resembling a flash of lightning. This, I was told, is a sign of disagreement. It is also made evident by a small band of bright little stars. Thus there is disagreement, but still it is speedily adjusted.

615. Little stars are also indications of good when they appear, as they have appeared to me more than six hundred times. These stars are tiny and very small, and they appear singly, and also several in succession. It is also an indication of good when a certain starry heaven appears. This is common with the spirits of this earth also.

912. EVIL SPIRITS ALSO HAVE STARS AROUND THEM Often evil spirits from the planet Jupiter, and also evil and even deceitful spirits from this earth, have stars around them, and also heaven is viewed by them. This signifies the spiritual that inflows into their reasonings, and also that they can understand what pertains to faith. 1748, Feb. 21.

8384. The spirits of Jupiter have a sweet approach, and a prudent discourse. They ponder what they say. They derive this from their life in the world; for there, if they do or say anything contrary to order, they are reduced by others in various ways to repentance; and those who are stubborn, by chastisement.

625. They have a sweet approach and a prudent life and conversation, so that they take heed to themselves what they think and say. They carefully consider and moderate each single thing. If, however, they find in any spirits the least thing which is contrary to their order, they have a mind to chastise them, that they may thus be compelled to good. This they do to spirits who are new-comers from their earth, and by force reduce them to obedience. I could also observe this, as I told them, because when anything intervened [contrary to their order], I at once perceived their thoughts about chastisement. 1748, Feb. 2.

584. CONTINUATION CONCERNING THE INHABITANTS OF JUPITER Concerning the influx of the angels of the planet Jupiter, it is only permitted to mention that it is gentle and undulating with an alternation, as it were, in volume; wherefore it is mild, as is the genius of those who also think in this manner.

708. Moreover, I could not but greatly marvel at the mildness and gentleness of the spirits of the inhabitants of Jupiter, which I was granted to know by their having been with me now for some days, if not a week, and having acquired a place in my head. They are so mild that they [do] nothing but think. Their thoughts are so flexible that they suffer themselves to be bent away from the mere good-pleasure of the interior heaven, or of their angels, thus [to be led] by the will of the One Only Lord. They are so patient that scarcely any slight indignation is noticed when they observed that this or that was not granted them; they at once acquiesce. Neither do the doubts of others adhere to them, but they pass them over as though they are of no account. They are such that it was only from other indications that I knew that they were present; I could scarcely know it from any kind of alteration of their "animus". They are content with those things that are enjoined upon then. These are their words. 1748, Feb. 10.

51. I could distinguish the presence of the spirits of Jupiter, not only by the gentleness and sweetness of their approach and influx, but also from this, that for the most part their influx was into the face, and made it smiling and cheerful, and this continually during their presence. They said that they communicate a like cheerfulness of countenance to the inhabitants of their earth, when they come to them, being desirous thus to inspire them with tranquillity and delight of heart. That tranquillity and delight with which they inspired me filled my breast and heart very sensibly; at the same time cupidities and anxieties concerning things to come were removed, which cause unrest and undelightfulness, and excite various commotions in the mind. Hence it was evident to me what was the nature and quality of the life of the inhabitants of the earth Jupiter; for the disposition of the inhabitants of any earth may be known by the spirits who come thence, inasmuch as every one retains his own life after death, and continues to live it when he becomes a spirit. It was observed that they had a state of blessedness or happiness still more interior, which was manifest from this circumstance, that their interiors were perceived not to be closed, but open to heaven; for in proportion as the interiors are more open to heaven, in the same proportion they are the more susceptible of receiving Divine good, and with it blessedness and interior happiness. The case is altogether otherwise with those who do not live in the order of heaven: the interiors with such are closed, and the exteriors open to the world.

8113. I was able to recognize the presence of the spirits of Jupiter, not only from the gentleness and sweetness of their approach and influx, but also from the fact that they inflowed most especially into the face, and that they disposed it to be smiling and cheerful, and continually so while they were present. It was said that they so dispose the faces of the inhabitants of their earth, for they wish to inspire them with tranquillity and delight of heart. This tranquillity and delight with which they inspired me sensibly filled my chest and heart. The desires and anxieties about the future, which induce intranquility and unpleasantness, and excite and agitate the mind into various disturbances, were then removed. From this I could clearly see what was the quality of the life of the inhabitants of the planet Jupiter. …

8114. I noticed that they had a still more interior state of happiness, and that they were susceptible of a state of happiness still more interior yet. This is discerned from the fact that their interiors are not closed, but are open to the Lord; for the more open the interiors are, the more susceptible men are of the Divine good and the Divine happiness. Very different is the case with those who do not live in the order of heaven. With such the interiors are closed and the exteriors are open to hell, whence flow in contempt for others, hatreds, revenges, and cruelties, which it is a delight for them to exercise against those who do not reverence them, or do not favor their desires.

742. CONCERNING THE INHABITANTS OF JUPITER I could recognize the presence of [the spirits of the] inhabitants of Jupiter not only from the influx of their affections, but also from the fact that they disposed my face to be, as it were, laughing and cheerful, and this continually; for in such a way they dispose the faces of the inhabitants of their earth, so that they laugh as if from gladness of heart and show forth joy. That this was joy of heart I could also know from this, that their tranquillity was communicated to me, which was so delightful that it sensibly filled my chest and heart. Moreover, they do not suffer themselves to be moved by the cupidities of others, but remain in their delightful tranquillity. Thus they are without cares, unlike the spirits of our earth, who are agitated by every commotion of the "animus", and are in continual restlessness. Hence it can be concluded with ample certainty, that the life of the inhabitants of the planet Jupiter is many degrees more delightful than the life of the inhabitants of our earth; for cupidities are what render man restless.

626. I could observe their presence when they themselves did not observe it by the dilatation of my mouth or of the region of the lips and cheeks, for they are such; and since they suppose that I also am like them, and also from their imagination am in such a form, that region of my face was moved out of shape. …

744. Moreover, there is given a still interior state of happiness unknown to those who are with me, so that they were susceptible of a more interior happiness, which can never exist in those who love pleasure in a perverse order of life, in cupidities and in phantasies. Interior things are vexatious and disquieting to them, but not to the spirits of the planet Jupiter. 1748, Feb. 11.

52. It was further shown me what sort of faces the inhabitants of the earth Jupiter had; not that the inhabitants themselves appeared to me, but that the spirits appeared with faces similar to what they had when on their earth. But before it was shown, one of their angels appeared behind a bright cloud, who gave leave; and then two faces were shown. They were like the faces of the men of our earth, fair and beautiful; sincerity and modesty beamed forth from them. During the presence of the spirits of Jupiter, the faces of the men of our earth appeared less than usual, which was owing to this, that there was an influx from those spirits of the idea which they had concerning their own faces as being larger; for they believe, during their abode in their earth, that after their decease their faces will he larger and of a round shape; and because this idea is impressed on them, it consequently remains with them, and when they become spirits they appear to themselves as having larger faces. The reason why they believe that their faces will be larger is, because they say that the face is not body, because through it they see, hear, speak, and manifest their thoughts; and whereas the mind is thus transparent through the face, they hence form an idea of the face as of the mind in form; and because they know that they will he wiser after their life in the world, therefore they believe that the form of the mind or the face will become larger. They believe also that after their decease they will perceive a fire which will communicate warmth to their faces. This belief takes its rise from hence, that the wiser amongst them know that fire in the spiritual sense signifies the love, and that love is the fire of life, and from this fire the angels have life.# Those of them also who have lived in heavenly love, obtain their wish, and perceive their face to grow warm; and then the interiors of their mind are kindled with love. For this reason the inhabitants of that earth also wash and cleanse their faces much, and protect them carefully from the heat of the sun. They have a covering made of the inner rind or bark of a tree, of a bluish color, which they wrap about the head and thus cover the face.

8242. CONTINUATION ABOUT THE SPIRITS AND THE INHABITANTS OF THE EARTH JUPITER. I have also been shown what kind of faces the inhabitants of the earth Jupiter have; not that I have seen the inhabitants themselves, but that the spirits were seen with faces like those which they had while on their earth. But before this was shown, one of their angels appeared behind a bright cloud, who gave leave, and then two faces were shown. They were like the faces of the men of our earth, fair, but more beautiful; sincerity and modesty shone forth from them.

8243. When the spirits of Jupiter were with me, the faces of the inhabitants of our earth appeared smaller to me than usual, the source of which was that there inflowed from those spirits the idea which they had about their own faces-that they were larger. For while they live as men on their own earth, they believe that after their decease their faces will be larger, and round in form; and because this idea has been impressed on them, it consequently remains, and when they become spirits, they appear to themselves to have larger faces. The reason why they believe that their faces will be larger is that they say that the face is not the body, because by its means they speak and present their thoughts, and because the mind is thus as it were transparent through it; consequently they have an idea of the face as of the mind in form; and as they know that they will be wiser after their life in the world, they believe that the form of their mind, that is, their face, will become larger.

8244. When they are in the world, they also believe that after their decease they will perceive a fire which will warm their faces. They infer this from the fact that the wiser of them know that fire in the spiritual world is love, and that this fire is the fire of life, and that from this fire the angels have heat. Moreover those of them who have lived in celestial love obtain their wish, and perceive their faces to be warmed as by a fire; and then the interiors of their minds are kindled, not with heat, but with love.

8245. For this reason they also frequently wash and cleanse their faces, and also carefully preserve them from the heat of the sun. They have a covering made of bluish bark or rind, which they bind about their heads, and thus preserve the face. But they do not care much about the body.

533. With regard to their faces, they are just like the faces of the men of our earth, only more beautiful. Two were shown me in their own form; they were beautiful, of fair complexion, sincere, modest, with beauty, and of a comely disposition. For their angel, with a small face, appeared behind a white cloud, and gave them leave to show their faces. 1748, Jan. 24.

686. CONCERNING THE INHABITANTS OF JUPITER As said before [n. 547], the spirits of the planet Jupiter do not consider their face to be the body. They therefore also have the impression that in the after life their faces will be larger or fuller, and of a round form, which form was shown me, of a heavenly or almost sky-blue color, with little stars. This impression remains.

687. Moreover, they also suppose that they will see a fire which will warm their face, which fire was shown me. It also gave a warmth, as on a hundred former occasions, for it has been and is familiar for me to see fires, and indeed of various kinds, also flames, as it were for a considerable time. But now, for the first time, I saw a fire that warmed my face, such as that which these spirits desire for themselves. It was told me that their flame is of a color interspersed with sky-blue, which color they very greatly esteem. Such a flame, exceedingly delightful, was once shown me. 1748, Feb. 9.

547. Moreover, they are of fair complexion, and they preserve their face from the heat of the sun. As regards their bodies, they indeed wash them and keep them clean, but they do not care for them, for they say that is [only] the body. The face, however, they do not call [part of] the body, because by means of it they speak and think, for thought, as they suppose, is of the face; they are therefore unwilling that it should be considered as the body. Therefore they take care that the face should be bright and clean. They have a broad covering for the head, made from the bluish-white bark or cortex of a tree, with which they broadly encompass the head, but not so the body. They showed me by their thoughts how they considered their face, namely, as something only speaking, almost without anything corporeal; although it is muscular, still they consider it as being devoid of muscles and fibers. 1748, Jan. 26.

Concerning the faces of the men of our earth, which they saw through my eyes, ## they said that they were not beautiful, and that their beauty consisted in the external skin, but not in the fibers from the internal. They wondered that the faces of some were full of warts and pustules, or were otherwise deformed, saying that with them such faces were never seen. Some faces were always smiling, namely, those that were cheerful and merry, and those that were a little prominent about the lips. # Fire in the Word is love in both senses (n. 934, 4906, 5215). The sacred and heavenly fire is the Divine love, and every affection which is of that love (n. 934, 6314, 6832). Internal fire is the love of self and the world, and every concupiscence which is of these loves (n. 965, 1861, 5071, 6314, 6832, 7575, 10.747) Love is the fire of life, and life itself is actually thence (n. 4906, 5071, 6032). ## Spirits and angels do not see what is in this solar world, but they saw through my eyes (n. 1881).

8246. They said that the faces of the men of our earth are not beautiful; and they wondered that the faces of some of them are full of warts and pimples, and are in other respects disfigured; and they said that none such ever appear among them. Still, they were pleased with some of the faces, namely, those which were cheerful and smiling, and those which were a little prominent about the lips.

583. Besides this, there were some of their spirits with me to whom I showed the inhabitants of this earth, and all their faces then appeared to me smaller than usual. This came about for the reason that they saw the faces of the men of our earth as smaller than the faces of the inhabitants of their earth; and they said that they were not beautiful, both because they were smaller, and because they were somewhat deformed from (small-pox, being pock-marked)* adding that such faces are not found amongst them, nor those whose faces were spotted with red pustules and the like, because they do not become sick. Certain faces were pleasing, namely, those in which the region about the lips was somewhat prominent, also those faces that were expanded as when they are laughing. Those that were sad did not please them, because worldly cares impress such things upon them. Thus from their faces they can recognize of what quality they are. 1748, Jan. 26. The annual motion of Jupiter is twelve [of our] years, and its diurnal motion six hours.

8247. The reason why they were pleased with the cheerful and smiling faces, was that in their earth the faces of almost all are such, and this for the reason that they have no solicitude about future things, nor have they worldly cares, for these are things which bring sadness and anxiety into the lower mind, and from this into the face; and if with those who are not good there is cheerfulness and a smile in the face, it is in the outer skin, and not in the fibers from within. It is otherwise with the inhabitants of Jupiter. …

574. ...(2) The spirits of Jupiter wondered that there can be any beauty in the faces of the men of this earth, and that they are not distorted; but this comes about from another cause. 1748, Jan. 27.

[574a.]* I have now spoken to those spirits of Jupiter who were present, and they said that in the other life the evil of this earth gradually become so deformed and distorted as to their face, that, on account of their deformity, they cannot be looked at by them. It was said to me that their beautiful faces come from their infancy, which is innocent. 1748, Sept. 4.

53. The reason of the faces smiling that were prominent about the lips was, that the most of their speech is effected by the face, and especially by the region around the lips; and also because they never dissemble, that is, speak otherwise than they think. For this reason they do not constrain their face, but let it out freely. It is otherwise with those who from childhood have learned to dissemble. Their face is thus contracted interiorly, lest something of their thought should shine forth. Neither is it let forth outwardly, but is held ready to let itself out or contract itself, according as cunning suggests. The truth of this may be evident from an examination of the fibers of the lips and the parts around them. For there are manifold series of fibers there, folded together and intertwined, which were created not only for masticating and for speech by words, but also for expressing the ideas of the mind.

8247. ...The reason why they were pleased with the faces that were prominent about the lips, was that most of their speech is effected by means of the face, and especially by means of the region of it that is around the lips; and also because they never dissemble, that is, speak otherwise than they think. For this reason they do not control their faces, but let them have free play. It is otherwise with those who from childhood have learned to dissemble. Their face is consequently contracted from within, lest anything of the thought should shine out therefrom. Neither has it free play outwardly, but is kept ready for letting out, or for drawing in, just as cunning dictates. The truth of this can be seen from an examination of the fibers round about the lips; for there are manifold series of fibers there, folded together and united together, that were not created for chewing and verbal speech only, but also for expressing the ideas of the lower mind.

530. They also showed that they do not force their face but give it free play, which is quite unknown to those who from youth have been accustomed to simulate, that is to say, to speak and act otherwise than they think and love. The face of the latter is constrained so that it may be ready to vary itself, as craftiness persuades. With the spirits of Jupiter, however, the face is very mobile, especially around the lips, with the result that they are somewhat prominent, whence the fibers there are given the freedom to signify the things which they think. It is otherwise here on earth, where the fibers are so restricted that they cannot express the sensations of the "animus". For if all the fibers in the lips, and around the lips, were unfolded, the truth would be sufficiently confirmed; for there are extremely intricate muscular and fibrous series, and bundles of them, which were not created for mastication and speech alone, but for expressing the single ideas of the "animus", which thus may be said to be inscribed upon them.

54. It was also shown how the thoughts are presented by the face. The affections of the love are manifested through the countenance and its changes, and the thoughts by variations as to the forms of the interiors therein; but they cannot be further described. The inhabitants of the earth Jupiter have also a vocal speech, but not as sonorous as ours. The one speech assists the other, and their vocal speech is inspired with life by the speech of the face. I was informed by angels that the first speech of all men on every earth was speech by the face, and this from two sources, the lips and the eyes. The reason why such speech was the first, is, that the face was formed for portraying what man thinks and wills, and thence also the face was called the image and index of the mind; also because in the most ancient or earliest times there was sincerity, and man neither thought nor wished to think anything else than what he was willing should shine forth from his face. Thus also the affections of the mind, and the thoughts therefrom, could be presented to the life, and fully. Thus also they were made apparent to the eye, very many, as it were, in a form together. This speech, therefore, as much surpassed vocal speech as sight excels hearing, or as seeing a landscape excels hearing of it, or apprehending it by verbal description. They added that such speech agrees with the speech of angels, with whom also men in those times were in communication; and further that when the face speaks, or the mind through the face, it is the angelic speech with man in ultimate natural form, but not when the mouth speaks by words. Every one, too, can comprehend that the most ancient people could not have the speech of words; since the words of language were not immediately infused into men, but had to be invented, and applied to things; which could be done only in process of time.#

8248. It was also shown how the thoughts are set forth by means of the face. The affections of love are exhibited by the features and their changes, and the thoughts in these affections by means of variations in respect to the forms of the interiors, which cannot be further described. The inhabitants of the earth Jupiter have also the speech of words; but it is not so sonorous as with us. The one kind of speech is an aid to the other, and life is insinuated into the speech of words by means of the speech of the face.

8249. I have been informed by the angels that the first speech of all in every earth was a speech by means of the face, and this from two origins in the face-from the lips, and from the eyes. The reason why such speech was the first, is that the face was formed just to effigy the things which a man thinks and which he wills; from this the face has also been called the effigy and index of the mind; and also because in the most ancient or first times there was sincerity (see n. 8118), and man thought nothing, and wished to think nothing, but what he was willing should shine forth from his face; so that the affections of the lower mind and the ideas of the thought could be presented to the life, and fully. In this way they appeared to the eye also, as in a form, and very many together. This speech therefore surpassed the speech of words as much as the sense of sight surpasses that of hearing; that is, as the sight of a country surpasses hearing a description of it. They added that such speech was in agreement with the speech of the angels, with whom, furthermore, men in those times had communication. Moreover when the face speaks, or the mind through the face, it is the angelic speech with man in an ultimate natural form; and there is a presence of the internal sight or thought of one in that of another, but not when the mouth speaks by means of words. (That the most ancient people on this earth spoke in a similar way, see n. 607, 608, 1118, 1120, 7361.) Everyone also can know that the speech of words was not possible to the most ancient people, because the words of language were not imparted immediately, but had to be invented and applied to the things, which could not be done except in course of time.

528. It can be confirmed from many things that from their face they can know what others have thought, that is, that they can speak by means of the face, especially those who from infancy talk little and who do not learn to simulate, for all things then make themselves known in the face with every least difference. Spirits can skillfully represent this by means of the face which is formed, and transfers all the varieties of a single affection, and this by means of a continuous transformation.

540. Almost all the speech of the inhabitants of Jupiter is the interior idea, or that which is called with us the material idea, or that of the imagination; thus it is not the ideas of the senses or external ideas which, formed into words, constitute their speech; this speech they also have, but in such a way that it may be subservient to the interior, and in certain cases things may be expressed by means of it, such as those which pertain to the use of their life.

529. CONTINUATION CONCERNING THE INHABITANTS OF JUPITER It was also shown me by one of their spirits how they spoke with each other by variations of the face, namely, that it was by means of very slight movements, especially of those muscles which are around the lips, which is the reason that there are so many intricate series of muscular [fibers] there. Around the eyes, however, are represented, as I suppose, their affections, that is, the more interior affections. For the face is the representation of the interiors of man, formed so that it may be able to speak, as was said of spirits, since the face with its change of forms and its variation of state displays their interiors. But I could not understand what they showed me by the variations of the fibers around the lips, because my face has not been initiated and accustomed to them from infancy; I could only feel the variations. This also is the reason that the spirits of Jupiter are unable to simulate, but live in the order of their life, so that they can hide nothing whatever from their companions who at once know both of what quality they are, and what they are imagining to themselves and also what they have done. Thus with them the life is spiritual, and they can at once be separated, and thus be taught and reformed.

As long as sincerity and rectitude remained with man, so long also such speech remained. But as soon as the mind began to think one thing and speak another, which took place when man began to love himself and not his neighbor, then vocal speech began to develop, the face being silent or dissembling. Thus the internal form of the face was changed, contracted itself, hardened, and began to be almost void of life; but the external form, inflamed by the fire of self-love, began to appear to the eyes of men as if it were alive. For that absence of life which lies underneath, does not appear to the eyes of men, but to the eyes of angels, since these see the interiors. Such are the faces of those who think one thing and speak another; for dissimulation, hypocrisy, cunning, and deceit, which are prudence at this day, induce such effects. But it is different in the other life, where it is not permitted to speak one thing and think another. Disagreement between the speech and the thought is also there clearly perceived in every word; and when it is perceived in a spirit, he is cast out of the community, and fined. Afterward he is reduced by various methods to speak as he thinks, and to think as he wills; even till he has one undivided mind; so that if he is good, he may will good and think and speak truth from good, and if he is evil, he may will evil and think and speak falsity from evil. Not before this is effected is the good spirit elevated into heaven, nor the evil spirit cast into hell; and this to the end, that there may be in hell nothing but evil and the falsity of evil, and in heaven nothing but good and the truth of good. # The most ancient people on this earth had speech through the face and lips, by means of internal breathing (n. 607, 1118, 7361). The people on, certain other earths have a similar speech (n. 4799. 7359, 8248, 10,587). Concerning the perfection and excellence of that speech (n. 7360, 10,587, 10,708).

8250. So long as there were sincerity and uprightness with man, so long also such speech remained; but as soon as the mind began to think one thing and speak another, which took place when man loved himself and not the neighbor, then the speech of words began to grow, the face being either silent or likewise counterfeiting. From this the internal form of the face was changed; it contracted itself, grew hard, and began to be nearly devoid of life; whereas the external form, inflamed from the fire of the love of self, seemed to be alive; but the absence of life, which is beneath, and is as a plane inwardly, does not appear before the eyes of men, but before the eyes of the angels, for these see the things within. Such are the faces of those who think one thing and speak another; for pretense, hypocrisy, cunning and deceit, which at this day are sagacity, lead to such things. But the case is otherwise in the other life, where it is not allowable to speak in one way and think in another. The dissidence is also clearly perceived in every word, and in every tone of the voice; and when it is perceived, the spirit in whom there is such dissidence is cast out of fellowship, and is fined. Afterward he is brought by various methods to speak as he thinks, and to think as he wills, until his mind is one and not divided-if he is good, to will good and to think and speak what is true from good; and if evil, to will evil, and to think and speak what is false from evil. The good one is not previously raised into heaven, and the evil one is not previously cast into hell; and this to the end that in hell there may be nothing but evil, and that the falsity there may be the falsity of evil; and that in heaven there may be nothing but good, and that the truth may be the truth of good.

8733. CONTINUATION CONCERNING THE SPIRITS AND THE INHABITANTS OF THE EARTH JUPITER. As the spirits of the earth Jupiter bear relation in the Grand Man to the Imaginative of Thought, they speak little and think much; and when they speak, their speech is cogitative, and differs from the speech of others in the fact that it does not terminate so much in sound, as in a kind of soft murmur which is inwardly rapid. The very thought with them in this way unfolds itself into speech. The reason is that they are of a genius intermediate between the spiritual and the celestial; for the spiritual speak sonorously, and bring the whole of their thought into their speech; wherefore in order that their thought may be known, it must be gathered from the words. But not so the celestial; for that which is of their will rolls itself by somewhat of thought into what is like a wave, which affects and moves the will of another according to the state of the matter.

8734. The speech of spirits in general is formed from ideas of thought that fall into words according to the fullness and the affection; and as the entire idea of the thing is thus presented and communicated, spirits can express more within a minute than a man in the world can within an hour; for the whole idea of the thing, such as it is in the thought, is fully transmitted into the thought of the other. From this it was made plain to me what the conjunction of minds or spiritual conjunction is (which is charity or mutual love), namely, that the mind of the one presents itself in the mind of the other with all the good of its own thought and will toward him, and in this way affects him; and on the other hand, what spiritual disjunction is (which is enmity and hatred), namely, that the mind of the one presents itself in the mind of the other with the thought and will of destroying him, which causes rejection.

4799. There were spirits with me from another earth (of which elsewhere) whose faces were different from the faces of the men of our earth, being prominent, especially about the lips, and moreover free. I conversed with them about their manner of living, and the state of conversation among them. They said that they converse with one another chiefly by variations of the face, especially by variations about the lips; and that they express their affections by the parts of the face which are about the eyes, so that their companions can fully comprehend thence both what they are thinking and what they are willing. They endeavored also to show me this by means of an influx into my lips, by means of various foldings and bendings round about them. But I could not receive the variations, because my lips had not been initiated from infancy into such things; and yet by the communication of their thought I could perceive what they said. But that speech in general can be expressed by the lips was evident to me from the manifold series of muscular fibers folded into one another in the lips, which if they should be unfolded, and thus should act openly and freely, would be able to present there many variations which are unknown to those in whom these muscular fibers lie compressed.

[2] That the speech of these people was of such a nature is because they are incapable of simulation, or of thinking one thing and looking another. For they live together in such sincerity that they conceal nothing at all from their companions, it being instantly known what they are thinking and willing, what is their quality, and also what they have been doing; for the acts performed by those who are in sincerity are in the conscience; and thus their interior expressions of countenance, that is, their minds, can be discriminated by others at first sight.

[3] They showed me that they do not force the face, but let it forth freely, otherwise than is the case with those who from youth have been accustomed to simulate, that is, to speak and act differently from what they think and will. The face of the latter is contracted, so as to be ready to vary itself as cunning suggests. Whatever a man wishes to conceal contracts his face, which from being contracted is expanded when anything seemingly sincere is feignedly put forth.

[4] While I was reading in the Word of the New Testament concerning the Lord, the spirits now described were present, and also some Christians, and it was perceived that the latter cherished inwardly stumbling blocks against the Lord, and also that they desired to tacitly communicate them. Those who were from another earth wondered at their being of such a quality, but it was given to tell them that in the world they had not been such in mouth but in heart; and that there were also some who, though of this quality, had preached the Lord, and were then able by the zeal of feigned piety to move the common people to sighs and sometimes to tears, not in the least communicating what was in their hearts. At this they were amazed in that there could be such a disagreement of interiors and exteriors, or of thought and speech, and then said that they were entirely ignorant of such a disagreement, and that it was impossible for them to speak with their mouth and show in their face anything not in accordance with the affections of the heart; and that were it otherwise they would be torn asunder and would perish.

574. From their facial speech it can be concluded that they understand quite fully and quickly the things which a companion says, and which their spirits say, and indeed those who are more perfect, what their angels say; for the particulars which distract and divide the thoughts into matters of too great import, are absent. (1) Thus they can see the thoughts fully, for there are many things together there, almost as when a man thinks, or sees his thoughts delineated before the eye, as they say, together with the affections themselves which are therein; wherefore they can recognize what affection lies hidden in the speech. On this account, the speaking face is with them the index of the "animus", and around the eyes is even the index of the mind; nor can they simulate in any respect. Thus the interior and the more interior life itself is within their speech. In this way they can speak with their heavenly ones, for thus their ideas are not immersed in earthly and corporeal things which cause interior things to be separated, and, on this earth, make men like the angels outwardly, but inwardly like wild beasts. …

1125 1/2.* Moreover, there are those who both think and speak, but when the speech differs from the thought it is very clearly perceived, even in each single word or in each single sound. The disagreements between thoughts and speech, derived from habit in the life of the body, are made so strikingly manifest by spirits that they instantly know it from each sound of the voice. Hence such spirits are cast out of the company of good spirits. Thence come grievous and long continued punishments, for nothing discordant between thought and speech can be tolerated in the heaven of good spirits, still less among the angels. Therefore it is first necessary that the thought and speech should be united by various modes of torture, since it is better that a spirit be altogether depraved than that there should be such dissent, for in such things there is deceit, that is to say, the spirit desires to deceive his companion for the sake of himself, or for the sake of gain. It is sometimes permitted such spirits to insinuate themselves into the company of upright spirits, and even of angels; but they are soon cast out thence as froth, and are punished. 1748, Mar. 2. Hence the evil are reduced to their own falsities and are vastated, so that there may be nothing of dissent within, when the mind is one. * In the Latin Edition and the first English Edition this has been changed to 1124 1/2; but the manuscript has 1125 1/2, and the Index (s.v. Loquela) refers to it as such.

584 1/2. At various times I have engaged in conversation with them through their spirits; for it was granted me to learn that what the angels think, the spirits speak as of themselves, otherwise the thought would be taken and carried away from spirits, who, without reflecting upon those things, suppose that they speak from themselves. I have spoken concerning similar things with those who were from another earth, and they understood it better than I. If I but gave a slight indication of what I was thinking or intending, they apprehended a fuller sense of the matter; thus, as they said, they understood me better in this way than by manifest speech, conveyed to them by spirits speaking.

1113. …Their speech is, in a degree, voluble; it is interior, yet also resolving itself into words in a manner that cannot be described.

1123. THE SPEECH OF THIS EARTH IS SCARCELY INTELLIGIBLE TO THE SPIRITS OF THE PLANET JUPITER The speech of man is indeed understood by every spirit wherever he may have been born, even by those who are from the planet Jupiter. But because the latter are celestial and think [in a celestial manner], they have, as it were, an imaginative speech, which they express, not by words, but only by ideas that are as if continuous; whereas our speech being divided into words must be gathered together like things scattered, and a continued idea formed therefrom. They therefore said that this speech is scarcely intelligible because it carries on one general idea in such a disconnected manner, whilst they comprehend in their speech more things in a moment than we can comprehend in many moments, even such things as are scarcely expressible. Similarly, a man who devotes himself to thoughts can comprehend better than one who holds his thoughts only on the speech, or on the words alone, or, as it is said, upon the lips, which is something external. 1748, Mar. 2.

1124. But when the spirits who only talk wanted to emulate those who only think, they could not do so, because all their thought is in the speech, both when they are speaking and when they hear others speaking. They tried to think without speaking, as the spirits of the planet Jupiter do, but they could not; their thought passed off into a kind of murmur.

527. CONTINUATION CONCERNING THE INHABITANTS OF JUPITER Those spirits cannot be seduced by evil spirits, because they live in the order of life, and think more than they speak, so that their reason descends from their understanding, and the understanding is informed through their heaven by Jesus Christ, their One Only Lord. I could perceive from that spirit who was with me and is still with me, that the evil exhaling from an evil spirit cannot fix itself, or have its seat there, but is without effect. Nor does he care anything at all for evil; he is only vexed at what he related [see n. 517 1/2], which is a matter so trifling that among Christians it would be regarded as of no account. 1748, Jan. 24.

517 1/2. They speak very little, but they think the more, and their language in which they are skilled is imaginative rather than vocal. From the face of others they can for the most part know what they want, for they are taught to vary their face in this manner. As [the spirit with me] did not like words, he wanted to talk with me by means of thoughts alone. But the imagination, which brings forth the things that have been thought, is such as is speech without words; in this way did he speak with me. He said that he was a dark spirit seeking the One Only Lord in order that he might come into heaven; for it burdened his conscience that he had taken from a companion something of almost no value, which he supposed would have been given him. Moreover, they do not seek their saints, or the shining ones; these are only sought by their servants.

594. THE INFIDELITY OF EUROPEAN SPIRITS When I was reading something about the passion of our Savior, certain European spirits, who are called Christians, introduced such and such things, desiring to seduce the spirits of the planet Jupiter, with the intention of leading them away from the true faith in order that they might communicate to them their scandals, which are many, and they were implored by the passion and crucifixion of our Savior. I said, however, to the inhabitants of the planet Jupiter that among those who do such things, there might be those who had been public preachers during the life of the body, and who, when they were preaching these things, were deeply stirred themselves and moved the people to tears; and yet they were such scoffers now, because they speak and reason from their disposition or heart. The inhabitants of that other earth wondered at this, and were astonished that there could be such a disagreement of their interiors, that they could speak in this way and yet have at heart something different. This, they say, is impossible with them, for their face cannot speak otherwise than their heart. 1748, Jan. 28.

55. I was further informed by the spirits from that earth, concerning various particulars relating to its inhabitants, as concerning their manner of walking, their food, and their habitations. With respect to their manner of walking, they do not walk erect like the inhabitants of this and of many other earths, nor do they creep like animals; but as they go along, they assist themselves with their hands, and alternately half elevate themselves on their feet, and also at every third step turn the face sideways and behind them, and likewise at the same time bend the body a little, which is done suddenly; for with them it is thought unbecoming to be seen by others except in the face. In walking thus they always keep the face elevated as with us, that so they may look at the heavens as well as the earth. Holding the face downwards so as to look at the earth alone, they call accursed. The most vile amongst them do so, but if they continue and do not elevate the face, they are banished from the society. When they sit, they appear like men of our earth, erect as to the upper part of the body, but they usually sit cross-legged. They take special care, not only when they walk, but also when they sit, to be seen in the face, and not at the back. They are also very willing to have their faces seen, because thence their mind appears; for with them the face is never at variance with the mind, nor indeed can they make it so. Those present also know clearly from this what dispositions they entertain towards them, especially whether their apparent friendship is sincere or forced, for this they never conceal. These particulars were shown to me by their spirits, and confirmed by their angels. Hence also their spirits are seen to walk, not erect like others, but almost like persons swimming, appearing to help themselves forward with their hands, and by turns to look around them.

8371. CONTINUATION CONCERNING THE SPIRITS AND INHABITANTS OF THE EARTH JUPITER. I have been further informed by the spirits who are from that earth about various things that concern its inhabitants, such as their walk, their food, their homes, and the like. As regards their walk, they do not walk erect like the inhabitants of this and of many other earths, nor do they creep in the manner of animals, but when they are walking they assist themselves with the palms of their hands, and alternately half raise themselves on their feet, and also at every third step turn the face to the side and behind them, and also at the same time bend the body a little, which is done rapidly. For among them it is unbecoming to be looked at by others except in the face.

8372. When they are walking in this way they always keep the face forward, and thus look before them; and never downward, or to the earth. To look downward they call damnable. Only the lowest among them do this, who, unless they accustom themselves to look forward, are banished from society.

8373. But when they sit, they appear like the men of our earth, erect as to the upper part of the body; but they sit with their feet crossed. They are extremely careful, not only when they walk, but also when they sit, not to be looked at behind, but in the face. Moreover they are very willing for their faces to be seen, because from this appears their mind; for they never show a face at variance with their mind; this being impossible. From this also those who are present know clearly what mind they have toward them, which they do not hide; and especially whether a seeming friendship is sincere, or pretended.

8374. These things have been shown me by their spirits, and have been confirmed by their angels. Consequently also their spirits are not seen walking erect like others; but almost like persons swimming in water, helping themselves forward with their hands, and by turns looking around them.

559. They walk in such a manner that they keep their face directed towards things in front, with a loose covering drawn over it, and because they almost spring by frequently raising themselves in their glide, they thus stand on their feet. But as they move forward a step they assist themselves in some way by their hands, and in this manner keep themselves erect. All these things were shown me, and they were also seen and confirmed by their spirits, who dare say nothing but what is granted them by their angels to speak. 1748, Jan. 26.

582. With regard to their manner of walking, I have seen that they assist themselves by their hands, and also hop, for it has been granted me to see how they walk. At every third step they turn themselves about and make a gyre with face and body, and so sit; and this for the reason, lest anything be seen except their faces, for they are freely willing for their faces to be seen. The rest of the body they thus hide by sitting; according to their mode of sitting their front parts, which they do not want to be seen, are also hidden.

586. Again as to their gait: it is not creeping like that of animals, but it is a semi-erect position, so that they lean forwards obliquely with the breast and face upwards, and touch the ground below with their feet, wherefore they can easily assist themselves with their hands or palms, and can quickly turn themselves and be seated.

520. One of their spirits of the lowest kind was brought to me that I might thence know of what quality they are. As to his state he was dark, and he seemed to himself to be flying in heaven with arms extended, like swimmers in water. This arises from the fact that in the life of the body they do not walk erect, but creep, yet with the face looking forwards, but not downwards which with them is disgraceful and a mark of the vilest kind. Those who look downwards they called damned, and such are banished that they may seek food for themselves elsewhere. Moreover, like the men of our earth they sit upon seats, and then they are erect; hence the other kind which is called holy, and in whose face there is as it were something fiery, do not thus swim in heaven, but are seated.* * According to the Index (s.v. Foviales), "In the life of the body they creep in their own fashion." Cf. AC 8371.

567. Moreover, they do not walk on all-fours as do terrestrial animals or quadrupeds, but they hop, as it were, and at the same time assist themselves with their hands in order to go more quickly. And from time to time they stand on both feet, but bent at the knee. Wherever they may be, they sit gracefully almost like the Mahomedans, and thus also do they rest. That they proceed by hopping also flows from interior nature, because they are of the earth and at the same time have regard to heaven. But the men and spirits of our earth scoff at this because they are evil, and malice is innate in them; and they also glory that they walk erect, which comes rather from their nature, that they are proud. It can be established that the erect position of the body is not natural, but artificial, and was learned and became habitual in course of time. Nature wills that men should rather walk [as do the Jovinians], and if they had so walked it would have assumed a decorous appearance from use, as is the case with nakedness in the warm regions of our earth.

56. They who live in their warm climates go naked, except with a covering about the loins; nor are they ashamed of their nakedness, for their minds are chaste, and they love their consorts only, and abhor adultery. They wondered exceedingly that the spirits of our earth, who on hearing of their method of walking, and also that they were naked, ridiculed it, and had lascivious thoughts, without attending at all to their heavenly life, but only to such things. They said that this was a sign that things corporeal and terrestrial were of more concern to them than heavenly things, and that things of an indecent nature had place in their minds. Those spirits of our earth were told that nakedness gives no occasion either of shame or of scandal to such as live in chastity and a state of innocence, but only to such as live in lasciviousness and immodesty.

8375. They who live in their warm zones go naked, but with a covering round the loins; nor are they ashamed of their nakedness, for their minds are chaste; and they love none except their consorts, and abhor adulteries. They were very much surprised that when the spirits of our earth saw them walking in this way, and likewise naked, they ridiculed them, and also had lascivious thoughts; and that they paid no attention whatever to their celestial life; but only to such things. They said that this is a sign that they care more for bodily and earthly things than for heavenly ones; and that indecencies possess their minds. They were told that nakedness does not cause either shame or scandal to those who live in chastity, and in a state of innocence; but only to those who live in lasciviousness and shamelessness.

558. …They have no clothes. …

566. CONTINUATION CONCERNING THE INHABITANTS OF JUPITER Those inhabitants who dwell below the equator, like the inhabitants of our earth in Africa and in hot regions, go about naked, as was said [nos. 520-521], and as we also read concerning the sons of the Most Ancient Church, under the name of Adam, that they were naked [Gen. ii 25]. In a state of innocence there is nothing of shame in nakedness. The shame of nakedness exists from sin, and indeed from the utter destruction of heavenly love; then loves follow which make nakedness shameful, which is also the reason that as soon as Adam knew that he was naked, and also Eve, they hid themselves. It is the same with those who live in the equatorial regions of that earth; thus nakedness is of no concern to them, for they seek nothing else than the procreation of offspring for the sake of heaven.

573. They are especially surprised that our spirits do nothing but jeer at them because in their steps they assist themselves with their hands, and because they are naked, and that our spirits have remembered nothing whatever of the things said concerning their heavenly life. This is a sign that our spirits think only the lowest, or corporeal and earthly things, and care nothing for those that are higher.

568. They now say from that earth, when it seemed to me that I spoke with them through spirits - which from the omnipotence of our Lord is easy - that their friends have no concern that they are naked; they are never surprised at it, nor is it ever shameful to them.

57. When the inhabitants of that earth lie in bed, they turn their faces forward, or towards the chamber, but not backward, or towards the wall. This was told me by their spirits, who said the reason is, that they believe that in turning the face forward they turn it to the Lord, but if they turn it backward they avert it from the Lord. I have sometimes observed, in regard to myself, whilst I was in bed, such a direction of the face; but never knew before whence it was.

8376. When the inhabitants of that earth are lying in bed, they turn their face forward, or into the chamber; but not backward, or to the wall. Their spirits told me this, and stated the reason: that they believe that in this way they turn their face to the Lord, but if backward, that they would turn it away. A similar thing had sometimes happened to me, when I was in bed, but I had not previously known the source of it.

587. Moreover, when I was in bed, they were unwilling that I should turn myself towards the wall, but wanted me always to look forwards, thus away from the wall. When I said this could not be done here because for the sake of rest I ought to lie on both sides, they said that they did this by a complete and hasty turning over, for they want to look forward, because they suppose that the Lord is there. This has also often happened to me before, but I did not until now know the cause, namely, that similar spirits were acting in common with others. 1748, Jan. 28.

58. They take delight in making long meals; but not so much from enjoyment of the food, as from enjoyment of the conversation at that time. When they sit at table they do not sit on chairs or benches, or raised couches of turf, nor on the grass, but on the leaves of a certain tree. They were not willing to tell of what tree the leaves were; but when I named several by conjecture, they assented at last on my naming the leaves of .the fig-tree. They said moreover, that they do not prepare food with reference to the taste, but especially with reference to the use; and they added that to them useful food was savory. On this subject a conversation arose among the spirits, and it was , said that this is the right way for man; for thus it is in his heart to have a sound mind in a sound body, but it is otherwise with those whose taste governs, and whose body therefore sickens, or at least inwardly languishes, and consequently their mind also; for the action of this depends upon the interior state of the recipient parts of the body, as the sight and hearing upon the state of the eye and ear. Thus is seen the insanity of placing all the delight of life in luxury and pleasure. From this too, comes dullness in such things as are of thought and judgment, and shrewdness in such things as are of the body and the world. From this arises the likeness between a man and a brute animal, with which also such persons not inaptly compare themselves.

8377. They take delight in prolonged eating, not so much for the enjoyment of the food, as for that of conversation at that time. When they sit at table, they do not sit upon chairs or benches, nor upon raised couches of grass, nor upon the grassy turf; but upon the leaves of a certain tree. They were not willing to tell of what tree the leaves were, but when I mentioned several by guess, and at last mentioned the leaves of the fig-tree, they assented.

8378. They said moreover that they do not prepare their food with reference to the taste, but chiefly with reference to use; adding that the food which is useful is to them savory. There was a discourse among the spirits on this subject, and it was said that this is advantageous for man, because in this way he has at heart a sound mind in a sound body; otherwise than with those with whom the taste rules, for then the body sickens, at the least is inwardly languid, and consequently also the mind, because this behaves according to the state of the recipient parts that belong to the body, just as the sight is according to the state of the eye. Hence the insanity of placing all the delight of life, and what they call the summum bonum, in luxury and pleasure. From this also comes corpulence in matters of thought and judgment; and quickness in the things of the body and the world. This results in the man having a likeness to a brute animal, with which also such persons do not unsuitably compare themselves.

633. Moreover, they take a delight in prolonged repasts, not on account of the luxury of the foods, but because of the greater sweetness of the companionship when they sit and eat together. They do not sit upon chairs or benches, nor upon elevated grassy banks nor upon grass, to which they are averted as if there was something unclean under them, but they place leaves beneath them. And when I wanted to know what leaves they were, and mentioned the leaves of the fig tree, such as those with which Adam and Eve girded themselves before they were provided with tunics of sheepskin, they affirmed it. 1748, Feb. 2.

596. CONTINUATION CONCERNING THE INHABITANTS OF JUPITER As regards the taste of foods: they do not prepare their foods according to the taste, but according to the use afforded to the body. That which is more useful to the body is likewise to them the more savory and as it were the sweeter; in consequence, they are not carried away by the sense of taste into luxury by which the health of the body is undermined, and hence the mind, which is healthy in a healthy body, suffers. If the well-being of the body is consulted it is for the sake of the interior man. On our earth where the sense of taste rules, the case is different, and so the body becomes sick and the mind insane.

59. Their habitations were also shown me. They are low and of wood, but within they are lined with the bark or rind of a tree of a palish blue color, the walls and ceiling being spotted as with small stars, to represent the heavens; for they are fond of thus picturing the visible heavens and stars in the insides of their houses, because they believe the stars to be the abodes of angels. They have also tents, which are round above, and stretched out to a considerable length, spotted likewise within with little stars in a blue plane; in these they betake themselves in the middle of the day, lest their faces be injured from the heat of the sun. They take great care in the construction and in the cleanliness of these their tents. They have also their meals in them.

8379. Their dwellings were also shown me. They are low, and of wood; but within they are lined with bark or rind of a pale azure, and around and above dotted as with little stars, in the image of the sky; for they desire to give to the interior of their houses the likeness of the visible sky with its stars. The reason is that they believe the abodes of the angels to be there. Besides this, they have tents, which are rounded at the top, and stretched out long, also dotted within with little stars on an azure ground. Into these they betake themselves in the daytime, to prevent their faces from being injured by the heat of the sun, for they take very great care of the face, because they do not consider it to be the body. They bestow great care in forming and cleaning these tents; and they also have their meals in them.

548. CONTINUATION CONCERNING THE INHABITANTS OF JUPITER Their abodes or tents were also shown me. They are low; the roofs, in a manner open round about, are from the bluish-white bark, or cortex, and appeared to me as if dotted with stars. They have, moreover, another tent formed of similar material, and colored and dotted in like manner. It was round and thence extended lengthwise; into this they betake themselves lest their face should be injured by the heat of the sun, for they are especially careful of the face, which they do not consider as the body.

558. CONTINUATION CONCERNING THE INHABITANTS OF JUPITER They are especially careful as to how they form their tents anew. These they do not decorate, provided only that they are clean, so that they may also eat in them. …

60. When the spirits of Jupiter saw the horses of this earth, the horses appeared to me smaller than usual, although they were tolerably robust and large. This was in consequence of the idea of those spirits concerning the horses there. They said that they also had horses with them, and much larger, but that they were wild, or in the woods, and that when they are seen, the inhabitants are terrified, although they do no harm. They added, that the fear of horses is innate or natural to them. This led me to a consideration of the cause of that fear; for "a horse" in the spiritual sense signifies the intellectual faculty formed of scientifics,# and because the inhabitants of Jupiter are afraid of cultivating the intellectual faculty by worldly sciences, hence comes an influx of fear. That they do not care for scientifics, which are of human erudition, will be seen in what follows. # A "horse" signifies the intellectual faculty (n. 2760-2762, 3217, 5321, 6125, 6400, 6534, 7024, 8146, 8148). And that "the white horse" in the Apocalypse signifies the understanding of the Word (n. 2760).

8381. When the spirits of Jupiter saw the horses of this earth, these horses appeared to me smaller than usual, although they were quite stout and high. This was from the idea of the spirits of that earth about their own horses. They said that they also have similar horses, but much larger, and that they are wild, or in the forests; and that when they are seen, they terrify them, although they are harmless. They added that a fear of horses is innate, or natural to them. This led to reflection on the cause of this fear. For in the spiritual world a horse represents the understanding formed from memory-knowledges (n. 2760-2762, 6534); and as they fear to cultivate the understanding by means of the sciences, it causes an influx of fear. That they do not care for the memory-knowledges that pertain to human erudition, will be seen in what follows.

560. When those who were with me saw horses they said that many such were to be found with them, but they are in the forests; and although they do no harm they were very much afraid of them, indeed, a certain fear of them is implanted. The latent cause of this fear is that horses represent the sciences, and that the sciences of particulars, or of the senses, and consequently of the body, of self, and of the world, were what had seduced the Most Ancient Church, and hence caused the fall. The tree of knowledge which seduced them has a like signification. In these things lies hidden the reason for their fear of horses. Hence it comes about that they ought not to learn the sciences, for thus their understanding is obscured and blinded, and so the loves of self and the world, which thence derive their origin, begin to have dominion, reigning in darkness.

632. As regards their horses which are wild, they are very tall, and larger than the largest with us, so that they approach the height of camels, for which reason these horses terrify them very much, as they told me. When a horse seemed to them to be of a great height they represented it to me as small, and they confirmed this when speaking about horses.

561. To the question whether the horses were thus very abundant, they replied that they were not. From this also it can be gathered that the fishes of the sea are not multiplied beyond measure, nor certain noxious animals like crows and others, although they are not exterminated, etc., etc., these things plainly show the Providence of the Lord in general and in particular. The spirits of Jupiter apprehended this, saying that the Lord so governs that everyone may have his own. 1748, Jan. 26.

61. The spirits of that earth are not willing to associate with the spirits of our earth, because they differ both in minds and manners. They say that the spirits of our earth are cunning, and that they are prompt and ingenious in the contrivance of evil; and that they know and think little about what is good. Moreover, the spirits of the earth Jupiter are much wiser than the spirits of our earth. They say also of our spirits, that they talk much and think little, and thus that they are not capable of an interior perception of many things, not even of what is good; hence they conclude, that the men of our earth are external men.

8031. The spirits of that earth are utterly unwilling to be in fellowship with the spirits of our earth, because they differ in disposition and manners; for they say that the spirits of our earth are cunning, and are ingenious in plotting evils, and that they know and think little about what is good; also that they do not, as they do, acknowledge the one only Lord. Moreover, the spirits of the earth Jupiter are much wiser than the spirits of our earth, of whom they also say that they speak much and think little, and thus that they cannot interiorly perceive many things, and not even what good is. From this they conclude that the men of our earth are external men.

624. Their better spirits cannot easily be together with the spirits of our earth, but they have to live separately. For they derive a different disposition from a different kind of life implanted by parents through the ages, so that they have an altogether different life. Consequently they have a different nature which is consociated with celestial things, as was noted [n. 564] at the representation of the rainbow among the angels of their interior heaven; and because their nature is then consociated with celestial things, representatively as the colors of the rainbow, and the nature of each, being from a different root, is diverse, the interior angels cannot be consociated. These are their angels who love a golden blue [see n. 535]. They are unwilling to admit the word "spiritual", as I now observe, for they lead my thoughts and thus my hand; for they say they do not want to know what is spiritual, but only what is celestial. They are for the most part genii, which is due to their speaking little, but they think, and their thoughts are thus drawn from their affections.

532. CONTINUATION CONCERNING THE INHABITANTS OF JUPITER The spirit [of Jupiter] who was with me grew weary and desired the companionship of his fellows, being averse to the spirits of our earth because they wanted to deceive him, and to lead him to those things that are contrary to faith and truth. ...

551. Especially do they contemplate the starry heaven, which they call the dwelling-place of the angels. They do not know anything about the plurality of worlds. Moreover, they are much wiser than our spirits who, they say, talk much and think little, so that they cannot perceive many things interiorly, as whether a good is truly heavenly, thus they are exterior men. But they say this only of the spirits with whom they are unwilling to be.

8382. The spirits of Jupiter sometimes had emissaries or subjects with me, for the sake of communication, and this for a rather long time. From this it was given me to know their native quality, and that they are wholly different from the spirits of our earth. When they were with me, they were often infested by the spirits of our earth, but they did not care about it. They merely told it to the society of their spirits by whom they had been sent out; and while they were telling it, they withdrew a little from me.

3055. CONCERNING THE SPIRITS OF JUPITER. (The spirits of Jupiter have been with me for about three days; they have their subjects with me as previously, for the sake of communication. These subjects were upright, hardly caring at all for what the evil spirits of Europe might introduce [inferrent]. Occasionally they were astonished at something [and] related it to the society of their spirits, receding a little; but what they related I was not so well able to understand, nor the European spirits, for the speech was by means of interior thoughts. - 1748, September 5).

Once also it was permitted evil spirits of our earth, by their evil arts, to act upon and infest the spirits of Jupiter who were with me. The spirits of Jupiter endured them for a long time, but at length confessed that they could endure no longer, and that they believed it impossible for worse spirits to exist, for they perverted their imagination and also their thoughts in such a manner that they seemed to themselves as it were bound, and that they could not be extricated and set at liberty without Divine aid. Whilst I was reading in the Word some passages concerning our Savior's passion, then European spirits infused dreadful scandals, with intent to seduce the spirits of Jupiter. Inquiry was made who they were, and what had been their profession in the world, and it was discovered that some of them had been preachers; and that the greater part were of those who call themselves of the Lord's society, or Jesuits. I said that when they lived in the world, by their preaching concerning the Lord's passion, they were able to move the common people to tears. I added also the reason, that in the world they thought one way and spoke another, thus entertained one thing in the heart and professed another with the mouth; but now it was not permitted them to speak thus deceitfully, because when they become spirits, they are compelled to speak just as they think. The spirits of Jupiter were greatly astonished that there could be given such a disagreement between a man's interiors and his exteriors, so that he could speak altogether differently from what he thought; which to them was impossible.

They wondered when they heard that many who are from our earth also become angels, and are of an altogether different heart, supposing at the time that all on our earth were like those present. But it was said that there are many of a different nature, and that there are also those who think from good, and not as these from evil; and that they who think from good become angels. That they might know that it was so, there came out of heaven choirs of angels from our earth, one after another, which with one voice and in harmony together glorified the Lord.# Those choirs so greatly delighted the spirits of Jupiter who were with me, that they seemed to themselves, as if they were caught up into heaven. The glorification by the choirs lasted about an hour, and the delight they received was communicated to me and given me to feel. They said that they would tell their people about it who were elsewhere. # When many spirits speak together and unanimously they form what is called a choir, and concerning them (n. 2595, 2596, 3350). In their speech there is harmony (n. 1648, 1649). By choirs in the other life introduction into unanimity is effected (n. 5182)

8383. Once also it was permitted evil spirits of our earth to act by their evil arts, and to infest the spirits of Jupiter who were with me. The latter endured them for a considerable time, but finally confessed that they could do so no longer; and that they believed that there could not possibly be worse spirits, for they perverted their imagination and also their thought in such a manner that they seemed to themselves to be as it were bound, and not to be extricated from this except by Divine aid. While I was reading in the Word something concerning our Savior's Passion, certain European spirits injected direful objections, with intent to mislead the spirits of Jupiter. Inquiry was made who these spirits were, and what they had been in the world, and it was found that some of them had been preachers, not unlike those who call themselves of the Society of the Lord, or Jesuits, and that then by preaching about the Lord's Passion they could move the common people to tears. The cause was told them, namely, that in the world they thought in one way and spoke in another; thus that they entertained one opinion in their hearts, and expressed another with their mouth; but that now they are not allowed to speak in this fraudulent manner, for when they become spirits they are compelled to speak exactly as they think. The spirits of Jupiter were utterly astounded that there could be with man such variance of the interiors and exteriors, namely that he can speak in one way, and think in a wholly different way, which to them is impossible.

8115. The spirits of the earth Jupiter cannot be together with the spirits of our earth, because these are of a wholly different genius, and do not love the delight of tranquillity as they do. It surprised them to hear that people from our earth who become angels are wholly different in heart, and retain scarcely anything that is like their state when they were spirits. To show them that such is the case there came in succession from heaven a number of choirs of angels from our earth. (There are choirs when many think, speak, and act all together as a one in an uninterrupted series: the celebration of the Lord in the heavens is for the most part effected by means of choirs: as to choirs, see n. 1648, 1649, 2595, 2596, 3350, 5182.) These choirs gave so much delight to the spirits of Jupiter who were with me that they seemed to themselves to be as it were transported into heaven. This glorification by means of choirs lasted about an hour. The delicious feelings excited thereby in the spirits, being communicated to me, I was enabled to feel them. They said that they would tell this to their people who were elsewhere.

3044. THE SPIRITS OF JUPITER [SAY] CONCERNING THE SPIRITS OF OUR PLANET [telluris], THAT WORSE CANNOT BE GIVEN. (Certain spirits of Jupiter were with me: at first they did not wish to come, because they knew that spirits here [were] evil: certain ones were still here, and it was permitted to spirits of this earth to act by means of evils inspired by their craftiness, by deceit, [and] openly: some of whose [arts] I perceived: for interior spirits were acting: I am in doubt, whether this be my first experience of them. Then the interior evil spirits acted into [on] them, and [these] sustained it a long time, for it was [granted them] from the Lord; at last they confessed that they suppose that worse [spirits] are never given. - 1748, September 3; for they perverted their imaginations and thoughts in such a manner, that [these spirits of Jupiter] were as if bound, so as to seem secure [capable] of being extricated as also I perceived within me).

524. With the inhabitants of our earth who first came to them, there was a spirit who was one of the worst of the inhabitants of our earth. He was unable to draw near them. They instantly felt that he was evil, although he made use of his arts. Afterwards another came who was good; him they received and were willing to converse with him. Again another came who was of an intermediate disposition, not as yet made better; him they were unwilling to admit. In order that they may at once perceive of what quality those are who come to them, they are thus kept at a distance from them.

616. From this it can be evident that the spirits of different earths cannot be together, because they are separate as to their individual dispositions, and also as to the dispositions of the societies in general; so that when these Jovian spirits approached and were with me, the spirits of this earth could not bear them. It was as though they were of a different odor, for which reason they fled away. I then confessed that I myself had not sensed this, but it was inspired into me by the spirits of this earth. 1748, Feb. 1.

553. CONTINUATION CONCERNING THE INHABITANTS OF JUPITER Afterwards an evil spirit stood near me [see n. 542], and their angels so occupied my head and kept the spirit off that he did not bring any evil upon me. Angelic choirs, one after another, came from our interior heaven, and performed their tuneful, representative gyres, and delighted these angels so much, that they supposed that they had been snatched up into a higher heaven, and they wanted to tell this to their other angels. I felt their delight obscurely. Moreover, there came one choir after another, and thus, as it appeared to them, [formed] a kind of entire heaven which delighted them inmostly, so that they confessed that their One Only Lord governs all in the starry universe. Those tuneful angelic choirs continued about an hour, and those who were present, both wondered and were very greatly affected.

62. The inhabitants of the earth Jupiter place wisdom in thinking well and justly of all things that happen in life. This wisdom they derive from their parents from infancy, and it is successively transmitted to posterity, and increases from the love they have for it because of its belonging to their parents. Of sciences, such as are in our earth, they know nothing whatever, nor do they wish to know. They call them shades and compare them to clouds which hide the sun. This idea concerning the sciences they have conceived from some spirits from our earth who boasted that they were wise from sciences. The spirits from our earth who thus boasted were such as made wisdom to consist in things appertaining merely to the memory, as in languages, especially the Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, in a knowledge of the things related in the literary world, in criticism, in mere experiments, and in terms, particularly such as are philosophical, with other things of a like nature, not using such things as means leading to wisdom, but making wisdom to consist in those things themselves. Such persons, because they have not cultivated their rational faculty by the sciences, as by means leading to wisdom, have little perception in the other life; for they see only in terms, and from terms, in which case those things are as clods and clouds obstructing the intellectual sight (see above, n. 38); and they who have been proud of their erudition therefrom, have still less perception; but they who have used the sciences as means of invalidating and annihilating the things appertaining to the church and to faith, have totally destroyed their intellectual faculty, and like owls they see in the thick darkness falsity for truth, and evil for good. The spirits of Jupiter, from the conversation they had with such, concluded that sciences induce shade and blindness. But they were informed that on our earth the sciences are means of opening the intellectual sight, which sight is in the light of heaven; but because such things as appertain to the mere natural and sensual life reign, therefore the sciences to the men of our earth are means of becoming insane, namely, of confirming them in favor of nature against the Divine, and in favor of the world, against heaven. They were further informed that the sciences in themselves are spiritual riches, and that they who possess them are like those who possess worldly riches, which in like manner are means of performing uses to himself, his neighbor, and his country, and also means of doing evil. Moreover, that they are like garments, which serve for use and ornament, and also for pride, as with those who would be honored for these alone. The spirits of the earth Jupiter understood these things well; but they wondered that, being men, they should rest in means, and prefer things leading to wisdom before wisdom itself; and that they should not see, that to immerse the mind in such things, and not to elevate it above them, was to becloud and blind it.

8627. CONTINUATION ABOUT THE INHABITANTS AND SPIRITS OF THE EARTH JUPITER. The inhabitants of the earth Jupiter make wisdom consist in thinking well and justly about the occurrences in life. They derive this wisdom from their parents, from infancy, and it is transmitted by succession to posterity, and thereby increases. They know nothing at all of the sciences, such as are cultivated on our earth, and they do not wish to know them. They call them "shades," and compare them to clouds that intercept the sun. They have got this idea about the sciences from some belonging to our earth, who in their presence have boasted that they are wise from the sciences.

8628. The spirits from our earth who had thus boasted, were those who had made wisdom consist in things of mere memory, as in the languages; in the historical matters of the literary world; in bare experimental discoveries; in terms, especially such as are philosophical; and in other things of the kind; and had not used them as means for being wise; but had made wisdom consist in these things themselves. As these have not cultivated their rational faculty by the sciences as means, they have little perception in the other life, for they see only in terms and from terms, which there are like dust, and like thick clouds before the intellectual sight. And they who have been conceited by reason of this their learning, have still less perception. But they who have used the sciences as means for annihilating the things of faith, have totally destroyed their understanding, and see in thick darkness, like owls, falsity for truth, and evil for good.

[2] From their interaction with such the spirits of Jupiter had concluded that the sciences induce shade and cause blindness. But they were told that on this earth the sciences are the means of opening the intellectual sight, which sight is in the light of heaven, and instructs in such things as are of spiritual life; but as there reign the love of self and the love of the world, and consequently such things as are of merely natural and sensuous life, the sciences are to such the means of becoming insane; that is, of confirming themselves in favor of nature against the Divine, and in favor of the world against heaven.

[3] They were told further that in themselves the sciences are spiritual riches, and that they who possess them are like those who possess worldly riches, which in like manner are means of performing use to oneself, to the neighbor, and to our country, and also are means of doing evil; and also that they are like garments, which serve for use and adornment, and also for pride, as with those who desire to be honored from these alone. The spirits of the earth Jupiter understood these things well, but they marveled that any who are men should have set the things which lead to wisdom before wisdom itself; and that they should not see that to immerse the mind in such things, and not to elevate it beyond them, is to obscure and blind it.

585. Moreover, their understanding far excels the understanding of the learned or the wise of our earth, and especially of those who are from Europe, who suppose that they are learned because they treat of philosophical things. Yet they yearn after nothing else but terms and dust, which take away all the sense of a thing, as when the mind is intent upon the words of a speaker, not upon the sense; wherefore if terms were absent the mind would perceive clearly. This the spirits of the planet Jupiter understood quite well, and they said that such things were only black little clouds which are cast up, and which they are unwilling to admit while they represent to themselves by vision their own starry heaven. …

556. ...The particulars in which our people place wisdom, they reject and call worthless, because they say there is nothing of wisdom in them, but they obstruct the way to wisdom. This also is most evident as can be much better perceived by spirits than by man. It is also perceived by the men of our earth who have not become learned from philosophies, terms, particulars, and lowest things, and who cannot but laugh in themselves that any should suppose that they are wise from these things, when such things are as it were dense clouds which overshadow and darken all truly intellectual light. For these things not only conceal and take away the light, but they also blind men, for thence come all doubts which cannot be described, as they are so far distant from the truth. 1748, Jan. 26.

564. Moreover, from them* I could more fully comprehend many things because they only think, and do not care about particulars. For instance, when I kept my mind intent upon the subject of what intellectual light is, namely, that it is the light of truth flowing in from our Lord, and is indeed the cognition of universals - as that our Lord governs all things - (1) then those things that are particulars obscure that light, and the singulars, or the truths of singulars, are in that general light as varieties in the world, which produce colors. For this reason also regeneration is compared to the rainbow. Furthermore, [I perceived] that thoughts are what make man to be such as he is: when the thought only inheres in worldly and corporeal things, then intellectual things connect themselves therewith, (2) so that the man cannot by any means speak with the heaven of spirits, for the thought proceeds outwards, and into oneself, the world, and nature; thence are the phantasies remaining in the other life that must be shaken off and die, and this is effected by a painful separation. It is otherwise with those who are only in thoughts concerning the Lord, thus concerning heavenly things. There is therefore a double arch of the rainbow, (3) the one consisting of phantasies joined to spiritual things, which is what souls love; the other consisting of a variety of spiritual and celestial things without the natural, which is the character of the more interior heaven. 1748, Jan. 26. * That is "angelic spirits" as they are called in the Index (s.v. Foviales).

565. With men who indulge in corporeal things, only the particulars from words and equivocal expressions, as well as the things that are in what is worldly and corporeal, effect everything, and draw into themselves all sublime thoughts also, so that they may be immersed therein, and thus perish, because with these men all things are such. But those who are in thoughts concerning the heavenly life care nothing about such things, but laugh at them as something ridiculous, and view them as a little cloud overcasting the sun which they at once dispel, since they love light without little clouds. They who live in inverted order love the cloud without light, for they place their light in the clouds, and this is their ingenuity which is so celebrated throughout the whole of this earth; of such a character also are philosophical terms, consequently all artificial philosophy. 1748, Jan. 26.

63. A certain spirit ascending from the lower earth, came to me, and said that he had heard what I had been discoursing upon with' other spirits, but that he did not understand at all what was said concerning spiritual life and the light thereof. He was asked whether he was willing to be instructed concerning it. He said that he had not come with that purpose. From which I concluded that he would not comprehend such things. He was very stupid; yet it was declared by the angels, that when he lived as a man in the world, he was much celebrated for his learning. He was cold, as was manifestly felt from his breathing, which was a sign of light merely natural, and of none spiritual, thus that by the sciences he had not opened, but had closed for himself the way to the light of heaven.

8629. A certain spirit ascending from the lower earth came to me and said that he had heard my conversation with the other spirits, but that he had understood scarcely anything that had been said about spiritual life and light. I asked him whether he wished to learn these things. He said he had not come with that intention; from which it might be inferred that he was unwilling. He was very stupid. The angels said that this man, during his life in the world, had been one of those who are celebrated for their learning. He was cold, as was plainly felt from his afflatus, which was a sign of merely natural light and of no spiritual light; thus that by means of the sciences he had not opened, but had closed for himself, the way to the light of heaven.

595. CONCERNING ONE WHO HAD BEEN AMONG THE MOST LEARNED A spirit, who had been one of the most famous and among the most celebrated on account of his doctrines, applied himself to me from beneath upwards, thus from the lower earth. He was cold, as I manifestly felt from a cold breeze. He said that he had heard that I spoke with others, but because it was about celestial and spiritual things he could understand nothing, although he had been among the leading men to write about such matters. He could not understand what a spirit of the lower sort knew well, nor indeed did he want to learn; therefore he was admonished that this was the one thing necessary in this life. He did not know that he was in the other life. 1748, Jan. 27.

64. Because the inhabitants of the earth Jupiter procure intelligence for themselves by a way different from that of the inhabitants of our earth, and are moreover of a different genius from their life, therefore they cannot abide long together, but either shun them or remove them. There are spheres, which may be called spiritual spheres, which continually flow forth, yea, overflow from every spirit; they flow from the activity of the affections and consequent thoughts, thus from the life itself.# All consociations in the other life are regulated according to these spheres; those which agree being joined together according to their agreement, and those which disagree being separated according to their disagreement.

8630. As the inhabitants of the earth Jupiter acquire intelligence by another way than do the inhabitants of our earth, and besides are from their life of a different disposition, they cannot be together; but if they approach they either shun or repel them. There are spheres that are to be called spiritual spheres, which continually emanate, nay, pour forth from every society. These spheres are from the activity of the affections and of the derivative thoughts, thus they are of the life itself (concerning spheres, see n. 1048, 1053, 1316, 1504, 1505, 1507, 1508, 1510-1519, 2401, 4464, 5179, 6206, 7454, 6598-6613, 8063).

[2] All the consociations in the other life are effected in accordance with the spheres; those which agree together are conjoined according to their agreement; those which do not agree are repelled according to their disagreement. Every province in the Grand Man (to which some member or organ in the human body corresponds), has its own sphere distinct from the sphere of any other province; hence the mutual conjunction of those who belong to the same province; and the disjunction of those who belong to some other.

The spirits and angels who are from the earth Jupiter, in the Greatest Man have relation to the imaginative of thought, and consequently to an active state of the interior parts; but the spirits of our earth have relation to the various functions of the exterior parts of the body, and when these are desirous to have dominion, the activity or imaginative of thought from the interior cannot flow in: hence come the oppositions between the spheres of the life of each. # A spiritual sphere, which is the sphere of the life, flows forth and overflows from every man spirit, and angel, and encompasses them about (n. 4464, 5179, 7454). It flows forth from the life of their affections and consequent thoughts (n. 2489, 4464, 6206). In the other life consociations and also dissociations are according to spheres (n. 6206, 9606, 9607, 10,312).

The spirits and angels who are from the earth Jupiter bear relation in the Grand Man to the IMAGINATIVE OF THOUGHT, and thus to an active state of the interior parts. But the spirits of our earth bear relation to the various functions of the exterior parts of the body, into which, when they desire to rule, the Imaginative of Thought cannot flow; hence the oppositions between the spheres.

1558. …In like manner the spirits of the earth Jupiter represent rational ideas, for they live free from care, as it concerned those things that pertain to the bodily senses. They are, so to speak, a sort of ground in which things interior and inmost are sown, for without an interior rational idea those things which are still more interior and intimate are not inseminated. It is also a characteristic of ideas originating in the outward senses, that they prompt to vocal utterance. …

65. As to what concerns their Divine worship, it is a principal characteristic thereof, that they acknowledge our Lord as the Supreme, who rules heaven and earth, calling Him the only Lord; and because they acknowledge and worship Him during their life in the body, they hence seek Him after death and find Him; He is the same with our Lord. They were asked, whether they know that the only Lord is a Man. They replied that they all know that He is a Man, because in their world He has been seen by many as a Man; and that He instructs them concerning the truth, preserves them, and also gives eternal life to those who worship Him from good. They said further, that it is revealed to them from Him how they should live, and how they should believe; and that what is revealed is handed down from parents to children, and hence there flows forth doctrine to all the families, and thereby to the whole nation which is descended from one father. They added, that it seems to them as if they had the doctrine written on their minds, and they conclude so from this, because they perceive instantly, and acknowledge as of themselves, whether it be true or not what is said by others concerning the life of heaven with man. They do not know that their only Lord was born a man on our earth; they said that they care to know only that He is Man, and rules the universe. When I informed them that on our earth He is named Christ Jesus, and that Christ signifies Anointed or King, and Jesus, Savior, they said that they do not worship Him as a King, because royalty savors of what is worldly, but that they worship Him as the Savior. On this occasion a doubt was injected from the spirits of our earth, whether their only Lord was the same with our Lord; but they removed it by the recollection that they had seen Him in the sun, and had acknowledged that it was He Himself whom they saw on their earth (see above, n. 40) Once also with the spirits of Jupiter who were with me, there flowed in for a moment a doubt whether their only Lord was the same with our Lord; but this doubt, which flowed in for a moment, was also in a moment dispersed. It inflowed from some spirits of our earth; and then, what surprised me, they were so ashamed for having doubted this, through but for a moment, that they requested me not to publish it, lest they should be charged with incredulity, when yet they now know it more than others. These spirits were very much affected and rejoiced when they heard it declared that the only Lord is alone Man, and that all have from Him what entitles them to be called men; but that they are only so far men as they are images of Him, that is, as far as they love Him, and love their neighbor, thus, so far as they are in good; for the good of love and faith is the image of the Lord.

8541. CONTINUATION ABOUT THE SPIRITS AND INHABITANTS OF THE EARTH JUPITER. As regards their Divine worship, the chief point is that they acknowledge our Lord as the Most High, who rules heaven and earth; they call Him, The One Only Lord. And because they acknowledge and worship Him during the bodily life, they accordingly seek Him after death, and find that He is the same as our Lord. They were asked whether they know that the One Only Lord is a Man? They answered that they all know that He is a Man, because on their earth He has been seen by many as a Man, and because He instructs them in the truth, preserves them, and gives eternal life to those who believe in Him. They said further that He has revealed to them how they should live, and how they should believe; and that what has been revealed is handed down by the parents to their children, and that thus the teaching spreads to all the families, and thus throughout the whole nation that is from one father. They added that they seem to themselves to have the teaching inscribed on their minds, which they conclude from the fact that they instantly perceive, and acknowledge as of themselves, whether what is said by others about the life of heaven with man is true, or not.

8543. They do not know that their One Only Lord was born a man on this earth. They said that it is of no concern to them to know this, but only to know that He is a Man, and directs the universe. Then I said that on our earth He is named Jesus Christ, and that "Christ" means the Anointed or King, and "Jesus" Savior, they said that they do not worship Him as a King, because royalty savors of what is worldly, but that they worship Him as the Savior. And because a doubt was injected by the spirits of our earth, whether their One Only Lord is the same as our Lord, they removed the doubt by recalling that they had seen Him in the Sun, and that they recognized that it was He whom they had seen on their earth. (On this subject see n. 7173; and that our Lord is the Sun of heaven, n. 1053, 3636, 3643, 4060, 4321, 5097, 7078, 7083, 7171, 7173.)

8544. When the spirits of the earth Jupiter had stayed with me for several weeks, there suddenly flowed into them a doubt whether their One Only Lord is the same as our Lord; but this doubt, which inflowed in a moment, was also dissipated in a moment. It flowed in from some spirits from our earth; and then to my surprise, the spirits of Jupiter blushed with shame so great at their for a moment doubting it, that they told me not to publish it on this earth, lest they should be charged with some unbelief on that account, when yet they now know it better than others.

8547. The spirits of the earth Jupiter were very much affected, and rejoiced, when they heard it said that the One Only Lord is the only Man, and that all have from Him that they are called men; but that they are men insofar as they become images of Him, that is, insofar as they love Him and love the neighbor, thus insofar as they are in good; for the good of love and of faith is the Lord's image.

1660. But inasmuch as the spirits of the earth Jupiter spoke concerning the Lord, and worshipped Him only, it was said that they could be considered no otherwise than as angels; wherefore, as it now occurs to me, they constitute the heaven of spirits, but not the world of spirits.

523. CONTINUATION CONCERNING THE WORSHIP OF THE ONE ONLY LORD WITH THE INHABITANTS OF JUPITER They say that they worship the One Only Lord of heaven, Whom they do not name, but they know that the One Only Lord governs all. They therefore seek Him after death, and they find Him, Who is Jesus Christ. When asked whether they knew that the One Only Lord is a Man, one of them replied that they all know that He is a Man, for He has been seen as a Man by many of them, (1) and He Himself instructs them concerning the truth, preserves them, and those who believe in Him have eternal life. He, the One Only Lord, governs their lives; they adore neither idols nor those saints (2) who are the mediators for their servants to the One Only Lord. In this manner do they live. They are in innocence, loving each other mutually. They abhor wars. They have written on their conscience, or thought, the law according to which they live, and if they live otherwise, they are admonished by their angels. Moreover, because it has been thus revealed as to its generals (3) how they ought to worship the One Only Lord, children learn this from their parents, and in this way the doctrine is delivered by word of mouth to the families. This doctrine does not extend beyond that family. They do not know that that One Only Lord has suffered. (4) Because they live in such a state and are instructed by Him, after their death, (5) they are thus led to His heaven. 1748, Jan. 24.* * Crossed out: "Such cannot be seduced by an evil spirit because they are rational, and their reason descends from their intellect to their knowledges."

531. It was asked whether they know that their One Only Lord is Man. He said that they do know it, and this from the fact that they often see Him, so that they know that He is a Man, and that their One Only Lord is Jesus Christ; not indeed that they so call Him by name, but that it is the Supreme Himself Who is called Jesus Christ. They all now unanimously confess not only that He is Man, but that He is also at the same time God. As regards the name "King", they consider that it is beneath His dignity, because it is a name that savors of something worldly; that Jesus signifies "Savior" they acknowledge, because this is the same as the Preserver of all.* 1748, Jan. 24. * "See n. 3049", has been added here in the MS. by another hand, apparently Chastanier's.

1113. THAT THE LORD GOVERNS THE UNIVERSE. THE SPIRITS OF THE PLANET JUPITER The spirits of the planet Jupiter remained with me for many weeks, and they had their emissaries who occupied the region of my head. I always clearly recognized their presence, for they are celestial and speak little, if anything; they only think. They reflect very accurately upon the infidelities of the spirits of this earth, yet for these infidelities they care nothing. Since they had been so long in such a sphere there momentarily came some doubt whether our Lord is their One Only Lord, but it was only for a moment. They were at once asked whether, during their long stay here, they have had any other Lord or have perceived anything of another Lord? When they immediately perceived this confirmed in themselves they were at once present. But these things occurred only for a moment, and they do not want me to disclose them, lest they be charged with any incredulity, when yet they know this better than others, as they now declare to me. 1748, Mar. 1. …

3049. [THE SPIRITS] OF JUPITER, CONCERNING THE LORD. (When I wrote those things which [are mentioned] above, No. 531, I perceived that they did not wish that I should write of the Lord, that he is man and at the same time God: because they are ignorant what is God, or what is the highest, and that it is enough to believe him to be the highest. They greatly love and are rejoiced to have heard of a single [unicum] Lord, [and] that [he is] the only man, and that the rest derive from him, that they are men. - l748, September 3.

66. There were with me some spirits of the earth Jupiter, while I was reading the seventeenth chapter in John concerning the Lord's love, and concerning His glorification; and when they heard the things that are there, holiness filled them, and they confessed that all things therein were Divine. But then some spirits of our earth, who were unbelievers, continually suggested various scandals, saying that He was born an infant, lived as a man, appeared as another man, was crucified, with other circumstances of a like nature. But the spirits of the earth Jupiter paid no attention to these suggestions. They said that their devils are such, whom they abhor; adding, that nothing celestial has any place in their minds, but only earthly things, which they called dross. That it was so, they said they had also discovered from this, that when they heard that on their earth they go naked, obscene ideas immediately occupied their thoughts, and they paid no attention to their celestial life, about which they had heard at the same time.

8545. There were spirits from the earth Jupiter with me while I was reading the seventeenth chapter of John, about the Lord's love, and about His glorification; and when they heard what is there written, a holy influence took possession of them, and they confessed that all things therein are Divine. But then spirits from our earth who were unbelievers continually suggested objections, saying that He was born an infant, lived a man, appeared like other men, was crucified, and the like. But the spirits of the earth Jupiter paid no attention to these things. They said that such are their devils, whom they abhor, adding that nothing heavenly finds room in the minds of those spirits of our earth, but only what is earthly, which they call dross. That such is the case, they found out with certainty from the fact that when those spirits heard that on their earth the inhabitants walk naked, obscenity at once took possession of their thoughts, and they paid no attention to their heavenly life, of which they heard at the same time (see n. 8375).

581. There were certain spirits from that earth [with me] when I was reading John xvii, and they heard it. They wondered that the One Only Lord became a Man, and had been upon earth as any other man. But still, they later said that all things are Divine. Spirits of our earth who were infidels continually suggested that He was a man, that He was crucified, that He was born a man, and like another man, and similar things. The spirits of Jupiter heard this without saying anything. Afterwards, however, they said that such spirits are altogether devils, taking what they say from the things that are mundane, corporeal, and the like, which they themselves reject as dross, and esteem as nothing; they want to speak from such things, thus from dross, which blinds the mind and casts darkness over the light of truth. They now admonish the spirits of our earth that as long as they remain in such things and from them form their arguments and judge, they are no different from their devils whom they cast out from all consociation; they cast them beneath their feet and spit them out as into the mire. They could also judge their evil genius from this, that in their phantasy our spirits dwelt upon nothing else concerning them, than their nakedness; the other things which they had heard concerning them, which are heavenly, they do not even think about; hence they conclude that there is almost nothing heavenly in them. 1748, Jan. 26.

8546. Once also I talked with the spirits of the earth Jupiter about the Lord, saying that no one can do any good from himself, but from the Lord, who is Good itself, consequently the fountain of all good. They then modestly replied that they suppose they can do good of themselves, and do not know otherwise. But when it was shown them that all good comes solely from the Lord, they said that they spoke after the human manner, and that this was said in a heavenly manner, and that their angels so think, and they themselves also, insofar as they become angels. They added that it is simpler to speak in that way. It was then given to reply that the Lord allows those who live in simplicity and innocence so to speak, provided they know that nothing of good comes from themselves, but all from the Lord.

550. When I was speaking with them, I said that no one can do anything good of himself, but from the One Only Lord who is Good Itself, and the Fount of all goodness. Their angels modestly replied that they suppose they themselves can do good, nor can they know otherwise than that they are the ones who do good. But afterwards, when it was shown them that all the good that was thought and done comes solely from the Lord of the universe - and it was shown so that they could comprehend it - they then replied that they speak according to human usage, and we in a heavenly manner; thus they acknowledged it, but they taught that it was simpler so to think. It was also shown them that the Lord allows those who live in that simplicity so to think, provided that they know how the case is. They were also present when I was writing these things, but at a distance, yet in such a way that they were present through the mediations of spirits.

67. The clear perception which the spirits of Jupiter have concerning spiritual things, was made manifest to me from their manner of representing how the Lord converts depraved affections into good affections. They represented the intellectual mind as a beautiful form, and impressed upon it an activity suitable to the form answering to the life of affection. This they executed in a manner which no words can describe, and with such dexterity that they were commended by the angels. There were then present some of the learned from our earth, who had immersed the intellectual faculty in scientific terms, and had written and thought much about form, about substance, about materiality and immateriality, and the like, without applying such things to any use; these could not even comprehend that representation.

8631. In what clear perception the spirits of Jupiter are with respect to spiritual things, was made evident to me from their representation of how the Lord, whom they call their One Only Lord, converts depraved affections into good affections. They represented the intellectual mind as a beautiful form, and imparted to it an activity of the form that was suited to the affection; and they next showed how the Lord bends what is depraved therein to good, which they did in a way that no words can describe, and so dexterously that they were praised by the angels. There were then present learned ones from our earth, who had immersed their intellectual in the terms of memory-knowledges, and had disputed much about form, substance, the material and the immaterial, and the like, without applying such things to any use; but they could not comprehend even this representation.

8632. I have spoken with spirits of that earth about the Lord, that He does evil to no one, still less punishes anyone. These spirits, being of the more simple ones, at first did not wish to admit this, believing that punishments are from the Lord. But when they were told that when their angels are with a man of their own earth, they do not chastise, nor even speak harshly, but only permit the punishing spirits who also are present to do so; and that seeing the angels do not chastise, how much less does the Lord, who is good itself, and who directs the angels-on hearing this they made acknowledgment, and affirmed in a plain voice, that the Lord punishes no one, and does evil to no one, nor does He even speak harshly to anyone. (On the angels and the punishing spirits with the inhabitants of Jupiter, see n. 7802-7805, 7810.)

585 ... From this it can be made evident what is the nature of the difference. When they wanted to represent that the one only Lord turns depraved affections so that they become good, which is the same as turning evil into good, they represented the intellectual mind as a beautiful form, and its activity as an affection in conformity with that form. They then wanted to show me how the one only Lord bends the depraved affections into good ones, which they did for some time by their own nature, and so dexterously that they were highly praised by the angels. But on the contrary, the learned of our earth could not apprehend it in the least, although they were learned, and supposed themselves wiser than those spirits. Nevertheless they think that they are learned provided that they can dispute as to what form is, what modification, what substance, what the material and the non-material, which the spirits of the other earth laugh at and call insanities. They love the thing, but our spirits love only the most feculent froth. They now say to me these words.

627. Their interior angels were also instructed that the Lord never punishes anyone, still less does evil to anyone. At first they were not willing to admit this, for they supposed that the Lord chastised and punished. But when it was demonstrated to them by a living voice that their angels neither chastise nor punish, nor speak harshly to a man on their earth, but that they only permit the punishing and accusing spirits to do and say such things so that they might moderate and judge concerning the kind and amount of the punishment and threats, they could conclude as a result that, since their angels do not punish and say harsh things to any man, still less does the Lord, Who is the Best, the Fountain of all goodness, and Who governs the angels. Hence from their own modes of acting they could not but acknowledge, and also affirm with a manifest voice, that the Lord punishes no one, speaks harshly to no one, still less does evil. 1748, Feb. 2.

68. They are exceedingly cautious on their earth, lest any one should fall into wrong opinions concerning the only Lord; and if they observe that any begin to think wrongly concerning Him, they first admonish him, then use threats, and lastly deter by punishment. They said that they had observed, if any such wrong opinions insinuate themselves into any family, that family is taken from amongst them, not by the punishment of death inflicted by their fellows, but by being deprived of respiration, and consequently of life, by spirits, when they have first threatened them with death. For in that earth spirits speak with the inhabitants, and chastise them if they have done evil, and even if they have intended to do evil, of which we shall say more presently. Hence if they think evil concerning the only Lord, and do not repent, they are threatened with death. In this manner the worship of the Lord is preserved, who is to them there the Supreme Divine.

8542. The greatest care is taken that no one should fall into wrong opinions about the One Only Lord; and if they observe that anyone begins to think wrongly about Him, they first admonish him, then deter him by means of threats, and finally by means of punishments. They said that they have observed that if any such thing has crept into any family, that family is taken from among them, not by any death penalties inflicted by their companions, but by deprivation of breathing and consequently of life by spirits, after they have first been threatened with death. For on that earth spirits speak with the people, and chastise them if they have done evil, and also if they have intended to do evil (see n. 7801-7812); consequently if they think badly about the One Only Lord, they are threatened with death unless they repent. In this way the worship of the Lord, who to them is the supreme Divine, is preserved there.

623. Moreover, it is divinely guarded, both by punishments and by threats and admonitions, lest any should fall into depraved opinions concerning the One Only Lord; and if perchance any should so fall they are banished from the society. On such a planet it cannot but be that they who [adopt] such opinions are banished. And if any families are so inclined, they are removed entirely; for death is announced to them, which happens for the most part by taking away their breath, and rarely by disease as on our planet. Thus they are carried off into heaven, as they say, nor do they call it dying, but rather, being heaven-made.

69. They said that they have no festival days, but that every morning at sunrise, and every evening at sunset, they perform holy worship to their only Lord in their tents; and that they also sing psalms after their manner.

8633. As to what further concerns the life of those in that earth, I have been instructed by their spirits that as they do not care for memory-knowledges, so neither do they care for things made by art; also that they have no holidays, but that every morning at sunrise, and every evening at sunset, they have holy worship to the One Only Lord in their tents, and that they then also sing.

70. I was further instructed, that in that earth there are also some who call themselves saints, and who command their servants, of whom they wish to have great numbers, to give them the title of lords, under threat of punishment. They likewise forbid them to adore the Lord of the universe, saying that themselves are mediating lords and that they will present their supplications to the Lord of the universe. They call the Lord of the universe, who is our Lord, not only the Lord, as the rest do, but the Supreme Lord, by reason that they call themselves also lords.

8735. I was further instructed by the spirits of the earth Jupiter who were with me for a considerable time, that on that earth there are also those who call themselves "saints," and who, under a penalty, command their servants, whom they multiply, to call them "lords." They likewise forbid them to adore the Lord of the universe, saying that they are the Lord's mediators, and that they will bring their supplications to the Lord of the universe. The Lord of the universe, who is our Lord, they do not call "the One Only Lord," as the rest do, but "the Supreme Lord," for the reason that they also call themselves lords.

555. Their moons shine upon them, so that they live in light. Those who want themselves to be adored, and call themselves most holy, call upon and speak of the "Supreme Lord" and not, as the others do, of the "One Only Lord". They are unwilling to name the sun, for they suppose the habitation of their Supreme Lord to be there; thus they are worshippers of nature, on which account they want to be fiery, as they also appear; and they continually suggest to me the "Supreme Lord", because they also seek to be called lords themselves. These are they who are unwilling to name the sun. The others said that they lie, because they know that the sun shines more than their moons or great stars, and with much heat, which they seek to avoid by betaking themselves to their tents.

The sun of the world they call the face of the supreme Lord, and believe that His abode is there, wherefore they also adore the sun. The rest of the inhabitants hold them in aversion and are unwilling to converse with them, as well because they adore the sun as because they call themselves lords, and are worshiped by their servants as mediatory gods.

8736. These saints, who are saluted as lords by their servants, call the sun the face of the Supreme Lord, and believe His abode to be there, wherefore they also adore the sun. The rest of the inhabitants hold them in aversion, and will not have interaction with them, both because they adore the sun, and because they call themselves lords, and are worshiped by their servants as mediatory gods.

549. Moreover, I spoke with them concerning their saints; the most holy, who become wood-cutters, as was said before [nos. 534, 536], are distinguished by the fact that they do not call our Savior the One Only Lord, but the Supreme Lord; for they also want to be saluted as lords, and want their servants not to worship the Supreme Lord, but themselves, who will bear their supplications to the Supreme. Hence they suffer such a punishment that, being very cold, they split wood. Nor do spirits approach and chastise them during their life in the body, as they do the rest, for they do not suffer themselves to be taught. They are inflexible, and besides, they are cold. For when the spirits flow to them, they recognize from the coldness that they are such, and therefore cannot approach. These spirits are not like our wood-cutters who are beneath the feet [AC 4943], but they are above towards the front in heaven, which is an indication that they are proud.

563. CONTINUATION CONCERNING THE INHABITANTS OF JUPITER The worst of them are those who adore the sun and call it the face of the Lord; but those who call themselves saints so persuade their servants. They say, however, that they themselves do not adore the sun, but the supreme Lord whose dwelling-place is in the sun; but such are the worst of them whom the others shun. The spirits also are absent from them, as was said [n. 549], on account of the cold; thus they are excluded from communication with heaven.

There was shown me by spirits the covering of their head, which was a tower-shaped cap of darkish color. In the other life such appear to the left in a certain altitude, and there sit as idols, and in the beginning are also worshiped by the servants who have attended upon them, but are afterwards held in derision by them also. What surprised me was, that their faces shine there as from a fire, which is in consequence of their having believed that they were saints; but notwithstanding this fiery appearance of their faces, they are nevertheless cold, and have an intense desire to be made warm. Hence it is evident that the fire, from which they shine, is the fire of self-love, and is fatuous. In order to make themselves warm, they seem to themselves to cut wood, and whilst they are cutting, there appears underneath the wood something of a man, whom at the same time they attempt to strike. This appearance is in consequence of their attributing to themselves merit and sanctity; for all who do so in the world, seem to themselves in the other life to cut wood, as was the case likewise with some spirits from our earth, who have been spoken of elsewhere. For the further illustration of this subject, I will here adduce this experience concerning them. "In the lower earth beneath the soles of the feet, are those who have placed merit in their good deeds and works. Many of them appear to themselves to cut wood. The place where they are is very cold, and they seem to themselves to acquire warmth by their labor. I have also spoken with them, and it was granted me to ask them whether they wished to come out of that place. They said that they had not yet merited it by their labor. But when that state has been gone through, they are taken out. They are natural, because to wish to merit salvation is not spiritual; for it comes from the proprium, not from the Lord. Moreover they also prefer themselves to others, and some of them despise others. If they do not receive greater joy than others in the other life, they are indignant against the Lord; for which reason, when they are cutting wood, there appears as it were something of the Lord under the wood. This comes from their indignation."# # The Lord alone has merit and justice (n. 9715, 9975, 9979, 9981, 9982). They who place merit in works, or wish to merit heaven by their good deeds, wish to be served in the other life, and are never content (n. 6393). They despise the neighbor, and are angry with the Lord Himself if they do not receive reward (n. 9976). What their lot is in the other life (n. 942, 1774, 1877, 2027). They are of those who appear to cut wood in the lower earth (n. 1110, 4943).

8738. There was shown me by the spirits the head-covering of those who call themselves saints: it was a towering hat of a darkish color.

8739. In the other life such appear to the right, backward, at some height, and there sit like idols, and also are at first worshiped by their servants, who had been with such; but are afterward held by them in derision. And what surprised me, their faces shine there as if from fire, which is because of their having believed that they were saints, and in the likeness of the Lord, who is in the sun. But notwithstanding this fiery appearance of their faces, they are cold, and have an intense desire to be made warm. From this it is plain that the fire with which they shine is as it were an ignis fatuus.

8740. In order to make themselves warm, the same seem to themselves to cut wood, and while they are cutting, there appears underneath the wood somewhat of a man whom they at the same time attempt to strike. This comes to pass because of their attributing merit to themselves; and as they attribute sanctity, they also impute to themselves righteousness. They who do this in the world, in the other life seem to themselves to cut wood; as is the case likewise with some from our earth, concerning whom previously, from experience, which experience, for the sake of illustrating the subject, may here be quoted (from n. 4943):

"In the lower earth, under the soles of the feet, are also those who have placed merit in good deeds and in works. Some of them appear to themselves to cut wood. The place where they are is rather cold, and they seem to themselves to acquire warmth by their labor. With these also I conversed; and it was given me to ask them whether they wished to come out of that place. They replied that they had not yet merited it by their labor. But when this state has been passed through, they are taken out thence. These spirits also are natural, because the wish to merit salvation is not spiritual, for it comes from their own; not from the Lord. Moreover they regard themselves as superior to others, and some of them even despise others. If these persons do not receive more joy than others in the other life, they are indignant against the Lord; and therefore when they cut wood, there sometimes appears as it were somewhat of the Lord under the wood, and this from their indignation. But as they have led a pious life, and have acted in this way from ignorance, in which there was something of innocence, therefore angels are occasionally sent to them who console them. And sometimes too there appears to them from above on the left as it were a sheep, at the sight of which they also receive consolation." (See also n. 1110.

588. There was also shown me the head covering of those who vaunt themselves to be saints. It is a dark turreted cap; the head beneath it was a snowy white, whether from hoariness I did not inquire. It is in this manner that their saints cover their head, namely, as it were with turrets.

571. Those spirits who assert that they are saints are cold. In order that I might feel their coldness, a certain spirit approached, and he appeared as though he were in me; hence I could feel his cold state. He said that he felt a warmth from me. 1748, Jan. 27.

629. Moreover, their frigid spirits approached me in great force, but whence they came, whether from those who have been with me or from others, I do not know for certain. It was insinuated to me that those who had been with me were cold in themselves; it was like the approach of cold. 1748, Feb. 2.

534. One of their more holy ones was also seen. He was as if of a fiery luminosity in front, from the face downwards. He likewise was splitting wood, standing, and holding the wood he was splitting beneath his feet. On being asked whether he was cold, he replied that he was not warm, although he appeared fiery. Thus, when men attribute merit, or impute righteousness, to themselves, and holiness to their own powers, a similar lot awaits them one and all in the other life. 1748, Jan. 24.

536. It is remarkable that when the inhabitant of Jupiter who was fiery in front was shown splitting wood beneath his feet, it appeared to me as though there were a man whom he was thus striking (as was also the case with the wood-cutters of our earth [nos. 271-3]), although it was only wood. Hence it can be concluded that the phantasy that it was the Lord still remains, although in place of the Lord they substitute wood. How it appears to them I do not know, but there is such a phantasy with others also. Hence it can be confirmed what conceals itself in the imputation of self merit by one's self. 1748, Jan. 25.

71. It is common on that earth for spirits to speak with the inhabitants and to instruct them, and also to chastise them if they have done evil, in regard to which since many things have been related to me by their angels, I wish to repeat them in order. The reason why spirits speak with the men there, is that they think much about heaven and about the life after death, and have comparatively little solicitude about life in the world; for they know that they are to live after death, and in a state happy according to the state of their internal man, formed in the world. To speak with spirits and angels was also common on this earth in ancient times, and for the same reason, namely, because they then thought much of heaven and little of the world. But that living communication with heaven in process of time was closed, as man from internal became external, or what is the same, as he began to think much about the world and little about heaven; and still more when he no longer believed that there is a heaven or a hell, nor that man in himself is a spirit which lives after death; for at this day it is believed that the body lives from itself, and not from its spirit; wherefore unless man now believed that he will rise again with the body, he would have no belief in the resurrection.

7802. It is a common thing on that earth for spirits to speak with the inhabitants and instruct them, and also chastise them if they have done evil; on which subject, as many things have been related to me by their angels, I would speak in order. The reason why the spirits of that planet speak with the men, is that these think much about heaven, and about the life after death; and are comparatively but little solicitous about life in the world; for they know that they will live after their decease, and in a state of happiness according to the state of their internal man as formed in the world. It was also a common thing on our earth in ancient times to speak with spirits and angels, from a like cause, namely, that those men thought about heaven, and little about the world. But this living communication with heaven was in time closed, as man from internal became external, that is, as he began to think about the world and little about heaven, and especially when he no longer believed that there is a heaven or a hell, nor that there is in himself a spirit man who lives after death. For at this day it is believed that the body lives from itself, and not from its spirit; and therefore unless man could now have faith that he is to rise again with the body, he would have no belief in a resurrection.

539. CONTINUATION CONCERNING THE INHABITANTS OF JUPITER As was said before [n. 518], the inhabitants of Jupiter speak with their own spirits, as also the sons of the Most Ancient Church spoke with both good and evil spirits, which can be evident from the story of creation. For in the Most Ancient Church there was not so much of speech and memory, but more of imagination and of thought, so that they could thus consociate their thought and ideas. Those in another earth who live in a similar state can in like manner consociate the ideas of their thoughts. But in process of time, as man was carried more into exterior things, he began to speak, and to memorize, which thus obliterated the powers of his thoughts.

7801. There are many kinds of spirits from the planet Jupiter, but there are three with which I have been in company, and with which I have often spoken. One kind, which is also the lowest, appear dark, almost black. They are contemned by others, and are called "chastisers," because they chastise the inhabitants of their earth who live evilly; they are continually desirous to come to heaven. Another kind have shining faces, as from the reflected light of a candle. These appear to sit like idols, for they suffer themselves to be adored by others, especially by the servants whom they had in the world; for there they persuaded them that they were mediators with the Lord; they are called by them "saints," and also "lords." The third kind, which is the best, excel the rest in intelligence and wisdom. They appear in blue clothing, or clothing of the color of the sky, with interwoven little grains of gold. But the angels themselves who are from that earth, are together with the angels of the rest of the earths; for all who are truly angels constitute one general heaven.

519. * CONCERNING THE INHABITANTS OF JUPITER It has also been permitted me to know the inhabitants of Jupiter, because of my desire to know what kind of men live on other earths. For if there are earths, there are also rational and intellectual beings on them, who refer all the things they see there to the glory of the Creator. There can be nothing in the universe which does not ultimately relate to the glory of God, and thus [serve] as means to those who can perceive things heavenly and Divine. The spirits of the inhabitants of Jupiter are of three kinds. Those who are the lowest or rational** are black or dark, and they seek those by whom they may be led to the One Only Lord, so that they may become different, that is to say, heavenly. Besides this kind of spirits, there are others who shine in the face, like the light from candles, and they are also dark. They sit like idols, and suffer themselves to be adored by the servants whom they had had in the life of the body, for whom they say they are the mediators to the One Only Lord in heaven, and they are not willing for them to come thither except mediately [through them]. Those who are thus fiery as to the face are called saints, because they have persuaded themselves that they have lived a holy life in the body; hence they shine in the face, and are distinguished from the rest. The best of the Jovian spirits are their angels, who are clothed not in white, but in most beautiful blue, interwoven with sparks of gold. These are their angels and constitute their angelic heaven, and they say of them that they are the mediation to the One Only Lord of the universe. * Numbers 517 to 522 are here printed in the order in which they were written - after 521. See Special Preface. ** Rationalis (rational) is in the MS.; this may possibly be a slip for naturalis (natural).

72. As to what particularly regards the presence of spirits with the inhabitants of the earth Jupiter, there are some spirits who chastise, some who instruct, and some who rule over them. The spirits who chastise apply themselves to the left side, and incline themselves towards the back, and when they are there, they draw forth from the man's memory all that he has done and thought; for this is easy to spirits, for when they come near to a man, they come into all his memory. If they find that he has done evil, or thought evil, they reprove him, and also chastise him with pain of the joints, and of the feet or hands, or with a pain about the epigastric region. This also spirits can do dexterously when permitted. When such come to a man they inspire horror with fear, and thus the man knows of their approach. Evil spirits can inspire fear when they approach any one, especially those who while they lived in the world were robbers. That I might know how these spirits act when they come to a man of their earth, it was permitted that such a spirit should also come to me. When he was near, horror with fear manifestly took possession of me; yet the horror was not interior but exterior, because I knew that it was such a spirit. He was also seen, and appeared like a dark cloud, with moving stars in the cloud. Moving stars signify falsities, but fixed stars truths. He applied himself to my left side toward the back, and also began to reprove me for the deeds and thoughts which he drew forth out of my memory, and also interpreted perversely; but he was prevented by angels. When he perceived that he was with one who was not a man of his earth, he began to speak with me, saying that when he came to a man, he knew each and all things that the man had done and thought; and that he reproved him severely, and also chastised him with various pains.

7803. As regards the speech of spirits with the inhabitants of the planet Jupiter, there are spirits who chastise; there are those who instruct; and there are those who rule them. The spirits who chastise apply themselves to the left side, and incline themselves toward the back; and when they are there, they draw forth from the man's memory all his deeds and thoughts; for this is easy to spirits, because, when they come to a man, they come instantly into all his memory (n. 6199, 6193, 6198, 6199, 6214). If they find that he has done evil or thought evil, they reprove him, and also chastise him with a pain in the joints of the feet or of the hands, or with pain about the epigastric region; this moreover, spirits can do dexterously, when it is permitted. When such chastisers come to a man, they excite horror together with fear; whereby he is aware of their approach. Evil spirits can excite fear when they approach anyone, especially those who when they lived in the world had been robbers. That I might know in what manner these spirits act when they come to a man of their earth, it was permitted that such a spirit should come also to me. When he was near, horror attended with fear palpably seized me; but I was not terrified and in horror inwardly, but outwardly, because I knew that he was such a spirit. He was also seen, and appeared like a dark cloud with little moving stars in the cloud; moving stars signify falsities; but fixed stars truths. He applied himself to my left side, toward the back; and he also began to reprove me on account of the things I had done and thought, which he drew forth from my memory and gave a wrong interpretation to; but he was hindered by the angels who also were present. When he noticed that he was with another than a man of his own earth, he began to speak to me, and to say that when he comes to a man, he knows all and everything which the man has done and thought; also that he severely reproves him, and likewise chastises him with various pains.

541. In regard to their speech with their spirits, there are two kinds of evil spirits who infest them. One kind is the worst of them. When such a one comes a horror with a certain fear seizes them in general, like that which also manifestly seized upon me when one came to me, so that being interiorly terrified, I was horror-struck as I beheld him presented before me. He was dark, like a dark cloud, with a number of stars before him. He applied himself to my left side, inclining himself towards the back. He spoke with me, and wanted to speak in the same manner with one as he did with the inhabitants of Jupiter, but he was prevented by their angels (concerning whom presently). That spirit said he could know all that they had thought and done, which he also drew forth from their memory; this is an easy matter with spirits when the Lord permits. In such a way he wanted to reprove me for things thought and done, which he wanted to bring forth, but it was forbidden him. He said that in this way he reproved others, and wondered that he could not do so to me. He also said that it was allowed him to castigate them with punishments even to such a degree that they could bear it no longer, as by pains in the joints, or by twisting the joints of the fingers and of the feet, and also by certain, as it were, gentle prickings in the face, according to permission.

Again at another time such a chastising spirit came to me, and applied himself to my left side below the middle of the body, like the former one, who also wished to punish me; but he too was prevented by angels. He, however, showed me the binds of punishments which they are permitted to inflict upon the men of their earth, if they do and intend to do evil. They were, besides pain of the joints, a painful constriction also around the middle of the belly, which is felt as a compression by a sharp girdle. And then there was a taking away of the breath at intervals even to distress; and also the prohibition from eating anything but bread for a time; last of all the threat of death, if they should not leave off doing such things; and also privation from enjoyment of the consort, children, and companions. Pain therefrom is also then insinuated.

7810. At another time also a chastising spirit came to me, and applied himself to my left side below the middle of the body, as before, and also desired to punish me; but he was driven away by their angels, who likewise were present. He then showed me the kinds of punishments which they are permitted to inflict on the men of their earth if they do evil and intend to do evil. Besides a pain in the joints, there was a painful contraction around the middle of the belly, which is felt like a compression by a sharp girdle; there was alternate withdrawal of the respiration, even to distress; also a prohibition against eating anything but bread; lastly, a denunciation of death if they did not leave off doing such things; and at the same time a deprivation of the joy from consort, children, and companions, resulting in the instilling of grief.

622. CONTINUATION CONCERNING THE SPIRITS OF THE INHABITANTS OF JUPITER The punishing spirit who spoke, as was said [n. 541], in a compelling manner as if by protrusion of the voice, and who was standing at my left side below the middle of the body, approached me, and as is the custom on their earth, wanted to punish me on account of certain things thought and said; their angels, as they are thus called by them, were stationed at the region of his head in order that they might lead him, and also permit him to punish according to the circumstances, and thus that they might moderate. But he was not allowed to do anything to me except to show me the varieties of their punishments. One kind was a painful constriction about the middle of the belly as if caused by the compression of a sharp girdle, which the spirits said was attended with much pain to their people. Another kind of punishment was the holding up of the respiration, so that their breathing becomes constricted, and this through alternations of intermission. Furthermore, they threaten them with death and thus the privation of joy from their spouse, children, companions, or from those things which are dear to them, for these spirits can know in a moment what they love.

631. CONCERNING THE INHABITANTS OF THE PLANET JUPITER Among the punishments conducive to their repentance there is also this one imposed upon them, that they shall eat no other food than bread, and at the same time there is then insinuated into them the appetite for eating other things. Whether they enjoy other things for food, besides shrubs, vegetables, fruits and also seeds which they grind into flour, has not been granted me to know.

73. But the spirits who instruct, also, apply themselves to the left side, but more toward the front. They also rebuke, but mildly, and presently teach them how they ought to live. They appear dark also, yet not as the former like clouds, but as if clothed in sackcloth. These are called instructors, but the former chastisers. When these spirits are present, angelic spirits are also present, sitting at the head and filling it in a peculiar manner. Their presence is also perceived there as a gentle breathing; for they fear lest from their drawing near and their influx the man should perceive the least pain or anxiety. They rule the chastising and instructing spirits; preventing the former from doing worse to the man than is permitted by the Lord, and requiring the latter to tell the truth.

7804. The spirits who instruct, however, also apply themselves to the left side of those whom they instruct, but more in front. They also reprove, but gently, and presently teach how they ought to live. These also appear dark, yet not as the former, like clouds; but as if clothed with sackcloth. These are called "instructors," but the former "chastisers."

7805. When these spirits are present, angelic spirits also, likewise from their earth, are present, and take their seat at the head, and as it were fill it in a special manner. Their presence is also perceived there as a gentle breathing, for they are afraid lest the man should perceive even the least pain or anxiety from their approach and influx. They rule the chastising and instructing spirits, preventing the former from doing worse to the man than is permitted by the Lord, and enjoining the latter to speak the truth. It has also been given me to speak with these angelic spirits.

545. There is another kind of their spirits who rebuke and at the same time teach them. They also appear dark as if clothed in sack-cloth; they, too, apply themselves to their left side, more to the front. Such a one also applied himself to my left side, and spoke with me. He said that he does indeed terrify a man with threats, nevertheless he does not bring evil upon him; but when the man is in a state of fear he instructs him how he ought to think and live. Thus such spirits are their instructors.

When the chastising spirit was with me, the angelic spirits also were then present, and kept my face continually cheerful and smiling, and the region around the lips prominent, and my mouth a little open. This the angels do easily by influx, when permitted by the Lord. They said that they induce such a countenance upon the inhabitants of their earth, when they are present.

7807. When the chastising spirit was with me, the angelic spirits kept my face constantly cheerful and smiling, and the region about the lips prominent, and my mouth open. This the angels very easily do by means of influx. They said that when present they induce such a countenance upon the inhabitants of their earth.

569. When the evil spirit from the planet Jupiter was at my side, and wished to reprove me concerning things thought and done, and the angels of that earth were present, as was said [nos. 541-2], they then kept my face, especially the region around the lips, elevated, with the mouth open, and my face continually cheerful and laughing. Later it was said to me that they thus keep the inhabitants of that region so that their faces are cheerful, not sad, because, as it seemed, the angels are then present. That evil spirit knew no otherwise than that he was standing by an inhabitant of his own earth. 1748, Jan. 26.

74. If a man after chastisement and instruction again does evil, or thinks to do evil, and does not restrain himself by the precepts of truth, then, when the chastising spirit returns, he is punished more severely. But the angelic spirits moderate the punishment according to the intention in the deeds, and according to the will in the thoughts.

7808. If after chastisement and instruction the man again does evil or thinks to do evil, and does not restrain himself by virtue of the precepts of truth, on the return of the chastising spirit he is more severely punished. But the angelic spirits moderate the punishment according to the intention in the deeds, and according to the will in the thoughts.

544. CONTINUATION CONCERNING THE INHABITANTS OF JUPITER It is allowable for spirits there to speak with a man, but not for the man to speak with a spirit, except to say, when he is being chastised, that he will do so no more. If he does so again after he has promised, he is then still more severely chastised; for the spirit returns and convicts him easily, knowing all things of his memory, but their angels know from his conscience what he has done. Thus as a spirit knows from the man's memory what has been done, the angels know from his conscience whether the intention was evil; hence they moderate [the punishment] according to the things that then happen. The intention can be compared with the act, so that the angels may judge between the spirit and the man.

From this it may be evident that their angels who sit at the head, have a kind of judicial authority over the man; since they permit, moderate, restrain, and flow in. But it was said that they do not judge, for the Lord alone is the Judge; and all the things which they command to the chastising and instructing spirits flow in with them from Him, though it appears as if from them.

7811. From all this it can be seen that their angels, who sit at the head, exercise a kind of judicature over the man, for the angels permit, moderate, restrain, and inflow. But it was given me to say to them that they ought not to believe that they judge; but that the Lord alone is the Judge, and that from Him flow in with them all the things which they direct and enjoin upon the chastising and instructing spirits, and that these things only appear as if from them.

628. CONTINUATION CONCERNING THE SPIRITS OF THE INHABITANTS OF JUPITER From their method of chastising men it can be evident that their angels have a kind of judgment upon men, or that they judge men and also spirits, for as was said [n. 622], they are present, govern the punishers, moderate, and permit; wherefore a kind of judgment can be predicated of them. Nevertheless, it was plainly said to them that they suppose that they themselves judge, but that the Lord alone is the Judge, and He so moderates their lives that they know no otherwise than that they do so themselves.

75. Spirits there speak with man, but not man in turn with the spirits, except these words when he is instructed that he will do so no more. Nor is it permitted him to tell any one that a spirit has spoken with him: if one does this, he is afterward punished. Those spirits of Jupiter, when they were with me, thought at first that they were with a man of their earth; but when I spoke in turn with them, and they saw that I thought of publishing these things, and thus of telling others, and it was not then permitted them to chastise or instruct me, they perceived that they were with another.

7809. Spirits there speak with man, but not conversely man with spirits, except these words, when he is instructed, that "he will do so no more." Nor is he allowed to tell any of his companions that a spirit has spoken to him; and if he does, he is severely punished. These spirits of Jupiter at first supposed that when they were with me, they were with a man of their own earth; but when in my turn I spoke to them, and also when I thought that I would publish such things, and they were not allowed to chastise, or to instruct me, they noticed that they were with another.

543. A man ought not to speak with any spirit, but a spirit speaks with the man; and they wondered that I spoke so much with them. Hence they could know that there is another kind [of beings than those of their earth]. It is only allowable for a man [of their earth] when he is being punished, to say that he will do so no more; nor is he allowed to tell any of his people that he has spoken with a spirit: this is severely punished.

8385. They observed in my thoughts a desire to publish these things in our earth. This they did not wish, because they are forbidden to publish what is said to them by their spirits. They wondered that such things could be published merely by means of writings; but they were then informed about printing, and also about the Word, and likewise about the teachings of the church in our earth; and they were told that the Word and the teachings so stand forth in a published form, and in this way are learned.

554. Furthermore, they wondered that I said I was going to tell the inhabitants of this earth the various things I had heard about them. They were altogether unwilling that I should do so, because it is forbidden them under penalty to divulge what the spirits say to them. They also wondered that such things can be published throughout the earth, for they know nothing except their own province, where their kindred are.

572. CONTINUATION CONCERNING THE INHABITANTS OF JUPITER Their good spirits were solicitous that I should not publish what I heard from them, for with them it is forbidden under penalty to publish what spirits say, except to those who are their most intimate friends, and to their consorts, and also children to their parents, but not outside their family. (1) But I replied, that on this earth there is a different state, namely, that spirits and angels do not speak with men, nor do the latter hear what a spirit says, for their thoughts are immersed in mundane and corporeal things, and they are such, that what they do not apprehend by their senses, they believe to be nothing; so that very many do not even believe that there are spirits and angels, thus that there is a heaven and a life after death, still less that the One Only Lord governs all things, and all men. They comprehend these things the less because they judge from the ideas of the external senses which are so finite, corporeal and material, that they comprehend nothing about such matters, but involve them all in darkness, consequently in doubts, which cause them inwardly to deny. (2) Even now, many do not even believe these things that have been seen and heard by me concerning those in another planet, but involve them in various appearances, calling them phantasies; and, if they dared, they would also call whatever they read in their holy Word phantasies. Thus they are unbelievers; wherefore what they will think about these things within themselves I do not yet know.

76. There are two signs that appear to those spirits when they are with a man. They see an old man with a pale face, which is a sign that they should say nothing but what is true, and do nothing but what is just. They also see a face in a window, which is a sign that they should depart thence. That old man was also seen by me, and likewise the face in the window was seen; on seeing which the spirits immediately departed from me.

7806. There are two signs which appear to those spirits when they are with a man. They see an old man with a whitish face; this is a sign to say nothing but what is true. They also see a face in a window; this is a sign to depart thence. I have seen both that old man, and likewise the face in the window; when the latter was seen, the spirit immediately departed from me.

518. * Furthermore, as he said, spirits with spirits, and spirits with men, have a consociated life which, as they are so imaginative, is not surprising. But they have three signs lest they should say more to them than they are given permission, namely, they see an apparently old man with a white face, which is a sign that they must say nothing but what is true, for which reason they are careful what they say. Another sign is that a face appears as though through a window, which is a sign that they must depart thence, and say no more. The old man was also seen by me, and afterwards a face as though through a window, and at once the spirit appeared to depart, nor did he dare speak with me any more by that kind of imagination. * Numbers 517 to 522 are here printed in the order in which they were written. See Special Preface.

77. Besides the spirits who have now been mentioned, there are also spirits who persuade the contrary. They are those who while they lived in the world, were banished from the society of others, because they were evil. When they approach, there appears as it were a flying fire, that glides down near the face. They place themselves low down behind the man, and speak thence toward the upper parts. They speak things contrary to what the instructing spirit has said from the angels, namely, that one should not live according to the instruction, but of his own will and license, and similar things. They come for the most part after the former spirits have gone away, but the men there know who and what these spirits are, and therefore care nothing for them; yet they learn in this way what evil is, and so what good is; for by evil it is learned what good is, since the quality of good is known from its opposite. All perception of a thing is according to reflection in regard to its distinctions from things contrary, in various ways and various degrees.

7812. Besides the spirits of whom mention has now been made, there are also spirits who infuse contrary persuasions; being those who while they lived in the world were banished from the society of others, because they were evil. When they approach, there appears as it were a flying flame which glides down near the face; they place themselves beneath, at the man's hinder parts, and speak from there toward the parts above. They speak things contrary to those which the instructing spirit from the angels has said; namely, that they need not live according to the instruction, but at their own good will and pleasure, and the like. They usually come immediately after the former spirits have departed. But the men on that earth know who and of what quality these spirits are, and therefore they pay no regard to them. Nevertheless they thus learn what evil is, and so what good is; for by evil is learned what is good, the quality of good being known from its opposite. All perception of a thing is according to reflection bearing on the distinctions that come from contraries in various ways and in various degrees.

570. Besides the spirits of that earth spoken of before, there are other spirits who also persuade things contrary, for there are contrary spirits everywhere, and these are the spirits of those who have been banished from their society, and have become evil [see n. 520]. When these come alongside a man, something resembling flying fire falls near the front of the man and so proceeds to his back low down, and there speaks towards his higher parts, and this in a hoarse or cloven voice which cannot very well be described; it is almost as if he spoke with a forked tongue. He says contrary things to them, namely, that they ought not to live according to the instruction of their angels, but according to their own license, and similar things which are opposed to what the instructing spirit had previously told them. For the most part they come not long after the instructing spirit has gone away, and so say things contrary to him and persuade to a licentious life. But because the men there know they are such, they care nothing about them. Thus they learn also what evil is, for their life and understanding without a knowledge of evil, as long as they are men and indeed men of such a quality, cannot be given; but they must be instructed what good is by means of evil, and so learn to shun evil and to strive after good, thus also to be affected with good. 1748, Jan. 27.

78. The chastising and instructing spirits do not go to those who call themselves saints and mediating lords of whom above (n. 70), as they do to others on that earth, because these do not suffer themselves to be instructed, nor are they amended by discipline. They are inflexible, because they do this from the love of self. The spirits said that they recognize them from their coldness, and when they perceive the cold, they depart from them.

8737. The instructing and chastising spirits (spoken of above, n. 7802-7812), do not come to these, as to others on that earth, because they do not suffer themselves to be instructed, nor are they amended by discipline. They are inflexible, because they act from the love of self. The spirits say that they know from the coldness that it is they; and that when they notice the coldness, they depart from them.

549. ...Nor do spirits approach and chastise them during their life in the body, as they do the rest, for they do not suffer themselves to be taught. They are inflexible, and besides, they are cold. For when the spirits flow to them, they recognize from the coldness that they are such, and therefore cannot approach....

79. There are also spirits among those of Jupiter, whom they call chimney-sweepers, because they appear in such garments, and also with a sooty face. Who and what they are, I am also permitted to describe.

8846. CONTINUATION ABOUT THE SPIRITS AND THE INHABITANTS OF THE EARTH JUPITER. There are also spirits among those from the earth Jupiter whom they call "chimney-sweepers," because they appear like these in dress and also in face. They are among those who rebuke the men of their earth, and afterward instruct them (see n. 7801-7812). To what such bear relation in the Grand Man, and of what quality they are, may be seen from the description of them above (n. 5056), which may here be transcribed.

One such spirit came to me, and earnestly begged me to intercede for him that he might come into heaven. He said that he did not know that he had done evil, only that he had reproved the inhabitants of that earth; adding that after he had reproved, he instructed them. He applied himself to my left side under the elbow, and spoke as with a cracked voice; he could also move to pity. But I could only reply that I could bring him no help, and that this is of the Lord alone; and that I could not intercede, because I did not know whether it would be useful or not, but if he was worthy he might have hope. He was then sent back among the upright spirits from his earth; but they said that he could not be in their company, because he was not such as they. But because from his intense desire he still importuned to be let into heaven, he was sent into a society of upright spirits of this earth; but they also said that he could not be with them. He was of a black color in the light of heaven, but he said that he was not of a black, but of a brown color.

8847. A certain spirit from another earth was with me (he was from the earth Jupiter) who earnestly begged me to intercede for him, that he might come into heaven. He said that he was not aware of having done what is evil, except that he had rebuked the inhabitants of that earth; adding that after he had rebuked, he instructed them. He applied himself to my left side under the elbow, and talked with as it were a broken voice, and he could move one to pity. But I could only reply that I could give him no help, and that this is of the Lord alone; and that I could not intercede, because I did not know whether it would be useful or not, but that if worthy he might hope. He was then sent back among the upright spirits from his own earth; but these said that he could not be in their company, because he was not such as they. Yet because with intense longing he importuned to be let into heaven, he was sent into a society of upright spirits of this earth; but they also said that he could not be with them. In the light of heaven he was of a black color, but he himself said that he was not of a black, but of a murrhine color.

872. CONCERNING A SPIRIT WHO DESIRED MOST INTENSELY TO ENTER HEAVEN A certain Jovian spirit came to me and urgently begged me to intercede for him, that he might enter heaven. He described his state, saying that he did not know that he had done evil, only that he threatens the inhabitants of a region and afterwards instructs them. He was one of those who are below on the left side, and who speak as if with a cleft tongue, concerning whom see above, [n. 570].

873. He could also arouse pity, so that I could make no other reply than that I was unable to do anything, and that if he is worthy he could hope to enter heaven like others who are worthy. But he was sent back to be among the good spirits of that earth. Later they said that he was not of such a nature that he could be in their company.

874. He burned intensely with his inmost desire, and came to me again, saying that he desired heaven most intensely and was unwilling to desist. When this was heard, he was received into the company of good spirits of this earth, but they professed that he could by no means be in their company. He was called by the spirits of his own earth, "chimney sweep",* implying that in the life of the body he had swept chimneys; he was thus of a black color, although he said that the color was brown. * The MS. has skorstensfejare, a Swedish word meaning a chimney sweep.

876. His function indicates the same thing, namely, that he threatens to some extent, for this is the office of such spirits, but not so severely as others. Then he at once instructs how the life is to be amended, thus how man should be prepared externally that he may be in truths, the cognitions of which are harmonious. If he were allowed to instruct concerning heaven he would also desire to do so, but he is not permitted because he is as yet among such spirits, and his external form is such.

It was told me that they are such at first, who are afterward received among those that constitute the province of the seminal vesicles in the Greatest Man, or heaven; for in those vesicles the semen is collected and enclosed around with a suitable material, fitted for preserving the prolific principle of the semen from being dissipated, but such as may be thrown off in the neck of the uterus, that thus what is reserved within may serve for conception, or for the impregnation of the ovulum. Hence also that seminal matter has an effort, and as it were a burning desire, to throw itself off and leave the semen to perform its use, similar to what was seen with that spirit. He still came to me, in vile garments, and said again that he burned to come into heaven, and that he now perceived that he was such that he could. I was then permitted to tell him, that perhaps this was an indication that he would shortly be received. He was then told by angels to cast off his garment, which from his desire he rejected so quickly, that scarce anything could be quicker. By this was represented what are the desires of those who are in the province to which the seminal vesicles correspond.

I was told that they are such in the beginning who are afterward received among those who constitute the province of the seminal vesicles; for in these vesicles the semen is collected and clothed around with a suitable material, fitted for preserving it from being dissipated, and which can be put off in the neck of the womb, that so what has been preserved within may serve for conception, that is, for the impregnation of the ovum. Hence also there is in this seminal matter an endeavor, and as it were a burning desire, to put itself off and leave the semen to perform its use. Something similar showed itself in this spirit. He came again to me, but in mean clothing, and again said that he was burning to come into heaven, and that he now perceived that he was fit for it; but I was given to tell him that perhaps this was an indication that he would soon be received. He was then told by the angels to cast off his garment, and in his longing he cast it off so quickly that scarcely anything could be quicker. By this was represented the nature of the ardent desires of those who are in the province to which the seminal vesicles correspond.

875. From this I can conclude that such are those who constitute the province of the vesiculae seminales, where the good seed is collected with the serum with which it is combined that it may be rendered fit for emission, and later be dissolved in the neck of the womb; for the seminal vessels store up such a substance. His desire for heaven indicates that he desires regeneration, or to enter the womb that he might be born anew. Although he is such in external form, nevertheless, it is from the internal that he desires nothing else than heaven or the new birth, and therefore he longs for it externally, and could hence arouse pity. There is also such a longing in those particles which are in the seminal vessel.

884. CONCERNING THE SPIRIT WHO DESIRED HEAVEN The same spirit spoken of above [n. 872] who so ardently desired heaven again came to me, clothed, as I thought, in a still shabbier garment. He said that he indeed longed to enter heaven, but he was still as it were castigating, and was among those spirits of Jupiter who desire to punish. He now showed me a new action which he did not know before, namely, a kind of softly pulsative action. It was above the hips, around that part of the back where there is a similar motion. He pulsated as though with supple knees. He said that now he was of such a nature. I told him that this was an indication that he would soon enter heaven, for I was aware that he was of that genus which corresponds to the genital vessels where the generative particles are clothed with such sheaths, membranes, and coverings, that they may remain securely and later be transferred in safety into the womb, and be there gradually dissolved until the enclosed spiritual particles are insinuated into the ovula. His new clothing indicated that he was then prepared for his exit. His action indicated that the moment was then at hand, for in such a way do the generative particles act in the vesiculae seminales when the time is at hand. His clothing was now rougher. When he was told that he might cast off his raiment and thus enter heaven, from his desire he cast it off so quickly that it could scarcely have been done more quickly. But this was only for the purpose of proving him, and of teaching me the quality of the desires of those in the other life who relate to the seminal vessels. As was said, however, that spirit could not be received, wherefore he returned to his former state. He now spoke with a still more divided tongue, and was below the former region, because in a worse state as to externals. Those who afterwards come hither, in order to pass from these corporeal things to what is interior, and successively to what is heavenly, are carried by a way at the back, then between the knees, and in this way are taken away. 1748, Feb. 20.

707. CONCERNING THE SPIRITS OF THE PLANET JUPITER Those of the spirits of the planet Jupiter who have been with me for some time, were then also admitted together into the interior heaven, for they desired it; and others followed them, who also were admitted. Now others have succeeded these, who still, as I surmise, remain with me, and who also expect to be admitted.

It was said that these spirits when prepared for heaven, put off their garments and are clothed with shining new ones, and become angels. They were likened to caterpillars, which having passed through their vile state, are changed into chrysalises, and thus into butterflies; to which another dress is then given, and also wings of a blue, yellow, silver, or golden color; and then the liberty of flying in the air as in their heaven, of celebrating their marriages and laying their eggs, and thus of providing for the propagation of their kind; and at the same time there is allotted them sweet and pleasant food from the juices and odors of the various flowers.

8848. It was said that when such have been prepared for heaven, they are stripped of their garments, and are clothed in new shining ones, and become angels. These the angels likened to caterpillars, which having passed through their low estate, are changed into chrysalides, and thus into butterflies, to which are then given other clothing and likewise wings of blue, yellow, silver, or gold, and at the same time liberty to fly in the air in their heaven, and to engage in marriages and lay eggs and thus provide for the propagation of their kind, sweet and pleasant food being also provided for them from the juices and odors of various flowers.

8849. One of the spirits from that earth came to me, saying that he was seeking the One Only Lord, and that he longed to come into heaven; but that he could not, because in the life of the body he had done evil. He was asked what evil. He said that he had taken from a companion something which was of little value and which he supposed his companion was going to give him, and that this lay heavy on his conscience. From this it was evident what kind of a life they live on that earth, and that it torments them if they do evil to anyone, however slight; for he had brought that thought with him from his earth.

877. After this form is put off, like the calluses described above, [nos. 862-865], the new or interior man, who is prepared by the Lord alone, arises. This is represented in the world by the worms which are transformed into nymphs, and presently when wings have been acquired, they fly about in their own heaven or joy, that is, in the air; they have their heavenly things suitable to themselves; they sport amongst themselves; they lay their eggs; and from the flowers which they prefer they select their delicious food; not to mention their other states unknown to us. 1748, Feb. 19.

80. Thus far nothing has been said of the quality of the angels who are from that earth; for those who come to the men of their earth and sit at their head, as mentioned above (n. 73), are not angels in their interior heaven, but are angelic spirits, or angels, in their exterior heaven. And as the nature of the angels of the interior heaven has also been disclosed to me, it is permitted to relate what has been given me to know.

A certain one of the spirits of Jupiter who inspire fear, applied himself to my left side under the elbow and spoke thence. But his speech was harsh, nor were his words sufficiently distinct and separate; so that I had to wait some time before I could gather his meaning. And when he spoke he also injected something of fear, thus also admonishing me to receive the angels well when they came. But it was given to answer, that this did not depend on me; since all were received with me as they are.

8021. ON THE SPIRITS AND INHABITANTS OF THE PLANET JUPITER, CONTINUED. One of those spirits of Jupiter who strike terror by their coming, as already described, applied himself to my left side beneath the elbow, and spoke from there; but his speech was harsh, nor were the words quite discrete and separate from one another, insomuch that I was obliged to wait long before I could gather the sense; and while he was speaking he also interjected something of terror. He said that so it is done on their earth, and that they are sent in advance to a man, before their angels come to him, and in this manner they prepare him. He admonished me also to receive them well when they came. But it was given me to answer that this is not my affair; but that with me all are received just as they themselves are.

1648. CONCERNING THE PREPARATION OF THE WAY, BEFORE THE ADVENT, OF ANGELS TO MEN ON THE EARTH JUPITER, AND CONCERNING JOHN THE BAPTIST. A certain one of the spirits of Jupiter who strike fear and terror into man by their approach, applied himself to my left side under the elbows, and then spoke in his peculiar way, at first with a somewhat harsh, grating sound, as of the teeth, and afterward as of the lips, as he also said, so that the sound of his utterance was heard like that of one who sonorously compresses his lips. The words were not continuous, but very discrete, and accordingly the ideas or words of the discourse were not closely connected, [but so separated that] it was necessary to wait for a considerable time in order to know what was said. He inspired also a degree of terror in connection with what he uttered, saying to me among other things that it was customary in the earth prior to the approach of angels to have one sent before as a herald, to prepare a man for their coming, to talk with him concerning them, and to admonish him to entertain them courteously, and to do them no harm; to whom I replied that this did not depend upon me, but upon the spirits of the earth where I am, whom, if they are present, I cannot control; but if they [the spirits of Jupiter] were able to do it, very well.

Presently angels of that earth came to me, and I was able to perceive from their speech with me, that they were altogether different from the angels of our earth; for their speech was not by words, but by ideas, which diffused themselves everywhere through my interiors, and thus they had also an influx into my face, so that the face concurred in every particular, beginning from the lips and proceeding in every direction toward the circumference. The ideas which were in the place of spoken words were discrete, though in small degree.

8022. Afterward the angels of that earth came, and it was given me to perceive from their speech with me that they are utterly different from the angels of our earth; for their speech was not effected by means of words, but by means of ideas which diffused themselves through my interiors on all sides, and from there had also an influx into the face, so that the face concurred to every particular; beginning from the lips, and proceeding toward the circumference on all sides. The ideas which were in the stead of words were discrete, but in a slight degree. They said that so do they speak with their own people on their earth; and that there also the speech is of the face, beginning from the lips.

1649. Angels of that earth, namely, Jupiter, afterwards came, and I was enabled to perceive that they were of another genius, thus of another earth [from ours] from their speech; for their speech was such that they spoke not by words, but by ideas, which diffused themselves over the whole face, so that the face concurred, as it were, and at first, in such a manner that the origin of this expression in the speaking face was from the lips, thence extending itself to the surrounding parts, whereof I had a perception, although obscure. It was afterwards shown me that the ideas were, as it were, continuous, yet discreted into words, but the words were not so heard. They remarked that they spoke thus with each other on their earth, inasmuch as their speech is of the face commencing from the lips, concerning which see above.

They afterwards spoke with me by ideas still less discrete, so that scarce any interstice was perceivable. To my perception it was like the meaning of words with those who only attend to the meaning abstractly from the words. This speech was more intelligible to me than the former, and was also more full. Like the former it flowed into the face, but the influx in accordance with the quality of the speech, was more continuous. It did not however begin like the former from the lips, but from the eyes.

8023. Afterward they spoke with me by means of ideas still less discrete, insomuch that scarcely any interval was perceivable; it was in my perception like the meaning of words with those who attend only to the meaning abstractedly from the words. This speech was more intelligible to me than the former, and was also more full. It flowed into the face in like manner as the former, but the influx was more continuous, in accordance with the nature of the speech. It did not, however, begin from the lips, like the former, but from the eyes. They said that so also do they speak with their own people on their earth; but with those there who enjoy a more interior sense and discernment than the rest.

1650. They afterwards spoke still more continuously, so that the words were scarcely perceived, but there was, as it were, a continuous idea; and although words were thence formed by me, yet so that they were scarcely to be found, as in the case of a man who, without reflection upon the words, attends solely to the sense, when the words appear as if they were not. In the present instance, though the case was similar, yet there was this difference, that I could perceive the words disappear, as it were, and the discourse was thus continued by means of ideas alone, and yet more intelligibly than if the words had been heard. This kind of speech, consisting of ideas still more continuous, or, as it were, of one single continuous idea, moved also the whole face, but commenced from the eyes and thence extended round about; but it was a speech interior to the former. They spoke also concerning such a speech as being in use with the men of their earth, especially with the better portion of them.

Afterward they spoke still more continuously and fully, so that my face was not then able to concur by fitting motion; but there was felt an influx into the brain, and that this was then acted upon in like manner.

8024. Afterward they spoke in a manner still more continuous and full; and then the face could not concur by a suitable movement; but there was felt an influx into the brain, and this was then acted upon in a similar manner.

1651. They then spoke also in such a manner that the face did not speak at the same time, or did not concur by a corresponding motion throughout, as before, but the face remained to my observation quiescent, and then they spoke in my brain, so that the brain was moved in like manner [as the face had been], which motion or convibration, however, I could not so distinctly feel, but it was a speech by ideas still more continuous, so that from many there resulted one idea, thus continuous, and yet it was intelligible to me.

At last they so spoke that the discourse fell only into the interior understanding. Its volubility was like that of a thin aura. I felt the influx itself, but not distinctly the particulars.

8025. Lastly they spoke in such a way that their discourse fell only into the interior understanding; its fluency was like that of a thin aura. I perceived the influx itself, but not distinctly the particulars. They said that there are men of their earth also with whom they speak in this manner, and that they are those who after death are immediately carried up into heaven.

1652. They afterwards spoke in such a manner that I understood nothing, while the angels understood it far better than I [could possibly have done], for it was by means of a most delicate aura, which I plainly perceived, although what was said was of too great tenuity for me to comprehend. They speak thus with the men of their earth who are almost angels. I remember to have heard elsewhere a similar speech, but what was said I could not learn, although some that were with me said that they could understand it well; this is therefore a speech still more interior.

These kinds of speech were like fluids, the first kind like flowing water, the second like thinner water, the third comparatively like the atmosphere, and the fourth like a thin aura.

8026. These kinds of speech are circumstanced like fluids; the first kind is like fluent water; the second is like water more attenuated; the third is relatively like the atmosphere; and the fourth is like a thin aura.

653. As regards the fourth kind of vision, this has been granted me four or five times, and indeed with much pleasantness; moreover, I was awake when in like manner I was led two or three times by spirits.

The spirit mentioned above, who was on the left side, sometimes interrupted, especially warning me to act modestly with his angels; for there were spirits from our earth, who introduced such things as were displeasing. He said that he did not at first understand what the angels said, but that he did afterward when he was brought nearer to my left ear. Then also his speech was not harsh, as before, but like that of other spirits.

8027. The spirit above mentioned, who was on the left side, sometimes interrupted the conversation, admonishing me especially to deal discreetly with his angels; for there were spirits from our earth who occasioned such things as excited displeasure. He also said that he did not understand what the angels spoke; but that he did afterward when he removed to my left ear. His speech then was not harsh as before, but like that of other spirits.

1654. The spirit who was with me at my left side occasionally interposed a remark, saying, that he did not understand their speech, because it was so interior, and yet he spoke from time to time, and, according to his wont, chided me for dealing so gently with them, for they were spirits of this earth, who gave vent to certain things which were displeasing and vexatious, on which account I was appealed to to put a stop to them, but I replied to him that spirits of this character were indeed from our earth, but that I had nothing to do with them.

1655. Afterwards, this same spirit who had thus chided me, observed that he could understand what they said, but he then came into a state in which he had the requisite perception; but he was then removed to my left ear, into which he poured his discourse more rapidly than before.

8028. From this it could be seen how the case is with the order in heaven, and from this in the world; namely that when angels are about to come, a spirit is sent before to prepare the way, and that he excites fear, and gives admonition to receive the angels courteously; and that he interrupts; also that at first he does not understand what the angels speak, but afterward when he has been reduced to a better state he understands; in a word, that he is continually at hand, and prepares the lower mind, and endeavors to avert things unworthy. In regard to this there occurred to me a thought about John the Baptist, that it was according to the order of heaven for him to be sent before and announce the coming of the Lord, and that he should prepare the way that He might be worthily received, according to what is written in Matt. 3:3; Luke 1:17; 3:4; John 1:23.

1656. From this it may be inferred how the case is in the universal heaven, and the whole orb of the earth, viz. that before the approach of angels a spirit is dispatched to prepare the way, to inspire [a salutary] fear, and to admonish that the angelic visitants be courteously received; and moreover, that such messenger-spirit often speaks somewhat harshly, saying that he does not understand what the angels may communicate, though he is afterwards reduced to a better state, and then says that he does understand, that he is continually present, and continually preparing the mind, and endeavoring to avert whatever may be unkind or unbecoming. Hence it may appear that in the universal heaven, and the whole world, the custom obtains of a forerunner being employed, and that John the Baptist acted in this capacity as an announcer of the Lord's Advent, and that the case was the same with John in respect to the Lord as it was with this spirit in respect to the angels, to wit, that John also was in doubt from not understanding what the Lord declared, as we read, and that being afterwards better instructed, his mind was opened to receive it, as was the case with the spirit who was in contact with my ear. The similarity holds, too, in regard to the discourses of our Lord, which were such as to contain things more and more interior, as we read in the Evangelist John, until at length he uttered things which they could not understand, from being still more interior, and which, therefore, were brought into close resemblance with what appeared to me as atmospheres and auras, as described above. Still there was at the same time an external speech insinuated through an external way. - 1728, March 23.

1657. THE SPEECH OF THE SPIRITS OF JUPITER WITH ME BY MEANS OF THE LIPS AND THE GUMS OF THE TEETH. Spirits of the earth Jupiter, but of a different class from the former, also spoke with me, but in a different manner, to wit, by the tongue and the lips, so that the sound entered through the lips, thus by another way than that made use of in discourse with the angels.

1658. They spoke, moreover, through my gums, so that the gums and teeth perceived it almost with a sense of pain. There was a peculiar constriction, and so manifestly sensible, that although the teeth did not actually ache, yet it came but little short of it. They said, indeed, that this kind of speech among them constringed the teeth in such a way as to cause a sensation of pain, and that it was the speech of spirits who had not yet become angels, consequently of those who had recently come into the other life. The sound of the speech, as was manifestly apparent, flowed in through another way, to wit, through the Eustachian tube.

1659. Those who were with me in the first instance were desirous of being called angels, because their speech was of this character, but it was shown them that this attenuated and almost imperceptible kind of speech could be made use of by evil spirits, for it is, in fact, their thought, which this class of spirits employ for perverting other spirits, and also for perverting the thoughts of men, as they repeatedly endeavored to do with me. But there is this difference, that the spirits of our earth are not able to determine their speech into the face.

1661. Moreover, an angel spoke with me through spirits, which was done from the interior towards the exterior; this was observed by the spirits of the earth Jupiter, that thus they might know that the speech, as long as spirits are the speakers, is by a way from the exterior, while the speech of angels is by a way from the interior. - 1748, March 23. Angels act from the interior, while I perceive [the operation]; it is by the motion of the lips, but still from the interior. It is also from the interior when the left eye is effected, but this I do not perceive.

81. I afterward spoke with these angels about some notable things on our earth, especially about the art of printing, about the Word, and about the various doctrines of the church from the Word; and I said that the Word and the doctrines are published, and so are learned. They wondered exceedingly that such things could be published by writing and by types.

8385. ...They wondered that such things could be published merely by means of writings; but they were then informed about printing, and also about the Word, and likewise about the teachings of the church in our earth; and they were told that the Word and the teachings so stand forth in a published form, and in this way are learned.

562. The prerogative which spirits have above men can also be made evident from the fact that the inhabitants* of that earth could also understand letters, both those that I wrote and those I read, as if they had been taught; thus they come into the possession of the things that are in man. * This refers to the inhabitants of Jupiter after death, as is evident from the reference in the Index (s.v. Spiritus): "The Jovinian Spirits could read what I wrote and what I read, although they have no letters"

3045. CONCERNING THE SPIRITS OF JUPITER (Spirits of Jupiter are with me, and wonder greatly that I am able to write in this way the ideas of their thought: (for they have related [duxerunt] previously, as also this day, the things which I wrote concerning them:) and inasmuch as reflection was given them, they reported it to others who also wondered that such a thing could take place. It was insinuated in them, that in this way, can the inhabitants of this earth be informed, and everyone who reads knows it. This I perceived from their thought and not from [their] speech: from this thought or perception of their thought, I wrote these things: they also desired to affirm it with a still more subtle perception. - 1748, September 3).

8029. From what has already been occasionally related about the state of man after death, it is evident that there are few who at once enter heaven when they come into the other life; but that they stay for some time beneath heaven, in order that the things belonging to earthly and bodily loves, which they have brought with them from the world, may be removed, and they may thus be prepared to be capable of being in society with the angels. The case is similar with the men of all the earths, namely, that after their decease they are at first beneath heaven among spirits; and afterward, when they are prepared, they become angels.

82. I was permitted to see how the spirits of that earth after they have been prepared, are taken up into heaven and become angels. There then appear chariots and horses bright as with fire, by which they are carried away like Elijah. Chariots and horses bright as with fire appear, because it is thus represented that they have been instructed and prepared to enter heaven; since "chariots" signify the doctrinals of the church, and "bright horses" the understanding enlightened.# # "Chariots signify the doctrinals of the church (n. 2761, 5321, 8215). "Horses" signify the intellectual faculty (n. 2760, 2761, 2762, 3217, 5321, 6125, 6400, 6534, 7024, 8146, 8148, 8351). "The white horse" in the Apocalypse signifies the understanding of the word (n. 2760). By "Elijah" in the representative sense is meant the word (n. 2762, 5247). And because all the doctrine of the church and the understanding of it are from the word, Elijah was called "the chariot of Israel and the horsemen thereof" (n. 2762). He was therefore taken up by a fiery chariot and horses of fire (n. 2762, 8029).

When the spirits of that earth were becoming angels it was given me to see that there appeared bright horses as of fire, by which they were carried up, like Elijah. Bright horses as of fire signify an enlightened understanding (that "horses" in the Word signify what is of the understanding, see n. 2760-2762, 3217, 5321, 6125, 6534); and the "horses of fire and chariots of fire" which carried away Elijah, signify the understanding of the Word as to its interiors (n. 2762).

525. Moreover, when these spirits become angels and are carried away to the golden-blue or heavenly colored angels, there then appear to them shining horses as if fiery, which I saw, and they are carried along by them and so come among the angels who, they say, are together with them and worship the One Only Lord.

83. The heaven into which they are taken, appears on the right of their earth, thus apart from the heaven of the angels of our earth. The angels who are in that heaven appear clothed in shining blue, dotted with small golden stars, and this because they loved that color in the world. They also believed that it was the veriest celestial color, chiefly because they are in such good of love as that color corresponds to.# # Blue from red or flame corresponds to the good of celestial love, and blue from white or light corresponds to the good of spiritual love (n. 9868).

8030. This angelic heaven to which they are carried away is the first heaven, or the last of the three. This heaven appears to the right from their earth, and is quite separate from the first or lowest heaven of the angels who are from our earth. They who are in this heaven appear clothed in azure dotted with little golden stars; for they believe this color to be the veriest heavenly color. When they are in the world, and contemplate the starry heaven, they call it the abode of the angels; and for this reason the azure color is loved by them.

535. Their heaven is separate from ours, both in order that they may be with their own people on their earth, and because they believe the blue color, studded with little golden stars, to be the heavenly color itself; and since they are so persuaded, they also seem to themselves to be clothed in blue. They are unwilling to be among the spirits of our earth, because they know from experience that they are cunning and deceitful, neither do they acknowledge the One Only Lord; and on account of their many fallacies, the spirits of Jupiter shun their company. Their heaven is as great as is the heaven of this earth, even greater, because the inhabitants of that earth are more numerous. 1748, Jan. 24.

552. Moreover, their angels are distinct and thus are not together with our heavens, except their more interior and inmost angels. For the propriums of those who are interior, when consociated with those who are celestial and spiritual, do not concord, for their phantasies and like things, which are subordinated, are different; therefore they cannot thus be together, except by a general influx. But the more interior and the inmost angels constitute one heaven throughout the universe. 1748, Jan. 26.

3046. The angelic spirits of Jupiter are in celestial perception, and thus it is granted to associate with them thought which cannot be understood by the interior evil spirits of this earth: wherefore they are highly indignant, and say they cannot live and also attempt to understand it; but this is impossible: yet they do not believe it. It was said that it is impossible for them [to understand it] for cogitative celestial speech is insinuated by the Lord, but [the speech] of those evil spirits derives its origin from them, and they are immediately revealed from [only] their thought, and endeavor, as to their quality and what they attempt.

626. ...It is evident therefore that the angels of the interior heaven are distinct according to their natural dispositions, as was said; but the angels of the more interior, and of the inmost heavens are together throughout the universe, for there can be no discrepancy between those who are truly spiritual and celestial, but only between those who are natural. 1748, Feb. 2.

3030. … For a not dissimilar reason, the Mohammedan heaven, and the heaven of Jupiter [coelum Joviale] was opened by those who wished to seek another Lord.

84. There appeared to me a bald head, but only the top of it, which was bony; and it was said that those who are to die within a year see such a one, and that they then prepare themselves. They do not fear death there, except on account of leaving the consort, children or parents; for they know that they will live after death, and that they are not going out of life, because they are going into heaven. Therefore they do not call it dying, but being heaven-made. Those who have lived in love truly conjugial on that earth, and have taken care of their children as becomes parents, do not die of diseases, but tranquilly as in sleep; and thus they migrate from the world into heaven. The age of men there is usually thirty years, according to the years of our earth. The cause of their dying in so short a time is of the Lord's providence, lest the multitude of men should increase beyond what can be sustained by that earth; and because after they have fulfilled those years, they do not suffer themselves to be led by spirits and angels as those do who have not yet fulfilled them; for which reason spirits and angels rarely go to the more mature. They come to maturity also more quickly than on our earth. Even in the first flower of youth they form marriages, and then their delights are to love the consort, and to take care of their children. Other delights they indeed call delights, but respectively external.

8850. I was shown a bald head, but only its highest part, which was bony; and I was told that such an appearance is seen by those who are to die within a year, and that they then prepare themselves. On that earth they do not fear death, except on account of leaving their consort, their children, or their parents; for they know that they will live after death, and that they do not go out of life, because they go into heaven; and therefore they do not speak of dying, but of being heaven-made. Those who on that earth have lived happy in conjugial love, and have taken care of their children as it becomes parents to do, do not die by diseases, but tranquilly, as in sleep, and thus migrate from the world into heaven.

8851. The age to which the inhabitants live is for the most part thirty years, according to the years of our earth. They who live beyond this age are said to be unteachable, and therefore the chastising and instructing spirits do not come to them. The reason why they die within so brief a space of time is of the providence of the Lord, lest their numbers should increase beyond what that earth is capable of supporting. They also come to maturity more quickly there than on this earth. They marry in the first flower of youth, and their delights then are to love their consort and take care of their children. Other delights they indeed call delights, but relatively external.

8113. … They told me that they do not fear death, except a little on account of the loss of their married partner and children, because they know of a certainty that the death of the body is a continuation of life, and that after it they become more happy.

545 1/2. Moreover, there was also shown me a dead head, or a bald scalp so that the top part of the head was bald and bony; and it was said that those who were to die within a year see such a dead head, so that they may prepare themselves for death. They do not indeed fear death, except on account of their friends, parents and children whom they leave behind; but they know that they are going to heaven, hence they are not made sad on that account.

743. Furthermore, they do not fear death except on account of the loss of their consort and children, and not even on their account while they live in tranquillity, and know for certain that their life is continued by the death of the body, and thus they will become happier, and celestial angels.

623. ...Thus they are carried off into heaven, as they say, nor do they call it dying, but rather, being heaven-made.

580. CONCERNING THE INHABITANTS OF JUPITER I have heard from their good spirits about the death of those who have lived on that planet, namely, that they die in their young manhood, for the reason, as said before [n. 546], lest the number of men should be increased too greatly. However, they rarely die through diseases as on this earth, except those who have led an evil and external life; but they die tranquilly, and as though in sleep, so that they enter the other life as by sleep.

546. The age of the men on that planet is for the most part thirty years. Those who live longer are said to be unteachable, so that the spirits do not dare to admonish and chastise them, for they say they know those things as well as the spirits; therefore, because they are not flexible and teachable as their youths are, the spirits desire the less to speak to them. Moreover, it is of the Lord's Providence that they do not live beyond those years, because their numbers would increase too much; for the offspring they have multiply, since famine and want do not hinder them from the procreation of offspring, as on this earth. Hence they are consociated [in marriage] in their first youth, nor do they seek anything more than the procreation of offspring. They do not so care for other delights as they are called here; they study solely their offspring.

589. CONCERNING A CERTAIN KIND OF PUNISHMENT INFLICTED UPON THE EVIL SPIRITS OF THE PLANET JUPITER I was shown a certain punishment which the worst of them suffer. They are kept as it were in a tun, so bound that they are unable to move themselves at all, and in the meanwhile they are infested by dire phantasies about their incarceration, and the desire of releasing themselves from their bonds is excited, and because this is in vain there is thence anxiety and torment with the desire; and they are told that they ought to bear these things even until they have paid everything to the last farthing [Matt. v. 26]. But still they are liberated.* The appearance of their face was exhibited to me; it was deformed, and as it were lacerated. This punishment agrees also with the phantasies of the infernal crew that they are in a certain tun; also with the punishment of the veil. See above [nos. 434-5, 516]. They are then said to be miserably tormented, but they are told that if they should pay to the last farthing, it would be to eternity. Wherefore the one only Lord sustained the most cruel torments on our earth, so that they might be delivered after they have borne it for only a very little time. * In the Index (s.v. Velum) it is said, "and when without hope, they are liberated".

590. Learned European spirits who continually desire to seduce them from the truth and from faith in the Lord objected that salvation was effected in time, and that almost four thousand years had elapsed before He came into the world, and yet spirits had also been saved before that time. The spirits of Jupiter could not but laugh that they should make such allegations concerning things Divine, when, as they were told, the past and the present are one with God; for all things from eternity to eternity are present to Him, and the promise and the deed are the same thing with the Lord. There are besides, other things which the spirits of our earth often raise as objections, and they want to pervert all the spirits they meet. Such are the Europeans who are called Christians, and there are very many indeed who are inwardly such; for in the world they simulate, and say one thing with the mouth, and cherish another at heart. A spirit or soul cannot speak except from his acquired disposition, thus from the heart, consequently from the life of his love which had consisted of mere cupidities. Therefore their so-called understanding is from mere falsities, for there is no inherent reason within them except that which flows from their love. Thus such as is the love in the body, such is the life and such is the act, which is so easily known in the other life that nothing is easier. If they only utter one word or disclose one idea, or if they only think, the whole spirit discloses himself therein, and shows of what quality he had been during the life of the body; wherefore he is associated with those who are alike, and they act together.

591. I also spoke with spirits of another earth on the way they philosophize here, namely, that when they describe spirits, souls, and like things which are invisible, they then remove all things upon which human ideas may affix themselves, as place, parts, figures, and similar things, so that they leave no idea, consequently no word by which to express those things that have regard to spirits and similar things, and call them immaterial, and the like. They so involve them in terms, and at length in occult qualities, that they finally come to doubt whether there is anything within those things which the senses apprehend, which very many deny, at least inwardly. Thus they deny the existence of spirits, they deny the existence of spiritual things, they deny the existence of celestial things, so they suppose that they will die like other animals, from which they do not even know how to distinguish themselves. And yet they still want to be called learned! Moreover, they connect such terms and hence bundle many things together which are mere scholastic terms, which, if unfolded, would exhibit a simple sense easily expressible. The spirits of the planet Jupiter laugh at these and like things, and again called such men insane, and, if their thoughts are such that they are immersed in and entangled or ensnared by such things, dung. 1748, Jan. 28.

The Earth or Planet Mars

Earths in the Universe
Arcana Coelestia
Spiritual Experiences

85. THE EARTH OR PLANET MARS, ITS SPIRITS AND INHABITANTS. The spirits of Mars are the best of all among the spirits who are from the earths of our solar system, for they are as to the most part celestial men, not unlike those who were of the Most Ancient Church on this earth.#

7476. The spirits of Mars are among those who are the best of all from the earths of this solar system, for they are mostly celestial men, not unlike those who were of the Most Ancient Church on this earth (of whom see above, n. 1114-1125, and elsewhere).

When they are represented as to their quality, they are represented with the face in heaven and the body in the world of spirits; and those of them who are angels, with the face toward the Lord and the body in heaven. # The First and Most Ancient Church on this earth which was celestial church, which is the primary of all, see (n. 607, 895, 920, 1121-1124, 2896, 4493, 8891, 9942, 10,545). The church is called celestial in which the principal thing is love to the Lord, but spiritual in which the principal thing is charity toward the neighbor and faith (n. 3691, 6435, 9468, 9680, 9683, 9780).

When their quality is represented, they are represented with the face in heaven and the body in the world of spirits; and those of them who are angels, with the face toward the Lord and the body in heaven.

1549. (((One of the inhabitants was represented to me as if with his face in heaven, and his body on the earth. They constitute or represent, therefore, that in man which is called thought.)))

86. The planet Mars in the idea of spirits and angels, like the other planets, appears constantly in its place, which is to the left in front, at some distance, in the plane of the breast, and so out of the sphere where the spirits of our earth are. The spirits of one earth are separate from the spirits of another earth, because the spirits of each earth refer to some particular province in the Greatest Man, and hence are in another and different state; and diversity of state makes them appear separate from each other, either to the right or to the left, at a greater or less distance.# # Distances in the other life are real appearances, which are presented by the Lord to be seen, according to the state of the interiors of angels and spirits (n. 5604, 9104, 9440, 10,146).

7358. ON THE INHABITANTS AND SPIRITS OF THE PLANET MARS. Like all the rest of the planets, the planet Mars appears in the idea of spirits and angels constantly in its own place, and in fact to the left in front, at some distance in the plane of the breast, and thus outside the sphere in which are the spirits of our earth. The spirits of one earth are separated from the spirits of another earth, because the spirits of each earth have reference to some special province in the Grand Man, and thence are in another and diverse state; and diversity of state causes them to appear separate from one another, either to the right or to the left, at a greater or a less distance.

1539. CONCERNING THE INHABITANTS OF THE EARTH MARS Spirits appeared in front to the left, who were said to be from the earth Mars, and who declared themselves to be holy; not that they were holy [in themselves], but the Lord, who is the Only Good, is their holiness.

87. Spirits from Mars came to me and applied themselves to my left temple, where they breathed upon me with their speech; but I did not understand it. It was soft in its flow, softer I had never before perceived; it was like the softest aura. It first breathed upon my left temple, and upon my left ear from above; and the breathing proceeded thence to my left eye, and little by little to the right, and then flowed down, chiefly from the left eye to the lips; and when it reached the lips, it entered through the mouth, and through the passage within the mouth, and indeed through the Eustachian tube, into the brain. When the breathing arrived there, I then understood their speech; and it was granted to speak with them. I observed when they were speaking with me, that my lips were moved, and the tongue also a little; which was by reason of the correspondence of interior speech with exterior speech. Exterior speech is that of articulate sound finding its way to the external membrane of the ear, whence it is conveyed, by means of little organs, membranes, and fibers which are within the ear, into the brain.

7359. Spirits from thence came to me, and applied themselves to my left temple, and there breathed on me with their speech, but I did not understand it. It was soft in its flow, nor do I remember ever to have perceived a softer, it being like the softest aura. It breathed first upon the left temple, and the left ear from above; and the breathing extended thence to the left eye, and by little and little to the right, and then flowed downward, especially from the left eye, to the lips; and when it was at the lips, it entered through the mouth, and by a way within the mouth, in fact by the Eustachian tube, into the brain. When the breathing came thither, I then understood their speech, and it was given me to talk with them. While they were talking with me I observed that my lips moved, and my tongue also a little, because of the correspondence of interior speech with exterior. Exterior speech is that of articulate sound falling toward the external membrane of the ear, and thence by means of little organs, membranes, and fibers, which are within the ear, being conveyed to the brain.

3488. CONCERNING [CERTAIN] EXCELLENT SPIRITS OF ANOTHER EARTH, SIMILAR TO THE PRIMITIVE OR MORAVIAN CHURCH. A company of spirits came to within a short distance of my left temple, and breathed upon me with a certain kind of speech, which, however, I did not understand. But thinking it might be within the sphere of my thoughts, I felt it as something softer than I recollect ever to have experienced before, blowing like a very gentle aura first upon my left temple and left ear upwards, extending to the left eye and slightly towards the right, then to the lips, especially from the left eye, and when it reached the lips it entered by the mouth, and thus as I supposed, through the Eustachian tube into the thought. There was then given a communication of thoughts, so that I perceived theirs, and they mine. They then stated, in cogitative speech, by what manner the utterance was effected, viz. by moving the lips, which were similarly moved with me, as also the tongue for a short time, which was a common act [to them all], for there ought to be a common where there are particulars. Moreover their thoughts were communicated by [the fibers of] the lips, and it was said in thought that they thus perspicuously conveyed their ideas to others. I was able thence to conclude that they were from some other earth, from their speaking [by the simple motion of the lips], but from what one in particular I was left in ignorance. From their confession of faith I was prompted to think them from the earth Jupiter; for in every earth there are various knowledges of faith, as there are also in our own, and our Most Ancient Church was extremely similar to that [to which these spirits belonged]. Their speech was moreover marked by another common peculiarity, viz. that it was effected somehow by the lower jaw, which with me, as well as with themselves, they made to protrude beyond the upper lips:* quae maxilla simul movebatur a gingivis, quam motionem habebant, a mea maxilla cum gingivis, et labiis.** * We have left untranslated the concluding sentence of the above paragraph, because we know not how to understand it. It evidently points at some difference in the motion of his jaw and that of the spirits in question, but the precise nature of the difference is to us unintelligible. -Tr.

(I'm appending here JDOdhner's translation for the untranslated section in Buss.--LOP)

...that jaw being moved at the same time by the gums, having the same motion as when I move my [lower] jaw together with gums and lips....

** Note on the lateral margin:-

"They pertain in the Grand Man to the province intermediate between the cerebrum and cerebellum, thus to the region of thought or intellect in the cerebrum, and to that of affection or will in the cerebellum. Thence it is that intellectual and voluntary things act with them as one, the face speaking and the eye at the same time, as it were, thinking."

1541. So far as external mediums are concerned, knowledge [of each other] is acquired from the face, especially the province about the eyes; and also from their speech, which is distinguished from that of others by not being sonorous like the speech of the inhabitants of our earth, but by being a kind of tacit speech, formed by means of a more subtle atmosphere, which is directed towards the mouth, and enters there, and thus [passes] through the Eustachian tube. This tube, it appears, is their organ of hearing. One of them spoke with me in this kind of speech, that I might know something of its nature. It entered through the lips, the fibers of which are disposed to a diverse receptivity, and thus penetrated through the Fallopian tube, and thus upwards. It was perspicuously perceived, and is much fuller and more perfect than a language addressed to the ear, inasmuch as it conveys at once a greater variety of ideas.

From this, it was granted, to know that the speech of the inhabitants of Mars was different from that of the inhabitants of our earth, namely, it was not sonorous, but almost tacit, insinuating itself into the interior hearing and sight by a shorter way; and being such it was more perfect, and more full of the ideas of thought, thus approaching nearer to the speech of spirits and angels. The very affection of the speech is also represented with them in the face, and its thought in the eyes; for the thought and the speech, also the affection and the face, with them act as one. They regard it as nefarious to think one thing and speak another, and to will one thing and show another in the face. They do not know what hypocrisy is, nor what fraudulent pretence and deceit are.

7360. From all this it was given me to know that the speech of the inhabitants of Mars is different from the speech of the inhabitants of our earth. That is to say, it was not sonorous, but almost silent, insinuating itself into the interior hearing and sight by a shorter way. And being of this nature, it was fuller and more perfect, fuller of the ideas of thought, thus approaching more nearly the speech of spirits and angels. Moreover, the very affection of the speech is represented with them in the face, and its thought in the eyes; for with them, thought and speech, and also affection and face, act as a one. They regard it as wicked to think one thing and speak another, and to will one thing and show another in the face. They do not know what hypocrisy is, or what fraudulent deceit and dissimulation are.

3882. I was instructed by them also in the quality of those ideas, namely, that inasmuch as they speak by the lips, that is, by the extremely various folds of the lips, it is thus perfectly well known to them who are in such speech, as they see the diversities of the foldings and forms in the lips, as also their minutest motions, with the appliances of the tongue, particularly its tip, all which, numerous as they are, concur [to the effect], and which cannot be known to the inhabitants of our earth. They have thence [i.e. from the earth and its objects] formed to themselves ideas, and only while they are thinking do they represent such forms, whether simple or more and more compound, (:which may appear from the speech of words, wherein are such simple and variously compounded forms, according to which the tongue, the palate, the nostrils, the lips, accommodate themselves:); but the forms of the inhabitants of Mars are still more subtle, because their speech is that of the lips, and much fuller than the speech of words. There are artificial forms of this kind [which they use] as often as they present their ideas, and then when they speak they exercise the greatest caution lest there should be [in it] any idea of thought, which they try skillfully to remove, so that it might be a mere representation of such things, without any idea of thought, from which others would immediately understand them.

That such was also the speech of the most ancient people on our earth, it has been given me to know by conversation with some of them in the other life; and that this matter may be made clearer, it is permitted to relate what I have heard, as follows: "It was shown me by an influx which I cannot describe, what kind of speech they had who were of the Most Ancient Church, namely, that it was not articulate, like the vocal speech of our time, but tacit, which was effected not by external respiration but by internal; thus it was the speech of thought. It was also granted to perceive what their internal respiration was, that it proceeded from the navel toward the heart, and so through the lips without being sonorous when they spoke; and that it did not enter into the ear of another by the external way, and beat upon what is called the drum of the ear, but by a certain internal way, and in fact by a certain passage now called the Eustachian tube. It was shown that by such speech they could much more fully express the feelings of the mind and the ideas of the thought, than can ever be done by articulate sounds or sonorous words; which speech is in like manner directed by respiration, but external: for there is no word, nor indeed anything in a word, which is not directed by applications of the respiration. But with them this was much more perfect, because it was effected by internal respiration, which is the more perfect, because more internal, and more applicable and better conformed to the very ideas of thought; and it is further effected also by the little motions of the lips and corresponding changes of the face. For, since they were celestial men, whatever they thought shone forth from their face and eyes, which were varied in conformity, the face as to form according to the life of the affection, and the eyes as to light. They could by no means present any other countenance than such as accorded with what they thought; and because they had speech by internal respiration, which is that of man's spirit itself, they were therefore able to associate and speak with angels.

7361. That such also was the speech of the most ancient people on this earth, has been given to me to know by conversation with some of them (see n. 607, 608). To make the matter clearer, I may again relate what has been given to me to know from experience about the speech of the most ancient of this earth; as follows. "There was shown me by a certain influx which I cannot describe, what was the nature of the speech of those who were of the Most Ancient Church, namely, that it was not articulate, like the vocal speech of our time, but tacit; and was produced not by external but by internal respiration. It was also granted me to notice the nature of their internal respiration, that it advanced from the navel toward the heart, and so through the lips, without sound, when they spoke; and that it did not enter into the ear of another by an external way, and strike upon what is called the drum of the ear; but by a certain internal way, and in fact by a way there which is now called the Eustachian tube.

[2] It was shown me that by such speech they could much more fully express the sentiments of the mind and the ideas of thought, than can possibly be done by articulate sounds or sonorous words, which likewise are directed by the respiration, but external; for there is no vocal word, nor anything in a vocal word, which is not directed by applications of the respiration. But with them this is done much more perfectly, because by internal respiration, which, being more interior, is also more perfect, and more applicable and conformable to the very ideas of thought. Moreover, they express themselves by slight movements of the lips, and corresponding changes of the face; for as they had been celestial men, whatever they thought shone forth from their faces and eyes, which were varied conformably; the face as to form and life, the eyes as to light. They could not possibly put on an expression of countenance that was not in agreement with what they were thinking. Simulation, and still more deceit, were to them a monstrous crime (n. 1118). As their speech was of this nature, and they had internal respiration, they could be in company with angels.

The respiration of the spirits of Mars was also communicated to me;# and it was perceived that it proceeded from the region of the thorax toward the navel, and thence flowed upward through the chest with an imperceptible breathing toward the mouth. From this, as also from other proofs of experience, it was made plain to me that they were of a celestial genius; thus that they were not unlike those who were from the Most Ancient Church on this earth. # That spirits and angels have respiration (n. 3884, 3885, 3891, 3893).

7362. The respiration of the spirits of the planet Mars has also been communicated to me (that spirits and angels breathe, see n. 3884-3894); and it was perceived that their respiration was interior, proceeding from the region of the chest toward the navel, and thence rolling itself upward through the breast, with an imperceptible breathing toward the mouth. From these and other proofs of experience it was made evident to me that they were of a celestial genius, and thus not unlike those who were of the Most Ancient Church on this earth.

3490. Their respiration, which was interior, within the umbilical region, was communicated to me, but flowing up and down through the breast, it was not perceptible.

3490 1/2. It was given me to think concerning the primitive church, of which some supposed those spirits to be; wherefore some from the primitive church came near, who were very similar to them, but they did not speak by the [simple motion of] the lips, nor did they flow-in in like manner; they flowed-in by an afflatus into the upper region of the head, from about the separating line between the cerebrum and the cerebellum, towards the forehead, thus above and almost within the brain, and that they who come into heaven and thence the breath they breathed upon me flowed into the interior of the thorax and crosswise to the left of the nose. It then first filled the thorax with respiration, and thence passed to the region of the umbilicus, where they respired inwardly from the umbilicus through the back of the thorax, the breath scarcely reaching to the mouth. The respiration was thus reciprocally inwards, but not evolved outwardly; that is to say, [it passed] from the umbilical region to that of the thorax towards the back, and then upwards towards the neck, and thus with a reciprocal rolling, which was sufficiently agreeable.

3492. But I still recollect that it came into my thought that these spirits were not from the primitive church, but from the Moravian church; and thus is it now said, that they were from the Moravian church, among whom an image of the primitive church is preserved.

1543. (They are also in an angelic or exceedingly great body, constituting [or representing] that which is called thought; and they bear an exceedingly strong resemblance to the Most Ancient Church, which is described under the person of Adam, while abiding in its state of beatitude.)

88. I have been instructed that the spirits of Mars have reference in the Greatest Man to what is mediate between the intellectual and the voluntary faculties, thus to thought from affection; and the best of them to the affection of thought. It is for this reason that their face acts as one with their thought, and that they cannot dissemble before any one.

7480. I have been instructed that the spirits of Mars have relation to something which is interior in man, and indeed intermediate between the intellectual part and the will part, thus to thought from affection; and they who are the best of them, to the affection of the thought. This is the reason why their face makes a one with their thought, and why they cannot dissemble before anyone (as was said of them above, see n. 7360, 7361).

1558. ...The spirits of the earth Mars to thought.

3488. …** Note on the lateral margin:-

"They pertain in the Grand Man to the province intermediate between the cerebrum and cerebellum, thus to the region of thought or intellect in the cerebrum, and to that of affection or will in the cerebellum. Thence it is that intellectual and voluntary things act with them as one, the face speaking and the eye at the same time, as it were, thinking."

And as they have reference to this in the Greatest Man, the middle province, which is between the cerebrum and the cerebellum, corresponds to them. For with those with whom the cerebrum and the cerebellum are conjoined as to spiritual operations, the face acts as one with the thought; so that the very affection of the thought shines forth from the face, and from the affection, with the aid of some signs going forth from the eyes, the general of thought shines forth. For this reason when the spirits of Mars were with me, I perceived sensibly a drawing back of the front part of the head toward the occiput, thus of the cerebrum toward the cerebellum.# # Human faces on our earth in ancient times received influx from the cerebellum, and the faces then acted as one with the interior affections of man but that afterward they received influx from the cerebrum, when man began to dissemble and counterfeit in the face affections not his own, and concerning the changes brought upon faces therefrom in process of time (n. 4325-4328).

7481. And because they have such a relation in the Grand Man, that middle province of the brain which is between the cerebrum and the cerebellum corresponds to them. For with those with whom the cerebrum and the cerebellum have been conjoined in respect to spiritual operations, the face acts as a one with the thought, so that from the face the very affection of the thought shines forth; and from the affection, with some signs also going forth from the eyes, the general of the thought shines forth; and therefore when they were near me, I sensibly noticed a drawing back of the front part of the head toward the hinder part, thus of the cerebrum toward the cerebellum.

1550 1/2. (One of the spirits of Mars who was with me, and who was a subject of others, drew back the superior frontal part of my head towards the back part, signifying thus the character of their thought, that it was not so much of the cerebrum as of the [cerebellum or] will, implying, however, that they act not from their own will, but from the fear of the Lord. Accordingly this drawing back of the head, and indeed of the whole body, took place. - 1748, September 25.)

89. Once when the spirits of Mars were with me, and occupied the sphere of my mind, some spirits from our earth came and wished to infuse themselves also into that sphere. But then these spirits from our earth became as it were insane, for the reason that they did not at all agree. For the spirits of our earth in the Greatest Man have reference to the external sense, and thus they were in an idea turned to the world and to self, while the spirits of Mars were in an idea turned from self to heaven and to the neighbor; hence there was contrariety. But angelic spirits of Mars then came, and at their approach communication was taken away, and so the spirits of our earth withdrew.

7482. Once when the spirits of Mars were with me, and occupied the sphere of my mind, spirits from our earth came near and wished to infuse themselves also into that sphere; but then the spirits of our earth became as if insane, because they did not at all agree. For the spirits of our earth look to themselves and the world, thus they are in an idea turned to themselves; but the spirits of Mars look to heaven, thus to the Lord and their neighbor, and hence are in an idea turned away from themselves. From this cause there is contrariety. But then came near some angelic spirits of Mars, by whose coming the communication was taken away; and so the spirits of our earth retired.

3331. CONCERNING THE SPIRITS OF MARS. (Spirits of Mars were present, and they who were at a distance were afterwards infested by the spirits of our earth, who in their regard were as if insane, as I also told them; so that were they not held in bonds, like the insane, they would rush into destruction. Then came angelic spirits of Mars, whose arrival I perceived as if it were a purer aura. Then, at once, was taken away communication with the spirits of our earth, who were there near them; thus they could not be insane. Their subjects were dispersed by the arrival of the angelic spirits of Mars: inasmuch as they could not be in the same sphere)....

90. The angelic spirits spoke with me about the life of the inhabitants on their earth, that they are not under empires, but are arranged in societies larger and smaller, and that they consociate with themselves in their societies such as agree with them in mind, which they know at once from the face and speech, and are rarely deceived. Then they are friends at once.

7363. They spoke with me about the life of the inhabitants in their earth, in that they are not under commands, but are distinguished into larger and smaller societies, and that they there associate with themselves such as agree with them in disposition. This they know at once from the face and speech, in which they are rarely deceived, and then they are forthwith friends. But they feel no aversion to others, for they have no aversion, still less hatred.

1540. As to the life of the inhabitants of that earth, I heard that they live in societies, but not under governments, the societies being such that they perceive immediately from the face, eyes, and speech, thus externally, whether they are among true associates, whom they thus recognize, and to whom they adjoin themselves, so as out of many to make one. In this manner they know how to choose such companions for themselves as are congenial in temper and thought, in which they are very rarely deceived; they become friends forthwith; yet they feel no aversion to others, as no such feeling as aversion or hatred exists among them, but conjunction according to states of mind, and by means of external things.

They said also that their consociations are delightful, and that they speak with one another of those things that are done in the societies, especially those done in heaven; for many of them have manifest communication with the angels of heaven.

They also said that their consociations are delightful, and that they converse together about what is being done in the societies, especially what is being done in heaven; for many of them have open communication with the angels in heaven. This is easy to believe, as they are of such a nature and so associated, that their societies, taken together through that earth, represent a general angelic society. The societies there are all various, but the Lord conjoins them all by the heavenly form, so as to be a one; for a one is made of various particulars suitably arranged into a form.

1542. (Their consociations [or social gatherings] are delightful, from the interest taken in the things transpiring in their societies and those also which occur in heaven. They moreover worship our Lord alone, because He is the Very Good.)

1544. Their societies are various, which is evident from the fact that every member can be associated with his like, and thus through that earth is constituted, as it were, a common angelic society of heavenly interiors, with variety, and yet with discrimination, as they perceive the interiors of their associates by means of their exteriors; consequently not in the mode common to spirits and angels, to wit, through a sphere of ideas, for as they form a judgment according to their perception, so do souls and spirits from externals.

Those in their societies who begin to think perversely, and from this to will evil, are dissociated, and left to themselves alone, and thus they pass their time very miserably out of the society, among rocks or elsewhere; for the society no longer has a care over them. Certain societies try in various ways to compel such to repentance; but when they cannot effect this, they separate themselves from them. Thus they take care lest the lust of dominion and the lust of gain creep in; that is, lest any from the lust of dominion subject any society to themselves, and then many more; and lest any from the lust of gain seize the goods of others. Every one there lives content with his own goods, and every one with his own honor, in being esteemed just and one that loves his neighbor. This delight and tranquillity of mind would perish, if those that think and will what is evil were not cast out, and if the love of self and the love of the world were not met prudently and severely in the very beginnings. For these are the loves for the sake of which empires and Kingdoms have been established, within which there are few who do not wish to have dominion, and to possess the goods of others. For there are few who do what is just and equitable from the love of what is just and equitable; still less who do what is good from charity itself, rather than from fear of the law, of life, of the loss of gain, of honor, and of reputation on account of those things.

7364. Those in their societies who begin to think wrongly, and thence to will wrongly, are separated, and left to themselves alone, whence they lead a most wretched life out of all society, in rocks or other places, for they are no longer cared for by the rest. Certain societies endeavor to drive such persons to repentance by various methods; but when this fails, they separate themselves from them. In this way they take care lest the lust of dominion and of gain should creep in, that is, lest any from the lust of dominion should subject to themselves the society in which they are, and then others; and lest any from the lust of gain should despoil others of their goods. Everyone on that earth lives content with his goods, and everyone content with his honor in being called just and a lover of his neighbor. This delight and tranquillity of mind would perish, unless those who think and will evilly were cast out, and unless they prudently and severely met the first beginnings of the love of self and the love of the world with those into whom they enter; for it was these loves which out of societies made empires and kingdoms, within which there are few who do not desire to domineer, and to possess all the property of others; there being few who do what is just and equitable from justice and equity, and still fewer who do what is good from charity, and what is true from faith, and not rather from fear of the law, of injury, of life, or of the loss of gain, honor, and reputation on account of these.

1548. (Those among them who begin to cherish sinister thought thereby dissociate themselves from the rest, who are unable to remain in their society; consequently they are left to abide alone in rocky caverns, uncared for by their former companions. There are, however, certain societies which endeavor by various persuasives to work upon such persons and compel them [to return to a better state of mind], but still it is a species of dissociation; and so long as they do not become satisfied as to their conversion, or whether having once lapsed they will so remain, they do not openly speak of their condition. The sole reason of this is because they have not a confirmed hope of their repentance, of which they have no assurance from their actual conduct.)

91. Concerning the Divine worship of those that dwell on their earth, they said that they acknowledge and adore our Lord, saying that He is the Only God, and that He rules both heaven and the universe; and that all good is from Him, and that He leads them; also that He often appears with them on their earth. It was then granted to say to them, that Christians also on our earth know that the Lord rules heaven and earth, from the words of the Lord Himself in Matthew:

All power is given unto Me in heaven and in earth (28:18) but that they do not believe this as those who are from the earth Mars do.

7477. More than other spirits they acknowledge and adore our Lord; they say that He is the only God, and that He rules both heaven and the universe, and that all good is from Him; they said that it is the Lord who leads them, and that He also frequently appears to them in their earth. That the Lord rules both heaven and the universe is a truth known also to Christians in this earth from His words in Matthew:

All power has been given unto Me in heaven and on earth (Matt. 28:18);

but they do not so believe it as do those who are from the earth Mars.

3491. I also heard from these the same confessions of faith, viz. that the Lord ruled the heaven; that all good was from the Lord; and that with them was nothing but defilement.

3489. They confessed that they acknowledged the only Lord, which led me to conclude that they were from the earth Jupiter, as also that the proprium with them was only polluted. Concerning these things, and also perhaps a third topic, I conversed with them, but the third I do not recollect, though I inferred that they were in the true faith. They then said that I was impure, for they declared of what character I had formerly been, which they perceived immediately from my sphere; wherefore I said to them that it was as they had confessed (:which was the third topic just mentioned as forgotten:) viz. that all good is of the Lord, and that in themselves there was nothing but evil, therefore all their good was from the Lord, and they themselves, considered in themselves, were devils and infernals; consequently the Lord alone had delivered and saved them from hell, as he had us…

They said also that there they believe that there is nothing in them but what is filthy and infernal, and that all good is the Lord's, yea, saying further, that of themselves they are devils, and that the Lord draws them out of hell, and continually withholds them.

7479. I have spoken with some from that earth about the faith of those who dwell there. They said that they there believe that there is nothing in them but what is filthy and infernal, and that all good is of the Lord. They even said further that of themselves they are devils, and that the Lord draws them out and continually withholds them from hell. …

Once when the Lord was named, I saw that those spirits humbled themselves so interiorly and profoundly as cannot be described; for in their humiliation they had the thought that they were of themselves in hell; and that so they were altogether unworthy to look to the Lord, Who is holiness Itself. They were so profoundly in that thought, from belief, that they were as if out of themselves; and they remained in it upon their knees until the Lord lifted them up, and then as it were drew thee out of hell. When they thus come forth out of their humiliation, they are full of good and of love, and thence of joy of heart. When they so humble themselves, they do not turn their face to the Lord, for this they do not then dare to do, but turn it away. The spirits who were around me said that they had never seen such humiliation.

7478. Once when the Lord was mentioned, I saw that those spirits humbled themselves so inmostly and profoundly that it cannot be described, for in their humiliation they had the thought that of themselves they are in hell, and that thus they are altogether unworthy to look to the Lord, who is the Holy itself. They were so profoundly in this thought from faith that they were as it were out of themselves, and in it they remained on their knees until the Lord lifted them up, and then as it were drew them out from hell. When they thus emerge from humiliation, they are full of good and of love, and hence of joy of heart. When they so humble themselves they do not turn the face to the Lord, for this they dare not then do, but turn it away. The spirits who were around me said that they never saw such humiliation.

3352. CONCERNING WORSHIP OF THE LORD, BY A SPIRIT OF MARS. It was shown me by communication, the nature of the worship of the Lord, by the inhabitants of Mars, which is so profound, and full of amazement [cum stupore] [overpowering to the senses] and at the same time, full of pleasantness [cum jucundo plena], that it cannot be described. It is wholly unknown to the spirits of our earth. - 1748, September 26.

3252. (The same inhabitant as it were of Mars, when the Lord was named, could scarcely endure [it], saying that the Lord is he who leads him and speaks with him;] ((and then let himself [bowed] down more humbly towards the depths downward, and there remains in a state of humiliation with joy of heart. - 1748, September 22.))

3331. …(((Then they who were at a distance humbled themselves before the Lord, so that the spirits from thence said that they never believed such humiliation was given: they also sunk down more profoundly [in humiliation] and were represented on their knees. - 1748, September 25.)))

92. Certain spirits who were from that earth wondered that there were about me so many spirits from hell, and that they also spoke with me. But it was given to answer, that this was permitted them in order that I might know their quality, and why they are in hell, and that this is according to their life. It was also given to say that there were many among them whom I had known when they lived in the world, and that some were then established in great dignity, who yet had nothing but the world in their heart; but that no evil spirit, even the most infernal, could do me any harm, because I was continually protected by the Lord.

7479. ...They wondered that so many evil spirits were about me, and also spoke to me; but it was given me to answer that this is permitted them for the purpose that I may thus know their quality, and why they are in hell, and that this is according to their life. It was also given me to say that there were some among them whom I had known when they lived in the world, and that they had then been in stations of great dignity, although nothing but the world was in their hearts; but that no evil spirit, even the most infernal, can do me any harm, because I am continually protected by the Lord.

3893. CONCERNING EVIL SPIRITS. An angelic spirit of Mars, who was with me, when he perceived that so many things were conveyed by evil spirits into my thoughts, from being in more subtle perception, it was given him to perceive to what degree evil spirits flow in, and he wondered that he should perceive from every side the efforts to infuse evil, but because they do not come to my perception, I observe that these effects of evil are from a sphere diffused around - which however the Lord prevents from flowing in - so that I am surrounded by the continual influxes of evils from the spirits about me; wherefore if the Lord did not put forth his protection, not only I, but all the men of the earth, would be liable every single moment to perish. - 1748, November 6.

1246. CONCERNING THE INFERNAL CREW IN THE DARK CHAMBER Concerning the infernal, deceitful crew in this chamber almost at the back, you may see above [nos. 775-6]. They do nothing there but plot how they can fraudulently deceive those who come to them. I spoke with this crew, and some spirits wondered at this being permitted but I replied that it was granted me to speak with even the worst devils, because they can do nothing to injure me. It would be different if they could injure me for then aversion and fear are present, but I can have no fear of them because I am kept in safety by the Lord. For this reason it never has been forbidden me to speak with devils if they wanted to speak with me, in order that I might know the nature of their life and the nature of hell. Moreover, it was also given me to say to them that by such conversation the infernals can learn about their own natures, for being corporeal they know no otherwise than that they are in the life of the body. Thus they can be instructed about themselves. And furthermore, because they are in hell, they are rather to be pitied than that any evil should be done to them. For if I were not to speak to them, or if I were to say harsh things to them in the manner that certain souls have contracted from their life in the body, they would then suffer additional torments. This would be contrary to mercy and charity, for it is Christian to wish well even to devils. Besides this, I had known some of them during their lifetime, and it was not then thought that they would become infernals.

3489. … In farther conversing, they asked me why I spoke with devils? I replied that it was permitted me, and that too with the very worst of the devils, from whose inflatus alone man, as to all that is his own, is liable to be spiritually destroyed. I informed them also that the devils of this character were once men, and some of them, whom I had known in the life of the body, were men of eminence, and of whom I had never supposed any such thing as that they were devils, or would become devils, but that they would rather become better;* for it would be unreasonable to suppose that the Lord would permit anyone to be punished in hell, much less to eternity, for [the sins of] a short life, especially as each one considered his principles to be true, and was thus fixed in his persuasion. It is not to be thought therefore that the Lord would suffer anyone to be punished, much less without intermission forever, except with a view to reformation, as whatever is from the Lord is good, and for a good end, but eternal punishment could have no [such] end. This was the reason that I answered them so harshly, and called them, as to their proprium, infernals and devils.

3892. CONCERNING LIBERTY. It was perceived and said to a good spirit of Mars, who was with me, that man is left in the enjoyment of his liberty, and if he cannot be reformed while he seems to himself to act in freedom, he could by no means be reformed by miracles, or by that which violently compels and withholds from evil; for that which is not free, or which is compelled, never inseminates a faith which will remain in the other life. It is for this reason that man is left to his own free will, and that his liberty is in no degree taken from him, as far as he knows; but while he remains ignorant that his cupidities are swayed by the Lord, he then supposes himself free; wherefore faith is irradicated in liberty, which is an arcanum. Consequently that is false which many suppose, that the Lord, compels men to good, and withholds them from actuality, thus from liberty. - 1748, November 6.

7475. CONTINUATION ABOUT THE SPIRITS AND INHABITANTS OF THE PLANET MARS. The spirits of the planet Mars appear to themselves as men such as they had been in the world, and therefore they have to others a like appearance; for everyone in the other life appears to others as he appears to himself, because the perception is communicated. When I wondered at this, they said that they cannot appear otherwise, because when they lived in the world they knew that they were spirits clothed with a body, and then thought little about their body, but only about the life of their spirit in the body; and therefore when they come into the other life they scarcely know that the state of life has been changed; and as they then also think about the life of their spirit just as they did in the world, they therefore appear to themselves like men. All spirits are indeed in the human form, but not in one so strikingly like that in which are the spirits of Mars; for with these the idea remains such as they had in the world. Moreover, with those who when in the world know and believe that in the other life they shall be in the human form, as the body decreases, this thought increases; and therefore when they put off the body which had served them for use in the world, from the idea impressed upon them they remain to themselves in a like form.

3251. CONCERNING THE INHABITANTS OF MARS. (An inhabitant of Mars appeared, because we spoke concerning the bird [as to] whom it seems to signify. I do not yet know other [than that it denotes the inhabitants of Mars]. He appears like a man in the world, as I perceive. I see obscurely as it were a man in his body. When I wondered thereat he said, that he cannot appear otherwise who has been such in the life of the body; for they who are such, as the inhabitants of Mars, these are spirits clothed with a body, and do not care for their bodies; because they are scarce ruled other than spirits, so that they know they are spirits clothed with a body. Wherefore, after the death of the body, he remains similar. Such also would the men and sons of the most ancient church have become, if they had remained in the state of integrity, as it is called.)

93. There was presented before me an inhabitant of that earth. He was not indeed an inhabitant, but like one. His face was like that of the inhabitants of our earth, but the lower region of the face was black, not from a beard, for he had none, but from blackness in place of it. This blackness extended on both sides as far as the ears. The upper part of the face has yellowish, like the faces of the inhabitants of our earth who are not altogether white. These spirits said further that in their earth they feed on the fruits of trees, especially a certain round fruit which grows up out of the ground, and also leguminous plants. That they are there clothed with garments made out of fibers of the bark of certain trees. These have such consistence that they can be woven, and also glued together by a kind of gum which they have with them. They further related that they know there how to make fluid fires from which they have light during the evening and night.

7483. There was presented to me an inhabitant of that earth: his face was like that of the inhabitants of our earth, but the lower part of the face was black, not from a beard, which they have not, but from blackness in place of it. This is also from correspondence. The blackness extended itself on both sides up to the ears. The upper part of the face was yellowish, like the faces of the inhabitants of our earth who are not quite white.

7484. They said that they live on the fruits of trees, and especially on a certain round fruit which springs up out of their ground, and also on legumes.

7485. They are clad with garments that they make from the bark fibers of certain trees, which have such a strength that they can be woven, and can also be glued together by a kind of gum which they have.

7486. Among other things they also said that on their earth they know how to make fluid fires, from which they have light in the evening and night.

1545. (Their faces were seen by me, though they were themselves unwilling to show them, but eventually the manifestation was made. The face, below the nose, is black, not bearded, and yet black; the upper part is yellowish, not unlike the hue of the men of our earth who are not wholly white. This blackness, which extends towards the region of the ears, is in the place of a beard, thus from a similar cause in nature, and of equivalent representative import, as far as that part is concerned.)

1546. (They subsist upon different kinds of pulse, as also upon a certain round fruit which springs up immediately from the ground, not to mention the fruits of trees.)

1547. (They wear clothing also, but from what material they form their garments, whether from wool, or from cotton, or from leaves, or from the fibers of bark agglutinated by a certain species of gum, which they affirm, they do not care to be explicit, saying it is a matter of no consequence.)

1550. (They spoke of fires, saying that they know how to make fluid fires. -1749, March 19.)

94. I saw a most beautiful flame of varying color, purple, and also bright red, and the colors with a beautiful ruddy glow from the flame, I also saw a certain hand, to which this flame adhered, at first on the back, afterward in the palm, and thence it played round the hand on all sides. This lasted for some little time. Then the hand with its flamy light was removed to a distance, and where it rested there was a bright light. In that brightness the hand receded, and then the flame was changed into a bird, which at first was of the same colors as the flame, and the colors glittering in like manner; but gradually the colors were changed, and with the colors the vigor of life in the bird. It flew round about and at first around my head, then forward into a certain narrow chamber, which appeared like a shrine; and as it flew farther forward, so its life receded, till at length it became as of stone, at first of a pearl color, afterward dark; but though without life, it was still flying.

7620. CONTINUATION ABOUT THE SPIRITS AND INHABITANTS OF THE EARTH MARS. I saw a certain most beautiful flame; it was of various colors, crimson, and also from white reddening, and the colors likewise sparkled beautifully from the flame. I saw also a certain hand, which did not hold this flame, but to which it adhered, at first on the back part, afterward on the palm or hollow of the hand, and thence it played around the hand. This continued for some time. Then the hand together with the flame were removed to a distance, and where they rested, there was light; in this light the hand withdrew, and then the flame was changed into a bird, which at first had like colors with the flame, the colors in like manner sparkling. But the colors gradually changed, and with the colors the vigor of life in the bird. It flew around, and at first about my head, then forward into a kind of narrow chamber; and as it flew forward, its life in proportion departed, until at last it became stone, at first of the color of a pearl, afterward dark; but although devoid of life, it continued flying.

3246. CONCERNING A BEAUTIFUL BIRD. (There was beheld a sort of flamy principle, purple, variously red, with white. I saw this before my face, at a distance, and next [was seen] a band, to which this beautiful flamy [thing] adhered, first, to the back part of the band, then in the palm, by which be had held this flamy [something]. This lasted a short time. I supposed that it was a sort of flamy [principle] seen in their earth, by the spirits, of whom [I have] now [been writing]. The flamy principle licked his hand round about, and then was compressed into the hollow of the hand. [vala].

3247. Shortly it was removed to a distance, where it was bright, but straitened - what was there I could not see. The hand receded thither also; then this flamy [principle] was changed by degrees into a beautiful bird of similar color, and the bird was also changed, as to colors even into a pearly species. It was then like a pearl [lapis margaritica]; also expanded its wings and [acted] like a living bird; and like a living bird flew thence to a little distance, in front, and returned: it also appeared once as a more obscure bird; [bird of a more obscure color], nearly like [steglisa]; but without colors, again like a beautiful bird, [and] so was raised up out of sight).

When the bird was flying around my head and was still in the vigor of life, a spirit was seen rising from below through the region of the loins to the region of the breast, who wished to take the bird away. But because it was so beautiful, the spirits around me prevented him; for their eyes were all fastened on it. The spirit however who rose up from below, endeavored strongly to persuade them that the Lord was with him, and thus that he did this from the Lord. And then, though most of them did not believe this, they no longer prevented him from taking away the bird. But as heaven flowed in at that moment, he could not hold it, and presently let it go free out of his hand.

7621. When the bird was flying around my head and was still in the vigor of life, a spirit was seen rising from below through the region of the loins to the region of the breast, who wished to take the bird away. But because it was so beautiful, the spirits around me prevented him; for their eyes were all fastened on it. The spirit however who rose up from below, endeavored strongly to persuade them that the Lord was with him, and thus that he did this from the Lord. And then, though most of them did not believe this, they no longer prevented him from taking away the bird. But as heaven flowed in at that moment, he could not hold it, and presently let it go free out of his hand.

3249. CONTINUATION CONCERNING THE BIRD AND PERSUASION. (Afterwards, there was a certain one, who from below either through my feet, or through the region of the loins, I do not know [which], ascended inwardly in the body as high as the breast, and filled the body. At first he was of such a nature, as to induce the persuasion that he would carry away what was dearest to me, by what he caused me to think. Next, however, when he perceived that he could not do this, he persuaded [me] [introduced the persuasion] that he was the Lord, with persuasion [that it was so], because such is the case, when spirits do not speak from themselves but from the Lord. But still I did not believe that [he was] the Lord. He, while of such a nature, carried away the beautiful bird, which was then flying around me; so that he took away that which was dearest; for many then desired [it]; but he presently let the bird go free, from his hand).

When this was done, the spirits around me who had intently watched the bird and its successive changes, spoke with one another about it, and this for a considerable time. They perceived that such a sight could not but signify something celestial. They knew that the flame signified celestial love and its affections; that the hand to which the flame adhered, signified life and its power; the changes of colors, varieties of life as to wisdom and intelligence; and the bird also the same, but with the difference that the flame signified celestial love and the things of that love, and the bird signified spiritual love and the things of that love (celestial love is love to the Lord, and spiritual love charity toward the neighbor), and that the changes of the colors and at the same time of the life in the bird, until it became as of stone, signified successive changes of spiritual life as to intelligence. They knew also that spirits who ascend from below through the region of the loins to the region of the breast, are in a strong persuasion that they are in the Lord, and hence believe that all things they do, even though evil, they do by the Lord's will. But yet they could not know from this who were meant by this appearance. At length they were instructed from heaven that the inhabitants of Mars were meant, that their celestial love, in which very many still are, was signified by the flame which adhered to the hand, and that the bird in the beginning, when in the beauty of its colors and the vigor of its life, signified their spiritual love; but that the bird's becoming as of stone without life, and at length of a dark color, signified such of the inhabitants as have removed themselves from the good of love and are in evil, and yet still believe that they are in the Lord. The same was signified by the spirit who rose up and wished to take away the bird.

7622. When this had passed, the spirits who were about me who had gazed intently upon the bird and its successive changes, began to converse together about it, and this for a long time. They perceived that such a sight must signify something heavenly. They knew that a flame signifies celestial love and its affections; that a hand, to which the flame adhered, signifies life and its power; that changes of color signify varieties of life in respect to wisdom and intelligence; that a bird signifies the same, but with this difference, that a flame signifies celestial love and what is of this love, whereas a bird signifies spiritual love and what is of this love; celestial love is love to the Lord, and spiritual love is mutual love and charity toward the neighbor; and the changes of color and likewise of life in the bird until it became stone, signify successive varieties of spiritual life in respect to intelligence. They also knew that the spirits who ascend from beneath through the region of the loins to that of the breast, are in a strong persuasion that they are in the Lord, and thence believe that all that they do, even though evil and wicked, is done according to the Lord's will. Nevertheless they could not from this know who were meant by this sight. At last they were instructed from heaven that the inhabitants of Mars were meant; that their celestial love, in which many of them still are, was signified by the flame which adhered to the hand; and their wisdom and intelligence by the successive variations of color; and that the bird in the beginning, when it was in the beauty of its colors and the vigor of its life, signified their spiritual love; but that the bird becoming as of stone and void of life, and then of a dark color, signified the inhabitants who had removed themselves from the good of love, and are in evil, and yet believe that they are in the Lord. But as more things have been disclosed and also shown as to those inhabitants who are of this quality, and as to the state of their life, I may relate them at the end of the following chapter.

7742. CONTINUATION ABOUT THE INHABITANTS AND SPIRITS OF THE EARTH MARS. At the end of the preceding chapter an account was given of a beautiful bird, which was seen, and was at last turned into stone; and it was said that by that bird was represented the state of the inhabitants of Mars in respect to their celestial and spiritual love; in regard to which state and its change, it has been given to know what follows.

7743. That the inhabitants of Mars are in celestial love, has been already told. They are represented by an appearance of flame, glittering beautifully with variegations of color, and also by a bird of similar coloring. That some at this day are beginning to withdraw from this celestial love, and solely to love knowledges, and to make celestial life consist in these alone, was represented by that bird changed into stone; for by a bird is signified spiritual life; and by its being turned into stone is signified the life of knowledges without love, which is no longer spiritual life, but a life cold as stone, into which nothing from heaven flows. And their still believing that they are in the Lord, like those who are in the life of celestial love there, was signified and shown by the spirit who rose up and wished to take away the bird.

3248. I reasoned variously concerning the bird, [as to] what it signifies: but my reasoning ended in this, that it is not yet discovered what it signifies, only [that it signifies] the inhabitants of Mars, because I hear and perceive them, to deny it: still such representation cannot exist, apart from the society of angels, which it represents: for it is plain, that bird signifies thought. - 1748, September 22.

3250. (Concerning which spirits it was afterwards said, that they are such as do not know other than that they are the same, and so can be embued with persuasion, together with affection; but what he signifies I do not yet know, only it is insinuated, that if the inhabitants of Mars did not remain in their state, which amongst us is called the state of integrity, that others would succeed from a new earth, who would be similar; for when one [race] perishes, another succeeds; for there can be nothing lacking, so the Lord provides. - 1748, September 22).

3874. CONCERNING A BEAUTIFUL BIRD. - THE INHABITANTS OF MARS. It was shown that a beautiful bird signifies the inhabitants of Mars, with whom I spoke on that day, [and learned] that he who arose through the loins, even to the breast, and tried to persuade [me] that he was the Lord, and took away the bird and presently set him free, are those who think themselves in the knowledges of true faith, for the Lord is in the goods and truths of faith. From these they are persuaded and know that they are in the Lord. They said that they were not in knowledges, but in affections; but it was given to say that [they were] of affections which involve knowledges, as humiliation involves in it that [in itself] it is nothing, but that the Lord is everything. Affection or love towards a wife implies in its own nature that conjugial love is the principal of all loves, for genuine conjugial love implies all knowledges, not only concerning conjugal love, but concerning all other [loves] thence derived in order, thus love towards children, as appears also from the [marriage] institution.

3875. And because with the inhabitants of this earth nearly everything of the nature of conjugial love is obliterated, it can be known especially from birds, that conjugial involves every kind of knowledge, not only as to the mode of conjunction, but also of building nests, laying eggs, brooding over them, extruding the chicks, covering, defending, feeding them, and many other things, thus that all knowledge follows from affection. Wherefore, whoever is in the affection of true faith, is in the knowledges of all things [pertaining to it], but when affection ceases, then knowledges remain to be insinuated through another avenue, viz. through an external one, or through the ear, which appears indeed to the ignorant as if it were the Lord, for by the things said from the knowledges of faith, it is known whether it is the Lord; but because they are knowledges and not affections, they are nothing else than images of the Lord without life, like a bird when turned into an inanimate bird of pearl, which yet flew away, and appeared beautiful, but was still void of life. It was shown to me to the life how knowledges, which do exist from affection are like such lifeless birds of pearl, and what was signified by the fact, that the perception was not that it was from the Lord, but that in each particular it was from themselves, though tacitly; and I even perceived that it was from myself; which state was that of certain inhabitants of Mars who induced their own state [upon me]. In this state I felt that it was from myself in each particular, and thus [I became aware that the impression] was not true [genuinum]. The state, therefore, is that which occurs when affection as the principle of knowledges ceases, and those knowledges yet remain. From perception I then learned also that such is the bird of pearl.

3876. By a tacit speech I spoke with them, [saying], that affections of corresponding character could be infused into the knowledges of true faith; that thought might excite affections; but this holds especially in regard to cupidities which are excited by thought. But when there are affections of true faith, then they are infused by the Lord into the knowledges of true faith and vivified; but they then become like another bird of good quality, but of a darker color. It thence appeared that it signified the inhabitants of Mars, those, namely, who now begin by degree to decline from a state of integrity, as they call it, and yet think themselves to be the Lord; with whom perception no longer remains. - 1748, November 6.

95. By the bird of stone were also represented the inhabitants of that earth who in a strange manner transmute the life of their thoughts and affections into almost no life, concerning which I have heard as follows.

7743a. By the bird of stone were also represented inhabitants of that earth who change the life of their thoughts and affections by a strange method into almost no life; as to which I have seen and heard what now follows.

There was a certain spirit above my head who spoke with me, and from the sound of his voice it was perceived that he was as it were in a state of sleep. In this state he spoke many things, and with such prudence that if he were awake he could not speak more prudently. It was given to perceive that he was a subject through which angels spoke; and that in that state he perceived and brought forth what they said,# for he spoke nothing but what was true. If anything flowed in from any other source, he admitted it indeed, but did not bring it forth. I questioned him about his state, and he said that this state was to him peaceful, and without any anxiety about the future; and that at the same time he performed uses, whereby he had communication with heaven. It was told me that such spirits in the Greatest Man have reference to the longitudinal sinus in the brain, which lies between its two hemispheres, and there he is in a quiet state, however the brain may be disturbed on both sides.

7744. There was a certain one above my head, who spoke to me, and from the tone of his voice it was noticed that he was as in a state of sleep. Speaking in this state he asked several questions, and so discreetly, that he could not have asked them more discreetly if he had been awake. It was given to perceive that he was a subject through whom angels were speaking; and in that state he discerned what they spoke, and uttered it; for he spoke nothing but what was true. If anything flowed in from another source, he indeed admitted it, but did not utter it. I questioned him concerning his state. He said that this state was to him a peaceful one, and that it was free from all anxiety as to the future; and that at the same time he was performing uses, whereby he had communication with heaven. I was told that such in the Grand Man have relation to the longitudinal sinus, which lies in the cerebrum between its two hemispheres, and is there in a quiet state, however much the brain is disturbed on both sides.

3878. CONCERNING A STATE OF PEACE. There was a certain one above my head, that spoke with me. From the sound I perceived that he who spoke with me was in a state of sleep, and yet as if not in sleep. He inquired respecting this and that altogether like those who are broad awake, and with such prudence that one awake could not have discovered more, so that there was nothing indicating sleep except the sound alone. I perceived that good interior angels spoke through him, and he in that state perceived and produced [what they suggested]. I asked him concerning the state, telling what kind of state he appeared to be in, and that he spoke nothing else but what was good and true, and that he perceived whether there was anything different [from the good and true] which he would not admit or utter; thus that he was in the state of one who was awake; but because in a state of sleep he said that that was a state of peace. His delight thence arising I perceived from the fact of being myself in a similar state of love, for I am free from all solicitude and care respecting the future. Thus they are enabled to render [important] uses. - 1748, November 6.

3879. CONCERNING AN IDEA NOT INTELLIGIBLE; ALSO CONCERNING THE BIRD, AND THE INHABITANTS OF MARS. When I spoke with him who was in the state of peace, concerning whom I now perceive that such have reference to the longitudinal sinus in the brain - for it lies between the two hemispheres of the brain, where it is also in a quiet state, caring nothing how the hemispheres of the brain may be in commotion, for it is wholly intermediate (between them) -

When I was in conversation with this spirit, some spirits introduced themselves toward the fore part of the head, where he was, and pressed upon him; wherefore he withdrew to one side, and gave them place. The newly arrived spirits conversed with one another; but neither the spirits around me, nor I myself, understood what they were saying. I was instructed by angels that they were spirits from the earth Mars, who were skilled in talking with one another in such manner that the spirits present neither understood nor perceived anything. I wondered that such speech was possible, because all spirits have one kind of speech, which flows from the thought, and consists of ideas, that are heard as words in the spiritual world. It was said that those spirits form in a certain manner ideas expressed by the lips and the face, not intelligible to others, and at the same moment artfully withdraw their thoughts, taking special care that nothing of the affection should manifest itself, because if anything of the affection were perceived, the thought would then be manifest; for the thought flows from the affection, and is as it were in it. I was instructed further that the inhabitants of the earth Mars who place heavenly life in knowledges alone, and not in a life of love, contrived such speech, though not all of them; and that when they become spirits, they retain it. It is these who were signified in particular by the bird of stone; for to present speech by modifications of the countenance and foldings of the lips, with the removal of the affections and withdrawal of the thoughts from others, is to take the soul out of speech, and to render it like a mere image, and by degrees they also become similar.

7745. During my conversation with this spirit, some spirits betook themselves toward the front part of the head, where he was, and pressed upon him; whereupon he retired to one side and gave them place. The stranger spirits talked among themselves, but neither the spirits about me, nor I, understood what they said. I was instructed by angels that they were spirits from the earth Mars, who know how to talk together in such a way that the spirits present would neither understand nor perceive what they said. I wondered that such speech is possible, seeing that all spirits have one speech; and all speech flows from thought, and this consists of ideas, which in the spiritual world are in the place of words; and the ideas which are words, together with the thought itself before it becomes speaking thought, are plainly perceived in the other life. I was told that by a certain method by means of the lips and the face these spirits form ideas not intelligible to others, and that at the moment when they are speaking with one another by this means, they artfully withdraw their thoughts from others; taking especial care that nothing of affection shall manifest itself; for if anything of affection is perceived, the thought would then be open, because the thought flows from the affection. I was further instructed that those inhabitants of the earth Mars who make celestial life to consist in knowledges alone, and not in the life of love, have contrived such speech; yet not all of them; and that when these become spirits they retain it. These are they who were especially signified by the bird of stone; for to form speech by modifications of the countenance and foldings of the lips together with a removal of the affections and a withdrawal of the thoughts from others, is to deprive speech of its soul, and to make it like an image, and gradually also to make themselves so.

3880. - then there were spirits who insinuated themselves especially towards the front part of the head, so that he was compelled to retire. Although he really remained, yet he retired to one side, that he might give them room, in order that I might perceive who and what they were; he said also that he retired. These spirits acted as a gentle stream, and that for a considerable time, nor did I [distinctly] perceive anything; they undulated very gently, thus speaking among themselves, but neither the spirits that were around me, nor I myself, understood what they said to each other.

3881. From the angels, through spirits, I was instructed that they were the inhabitants of Mars, who so spoke with each other, that no spirit could understand them. They informed me that they have such a speech among themselves that no spirit can understand it, wherefore when they are unwilling that others should perceive what they say, they then discourse together in this manner, and others, when they do not perceive its meaning withdraw. But I wondered that such a speech should be given, for every kind of speech involves ideas, without which I had not supposed that any speech was given. They replied that in that speech ideas were formed in a certain manner, which [however] were unintelligible to others; wherefore they then take care that there shall be nothing of affection [in it]; if there is anything of affection, others would thence immediately perceive its meaning. They spoke therefore from ideas thus formed without affection (:I now perceive that this is a habit which is not good, for to speak without affection is also the bird of pearl; as when there is no affection, there is no life, although there seems to be life, and thus the bird can even fly, for a bird signifies thought, and a bird of pearl thought without affection. I perceive also that the inhabitants of Mars have induced such a speech upon themselves, because they are in thoughts and have receded from affection, in which they were at first, so that they speak alike, that is, from thought, not from affection, which is the bird of pearl:)

3883. They take care, therefore, that there shall be no manifest idea of thought, which they know how to snatch away from others and thus to secrete. Such a speech was also previously perceived by me as given by means of representations only, namely of the principles of the brain, and their organic forms. I perceived also that I could speak through such [representations], so that others would not understand, and did actually speak with angelic spirits, when other spirits said that they did not understand. But this takes place when ideas are abstracted from forms, consequently it was only occasionally that I was permitted thus to speak; afterwards it was not granted; but when I spoke it was by a speech of representations with ideas, and thus intelligibly to others. The spirits of Mars said that they took precautions also lest there should be any affection present, as other spirits might thence know what they thought or what they said. Hence also it appears that such is the bird of pearl, especially when [the thing] comes into use and habit.

But although they think that they are not understood by others in what they say among themselves, still angelic spirits perceive each and everything that they speak, for the reason that from them no thought can be concealed. This was also shown them by living experience. I was thinking of this, that the evil spirits of our earth are not affected with shame when they infest others, and this thought flowed in with me from angelic spirits who perceived their speech. These spirits of Mars then acknowledged that this was what they were speaking of among themselves, and they marveled. Moreover, there were many things disclosed by an angelic spirit, both of what they spoke and of what they were thinking, notwithstanding they endeavored to withdraw their thoughts from him.

7746. But although they think that they are not understood by others in what they say among themselves, still angelic spirits perceive each and everything that they speak, for the reason that from them no thought can be concealed. This was also shown them by living experience. I was thinking of this, that the evil spirits of our earth are not affected with shame when they infest others, and this thought flowed in with me from angelic spirits who perceived their speech. These spirits of Mars then acknowledged that this was what they were speaking of among themselves, and they marveled. Moreover, there were many things disclosed by an angelic spirit, both of what they spoke and of what they were thinking, notwithstanding they endeavored to withdraw their thoughts from him.

3884. When they thus spoke among themselves it was insinuated into me that I should think concerning shame - whether the spirits of our earth were such that they would be affected with shame, when they infest other spirits. I then became conscious of shame, [thinking] that it would be well that they should not be infested. When I thought this, the spirits of Mars acknowledged that this was what they were speaking of among themselves in their own speech, which they supposed could be understood by no one; wherefore they wondered whence it was that it was detected, to whom it was said that it was even understood by the angels, and thus insinuated into my thought.

Afterward those spirits flowed in from above into my face, and their influx was felt like a fine striated rain, which was a sign that they were not in any affection of truth and good, since that is represented by what is striated. They then spoke with me plainly, saying that the inhabitants of their earth speak with one another in like manner.

7747. Afterward the spirits of Mars inflowed from above into my face. The influx felt like a light rain falling in streaks, which was a sign that they were not in the affection of truth and good, for this is represented by what is streaked. They then spoke plainly with me, saying that the inhabitants of their earth so speak with one another.

3885. Afterwards the spirits of Mars flowed in from a higher place, into my face by a sensible influx like a most thin striated shower, saying that it was in this manner that they speak with the inhabitants of their earth. But it was given to say that this influx was external, and thus that they could not flow into the ideas of the inhabitants. It was, however, given to know that their speech was similar to the former but the former [speech] - that is to say, that they in like manner form to themselves a speech from the variations of the face, which they there ideally represent among themselves, for where there is a particular there is a corresponding general, thus there is a general of that speech.

3886. Whether they thus flow into the inhabitants of [their] earth I do not certainly know. If they do, it is not well, for it is then into the outward face, and not by ideas, which can only happen to those who are in bare knowledges without affection; or whether it is signified that of those who are such that the internals pass into the externals, thus that by externals there is communication with spirits, [I do not know]. - 1748, November 6.

It was then said to them, that this is evil, because in this way they obstruct internals, and recede from them to externals, which they also deprive of their life; and especially because it is not sincere to speak thus. For they who are sincere have no wish to speak nor even to think anything but what others may know, yea all, even the whole heaven. But they who do not wish others to know what they speak, judge concerning others, think evil of them, and well of themselves, and are at length carried by habit so far as to think and speak ill of the church, of heaven, and even of the Lord Himself.

They were then told that this is evil, because in this way they obstruct internal things, and recede from them to external ones, which they also deprive of their life; and especially because it is not sincere to speak so, for they who are sincere do not wish to speak or even think anything which others may not know, yea, all others, and even the whole heaven; whereas they who are not willing that others should know what they speak, pass judgment on others, think ill of them and well of themselves, and at last contract such a habit that they think and speak ill even of the church, of heaven, nay, of the Lord Himself.

3887. Such speech involves in it that it is not sincere, for those who are sincere wish that whatever they think others should know it, even the universal heaven. But when they are in such a speech they contract the habit of speaking of others, and of judging concerning them, thus preferring themselves to them for such a speech, especially among spirits, involves this. This is said in the presence of those who are such.

3888. … for when they are delighted with such ideas formed from themselves, they then begin to speak evil of others, and well of themselves, thus despising others and exalting themselves, which life begins to be cartilaginous, and afterwards bony. When they suppose that no other one can understand their speech, they are at length drawn onwards even to speaking ill of heaven and perhaps of the Lord; thus their celestial life is successively turned into no life.

It was said that they who love knowledges, and not so much a life according to them, have reference to the interior membrane of the skull in the Greatest Man; but they who accustom themselves to speak without affection, and to draw the thought to themselves and withdraw it from others, have reference to that membrane when it is become bony, because from having some spiritual life they come to have no life. # That communications are made through spirits sent forth by societies of spirits and angels to other societies, and that these emissary spirits are called subjects (n. 4403, 5856, 5983, 5985-5989).

7748. It was said that those who love knowledges alone, and not a life according to knowledges, relate to the interior membrane of the skull; but that those who accustom themselves to speak without affection, and to draw the thought to themselves, and to withdraw it from others, relate to the same membrane, but when it has become bony; because from having some spiritual life they come to have none.

7749. Those who love knowledges alone, and not a life according to them, for the most part pride themselves on them, and seem to themselves to be wiser than others. Thus they love themselves and despise others, especially those who are in good, whom they regard as simple and unlearned. But the lot is inverted in the other life, where those who have seemed to themselves wise become foolish, and those who seemed simple are wise.

3888. They who are in knowledges, and thus withdrawn from affections, so that they lead as from themselves, as was perceived through me, without a perception that should enable them to know whether it is of the Lord, have reference to the interior membrane of the cranium, to which is adjoined the outer pericranium. But when they begin to use such a speech and are delighted with it, they begin to have relation to that membrane of [the same organ] which is turned towards the bones of the cranium, into which [bones] it hardens, for the bones thence derive their existence. The reason of this is, that they thus lose also the life of knowledges, which constitutes the outermost surfaces…

3889. It was given to compare their speech with the speech of diviners on this earth, who speak with their fingers, or otherwise with the inverted words of those who laugh when they are serious. - 1748, November 6. It was given to add that in order that they may not be understood by others, they abstract the ideas of thought from others, thus imperceptibly from themselves. As to affections, they abstract them also; what then remains, as being external, like that of the words of our earth, in which if there are not ideas, there is nothing of life, it becomes from custom, especially when they begin to be delighted with such speech, such a matter of habit, that they conclude from [mere] forms, and thus have barely external ideas, scarcely such as properly pertain to spirits. Hence arises the bony [quality of the speech], which is indicative of the want of life. This is said to them.

96. As those who are in knowledges alone, and in no life of love, were also represented by the bird of stone, and as they have thence no spiritual life, I may therefore show here, by way of appendix, that those alone have spiritual life who are in heavenly love, and in knowledges therefrom; and that a love contains in itself all the power of knowing which is of that love. For example, the animals of the earth, and also the animals of the air, or the birds, have the knowledge of all things that are of their loves. These loves are, to nourish themselves, to dwell in safety, to propagate offspring, to bring up their young, and with some, to provide for themselves against winter. Consequently they have all the requisite knowledge, for this is in those loves, and it flows into them as into its very receptacles; which knowledge with some animals is such, that man cannot but be astonished. The knowledge is innate with them, and is called instinct; but it is of the natural love in which they are. If man were in his love, which is love to God and toward the neighbor (for this love is man's proper love, by which he is distinguished from the beasts, and is heavenly love), man would then be not only in all requisite knowledge, but also in all intelligence and wisdom; for these would flow into those loves from heaven, that is, through heaven from the Divine. But because man is not born into those loves, but into the opposite ones, namely, into the loves of self and the world, for that reason he cannot but be born into all ignorance and lack of knowledge. But by Divine means he is led on to something of intelligence and wisdom, yet not actually into anything of it, unless the love, of self and the world are removed, and the way is thus opened for love to God and the neighbor. That love to God and love toward the neighbor have in them all intelligence and wisdom, may be evident from those who in the world have been in these loves. When after death they come into heaven, they there come into such knowledge and wisdom as they had never known before; yea, they think and speak there, as do the rest of the angels, such things as the ear has never heard, nor the mind has ever known, and which are ineffable. The reason is, that those loves have in them the faculty of receiving such things.

7750. As by a bird of stone were represented those who are in knowledges alone, and not in a life of love, and who consequently have scarcely any spiritual life, therefore here, by way of appendix, I may show that those only have spiritual life who are in heavenly love, and from this in knowledges; and that every love contains within it all power to know what belongs to that love. Take for example the animals of the earth, and also the animals or birds of heaven. These have the knowledge of all things of their love. Their loves are to feed themselves, to dwell safely, to propagate offspring, to rear their young; and they have all the requisite knowledge for these purposes; for this is in these loves, and flows into these creatures as into its own receptacles. This knowledge is in some cases so extraordinary that man cannot but be amazed at it. It is said to be inborn, and is called instinct; but it is of the love in which they are.

[2] If man were in his own love, which is love to God and toward the neighbor, this being man's proper love by which he is distinguished from the beasts, he would then be not only in all requisite knowledge, but also in all intelligence and wisdom; neither would he have occasion to learn them, for they would flow in from heaven into these loves, that is, through heaven from the Divine. But as man is not in these, but in contrary loves, namely, in the love of self and the love of the world, therefore he must needs be born into all ignorance and lack of skill; yet by Divine means he is brought to something of intelligence and wisdom, but still not actually into anything unless he removes the loves of self and of the world, and thus opens the way for love to the Lord and love toward the neighbor.

[3] That love to the Lord and love toward the neighbor have within them all intelligence and wisdom, can be seen from those who in the world have been in these loves, for when in the other life they come into heaven, they there know and are wise in such things as before they had never known; nay, they think and speak there as do the rest of the angels such things as the ear has never heard, nor the mind known, which are unutterable. The reason is that these loves have in them the capacity to receive such things.

The Earth or Planet Saturn

Earths in the Universe
Arcana Coelestia
Spiritual Experiences

97. THE EARTH OR PLANET SATURN, ITS SPIRITS AND INHABITANTS. The spirits from the earth Saturn appear in front at a considerable distance, beneath in the plane of the knees, where the earth itself is; and when the eye is opened to see thither, a multitude of spirits come into view who are all from that earth. They are seen on this part of that earth, and to the right of it.

8947. ON THE SPIRITS AND INHABITANTS OF THE PLANET SATURN. The spirits from that earth, and likewise the earth itself, appear in front at a considerable distance, in the plane at the lower part of the knees; and when the eye is opened thither, a multitude of spirits from that earth come into view. They are seen on this side of that earth, and to the right.

It has also been granted to speak with them, and thereby to know their quality in comparison with others. They are upright and modest, and inasmuch as they esteem themselves little, therefore they also appear small in the other life.

8948. It has also been given me to speak with them, and thereby to know their quality as compared with others. They are upright, and they are modest. And as they esteem themselves small as compared with others, therefore also in the other life they appear small; for the appearance of everyone in the other life is according to his mind, and according to his life.

1516. Their spirits are upright, and they are humble and modest, indeed they are among the most upright and humble, so that they humble themselves before the Lord, and esteem themselves as nothing. They relate to that in man which is called the internal sense or reason.

1519. Moreover, those who are on that planet were described as being dwarfs, or small men, scarcely reaching beyond the height of my loins; yet they are stout.

1583. THAT THE QUALITIES OF SPIRITS CAN BE KNOWN AT ONCE BY THOSE WHO ARE INTERIOR, OR WHO CONSTITUTE AN INTERNAL SENSE. ((((A certain spirit, who would fain arrogate merit to himself from his acts and his doctrine in the world, proceeding to a great distance in front, came to those who constitute the internal sense or to the spirits of the earth Saturn, and said that he was nothing, and that he was desirous of serving them. But at his very first approach, they replied that [they saw that] he wished to be great, and that they being small could not be with the great, thus intimating how much he arrogated to himself.))))

98. In worship they are exceedingly humble, for in it they account themselves as nothing. They worship our Lord, and acknowledge Him as the only God. The Lord also appears to them at times under an angelic form, and thereby as a Man, and the Divine then shines forth from the face and affects the mind. The inhabitants also, when they arrive at a certain age, speak with spirits, by whom they are instructed concerning the Lord, how He ought to be worshiped, and likewise how they ought to live.

8949. In worship they are very humble; for therein they account themselves as nothing. They worship our Lord, and acknowledge Him as the One Only God. For the Lord sometimes appears to those who are on that earth in an angelic form, and thus as a man; and then the Divine beams forth from the face and affects their mind. Moreover when the inhabitants become of age, they speak with spirits, by whom they are instructed concerning the Lord, and how He is to be worshiped; also how they ought to live.

1525. When they reach a certain age they converse with spirits who instruct them, especially teaching them uprightness, humility, and to worship the Lord.

When any wish to seduce the spirits who come from the earth Saturn, and to withdraw them from faith in the Lord, or from humiliation towards Him, and from uprightness of life, they say they wish to die. There then appear in their hands small knives, with which they seem desirous of striking their breasts, On being questioned why they do so, they say that they would rather die than be drawn away from the Lord. The spirits of our earth sometimes deride them on this account, and infest them with reproaches for so doing. But they reply, that they know well that they do not kill themselves, and that this is only an appearance flowing from the will of their mind, inclining them rather to die than to be withdrawn from the worship of the Lord.

8950. When any wish to lead astray the spirits of that earth, and draw them away from faith in the Lord, or from humility toward Him, and from uprightness of life, they say that they wish to die. Then little knives are seen in their hands, by which they seem to wish to pierce their breasts. When they are asked why they do so, they say that they would rather die than be led away from the Lord. Sometimes the spirits of our earth laugh at these things, and infest them with questionings why they do so. But they answer that they know very well that they are not going to kill themselves, and that this is only an appearance proceeding from the will of their mind, showing that they would rather die than be drawn away from the worship of the Lord.

1517. When spirits from our earth irritate them, and wish to lead them away from their faith, their uprightness and humility, they then want to die. They have little knives, as it were, in their hands, and want to strike them into their breasts. When asked why they would do this, they replied that they would rather die than be withdrawn from their worship, uprightness and humility, for which reason they did this very often when the spirits of our earth infested them with such questions, endeavoring to seduce them. They say that they well know that they do not kill themselves, and that this was only a phantasy, for a spirit cannot be killed by a knife or a dagger; this is simply their vexation, signifying that they would like to die rather than be led astray.* * Crossed out: "This signifies they would not be led astray from the true worship and adoration of the Lord. When they hear that it is not allowable to do this, because it also signifies that they want to destroy themselves, they say that if this be evil they would desist; but they know that it is a phantasy and they do not die. They say they would rather act in this way than speak, and by speech ..."

9104. CONTINUATION ABOUT THE SPIRITS AND INHABITANTS OF THE PLANET SATURN. Some of the spirits of this earth passed over to the spirits of the earth Saturn, who as already said are afar off at a vast distance, for they appear at the end of our solar world. The passage is effected in a moment, for distances in the other life are appearances arising from diversity of the states of life (see n. 2625, 2837, 3356, 3387, 3404, 4321, 4882, 5605, 7381); and conjunction is effected by a state of desire to speak with another. From this it is that in the other life those meet together, when they so desire, who have been in some conjunction in the world, either by love, or by friendship, or by high regard; but they are afterward separated according to the unlikenesses of their state of life.

1513. CONCERNING THE INHABITANTS OF SATURN. Certain spirits from this earth arrived at the boundary of this solar system, for the passage from one earth to another is easy, so that a spirit from one earth can almost in a moment be in the vicinity of another. Distance is of no account as in the case of the eye, and still less in the case of spiritual life and sight: indeed I have been allowed to speak with those from that planet as if they were close at hand. There are intermediate spirits who transmit the speech in a moment, a fact scarcely perceived except by those who can know interior things.

99. They said that sometimes spirits from our earth come to them, and ask them what God they worship; to whom they reply, that they are insane, and that there cannot be a greater proof of insanity than to ask what God any one worships, when there is but one only God for all in the universe; and that they are still more insane in this, that they do not acknowledge the Lord to be that one only God, and that He rules the entire heaven, and thereby the whole world; for whosoever rules heaven also rules the world, inasmuch as the world is ruled through heaven.

9105. After the spirits of the earth Saturn had spoken with the spirits of our earth, they spoke with me through intermediate spirits from where they were, and said that they wondered that spirits from this earth so often come to them and ask them what God they worship. Whenever they observe that the spirits of this earth make such inquiries, they answer that they are insane; for there cannot be a greater insanity than to ask what God anyone worships, seeing that there is only one God for all in the universe; and they said that they are still more insane in this, that they do not know that the Lord is the Only God, and that He rules the universal heaven, and consequently the universal world; for He who rules heaven rules the world also, because the world is ruled through heaven.

1514. When the spirits of our earth met them, which was at quite a considerable distance forward in the plane of the right eye, the spirits of the planet Saturn said that they wondered that genii from this region came to them so often, asking them what God they worship, and when they observe that the spirits of our earth do not know this, they say that they are insane not to know it, and that they are not men, but beasts, or wild animals. For what can be more insane, they now say, than to ask us what God we worship, thus showing that they do not know that the Lord, Who governs the Universe, is the Only One, and that there is no other Lord but that Only One. They say that the Lord Himself is with them; but since He governs the Universe, they now say that they know it cannot be otherwise than that He is with them because He is everywhere present.

100. They said that on their earth there are also some who call the nocturnal light, which is great, the Lord; but that they are separated from the rest, and are not tolerated by them. That nocturnal light comes from the great bolt, which at a distance encompasses that earth, and from the moons which are called Saturn's satellites.

8951. There are some also on that earth who call their light at night, which is great, the Lord; but these are separated from the rest, and are not tolerated among them. This nocturnal light is shed from the great belt which encompasses that earth at a distance, and from the moons which are called the satellites of Saturn.

1518. There are also some on that planet who call their nocturnal light - which is great on account of the belt and many moons - the Lord; but they have been led astray, and in the other life they are better instructed.

101. They related further that another kind of spirits, who go in companies, frequently come to them, desiring to know how things are with them; and that by various methods they draw out from them whatever they know. They said concerning these spirits, that they were not insane, only in this, that they desire to know so much for no other use than to know. They were afterwards instructed that these spirits were from the planet Mercury, or the earth nearest the sun, and that they are delighted with knowledges alone, and not so much with their uses.

9106. They said further that another kind of spirits who go in troops, frequently come to them, desiring to know how things are with them, and that by various methods they draw out of them what they know. Concerning these they said that they are not insane, except in the fact that they have so great a desire to know, for no other use than to know. They were afterward instructed that these spirits are from the planet Mercury, and that knowledge and the derivative intelligence alone delight them, and not so much uses resulting from these, unless indeed knowledge is to them use (see n. 6811, 6815, 6921-6932, 7069-7079, 7170-7177).

1515. Moreover, they said that another genus of spirits also comes to them in troops, but they only want to know how things are with them, and nothing more. These, they say, are not indeed insane, but that they want only to know, and beyond that they have no wish to make any use of their cognitions, wherefore they wondered that there are such spirits. These spirits are from the planet Mercury, who as before said [n. 1415 et seq.] relate to interior sense. Still they do not rebuke* them. They related, moreover, that the inhabitants of that planet are short, and it was said by one who was permitted to see them, that they are scarcely the height of my loins; yet they are stout. * Crossed out: "but admit".

102. The inhabitants and spirits of the planet Saturn have relation in the Greatest Man, to the middle sense between the spiritual and the natural man, but to that which recedes from the natural and accedes to the spiritual. Hence it is that those spirits appear to be carried or snatched away into heaven, and presently to be let back again; for whatever appertains to the spiritual sense is in heaven; but whatever appertains to the natural sense is beneath heaven.

8953. The inhabitants and spirits of that earth bear relation to that in man which is in the middle between spiritual sense and natural sense; but they withdraw from the natural and draw near to the spiritual. Therefore it is that these spirits often seem to themselves to be carried away, or caught up, into heaven, and afterward to be let back, thus alternately. For whatever is of spiritual sense is in heaven; but whatever is of natural sense is beneath heaven.

1558. … The spirits of the earth Saturn correspond to interior sense, or reason; …

1526. They sometimes appear to be caught up into heaven; not that they are thus caught up and elevated, as it appeared to me, but they so seem to be elevated and sent back again.

1527. This representation or vision arises from the fact that they are the internal sense or reason, and it is reason which, as it were, ascends into the intellectual mind, for it seems to ascend, because the more interior mind understands by means of the internal sense or reason.

1528. They live in their uprightness and humility, and their spirits call themselves angels, saying that they are in heaven. But one of them said that they can be in heaven when they will, consequently their spirits in like manner seem to themselves to be carried away into heaven, and they are sent back again when they can be there no longer. This usually happens before they become angels.

Inasmuch as the spirits of our earth, in the Greatest Man have relation to natural and corporeal sense, it was given me to know by manifest experience how the spiritual man and the natural fight and strive with each other, when the latter is not in faith and charity.

9107. In what respects the spirits of our earth and the spirits of the earth Saturn differ, has been given me to know from open experience; and at the same time to know how the spiritual or internal man and the natural or external man fight and clash with each other, when the latter is not in faith and charity. For the spirits of the earth Saturn bear relation in the Grand Man to that sense which is intermediate between spiritual and natural sense, but receding from the natural and acceding to the spiritual (n. 8953); whereas the spirits of our earth bear relation to natural and bodily sense; consequently the latter bear relation to the external man, but the spirits of Saturn to the internal man. How great an opposition and clashing there is between them, when the external or natural man does not receive spiritual life through faith in and love to the Lord, was shown by the following experience.

The spirits of the earth Saturn came from afar into view, and there was then opened a living communication between them and such spirits of our earth. The latter, on thus perceiving the former, became as if insane, and began to infest them, by infusing unworthy suggestions concerning faith, and also concerning the Lord; and whilst abusing them with these invectives and insults, they also cast themselves into the midst of them, and from the insanity in which they were, they endeavored to do evil to them. But the spirits of Saturn feared nothing, because they were secure and in tranquillity; whereas the spirits of our earth, when they were in the midst of them, began to be tortured, and to respire with difficulty, and so they cast themselves out, one in this way and another that, till they all disappeared.

9108. The spirits of the earth Saturn came into view from afar, and there were then present many spirits from our earth, who on seeing those from Saturn became as if insane, and began to infest them by infusing things unworthy respecting faith, and also about the Lord. And while they were full of invectives, they also threw themselves into the midst of them, and from the insanity in which they were, endeavored to injure them. But the spirits of Saturn feared nothing, because they were safe, and were also in tranquillity; whereas those from our earth, being in the midst of them, began to breathe with difficulty, and consequently to be in anguish; and so they cast themselves out, one this way, and another that, and disappeared.

3328. CONCERNING THE HOSTILITY OF THE SPIRITS OF OUR EARTH TOWARDS THE SPIRITS OF SATURN. ((((When the spirits of Saturn again came into view, at a distance, then the spirits of our earth, as if insane, infested them long, during many hours, by infusing many impious things concerning the Lord and faith. Inasmuch as this lasted [some time], certain [spirits] were astonished; but the reason was, that it might be presented before [them] how it stands between those, who respect [relate to] [referunt] the external sense, and those who respect the reason. For the spirits of our earth respect the external sense, and at this day are nearly separated as it were from all reason: and the spirits of Saturn respect the reason. Thus was manifested of what nature are they who are hostile to reason: thus what quality of reason they possess; consequently, that they infest the internal man with continual revilings; for the interior man is the reason. - 1748, September 23.

The spirits who were present perceived from this, what is the quality of the natural man when separate from the spiritual, and when he comes into a spiritual sphere, namely, that he is insane; for the natural man separate from the spiritual is wise only from the world, and not from heaven; and he who is wise only from the world, believes nothing but what be can apprehend with his senses, and the things which he believes he believes from the fallacies of the senses, which, unless they are removed by an influx from the spiritual world, produce falsities. Hence it is that spiritual things to him are not anything, insomuch that he can scarcely bear to hear mention made of anything spiritual; wherefore such become insane when they are kept in a spiritual sphere. It is otherwise during their abode in the world, where they either think naturally concerning spiritual things, or avert their ears that they may not hear them; that is, they hear and do not attend.

9109. Those standing by perceived from this what is the quality of the external or natural man separated from the internal, when he comes into a spiritual sphere, which is the sphere of life of the internal man; namely, that he is insane (for there encompasses everyone a sphere which flows forth from the life of his love, see n. 1048, 1053, 1316, 1504-1512, 4464, 5179, 6206, 7454). The reason is that the natural man when separated from the spiritual has wisdom only from the world, and not at all from heaven; and he who is wise only from the world, believes nothing but what the senses apprehend, and what he believes, he believes from the fallacies of the senses, consequently from falsities. From this it is that spiritual things are not anything to him, insomuch that he scarcely endures to hear mention made of the spiritual. From this also it is that he does not apprehend what the internal man is, and consequently does not believe that there is an internal man. Wherefore such are insane when kept in a spiritual sphere. It is otherwise while they are living in the world. They then either think naturally about spiritual things; or turn away the ear, that is, hear and do not attend. (That such have pain and blindness when they are taken up into a spiritual sphere, see n. 8797.)

3329. The reason, as I now perceive, is, that when the spheres of the external senses, such as the spirits of our earth respect [referunt], perceive the sphere of reason, therefore [the sphere] of the spirits, who respect the reason, that they [illi] cannot tolerate these [eos]. There is a natural enmity, since the external senses are of such a character, [that is] man or spirit believes nothing but what he perceives by the external senses, as may be known [to all].)))) (((A similar enmity have all men in thin world [hic] towards [against] the reason, but they do not perceive it, save in temptations, inasmuch as the reason departs as it were to a distance, and the irrational [principle] succeeds with its phantasies, with which they are conjoined. - 1748, September 23.

3330. I was shown the nature of the conflict [concursus] of the spheres, to wit, of reason, and the external senses separated [therefrom], from which only [spring] ratiocinations, visions, hence fallacies, hypotheses, and hence phantasies. For the spirits of our earth could not but infest the spirits of Saturn; but these did not fear, yea, [our spirits] came amongst them, and could do them no harm at all: further, when it was also told these [spirits of our earth] that they could not respire in that sphere, they were thence projected of themselves, one here, another there; for they did not seem to themselves to respire.

It was also manifest from this experience, that the natural man cannot introduce himself into the spiritual, that is, ascend; but when man is in faith, and thereby in spiritual life, in this case the spiritual man flows into the natural, and thinks therein. For there is given a spiritual influx, that is, an influx from the spiritual world into the natural, but not the reverse.# # Influx is spiritual, and not physical or natural, consequently influx is from the spiritual world into the natural, and not from the natural into the spiritual (n. 3219, 5119, 5259, 5427, 5428, 5477, 6322). It appears as if influx is from externals into man's internals, but this is a fallacy (n. 3721).

9110. From the above experience it was also made evident that the natural man cannot introduce himself into the spiritual, that is, ascend. But when a man is in faith and consequently in spiritual life, and is thinking, then the spiritual man descends, that is, thinks in the natural. For there is spiritual influx, that is, influx from the spiritual world into the natural, but not the reverse. (That physical influx is quite contrary to order, and contrary to nature, thus is impossible, see n. 3721, 5119, 5259, 5779, 6322, 8237.) Wherefore when the natural man that has been separated from the internal, comes into the sphere of spiritual life, he is seized first with blindness, then with insanity, and finally with anguish. It is also for this reason that those who are in hell have no inclination to look toward heaven (n. 4225, 4226, 8137, 8265, 8945, 8946).

Such is the conflict between phantasies arising from the external senses and the reason, which can never be conquered; as was also shown them by a living idea; and that they are thus restless when there is conflict. Such is the case with everyone, when the rational [principle] combats with phantasies arising from the external senses. That they were seen afar off and thus as it were fled away, was because the rational [principle] of man is concealed within when phantasies prevail; but when man comes into a state of misfortune, then the rational is present and [the irrational] departs. Meanwhile, the man who is in phantasies is in a tranquil state, as it were: thus [phantasies] reign - as was shown by this: that [when] the spirits of Saturn did not appear, then at once arose tranquillity amongst the spirits of this earth, [1748, September 25])) and that they do not [then] know what is the spiritual.

103. I was further informed by the spirits of that earth respecting the inhabitants, what their consociations are, with several other particulars. They said that they live distinguished into families, every family apart by itself; each family consisting of a man and his wife with their children; and the children, when they enter the married state, are separated from the parental house, and have no further care about it. Wherefore the spirits from that earth appear two and two. They are little solicitous about food and raiment, they feed on the fruits and legumes their earth produces; and they are clothed slightly, being encompassed with a coarse skin or coat, which repels the cold. Moreover, all on that earth know that they will live after death; and that on this account also they make light of their bodies, only so far as regards that life, which they say is to remain and serve the Lord. It is for this reason likewise that they do not bury the bodies of the dead, but cast them forth, and cover them with branches of forest trees.

8954. There are no cities there, nor kingdoms, but they live distinguished into families, each family apart from others, thus man and wife together with their children. When the children marry, they are separated from the house of their parents, and have no more concern about it. Wherefore the spirits from that earth are seen two and two.

8956. They have also little solicitude about food and clothing. They live on fruits and vegetables of various kinds which their earth produces. And they are but scantily clothed, for they are encompassed with a thick skin or coat* which wards off the cold. * That is, their own natural skin is so thick that they need but little other clothing. See Spiritual Experiences, n. 1522-3. [REVISED]

8955. All on that earth, otherwise than on ours, know that they shall live after death; and therefore they make no account of their bodies, except insofar as may be necessary for the life, which they say is to remain and serve the Lord. For this reason also they do not bury the bodies of the dead, but cast them forth and cover them with branches of trees from the forest.

1520. Further, they do not live in societies, as is the case elsewhere, but live alone in pairs with their little ones. When the children are separated from the paternal home, they live by themselves, and after the separation they have no further concern for the home of father or mother.

1521. Also, they do not prepare their food, but find it everywhere, namely, pulse and fruit upon which they subsist. They do not see wild beasts.

1522. They have no other than natural clothing, being naked, but covered with a thick tunic or skin,

1529. When they become spirits, that is, after the death of the body, they are also then in pairs, for they continue their former life; but this is until they become reason, or the internal sense.

1530. They say that when they die their bodies are cast forth. They are not concerned with burial, for they say that what is cast away is something filthy; and what was within the body, and becomes an angel, is their life.

1524. As regards their speech, they said that they have scarcely any speech, but signify by their face - especially by the eyes - what they think, and what they will. In this manner they instruct their children.

104. They were asked concerning that great belt, which appears from our earth to rise above the horizon of that planet, and to vary its situations. They said, that it does not appear to them as a belt, but only as a snowy light in the heaven in various directions.

8952. They were asked about that great belt, which appears from our earth to be elevated above the horizon of that planet, and to vary its positions. They said that it does not appear to them as a belt, but only as a snowy light in the heavens in various directions.

The Earth or Planet Venus

Earths in the Universe
Arcana Coelestia
Spiritual Experiences

105. THE EARTH OR PLANET VENUS, ITS SPIRITS AND INHABITANTS. The planet Venus, in the idea of spirits and angels, appears to the left a little backwards, at some distance from our earth. It is said, in the idea of spirits, because neither the sun of this world, nor any planet, appears to any spirit; but spirits have only an idea that they exist. It is in consequence of such idea that the sun of this world is presented behind as something quite dark, and the planets not movable as in the world, but remaining constantly in their several places; see above (n.42).

7247. In the idea of spirits the planet Venus appears to the left, a little behind, at some distance from this earth. It is said "in the idea of spirits" because neither the sun of the world nor any planet appears to any spirit; but spirits merely have an idea that they exist, and according to this idea they appear-the sun of the world behind them as something very dark, the planets not moving about, as in the world, but constant in their places (see n. 7171).

106. In the planet Venus there are two kinds of men, of dispositions opposite to each other; the first mild and humane, the second savage and almost like wild beasts. They who are mild and humane appear on the further side of the earth, they who are savage and like wild beasts, appear on the side looking this way. But it is to be known that they appear thus according to the states of their life, for in the spiritual world the state of life determines every appearance of space and of distance.

7246. ON THE INHABITANTS AND SPIRITS OF THE PLANET VENUS. In the planet Venus there are two kinds of men, of contrary disposition, one kind savage and almost like wild beasts, and the other gentle and humane. They who are savage and almost like wild beasts appear on the side of the planet looking our way; but they who are gentle and humane, on the opposite side. Be it known, however, that they so appear according to the states of their life, for the state of life makes all the appearance of place and space.

3345. I saw, today, a sphere which [I had] not [seen] before, while the discourse [was] concerning the inhabitants of the earth Venus, to wit: there was seen by me, a sphere, [made up] as it were, of mere human flesh; so that I perceived nothing else but a continuous [principle], [which was] yet discrete in general, [and] human; thus such a [principle] as belonged to [was of] human affection. But it cannot be described in different terms, than as being truly human. Hence I perceived the quality of the inhabitants, to wit, as inwardly human; but below the sphere was an animal [ferinum] [principle] not represented to me, but granted to know, by cogitative perception - thus that their exteriors are of such a nature. - 1748; September 26.

107. Some of those who appear on the further side of the planet, and who are mild and humane, came to me and were presented visibly above the head, and I spoke with them on various subjects. Amongst other things, they said that during their abode in the world, and more so since they were become spirits, they acknowledged our Lord as their only God. They added that on their earth they had seen Him, and they represented also how they had seen Him.

7252. The inhabitants and spirits of Venus who appear on the other side of that earth, are of an almost contrary disposition, being gentle and humane. It was granted of the Lord that some of these spirits should come thence to me, and then they appeared near above the head. In talking with me they said that when they were in the world they acknowledged, and now more fully acknowledge, our Lord as their only God. They said that in their earth they had seen Him, walking among them, and they also represented in what manner they had seen Him.

1453. Those who appear on the other side of the planet Venus are worshippers of the Lord. Some of them from there came hither; they were above the head. They said that they acknowledge and had acknowledged our Lord alone, and that He had appeared to them, and that they believe that He is with them, and even more that He walks among them, which they represented to me. Further, that they see Him as if He were walking among them, wherefore they thus represented Him as if to the life walking with them. They also said that they were only keepers of cattle.

These spirits in the Greatest Man have relation to the memory of things material, agreeing with the memory of things immaterial, to which the spirits of Mercury have relation: where fore the spirits of Mercury have the fullest agreement with these spirits of Venus, and on this account, when they were together, a remarkable change, and a powerful operation in my brain, was perceivable from their influx; see above (n. 43).

7253. These spirits have relation in the Grand Man to the memory of material things that corresponds to the memory of immaterial things which the spirits of the planet Mercury constitute (see the description of the spirits of Mercury, n. 7170).

1558. …that those of the planet Venus and of our earth are such as constitute or represent corporeal things and the appetites connected with them, thus also terrestrial and lower worldly things; consequently they are those who rule the external senses. …

108. But I did not speak with those spirits who are on the side that looks this way, and who are savage and almost like wild beasts; but I was informed by the angels concerning their quality, and whence they have so fierce a nature. The cause is this, that they are exceedingly delighted with rapine, and more especially with eating their plunder; the delight thence arising, when they think about eating their plunder, was communicated to me, and was perceived to be most extraordinary. That on our earth there have been inhabitants of a like fierce nature, appears from the histories of various nations; also from the inhabitants of the land of Canaan (1 Sam. xxx. 16); and likewise from the Jewish and Israelitish nation, even in the time of David, in that they made yearly excursions, and plundered the Gentiles, and rejoiced in feasting on the spoils.

7248. I have been told that the inhabitants of that planet who, when they die and become spirits, appear on this side, are very much delighted with plunder, and especially with eating of their plunder; their delight when they think about eating of their plunder was communicated to me, and I noticed that it was intense. That there have been inhabitants on this earth also of such a ferine nature, is plain from the histories of various nations, also from the inhabitants of the land of Canaan (1 Sam. 30:16), and likewise from the Jewish and Israelitish nation even in the time of David, in that they made yearly raids, and plundered the nations, and rejoiced over their prey. As regards these inhabitants of the planet Venus, they are indeed delighted with plunder, but yet are not cruel. They cast the men whom they rob into the water, and so put them to death, but they save as many as they can; and those whom they so put to death they afterward bury, a sign that they have some humanity. In this they differ from the Jews, who took delight in casting out those whom they slew, and exposing them to be devoured by the beasts of the forest and by the birds, and sometimes in putting them to death in a savage and cruel manner (2 Sam. 12:31). How much delight the Jews had in such things, it was also given me to perceive from the sphere of many of them communicated to me, who approached quickly and then fled away.

3346. CONCERNING THE INHABITANTS OF VENUS. I saw what was the quality of the spirits of Venus, who also were described as far as this [ab hac parte], as being ferocious [ferini], delighting in plunder, and eating of what was from plundered from others. Their pleasantness, [derived] from plundering was communicated to me; it was great. Such are they [it is said] that had they been previously in the place of others, for instance, of the inhabitants of the land of Canaan; also of David, [also] of those who after they had burnt Tiklag, and pillaged everything, rejoiced from the heart, so that at certain times, they might go forth as kings and pillage, they would thus rejoice in plunder. Such was the custom in ancient times, in many other regions. Wherefore they do not enjoy a pleasanter life than when they can eat, drink, and be merry, out of the spoils of others. [They do not take pleasure] in their own [things] unless they are spoils. Hence the cruelty of David.

3347. But the inhabitants of Venus being explored, are found indeed to be such as delight exceedingly in plunder, so they hence derive the pleasantness of their life. But still that they are not cruel; they do indeed kill men, whom they plunder [diripiant]; but they preserve those whom they can, yea, do afterwards bury those whom they throw into the water and so kill. So that they also have the human [principle] inwardly within themselves. It was otherwise, with the Jews; who even delighted to cast those whom they slew to beasts and birds, to be devoured. I now perceive that such are the Jews of the present day, who delight in such things I perceived something of the sphere of some [of them] who rushed and fled quickly in this direction. - 1748, September 26.)

I was informed further, that those inhabitants are for the most part giants, and that the men of our earth reach only to their navels; also that they are stupid, making no inquiries concerning heaven or eternal life, but immersed solely in earthly cares and the care of their cattle.

7249. I was also told that the inhabitants of that earth are for the most part giants, the inhabitants of our earth reaching only to their navel; and also that those who appear on this side of that earth are stupid, making no inquiry about heaven, or about eternal life, but caring only for what concerns their land and their cattle.

1450. The inhabitants of the planet Venus were described as being giants, so that the inhabitants of our earth only reach to their navel. They are rather stupid, not inquiring about heaven or eternal life, but caring only for those things which relate to their land and their herds. On account of the excessive heat where they dwell they do not consociate during the day-time, but at night; wherefore they live in darkness, yet they see. 1748, Mar. 16.

1452. On that earth they are exceedingly simple, but it should be observed that the simple and stupid ones are represented as being on this side of that planet, namely, of Venus. The situations merely signify their mind [animus], for they are not all such.

109. Because they are such, when they come into the other life they are exceedingly infested there by evils and falsities. The hells, which appertain to them, appear near their earth, and have no communication with the hells of the wicked of our earth, because they differ altogether in genius and disposition: hence also their evils and falsities are altogether of a different sort.

7250. Being of this character, when they come into the other life they are very much infested by falsities and evils. Their hells appear around that earth, and do not communicate with the hells of the evil of our earth, because they are of a wholly different genius and disposition; hence also their evils and falsities are of quite another kind.

110. Such, however, amongst them, as can be saved, are in places of vastation, and are there reduced to the last state of desperation; for there is no other method whereby evils and false persuasions of that kind can be subdued and removed. When they are in a state of desperation, they cry out that they are beasts, that they are abominations; that they are hatreds, and that thus they are damned. Some of them, when they are in this state, exclaim even against heaven; but as this proceeds from desperation, it is forgiven them. The Lord moderates that their vituperations, they may not pour them forth except to certain limits. These, when they have passed through extreme suffering, are finally saved, inasmuch as corporeal things with them are as if dead, It was further declared concerning these spirits, that during their life on their earth they believed in a certain Supreme Creator without a Mediator; but when they are saved, they are also instructed that the Lord alone is God, the Savior and Mediator.

I have seen some of them, after they have passed through extreme suffering, taken up into heaven; and when they were received there, I have perceived such a tenderness of joy from them as drew tears from my eyes.

But they who are such that they can be saved are in places of vastation, and are there reduced to the extremity of despair; for evils and falsities of that kind cannot be removed in any other way. When they are in a state of despair, they cry out that they are beasts, brutes, abominations, hatreds, and thus that they are damned. Some of them when in such a state cry out also against heaven, but for this they are excused, because it is from despair. The Lord moderates it, lest they should break out into reproaches beyond certain fixed limits. When they have suffered to the utmost, as their bodily things are then as it were dead, they are at last saved.

7251. I have also been told about them that when they lived on their earth they believed in a Supreme Creator, without a Mediator. These are they who are so vastated, and finally saved, when they have first been instructed and have received the instruction that the Lord is the only God, Savior, and Mediator. I have heard them confess that without a Mediator it would be impossible for them to be saved, because they are filthy and unworthy. I have also seen some of them, after suffering to the utmost, taken up into heaven, and when they were received there, I observed from them such a tenderness of gladness as drew tears from my eyes.

1449. The inhabitants of that side of Venus which looks in this direction are, as it were, in despair concerning their salvation, saying that they are beasts, brutes, abominations, hatreds - not that they actually kill men - but that they have hatred against their neighbor, so that they are damned and cannot be saved. While in such vastation, being in a state of despair, they also utter damnable expressions against heaven and salvation, as on various occasions I discovered, supposing it to be from infernal furies, whereas it was from those who were in such despair. But this is forgiven them for they are then as if insane. But the Lord so regulates that their vituperations do not exceed certain limits in order that they may be saved: and when they have reached the last extremity, so that they may suffer to the limit, they may then be saved, since their corporeal things are dead. Those who are from this side of the planet Venus, of whom we are now speaking, are said not to have been evil, but simple. They had not believed in the Lord Himself, but in a certain Supreme Creator without any designation, or without the Lord the Mediator, which is the reason that those on the planet Venus who are such are vastated in this manner, and consequently are saved as soon as they have been instructed that the Lord alone is the Mediator and Savior. They have now confessed that without God as Intercessor they can never be saved, because they are filthy and unworthy. Some of them who had suffered to the last extremity were raised up into heaven and were there received with so much tenderness that they drew tears from my eyes; they were saying that they were unworthy, since they had said such things, besides other things they had thought, - and they drew my tears.

1451. Spirits of the inhabitants of the planet Venus, who were from this side, spoke with me mostly. They said for certain that they were only goat-herds. The only cattle they have are not endowed with large horns. When sheep were represented to them, they said they did not have such animals; but when goats were represented they said that they had them and they were their herdsmen (as they wanted to be called). They indeed know of larger varieties, but they do not have such.

The Spirits and Inhabitants of the Moon

Earths in the Universe
Arcana Coelestia
Spiritual Experiences

111. THE SPIRITS AND INHABITANTS OF THE MOON. Certain spirits appeared above the head, and thence were heard voices like thunder; for they thundered with their voices like the thunder from the clouds after lightning. I asserted that it was a great multitude of spirits, who had the art of uttering voices attended with so loud a noise. The more simple spirits who were with me laughed at them, at which I greatly wondered. The cause of their laughter was presently discovered to be this, that the spirits who thundered were not many, but few, and were also as small as boys; and that before they had terrified them by such noises, and yet were unable to do them any harm.

9232. ON THE SPIRITS OF THE MOON. Certain spirits appeared overhead, and voices were heard thence like thunders; for their voices made a loud thundering noise just like thundering from the clouds after flashes of lightning. I supposed that it was a vast multitude of spirits who had learned to utter their voice with such a sound. The more simple spirits who were with me laughed at them, at which I was much surprised. The reason why they laughed at them was soon disclosed, and it was that the spirits who thundered were not many, but few; and also were little men, like children; and moreover, had previously excited terror by such sounds, and yet could not do any harm.

3241. CONCERNING THE SPIRITS, SO CALLED, OF THE MOON. (Spirits came above my head: when they merely spoke they thundered [tonabant]: something of voice or speech was let down from the midst, as if something opened itself, as happens when lightnings are let out of the clouds. There appeared, as it were, a great multitude of spirits above me. I thought they belonged to some world [and were] not yet known; but the more simple and gross spirits of our world, continually ridiculed them; whereat I marveled; because they intercepted thoughts, no matter from whence [they were] and what spirits they might be. These spirits were then let down into the depths [in profundum], that they might not hinder: yet others could not restrain themselves from laughing at them, in nearly the same manner.

In order that I might know their quality, some of them let themselves down from on high where they were thundering; and what surprised me, one carried another on his back, and thus two of them approached me. Their faces appeared not unhandsome, but longer than the faces of other spirits. Their stature was like the stature of boys seven years old, but more robust; thus they were dwarfs. It was told me by the angels, that they were from the Moon.

9233. That I might know their character, some were sent down from on high where they were thundering, and strange to say, one carried another on his back, and two of them approached me in this attitude. In their faces they appeared not unbeautiful, but their faces were longer than those of other spirits. In stature they were like boys of seven years of age, but they had stouter bodies. Thus they were dwarfs. I was told by the angels that they were from the Moon.

3242. Then were some seen by me obscurely, as it were infants; and one carried a certain one, who appeared to me distinctly so far as the face, with [mossa pa hufwudet]: he was at first supposed from the face [to be] an infant, but was examined and considered [to be] a manniken [homuncio] or a little man [dwarf]; because his face [was] not infantile, being somewhat long, but of small breadth, like that of at ill-proportioned man [invenusti] he was carried into my sight by another as small a [man] whom I did not see.

He who was carried on the other's back, on coming to me, applied himself to my left side under the elbow, and thence spoke with me, saying that whenever they utter their voices they thus thunder; and that thereby they terrify the spirits who wish to do them evil; and put some to flight, and that thus they go with security whithersoever they will. That I might know certainly that they made this sound, be retired from me to some others, but not entirely out of sight, and thundered in like manner. They showed, moreover, that the voice being uttered from the abdomen, like an eructation, made this thundering sound.

9234. The one who was borne by the other, upon being set down, came to me, applying himself to my left side below my elbow. From that position he spoke, saying that when they utter their voice, they thunder in this manner, and thereby terrify those spirits who wish to do them harm; and some they put to flight; thus being able to go in safety wherever they wish. That I might know of a certainty that they made such a sound, he went away from me to some others, but not quite out of sight, and thundered in the same way. And they further showed to me how their voice, sent forth from the abdomen like a belching forth, made this loud thundering noise.

3242 1/2. He who was thus carried and seen, came to me, below the arm, on the left side, and spoke with me, and said that he was such a one, so small, and not knowing whence [he came]; but that still when he spoke his voice - then sounded just like the voice of those who [are] above the head: he also showed me how he spoke, that it was, as if from the abdomen, and that he thus belched out [egurgitaret] much speech with much sound, and there was a sort of egurgitation of sound, with the voice, which cannot so [easily] be described; and in order that he might show what belongs to such voice or sound of voice, that he might as it were thunder, like a great multitude of spirits, he also withdrew a little, still [was] near me, and spoke similarly: then I heard as it were the thunder of heaven along with his voice: and he again returned, and showed the nature of [his] voice, that it was from the abdomen, and [was] an eructation. Thus it was also perceived that they were swollen [inflated] [tumidi] and supposed themselves to be great, although they were so little.

3243. Also previously, when it was said by a certain one near heaven, concerning the former [ones, who thundered], that they were not so numerous, he recounted them, and at length [found] that they had only been about 20 or 23 [in number], when so great a multitude was heard.

It was perceived that this was owing to the fact, that the inhabitants of the Moon do not speak from the lungs like the inhabitants of other earths, but from the abdomen, and thus from some air there collected, by reason that the Moon is not encompassed with an atmosphere like that of other earths.

9235. It was perceived that this arose from the fact that the inhabitants of the Moon do not speak from the lungs, like the inhabitants of other earths, but from the abdomen, thus from some air that has collected there; for the reason that the Moon is not encompassed with an atmosphere like that of other earths.

I was instructed that the spirits of the Moon, in the Greatest Man, have relation to the ensiform or zyphoid cartilage, to which the ribs in front are joined, and from which descends the facia alba, which is the fulcrum of the abdominal muscles.

9236. I have been instructed that the inhabitants of the Moon bear relation in the Grand Man to the ensiform or xiphoid cartilage, to which the ribs are joined in front, and from which descends the fascia alba, which is the point of attachment for the muscles of the abdomen.

3245. Hence, I could now perceive, that it was such as the human race, but I did not know what province in the body they represented [had reference to]. Wherefore spirits of that earth, either these or others, came within me, and it hence was granted to perceive, that they had reference to the scutiform or xiphoid cartilage wherein the ribs are terminated in front, and which is the fulcrum of the muscles of the diaphragm, on the anterior side, and thus of the muscles of the abdomen also. It may be seen whether or no the linea alba passes to that cartilage, and hence [if this cartilage] is continued downward, so as to be the common fulcrum with the linea alba of the muscles of the abdomen. - 1748, September 22).

5564. There are spirits small in stature who when they speak, thunder, one sometimes like a troop. It is innate in them to speak so. They are not from this earth, but from another, which of the Lord's Divine mercy will be spoken of when I speak of the inhabitants of the various earths. It was said that they relate to the shield like cartilage in front of the chest, and which serves as a support in front to the ribs, and also to the various muscles of tone.

112. That there are also inhabitants on the Moon, spirits and angels know, and in like manner that there are inhabitants on the moons or satellites which revolve about the earths Jupiter and Saturn. They who have not seen and spoken with spirits therefrom, still do not doubt but that there are also men upon them, because they are equally earths; and where there is an earth, there are men; for man is the end for which every earth was created, and nothing was made by the Great Creator without an end, That the human race is the end of creation, that from it there may be a heaven, may appear to every one who thinks from a somewhat enlightened reason.

9237. That there are inhabitants in the Moon also, is known to spirits and angels, for they often speak with them; and in like manner that there are inhabitants in the moons or satellites which revolve about the planet Jupiter and the planet Saturn. Those who have not seen and spoken with them nevertheless have no doubt that there are men in them, for they too are earths; and where there is an earth, there is man; for man is the end for the sake of which every earth was created; and nothing has been made by the Supreme Creator without a purpose. That the end of creation is the human race, that there may be a heaven from it, can be seen by everyone one who thinks from reason. The angels also say that an earth cannot subsist apart from the human race, because the Divine provides all things on an earth for the sake of man.

3244. I spoke concerning what earth they were from, and it was granted me to perceive to some extent [after a manner] that they were from the Moon. It came into my thought [cogiatatem] that they [were] not similar to others because they have not such an atmosphere; and I am ignorant what atmosphere they have around them; but still that the human race was there, because there is nothing without an end: thus [so] nothing without the human race, to be a [the] bond between terrestrial and natural things, and celestial things: for otherwise, never can an earth, whether planet, or moon, or satellite, exist [duri].

The Reasons Why the Lord Was Willing to be Born on Our Earth, and Not on Another.

Earths in the Universe
Arcana Coelestia
Spiritual Experiences

113. There are many reasons, concerning which I had information from heaven, why it pleased the Lord to be born and to assume the human on our earth, and not on another.

9350. THE REASONS WHY THE LORD WILLED TO BE BORN ON OUR EARTH, AND NOT ON ANOTHER. There are many reasons why it pleased the Lord to be born and to assume the Human on our earth, and not on any other, concerning which I have been informed from heaven.

The PRINCIPLE REASON was because of the Word, in that it might be written on our earth; and when written be afterwards published throughout the whole earth; and when once published be preserved to all posterity; and that thus it might be made manifest, even to all in the other life, that God became Man.

9351. The principal reason was for the sake of the Word, in that it could be written on our earth, and when written could then be published throughout the whole earth; and once published could be preserved for all posterity; and that thus it might be made manifest even to all in the other life that God had become a Man.

4780. Hence it was evident that the heavenly doctrine should at least be propagated from those nations, to spirits who are from various regions of this earth, and then to spirits of other earths. The subject is continued [below].

114. That the principal reason was because of the Word, is because the Word is the Divine truth itself, which teaches man that there is a God, that there is a heaven and a hell, and that there is a life after death; and teaches moreover how man ought to live and believe, in order to come into heaven, and thus into eternal happiness. All these things would have been altogether unknown without a revelation, thus on this earth without the Word; and yet man is so created that, as to his interiors, he cannot die.# # From natural light alone nothing is known concerning the Lord, concerning heaven and hell, concerning the life of man after death, and concerning Divine truths, by which man has spiritual and eternal life (n. 8944, 10,318-10,320). This may appear from this, that many, and among them the learned, do not believe those things, although they are born where the word is, and where there is instruction by the Word concerning those things (n. 10,319). Therefore it was necessary there should be a revelation from heaven, because man was born for heaven (n. 1775).

9352. That the principal reason was for the sake of the Word, is because the Word is truth Divine itself, which teaches man that there is a God, that there is a heaven and a hell, and that there is a life after death; and which teaches besides how a man must live and believe in order that he may come into heaven, and thus be eternally happy. Without revelation, thus on this earth without the Word, all these things would have been utterly unknown; and yet man has been so created that in respect to his internal man he cannot die.

4781. CONCERNING OUR EARTH - WHY THEY LORD WAS BORN THERE. Continuation. There was a talk concerning the Lord, why He was born in this earth and not in some other; and [it was seen] that the reason was, because, in this earth, doctrine communicated from heaven, could be propagated throughout the whole world, and remain for thousands of years; for, in this earth, from ancient times, such things have been committed to writings, and, afterward, to types, and these can be spread throughout the whole world, and also remain; for such communications and travellings exist in this earth, and not elsewhere; for, elsewhere, the inhabitants are distinguished into nations, families and houses, and do not know how to commit to writings the thing which they know, nor how to communicate with all. Besides, also, when the heavenly doctrine concerning the Lord is known in one earth, the rest are thus able to know it, when they become spirits and angels.

115. That the Word might be written on our earth, is because the art of writing has existed here from the most ancient time, first on the bark of trees, next on parchment, afterwards on paper, and lastly published by types. This was provided by the Lord for the sake of the Word.

9353. That the Word could be written on our earth, is because the art of writing has existed here from the most ancient time, first on wooden tablets, later on parchment, afterward on paper, and finally it could be published in print. This has been provided by the Lord for the sake of the Word.

116. That the Word might afterwards be published through out the whole earth, is because there is commerce here between all nations, both by land and water, to all parts of the globe; hence that the Word once written might be conveyed from one nation to another, and be taught everywhere.

9354. That the Word could afterward be published throughout this whole earth, is because there is here an interaction of all nations, both by overland travel and by navigation, to all places on the globe. Therefore the Word once written could be carried from one nation to another, and could be everywhere taught. That there should be such an interaction has also been provided by the Lord for the sake of the Word.

4782. They called the spirits from this earth, sciences; for they correspond to sciences, not abstracted from material things but conjoined with them. Thus, in this earth, it is known, from science, that God is a man: elsewhere, not from science. The difference is like that between angels who know from perception and communication, and [those who know] from themselves.

117. That the Word once written might be preserved to all posterity, consequently for thousands and thousands of years, and that it has been so preserved is well known.

118. That thus it might be made manifest that God became Man; for this is the first and most essential, for the sake of which the Word was revealed. For no one can believe in God, and love God, whom he cannot comprehend under some appearance; wherefore they who acknowledge what is invisible and thus incomprehensible, in thought sink into nature, and thus believe in no God. Hence it pleased the Lord to be born on this earth, and to make this manifest by the Word, that it might not only be known on this globe, but also might be made manifest thereby to spirits and angels even from other earths, and likewise to the Gentiles from our own earth."# # The Gentiles in the other life are instructed by angels, and they who have lived well according to their religious principles, receive the truths of faith, and acknowledge the Lord (n. 2049, 2595, 2598, 2600, 2601, 2603, 2661, 2863, 3263).

9355. That the Word once written could be preserved for all posterity, consequently for thousands and thousands of years, and that it has been so preserved, is known.

9356. That thus it could be made manifest that God has become a Man, is because this is the first and most essential thing for the sake of which the Word was given; for no one can believe in and love a God whom he cannot comprehend under some form; and therefore those who acknowledge the incomprehensible, in their thought fall into nature, and thus believe in no God (see n. 7211, 9303, 9315). Wherefore it pleased the Lord to be born here, and to make this manifest by the Word, not only in order that it might become known on this globe, but that by this means it might also be made manifest to all in the universe who come into heaven from any earth whatever; for in heaven there is a communication of all.

4663. …(It was then told me, by the angels, that the Lord willed to be born in this earth, where divine truths are handed down by means of writings even from the earliest times, because, in this manner, the truths of faith could here be multiplied and preserved better than with others: but, with others, these truths are only learnt from parents, and so retained in the memory, and then very many things perish in the lapse of time; but, here, it is not so. Thus, also, the angels of heaven are able not only to be perfected from the Word, but also to perceive blessedness and happiness of life: for the Word, read in this earth, passes, by correspondences, even into heaven, as was shown. Thus, also, can the truths of faith be communicated to the angels of other earths. This is the reason that the Lord willed to be born here, and to become, while he was in the world, the Divine truth, that is, the Word, and afterwards the Divine Good, that is, Jehovah.)…

119. It is to be known that the Word on our earth, given through heaven from the Lord, is the union of heaven and the world; for which end there is a correspondence of all things contained in the letter of the Word with the Divine things in heaven; and the Word in its supreme and inmost sense treats of the Lord, of His kingdom in the heavens and the earths, and of love and faith from Him and in Him, consequently of life from Him and in Him. Such things are presented to the angels in heaven, when the Word of our earth is read and preached.# # The word is understood by the angels in the heavens differently from what it is understood by men on the earths, and that the internal or spiritual sense is for the angels but the external or natural sense for men (n. 1769-1772, 1887, 2143, 2333, 2396, 2540, 2541, 2545, 2551). The word is conjunctive of heaven and earth (n. 2310, 2495, 9212, 9216, 9357, 10,357). The word therefore is written by mere correspondences (n. 1404, 1408, 1409, 1540, 1619, 1659, 1709, 1783, 8615, 10,687). In the inmost sense of the word the Lord alone and His Kingdom are treated of (n. 1873, 2249, 2523, 7014, 9357).

9357. Be it known that the Word on our earth, given through heaven by the Lord, is the union of heaven and the world (see n. 9212); to which end there is a correspondence of all things in the letter of the Word with Divine things in heaven; and that in its supreme and inmost sense the Word treats of the Lord, of His kingdom in the heavens and on earth, and of love and faith from Him and to Him, consequently of life from Him and in Him. Such things are presented to the angels in heaven, from whatever earth they come, when the Word of our earth is read and preached.

120. In every other earth Divine truth is manifested by word of mouth through spirits and angels, as was said above in speaking of the inhabitants of the earths of this solar system. But this manifestation is confined within families; for the human race in most earths live distinct according to families; wherefore the Divine truth thus revealed through spirits and angels is not conveyed far beyond the limits of families, and unless a new revelation constantly succeeds, truth is either perverted or perishes. It is otherwise on our earth, where the Divine truth, which is the Word, remains for ever in its integrity.

9358. On every other earth truth Divine is made manifest orally through spirits and angels, as has been shown in the preceding chapters, where the inhabitants of the earths in this solar system have been treated of; but this takes place within families; for on most of the earths mankind live separate according to their families. Wherefore Divine truth thus revealed through spirits and angels is not conveyed far beyond the families; and unless a new revelation is constantly following, what has been revealed is either perverted or perishes. It is otherwise on our earth, where truth Divine, which is the Word, remains in its integrity forever.

121. It is to be known that the Lord acknowledges and receives all, of whatsoever earth they be, who acknowledge and worship God under the human form, inasmuch as God under the human form is the Lord. And because the Lord appears to the inhabitants in the earths in an angelic form, which is the human form, therefore when the spirits and angels from those earths are informed by the spirits and angels of our earth that God is actually Man, they receive that Word, acknowledge it, and rejoice that it is so.

9359. Be it known that the Lord acknowledges and receives all, from whatever earth they may be, who acknowledge and worship God under a human form, for God under a human form is the Lord. And because the Lord appears to the inhabitants of the earths in an angelic form, which is the human form, therefore when spirits and angels from these earths hear from the spirits and angels of our earth that God is a Man in actuality, they receive this Word, acknowledge it, and rejoice that it is so (see n. 7173).

122. To the reasons above adduced, may be added, that the inhabitants and spirits of our earth, in the Greatest Man, have relation to the natural and external sense, which sense is the ultimate wherein the interiors of life close, and rest as on their common basis. The case is similar in regard to the Divine truth in the letter, which is called the Word, and which for this reason also was given on this earth, and not on any other:# and because the Lord is the Word, and is the First and the Last thereof, therefore, that all things might exist according to order, He was willing to be born on this earth, and be made the Word, according to what is written in John:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and God was the Word. This was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him, and without Him was not anything made which was made. And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the Only-begotten of the Father. No one has seen God at any time; the Only-begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He hath brought Him forth to view (i. 1-14, 18). The Word is the Lord as to the Divine truth, thus the Divine truth from the Lord.## But this is an arcanum which falls within the understanding of only a few. # The word In the sense of the letter is natural (n. 8783). By reason that what is natural is the ultimate, wherein spiritual and celestial things close, and on which they subsist as on their foundation, and that otherwise the internal or spiritual sense of the word without the external or natural sense, would be as a house without a foundation (n. 9430, 9433, 9824, 10,044, 10,136). ## The Word is the Lord as to the Divine truth, thus the Divine truth from the Lord (n. 2859, 4692, 5075, 9987). By the Divine truth all things were created and made (n. 2803, 2884, 5272, 7835).

9360. To the reasons already adduced may be added that the inhabitants, spirits, and angels of our earth bear relation in the Grand Man to the external and bodily sense (see n. 9107), and the external and bodily sense is the ultimate, into which the interior things of life come to a close, and in which they rest as in their common receptacle (n. 5077, 9212, 9216). The case is similar with truth Divine in the letter, which is called "the Word," and which for this reason also has been given on this earth and not on another. And because the Lord is the Word, and is its first and its last, therefore in order that all things might come forth according to order, He also willed to be born on this earth, and to become the Word; according to these words in John:

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and God was the Word. The same was in the beginning with God. All thing were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, the glory as of the Only-begotten of the Father. No man hath seen God at any time; the Only-begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He hath set Him forth" (John 1:1-3, 14, 18);

"the Word" denotes the Divine truth. But this is a secret which will fall into the understanding of only a few.

4376. WHY THE LORD WAS BORN ON THIS EARTH. It was perceived that the Lord willed to be born on this earth, because, if he had not done so, the earth would have perished; and as the human race inhabiting our earth corresponds for the most part to corporeal things, they could not be otherwise united with interiors than by the Lord's becoming man; especially after the correspondence had begun to perish, which continued as long as there was anything of a celestial church, that is, of love to the Lord. - 1749, August 25.

1531. From this it can be evident that the inhabitants and spirits of our earth are the external sense, and that they are corporeal and thus approach the nature of brutes rather than the human nature. The spirits of Saturn also said this concerning the spirits of our earth. But although those on this earth are such, yet they possess the cognitions of the truths of faith which are serviceable for a ground, as it were, in which spiritual and celestial truths of faith can be sown. Without such a ground the truths of faith are not easily inseminated so that they may grow. For this reason also the spirits of our earth more easily enter the interior and more interior heaven after the exteriors have been devastated; and because they take with them something from the life of the body, they also may serve as ministering means for instructing others who do not possess such cognitions from Revelation. Wherefore the Lord loved our earth above others, since for perfect order to exist, celestial and spiritual truths must be inrooted in natural truths. It is also to be observed that while the cognitions and ideas of the angels are indefinitely more profound than the ideas of man, still they are rooted in natural truths. Thus do truths mutually succeed and correspond to each other. 1748, Mar. 18.

The Earths in the Starry Heaven

Earths in the Universe
Arcana Coelestia
Spiritual Experiences

123. THE EARTHS IN THE STARRY HEAVEN. They who are in heaven can speak and converse with angels and spirits who are not only from the earths in this solar system, but also with those who are from other earths in the universe out of this system; and not only with the spirits and angels there, but also with the inhabitants themselves, but only with those whose interiors are open, so that they can hear such as speak from heaven. The same is the case with man during his abode in the world, to whom it has been granted by the Lord to speak with spirits and angels. For man is a spirit as to his interiors, the body which he carries about in the world only serving him for performing functions in this natural or terrestrial sphere, which is the ultimate, But it is granted to no one to speak as a spirit with angels and spirits, unless he be such that he can consociate with angels as to faith and love; nor can he so consociate, unless he have faith and love to the Lord; for man is joined to the Lord by faith and love to Him, that is, by truths of doctrine and goods of life from Him; and when he is conjoined to the Lord, he is secure from the assaults of evil spirits from hell. With others the interiors cannot be so far opened, since they are not in the Lord. This is the reason why there are few at this day to whom it is granted to speak and converse with angels; a manifest proof whereof is, that the existence of spirits and angels is scarcely believed at this day, much less that they are with every man, and that by them man has connection with heaven, and through heaven with the Lord. Still less is it believed that man, when he dies as to the body, lives a spirit, even in a human form as before.

9438. ON THE EARTHS IN THE STARRY HEAVEN; AND THEIR INHABITANTS, SPIRITS AND ANGELS. They who are in heaven can speak and be in company with angels and spirits, not only from the earths in this solar system, but also with those who are from earths in the universe outside this system; and not only with spirits and angels therefrom, but also with the inhabitants themselves there whose interiors have been opened so that they are able to hear those who speak from heaven. The same is possible for a man during his life in the world, to whom it has been granted by the Lord to speak with spirits and angels; for as to his interiors a man is a spirit and angel, the body which he carries about in the world being merely of service to him for activities in this natural or earthly sphere, which is the ultimate one.

[2] But to no one is it given to speak as a spirit and angel with angels and spirits, unless he is of such a character that he can be consociated with them in respect to faith and love; and he cannot be so consociated unless he has faith in the Lord and love to the Lord, because a man is conjoined through faith in Him, thus through the truths of doctrine, and through love to Him; and when he has been conjoined with Him, he is safe from the attack of evil spirits who are from hell. With others the interiors cannot be opened at all, because they are not in the Lord.

[3] This is the reason why at the present day it is given to few to speak and be in company with angels. A plain proof of this is that at the present day the existence of spirits and angels is scarcely credited, still less that they are with every man, and that through them man has connection with heaven, and through heaven with the Lord. And still less is it believed that when a man dies as to his body, he lives a spirit, also in a human form as before.

124. Because at this day with many in the church there is no belief in the life after death, and scarce any belief in heaven, nor in the Lord as the God of heaven and earth; therefore the interiors which are of my spirit have been opened by the Lord, so that while still in the body, I can at the same time be with angels in heaven, and not only speak with them, but also see the stupendous things there, and describe them; so that it may not chance to be said hereafter, "Who has come to us from heaven and told us that there is such a place, and what there is there?" But I know that they who in heart have before denied heaven and hell and the life after death, will still confirm themselves against them, and deny them; for it is easier to make a crow white, than to make those believe who have once rejected faith in the heart. The reason is, that they always think of such things from the negative, and not from the affirmative. Nevertheless, let what has been said hitherto, and what is still further to be said concerning angels and spirits, be for the few who are in faith. And that the rest also may be led along to something of acknowledgment it has been conceded to relate such things as delight and attract the man who is desirous of knowing; and now about the earths in the starry heaven.

9439. As, with most in the church at this day, there is no faith in the life after death, and scarcely any in heaven, or in the Lord as being the God of heaven and earth; therefore the interiors of my spirit have been opened by the Lord, so that I may, while in the body, be at the same time with the angels in heaven, and not only speak with them, but also see there amazing things, and describe the same; lest perchance hereafter people may say, Who has come to us from heaven, and told us that it exists, and what there is there? But I know that those who have previously at heart denied a heaven and a hell, and the life after death, will still harden themselves against them, and will deny them; for it is easier to make a raven white, than to cause those to believe who have once at heart rejected faith. But let the things which have thus far been shown concerning heaven and hell and the life after death, be for those few who are in faith. That the rest, however, may be brought to something of acknowledgment, it has been granted that I should relate such things as delight and attract the man who is desirous of having knowledge; and which at present shall be about the earths in the universe.

125. He who does not know the arcana of heaven, cannot believe that a man can see earths so distant, and relate anything about them from the experiences of the senses. But let him know that the spaces and distances, and thence the progressions in the natural world, are, in their origin and first cause, changes of the state of the interiors, and with angels and spirits appear according to these changes;# and that thus they can by these changes be apparently transferred from one place to another, and from one earth to another, even to the earths which are at the end of the universe. So also may a man be transferred as to his spirit, his body still remaining in its place. Thus it has been done with me, since by the Divine mercy of the Lord it has been given me to have interaction with spirits as a spirit, and at the same time with men as a man. That a man can be so transferred as to his spirit, the sensual man cannot understand, since he is in space and time, and measures his movements according to them.

9440. He who is not acquainted with the arcana of heaven, may believe it to be impossible for a man to see earths which are so remote, and from the evidence of the senses to give any account of them. But he should know that in their first cause and origin, the spaces and distances, and consequently the progressions, which appear in the spiritual world, are changes of state of the interiors, and that they appear with angels and spirits in accordance with these changes; and that by means of such changes angels and spirits can be translated from one place to another, and from one earth to another, even to earths which are at the end of the universe. And so can a man in respect to his spirit, his body still remaining in its own place. So too has it been done with me, for of the Lord's Divine mercy it has been given me to be in company with spirits as a spirit, and at the same time with men as a man.

Movements, progressions, and changes of place in the other life are changes of state of the interiors of the life, and still they appear to spirits and angels as real changes of place (n. 1273-1277, 1377, 3356, 5605, 10,734).

(That in heaven the spaces and distances, and consequently the progressions, are appearances arising from changes of state of the interiors, see n. 5605.) A sensuous man cannot conceive that in respect to his spirit a man can be translated in this manner, because such a man is in space and in time, and measures his progressions according to these.

126. That there are many worlds, may be evident to every one, from there being so many constellations visible in the universe; and it is known in the learned world that every fixed star is like a sun in its place; for it remains fixed like the sun of our earth in its place; and that the distance makes it appear small in form like a star. Consequently that like the sun of our world, it has round it planets, which are earths; and the reason that these do not appear to our eyes, is their being at such an immense distance, and having only the light of their star, which cannot be reflected again as far as here. For what other purpose is there so great a heaven with so many stars? For the end of the creation of the universe is man, that from man there may be an angelic heaven. What would the human race, and thence an angelic heaven, from one earth, be for the Infinite Creator, for Whom a thousand earths, nay, tens of thousands, would not be enough? By calculation it appears that if there were a million earths in the universe, and men on every earth to the number of three hundred millions, and two hundred generations in six thousand years, and if to each man or spirit were given the space of three cubic ells, the whole number of so many men or spirits, collected into one body, would still not fill the space of the thousandth part of this earth, thus perhaps not more than the space of a single satellite around the planet Jupiter or Saturn; which would be a space scarce discernible in the universe, for a satellite is hardly visible to the naked eye. What is this to the Creator of the universe? to Whom there would not be enough if the whole universe should be filled, for He is Infinite. On these matters I have spoken with angels, who said that they have a similar idea of the fewness of the human race in comparison with the infinity of the Creator, although they do not think from spaces, but from states; and that according to their idea, earths to the number of as many myriads as could be conceived by thought, would still be as nothing at all to the Lord. But in what now follows, the earths in the starry heavens shall be described from experience itself; from which it will also be evident how I was transferred thither as to my spirit, my body remaining in its place.

9441. Everyone can see that there are many worlds, from the fact that so many stars appear in the universe, and it is known in the learned world that every star is like a sun in its own place, for it remains fixed as the sun of our earth does in its place; and that the distance causes it to appear in a small form like a star; consequently that, like the sun of our system, it has planets revolving around it, which are earths. For what else could there be so great a heaven with so many stars? For the end of the creation of the universe is man; in order that from man there may be an angelic heaven. But what would mankind and an angelic heaven from one single earth be for the infinite Creator, for whom a thousand earths, nay, tens of thousands of them, would not suffice? A calculation has been made, that if there were in the universe one million earths, and on every earth three hundred million men, and two hundred generations within six thousand years, and that to every man there was allotted a space of three cubic ells, the sum of so many men collected into one mass would not occupy a space equal to a thousandth part of this earth; thus not the space of one of the satellites of Jupiter or Saturn; which would be a space in the universe too small to be seen; for any satellite of Jupiter or Saturn is barely visible to the naked eye. And what would this be for the Creator of the universe, to whom the whole universe, if so filled up, would not suffice; for He is infinite. In speaking on this subject with the angels, they said that they have a similar idea concerning the fewness of the human race relatively to the infinity of the Creator; but that still they do not think from spaces, but from states; and that according to their idea, supposing the number of earths to be as many myriads as could possibly be conceived of in thought, they would still be absolutely nothing to the Lord; moreover, that the angelic heaven, of which the human race is the seminary, corresponds to all things that are in man; and that such a heaven cannot be built up of angels from one earth, but only from innumerable earths.

9442. But concerning the earths in the starry heaven, something shall be said in what follows, from experience itself; from which it will be seen how I have been repeatedly translated thither in respect to my spirit; my body remaining in its own place.

3420. THAT THERE EXISTS NO FIXED STAR, BUT WHAT HAS ITS OWN WORLDS [PLANETS] AROUND ITSELF. I spoke with spirits concerning stars [and] of the origin [ortu] of the worlds around them; [saying] that no star exists, that does not have worlds around it, because it is like a sun and center: for nothing is created but on account of the Grand Man, as an end, thus on account of the Lord. - 1748, October 20.

1114. HOW INSIGNIFICANT WOULD BE THE NUMBER OF MEN DURING THE SPACE OF 6000 YEARS EVEN IF THERE WERE THOUSANDS OF WORLDS The inhabitants of the planet Jupiter perceived that I had been thinking about the multitude of men or souls there would be during the space of 6000 years, if there were a thousand earths filled with inhabitants like our earth. I then made this calculation for them: that if there were a thousand earths for 6000 years, the people would not fill a space as great as that which their earth appears to us to occupy. Let one generation be 35 years: within 6000 years there would then arise 171 3/7 generations. If, therefore, the number of people living on this earth at the present day were multiplied by 171 3/7, they would not fill a thousandth part of the surface of this earth. If the space to the center of the earth be taken as the space to be considered, it can thence be concluded that if there were thousands, yea myriads, of earths in the universe, a globe of so many myriads of people would not appear before our eyes as great as their earth. Thus the quantity would still be so insignificant as to be almost nothing in respect to the universe. Moreover, if the universe were filled from one end to the other, it would still be nothing whatever before the Infinite Lord. 748, Mar. 1.

The First Earth in the Starry Heaven

Earths in the Universe
Arcana Coelestia
Spiritual Experiences

127. THE FIRST EARTH IN THE STARRY HEAVEN, ITS SPIRITS AND INHABITANTS; FROM THINGS HEARD AND SEEN. I was led by the Lord by means of angels to a certain earth in the starry heaven, where it was given me to look into the earth itself, yet not to speak with the inhabitants there, but with the spirits who were from it. All the inhabitants or men of every earth, after the life in the world is finished, become spirits, and remain near their own earth. From these spirits, however, information is given about their earth, and about the state of the inhabitants there; for men who leave the body bring with them all their former life, and all their memory.# To be led to earths in the universe is not to be led and transferred thither as to the body, but as to the spirit; and the spirit is led by variations of the state of the interior life, which appear to it as progressions through space.## Approaches also are made according to agreements or similarities of states of life; for agreement or similarity of life conjoined disagreement and dissimilarity disjoin. From this mite be evident how transference is made as to the spirit, and approach to what is distant, the man still remaining in his place. But to lead the spirit beyond its own world by variations of the state of its interiors, and to make the variations advance successively even to a state agreeing with or similar to that of those to whom it is led, is in the power of the Lord alone. For there must be continual direction and foresight from first to last, in going and returning; especially with a man who is still in the world of nature as to the body, and thereby in space. That this has been done, those who are in the bodily senses and think from them, cannot be induced to believe, for the reason that what is of bodily sense cannot comprehend progressions without space. But still they who think from the sense of their spirit, somewhat removed or withdrawn from the sense of the body, thus interiorly in themselves, may be led to believe and to comprehend; since in the idea of the interior thought there is not space nor time, but instead thereof those things from which spaces and times exist. It is for such persons that what follows concerning the earths in the starry heaven is related, and not for others, unless they will suffer themselves to be instructed. # Man after death retains the memory of all his affairs in the world (n. 2476-2486). ## Movements, progressions, and changes of place in the other life are changes of state of the interiors of the life, and still they appear to spirits and angels as real changes of place (n. 1273-1277, 1377, 3356, 5605, 10,734).

9578. ON THE EARTHS IN THE STARRY HEAVEN; HERE, ON THE FIRST EARTH SEEN THERE. By means of angels from the Lord I was conducted to a certain earth in the universe, where it was granted me to look at the earth itself; but not to speak with the inhabitants of it, but with the spirits who came from it. For after their life in the world is completed, all the inhabitants, or men, of every earth, become spirits, and remain about their earth. Nevertheless these give information about their earth, and the state of its inhabitants; for men who depart out of the body carry with them all their former life, and all their memory.

9579. To be conducted to the earths in the universe is not to be conducted and transported there as to the body, but as to the spirit; and the spirit is not conducted through spaces, but through variations of the state of the interior life, which appear to him like progressions through spaces (n. 5605, 7381, 9440). Moreover, approaches take place in accordance with the agreements or likenesses of the states, for the agreement or likeness of the state conjoins, and disagreement or unlikeness disjoins. From this it can be seen in what manner removal as to the spirit from one place to another is effected, and also the approach of the spirit to distant regions, while the man still remains in his own place.

9580. But to conduct a spirit outside his own world by means of variations of the state of his interiors, and to cause these variations to successively advance up to a suitable or like state with that of those to whom he is being led, is in the power of the Lord alone; for there must be a constant direction and foresight from first to last, both ways, especially when this is to be effected with a man who as to the body is still in the world of nature, and who is thereby in space.

9581. That this has been done, no one who is in the sensuous things of the body, and who thinks from them, can be brought to believe. The reason is that these sensuous things cannot grasp progressions apart from spaces. Nevertheless they who think from the sensuous of their spirit somewhat removed or withdrawn from that of the body, thus they who think interiorly within themselves, can be brought to believe and to apprehend it, because in the idea of their thought there is neither space nor time, but instead of these such things as are the sources of spaces and times. Therefore the things which follow concerning the earths in the starry heaven are for these men, and not for those first mentioned, unless they are of such a character as to suffer themselves to be instructed.

128. In a state of wakefulness I was led as to the spirit by the Lord, by means of angels, to a certain earth in the universe, accompanied by some spirits from this world. Our progress was made toward the right, and lasted two hours. Near the limit of our solar system, there appeared at first a shining bright cloud, but dense, and beyond it a fiery smoke ascending out of a great chasm. It was a vast gulf separating our solar world on that side from some worlds of the starry heavens. That fiery smoke appeared at a considerable distance. I was borne across the middle of it; and then there appeared beneath in that chasm or gulf very many men, who were spirits; for spirits all appear in the human form, and actually are men. I also heard them speaking with one another; but whence they were and their quality was not given me to know. Yet one of them said to me that they were guards, lest spirits should pass from this world into another in the universe without leave having been given. That it was so, was also confirmed; for some spirits who were in our company, but had not received the ability to pass over, when they came to that great interspace, began to cry out vehemently that they were perishing; for they were like those who are struggling in agony with death, and therefore they stopped on that side of the gulf, nor could they be taken any further, as the fiery smoke that exhaled from the gulf enveloped them and thus tortured them.

9582. In company with some spirits from this earth, and while in a state of wakefulness, I was conducted as to my spirit to a certain earth in the universe, by means of angels from the Lord. The progression took place toward the right, and continued for two hours. Near the end of our solar system, there first appeared a shining but dense cloud, and after it a fiery smoke rising up from a great chasm. A vast abyss separated our solar world on that side from certain worlds of the starry heaven. The fiery smoke appeared for a considerable distance. I was being carried across this middle region, when underneath in that chasm or abyss there appeared very many men, who were spirits (for all spirits appear in the human form, and are actually men, n. 322, 1881). I also heard them speaking to each other there, but was not given to know whence they came and what was their nature; however, one of them told me that they were guards to prevent spirits from this world from passing into any other world in the universe without the needful facilities.

9583. That this was so was also confirmed, for when certain spirits who were in the company came to that great interspace, and who had not received permission to pass over it, they began to cry out vehemently that they were perishing, for they were like persons struggling in the agony of death; and therefore they stayed on that side of the abyss, and could not be conveyed any further; for the fiery smoke which exhaled from the abyss filled them, and thus tormented them. The fiery smoke is falsity from the evils of concupiscences. So does this falsity appear.

4663. CONCERNING THE INHABITANTS OF AN EARTH IN THE UNIVERSE. (((((I was in a waking vision, and was led as to my spirit to certain spirits who were from a certain earth in the universe; and, while I was being led, there appeared to me, on the right, first, a rather bright and thick cloud, and thereafter, as it were, smoke mingled with something fiery, which ascended quite high. There was such a smoke to a considerable distance. I was borne through it, as to my spirit, in the vision; and then appeared, beneath, very many genii, like men; but, as I did not speak with them, it was not granted me to know what is their quality, and what they did there. This was in the interstice between the world of our sun, and the universe.))))) …

4665. **(((I wondered who those were, who were in the middle of the boundary between this world and the universe. There was a multitude; and I was again carried down near to that place; and one there told me that they are a guard lest anyone goes from this world to them who are beyond; and that they at once discover, from perception, whether it is granted them by the Lord to cross over that intermediate space. This was also confirmed to me on a former occasion. Then, a certain spirit wished to cross over thither with me; but, when he came thither, he shouted aloud that he was perishing, and also he was like those who are in the agony of death. This he attempted again, and a similar thing occurred - he shouting out in the same manner.)))

129. Afterwards I was carried along through that great chasm, and at length I arrived at a place where I stopped; and there then appeared to me spirits overhead with whom it was given me to speak. From their speech, and from their genius of apprehending and explaining things, I clearly perceived that they were from another earth for they were quite different from the spirits of our solar system. They also perceived from my speech that I was from afar.

9693. CONTINUATION CONCERNING THE FIRST EARTH SEEN IN THE STARRY HEAVEN. After I had been carried across that great chasm, I at last arrived at a place where I stayed; and then spirits appeared to me above, with whom it was granted to speak. From their speech, and their peculiar way of looking at things, and of setting them forth, I clearly perceived that they were from another earth; for they were quite different from the spirits of our solar system. On the other hand they too noticed from my speech that I had come from afar.

4663[1]. …(At length, after two hours' time, I arrived at a place, where I tarried. Then, there appeared above me, spirits who spoke with me; and I could observe that they were from another earth, because they differed completely and manifestly from the spirits of our earth. They wondered, at first, that anyone from another earth should come to them; and they also, after exploration, ascertained that we were outside the sphere of their earth.

130. After we had spoken for sometime on various matters, I asked what God they worshiped. They said they worshiped an angel, who appears to them as a Divine Man, shining with light; and that He instructs them and gives them to perceive what they ought to do. They said further that they know that the Most High God is in the sun of the angelic heaven; and that He appears to their angel, and not to themselves; and that He is too great for them to dare to adore Him. ...

9694. After speaking together for a while about various matters, I asked them what God they worship. They said they worship a certain angel who appears to them as a Divine man, for he flashes with light; and he instructs them and enables them to perceive what they ought to do. They said further that the Great God is in the Sun of the angelic heaven, and that He appears to their angel, but not to themselves; and that He is so great that they do not dare to adore Him.

I asked what God they worshipped: they said that they acknowledged a certain angel, who often appears to them as an angelic man and teaches them, and also gives them to perceive what they should do; and that they know that there is, in the sun there, the supreme God, who appears to His angel, and that He is too great for them to venture to adore.

The angel whom they worshiped was an angelic society, to which it was given by the Lord to preside over them, and to teach the way of what is just and right. They therefore have light from a certain flame, which appears like a small torch, quite fiery and yellow. The reason is because they do not adore the Lord, and thus they do not have light from the sun of the angelic heaven, but from an angelic society. For an angelic society, when it is given by the Lord, can present such light to the spirits who are in a lower region. That angelic society was also seen by me, high above them; and there was also seen there the flamy appearance from which their light came.

9695. The angel whom they worshiped was an angelic society, to which it was granted by the Lord to preside over them, and to teach them the way of what is just and right. Therefore they have light from a certain flame, which appears like a fiery and yellow torch. The reason of this is that they do not worship the Lord; and consequently have no light from the Sun of the angelic heaven, but from an angelic society; for when allowed by the Lord, an angelic society can present such a light to spirits who are in a lower sphere.

The angel whom they worshipped, since they dared not then worship the supreme God, was an angelic society in heaven, to whom it was granted, by the Lord, that they should preside over them. … [5] ((But the spirits said that they do not have there any light, save from a certain flame which appears to them, which was like the flame of a torch, quite fiery and yellow. This comes from the fact that they do not adore the supreme God that is, the Lord, but an angel. Hence their light is not from the sun of heaven, but from an angelic society: for an angelic society, when it is granted by the Lord, can present such a light, in a lower sphere.))...

131. As to the rest, they were modest, and somewhat simple, but yet they thought very well, From the light with them it might be concluded what their intellectual faculty is; for the understanding is according to the reception of the light which is in the heavens; since the Divine truth proceeding from the Lord as a sun is what shines there, and enables the angels not only to see, but also to understand.# # The light in the heavens is great (n. 1117, 1521, 1522, 1533, 1619-1632, 4527, 5400, 8644). All the light in the heavens is from the Lord as a sun there (n. 1053, 1521, 3195, 3341, 3636, 4415, 9548, 9684, 10,809). Divine truth proceeding from the Lord appears in the heavens as light (n. 3195, 3222, 5400, 8644, 9399, 9548, 9684). That light illumines both the sight and the understanding of angels and spirits (n. 2776, 3138). The light of heaven also illumines the understanding of man (n. 1524, 3138, 3167, 4408, 6608, 8707, 9128, 9399, 10,569).

9696. For the rest, they were modest, somewhat simple, but still thought very well. The nature of their understanding could be inferred from the light they had; for the understanding is according to the reception of the light which is in the heavens; because the Divine truth which proceeds from the Lord as a Sun is what shines there, and enables the angels not only to see, but also to understand.

4663. [1]…For the rest, they were modest; and they were well-disposed and somewhat simple…

132. I was instructed that the inhabitants and spirits of that earth have reference in the Greatest Man to something in the spleen, of which I was confirmed by an influx into the spleen when they were speaking with me.

9698. I was instructed that the inhabitants and spirits of that earth relate in the Grand Man to something in the spleen, which was confirmed by an influx into the spleen while they were talking with me.

…[6] (It was said by angels, that, in the Grand Man, they [the people of the earth in question] relate to something in the spleen, which was also shown by a movement, as it were a trembling, when they inflowed.)…

133. They were asked about the sun of their system, which illumines their earth. They said that the sun there appears flamy; and when I represented the size of the sun of our earth, they said that theirs is smaller; for their sun to our eyes is a star, and I was told by angels that it is among the smaller stars. They also said that the starry heaven is likewise seen from their earth, and that a star larger than the rest appears to them toward the west. I was told from heaven that this is our sun.

9697. They were questioned about the sun of their world, which gives light to their earth; and they said that to them the sun has a flaming appearance. And when I represented to them the size of the sun of our earth, they said that their sun is smaller; but to our eyes their sun appears as a star; and I was told by the angels that it is one of the smaller stars. They also said that the starry heaven is seen from their earth.

4663. …[3] (They said that, to them, their sun appeared flaming, just like our sun, but it was not of that size for I represented to them the character of our sun, and of what color its flame was. That sun is a star; and I have heard from angels, that it was a star of the lesser magnitude; they said, besides, that a starry heaven also appears to them.) [4] ((Sometimes, there appears to them the angelic heaven, which was also shown me. It appears to them like a small starry heaven, but with golden stars, in a quite bright light.)) ...

134. Presently my sight was opened, so that I could look somewhat into that earth itself; and there appeared many meadows and woods with leafy trees, and also woolly sheep…

9699. My sight was afterward opened so that I could in some measure look upon their earth itself, and there appeared many meadows and forests with trees in foliage, and also woolly sheep.

4663. [1]…There was also seen a woman of fine stature and becoming carriage. Afterwards, my sight was opened there, so that I was able to look a little into that earth; and it appeared that there were many fields, and fleecy sheep: further, also, that there were forests with leafy trees. The woman appeared of fine stature and becoming carriage.

I afterward saw some of the inhabitants, who were of the lower class, clothed in a dress much like that of peasants in Europe. There was also seen a man with his woman. She appeared of handsome figure and graceful carriage, and the man likewise. But, what I wondered at, he had a pompous gait, with a rather haughty step; while the woman, on the contrary, walked with a humble step. It was said by the angels that such is the custom on that earth, and that the men who are such are loved, because nevertheless they are good. I was further told that it is not permitted them to have many wives, because it is contrary to their laws.

9790. CONTINUATION ABOUT THE FIRST EARTH SEEN IN THE STARRY HEAVENS. It has also been granted me to see some of the in- habitants of a lower class. They were seen in a garment such as is worn by rustics in Europe. There was also seen a man with his wife. She appeared of handsome figure and becoming mien, as did likewise the man. But I was surprised at his grand style of walking, with steps as it were haughty, while on the other hand the woman walked with a lowly gait. The angels said that such is the custom on that earth, and that the men who are like this are loved, because they are nevertheless good. It was said further that they are not allowed to have more wives than one, because this is contrary to the laws.

[2] Some of the inhabitants of the lower class, there, also appeared. They were clothed in a dress like the rustics in Europe. Moreover, there also appeared there, two married people, husband and wife. She wore in front, as it were, a stomacher, which was not on the breast; but, just in front of the breast, was placed as it were a certain [article of apparel], behind which [the breast] could be concealed; but, still, it was so arranged that she could insert her arms, and so clothe herself, and go out. This also was done. Her husband also put it on, to show how they [the men] were clothed, and placed it on his back; and then the lower part was loosened, and flowed down to the feet, like a toga; and, thus clothed, he walked about.) ...

The woman whom I saw had before her breast a broad garment, with which she could screen herself, while it was so made that she could insert her arms and wrap it about herself, and so walk away. The lower part of it could be drawn up, and when drawn up and applied to the body, it appeared like an upper garment covering the chest, such as is worn by the women of our earth. But the same garment served also for the man, who was seen to take it from the woman and apply it to his back, loosening the lower part, which then flowed down to his feet, like a toga, and thus clothed he walked about. What I saw on that earth, was not seen with the eyes of my body, but with the eyes of my spirit; and the spirit can see the things that are on an earth, when it is granted by the Lord.

9792. The woman who was seen had a wide garment in front of her bosom, behind which she could hide herself. It was so made that she could insert her arms, and clothe herself with it, and so go away. The lower part of it could be drawn up; and when drawn up and applied to the body, it appeared like a stomacher, such as is worn by the women of our earth. But the same garment served the man also for a covering, and he was seen to take it from the woman and apply it to his own back, loosening the lower part, which then flowed down to his feet like a gown, and in this manner he walked clad.

4663. …[8] (I wondered exceedingly, when I saw those two married people, that the husband walked as if he were a grandee, with a sort of pompous step and the like bearing, and that the woman was humble. It was said that such is the custom in that earth; and that husbands who are of such a character are beloved; but, nevertheless, that they are still good, and love their partner quite tenderly, and perform tender offices for her. It was also said, that it is not permitted them to have several wives; and that they are content with one.)…

135. Since I know that it will be doubted whether it is in any way possible for a man to see with the eyes of his spirit anything on an earth so distant, it is allowed me to say how this thing is. Distances in the other life are not like distances on earth. In the other life distances are altogether according to the states of the interiors of any one. Those who are in a like state, are together in one society and in one place. Everything is present there according to similarity of state and everything is distant according to dissimilarity of state. Hence it was that I was near that earth when I was led by the Lord into a state similar to that of its spirits and inhabitants, and that being then present I spoke with them. From this it is plain that the earths in the spiritual world are not distant in the same way as in the natural world; but only apparently, according to the states of life of the inhabitants and spirits there, The state of life is the state of affections as to love and faith. In regard to a spirit being able to see the things which are on an earth, or what is the same, a man as to his spirit, it is allowed me to explain how this also is.

9791. A man who is in the spirit, when allowed to do so by the Lord, can look at what occurs in the earth to which he is near; for in the other life there is no space, thus no distance between those who are in a similar state (according to what was said above, n. 9579-9581). What I have just mentioned took place in the same way as with the spirits of some of the earths in our solar system, to whom it was given by the Lord to see through my eyes many things in our earth, as already stated in several places.

Neither spirits nor angels can, by their own sight, see anything that is in the world; for to them the light of the world, or of the sun, is as dense thick darkness, just as man by his bodily sight cannot see anything that is in the other life; for to him the light of heaven is as dense thick darkness. But still, spirits and angels, when it is the Lord's good pleasure, can see the things that are in the world through the eyes of man. But this the Lord does not grant to any others than those whom He gives to speak with spirits and angels, and to be together with them, Through my eyes it has been given them to see the things which are in the world, and as plainly as I did; and also to hear men speaking with me. It has sometimes happened, that some through me have seen their friends whom they had in the life of the body, just at present as before, and they were astounded. They have also seen their husbands, or wives, and their children, and wished to tell them that they were present and saw them, and also wanted me to tell them about their state in the other life. But I was prohibited from telling them and revealing to them that they were thus seen, even for the reason that they would have called me insane, or would have thought that it was delirium of mind. For it was known to me, that although they acknowledged with the lips, still they did not believe in the heart, that there were spirits, and that the dead had risen and were among spirits, and that these could see and hear through a man. When my interior sight was first opened, and those who were in the other life saw through my eyes the world and the things that were in it, they were so astonished that they called this the miracle of miracles, and were affected with a new joy, that thus there was granted a communication of earth with heaven, and of heaven with earth. This joy lasted for months; but afterwards it became familiar. Now they have ceased to wonder. I have been instructed that the spirits and angels with other men, see nothing at all of what is in the world, but only perceive the thoughts and affections of those with whom they are. From this it may be evident that man was so created, that while living in the world among men, he might at the same time also live in heaven among angels, and the converse; thus that heaven and the world with a man might be together, and act as one; and that men might know what is in heaven, and angels what is in the world; and when men die, they might thus pass out of the Lord's kingdom on earth into the Lord's kingdom in heaven, not as into a different kingdom, but as into the same in which they also were when they lived in the body. But because man has become so corporeal, he has closed heaven to himself.

1880. … Spirits however are not able, and angels are still less able, to see anything that is in the world by their own sight, that is, by the sight of the spirit; for the light of the world or of the sun is to them as thick darkness; just in the same way as man by his sight, that is, by the sight of the body, cannot see anything that is in the other life; for the light of heaven, or the Lord's heavenly light, is to man as thick darkness. [2] But still when the Lord pleases, spirits and angels can see the things in this world through the eyes of a man. But the Lord does not grant this except in the case of one whom He enables to speak with spirits and angels, and to be together with them. Spirits and angels have been permitted to see the things in this world through my eyes as plainly as I could see them myself, and also to hear men talking with me. It has sometimes happened that to their great astonishment, some through me have seen their friends whom they had had in the life of the body, just as they had seen them before. Some have also seen their married partners, and their children, and have desired me to tell them that they were close by and saw them, and to give an account of their state in the other life, but I had been forbidden to tell them or reveal to them that they were seen in this way, and this partly for the reason that they would have called me insane, or would have thought such things to be delirious fancies of the mind; for I was well aware that although they would acknowledge it with the lips, they did not believe in heart in the existence of spirits, or that the dead are risen.

[3] When my interior sight was first opened, and through my eyes spirits and angels saw the world and the things that are in it, they were so amazed that they called it the miracle of miracles; and they were affected with a new joy, in that in this way communication was opened of earth with heaven, and of heaven with earth. This delight lasted for months, but afterwards it became familiar, and now they do not wonder at all. I have been instructed that the spirits and angels who are present with other men do not in the slightest degree see the things of this world, but only perceive the thoughts and affections of those with whom they are.

[4] These things have shown that man was so created that while living on earth among men, he might at the same time also live in heaven among angels, and the converse; so that heaven and earth might be together, and might act as a one, and that men might know what is going on in heaven, and angels what in the world; and therefore that when men depart this life they would pass from the Lord's kingdom on earth into the Lord's kingdom in the heavens, not as into another kingdom, but as into the same as that in which they had been when living in the body. But in consequence of man's becoming so corporeal, he has closed heaven against himself.

136. Lastly I spoke with the spirits who were from that earth about various things on our earth, especially about there being sciences here which are not elsewhere, as astronomy, geometry, mechanics, physics, chemistry, medicine, optics, philosophy: and also arts, which are not known elsewhere, as those of ship- building, of casting metals, of writing upon paper, and of printing what is written by types, and so of communicating it to others on the earth, and also of preserving it for posterity for thousands of years; as I told them had been done with the Word which is from the Lord; and therefore there is a permanent Revelation on our earth.

9793. Afterward I spoke with spirits who were from that earth, and told them many things about our earth; as that there are sciences here which do not exist elsewhere, such as astronomy, geometry, mechanics, physics, chemistry, medicine, optics, and philosophy; besides arts which also are unknown elsewhere, as the art of ship-building, of casting metals, of writing on paper, and of printing what is written, and thus of communicating it to all in the whole earth, and of preserving it to posterity for thousands of years; and that it has been so done with the Word, which is from the Lord, and that therefore the revealed Word remains unchanged in this earth (see n. 9350-9360).

...[9] (Since they wondered that such things can be described in writing, I spoke with them concerning our earth: that such things are known in our earth; and that, so far as is yet known, it is not so in other earths; also, that in this earth are sciences, which are increased by being capable of inscription in writings, and so left to others and to posterity, and that hence are many arts in this earth, as for example, the art of constructing ships, and many other things. It was granted me to tell them the reason; [namely], that, from the earliest times, those in this earth wished to be wise in such things, and that this was represented by the tree of knowledge in paradise; and that, because they had eaten thereof, therefore they cannot be made healthy [spiritually] by other means than by sciences, thus by the scientifics which are of faith.)

…[11] (In this earth, more than in other earths, there are sciences and arts quite unknown elsewhere: [the following] sciences, to wit, the physical sciences in general, chemistry, medicine, optics, astronomy, geometry, and philosophy, whereof they know nothing at all elsewhere; [the following] arts, for example, the smeltings of metals, the art of sculpture, of painting, music, the art of constructing ships, carriages, magnificent buildings and palaces out of stone and marble, and mirrors; besides very many arts, which are for use and pleasure. Not only are they [in this earth] skilful in these, but they also have communication, by means of ships, with distant regions; and the gains of different regions are distributed to others. Similarly with the arts, and also with the sciences. These, when invented and known by one person, are communicated, by means of books and writings, to all others; and the things which are known in one region are likewise communicated to those who are in another; and those things which the ancients knew, are also known to posterity; for writings remain. For which reason also, and especially, the Word and the truths of faith, could be given in this earth, because [they could be known] in many [places] at the same time, and successively through the ages; and so could be multiplied, which could not happen elsewhere. * *)

137. Lastly was shown me the hell of those who are from that earth. Those who were seen from it terrified one most exceedingly, and I dare not describe their monstrous faces. There were also seen there enchantresses, who practice direful arts. These appeared clothed in green, and they struck me with horror.

9794. Lastly there was shown me the hell of those who are from that earth. Those who were seen from it excited the greatest terror. I would not venture to describe their monstrous faces. Sorceresses also were seen there who practice direful arts; they appeared clad in green, and excited horror.

…[7] Under them, was the hell of those who are from the same earth. A certain one was shown me, who appeared very hideous, so that he terrified me greatly. I dare not describe his form. There, also, are many sorceresses; and those of them who have been sorceresses in their earth, practice dreadful arts. A certain one of such a character was shown to me in that earth: she was dressed in a green garment; and, when she appeared, I was filled with such a disgust as [is experienced] when anything loathsome appears to the sight. ...

A Second Earth in the Starry Heaven

Earths in the Universe
Arcana Coelestia
Spiritual Experiences

138. A SECOND EARTH IN THE STARRY HEAVEN, ITS SPIRITS AND INHABITANTS. I was afterwards led by the Lord to an earth in the universe which was further distant from our earth than the foregoing of which we have been just speaking. That it was further distant was plain from this, that I was two days in being led thither as to my spirit. This earth was to the left, whereas the former was to the right. Inasmuch as remoteness in the spiritual world does not arise from distance of place, but from difference of state, as was said above, therefore from the slowness of my progression thither, which lasted two days, I might conclude that the state of the interiors with them, which is the state of the affections and thence of the thoughts, differed proportionately from the state of the interiors with spirits from our earth. Being conveyed thither as to the spirit by changes of the state of the interiors, I was enabled to observe the successive changes themselves before I arrived thither, This was done whilst I was awake.

9967. CONCERNING THE SECOND EARTH SEEN IN THE STARRY HEAVEN. I was afterward led by the Lord to an earth in the universe which was at a greater distance from our earth than that first one which was treated of at the end of some of the former chapters. That it was further distant was given me to know from the fact that I was two days being led thither as to my spirit. This earth was to the left; but the former was to the right. Remoteness in the other life does not arise from distance of place; but from difference of state, which nevertheless appears there like distance of place (according to what was said above, n. 9440). Wherefore from the time it took to get there, which as already said was two days, I was able to infer that the state of the interiors with those people - which is the state of the affections and the consequent thoughts - differed from the state of the interiors with the spirits from our earth in the same proportion. As I was conveyed thither in respect to the spirit by means of changes of state of the interiors, it was given me to note the successive changes themselves, before I arrived there. This took place while I was awake.

4673. CONCERNING THE DWELLERS IN THE UNIVERSE. (I was led by the Lord, above the magical hell, to an earth in the universe, to the left in respect to the sun there - which is the Lord; and at last, after two days, I came to certain spirits who were from a certain earth there.

139. When I arrived thither, the earth was not seen, but only the spirits who were from that earth; for, as also was said above, the spirits of every earth appear about their own earth, by reason that they are of a genius similar to that of the inhabitants, for they are from them, and in order that they may serve them.

9968. When I arrived there, the earth itself was not seen, but only the spirits from that earth; for as has already been observed several times, the spirits of every earth appear around their own earth, for the reason that they are of a diverse genius in consequence of a diverse state of life; and in the other life diversity of state disjoins, and likeness of state conjoins; and especially for the reason that they may be with the inhabitants of their own earth, who are of a similar genius. For a man cannot live apart from spirits, and spirits of a like nature are adjoined to everyone (see n. 5846-5866, 5976-5993).

Those spirits were seen at a considerable height above my head whence they observed me as I approached. It is to be known that they who stand on high in the other life can look at those who are beneath them, and the higher they are the greater is the extent of their vision; and they can not only look at them, but likewise can speak with them. From their state of elevation they observed that I was not from their earth, but from another afar off; wherefore they addressed me inquiring concerning various things, to which it was given me to reply; and among other things I related to them from what earth I was, and what kind of earth it was. Afterwards I spoke to them concerning the other earths in our solar system; and at the same time also concerning the spirits of the earth or planet Mercury, that they wander about to many earths for the purpose of procuring for themselves knowledges of various matters. On hearing this, they said that they had likewise seen those spirits with them.

These spirits appeared at a considerable height above the head, and from thence they looked at me as I was coming.

[2] Be it known that those who are on high can look at those who are below; and the greater their height, the farther their view extends; and that they can not only look at them, but can also speak with them. From their position they observed that I was not from their earth, but from a greater distance elsewhere; wherefore they addressed to me a variety of questions, to which it was also given me to reply. Among other things I told them from what earth I was, and what was its nature. Afterward I told them about the earths in our solar system, and at the same time also about the spirits of the earth or planet Mercury, to whom it is given to wander about to many earths for the sake of acquiring knowledges about various things, with which they are delighted (n. 6808-6817, 6921-6932, 7069-7079). When they heard this, they said that they also had seen these spirits among them.

They were seen very high above us; and thence they explored those things which are below, and also observed them attentively, and likewise observed me, and then spoke with me, thence, concerning various matters, and wondered exceedingly that anyone should come to them from somewhere else. I told them from which earth I was, and how many earths there were in our world, especially telling them about the spirits of Mercury, who wander around everywhere, in order to acquire knowledges for themselves. They said that they had also observed them with themselves.) … It was said by the angels that they correspond to the external power of sight in the Grand Man.) …

140. It was told me by the angels from our earth, that the inhabitants and spirits of that earth have reference in the Greatest Man to keenness of vision, and for this reason they appear on high, and that they are also exceedingly clear-sighted. Because they had reference to that, and because they saw very clearly what was beneath them, in talking with them I also compared them to eagles, which fly on high, and have a clear and wide vision around them. But at this they were indignant, supposing that I believed them to be like eagles as to rapine, and thus that they were evil. But I replied that I did not liken them to eagles as to rapine, but as to keenness of sight.

9969. I was told by angels from our earth that the inhabitants and spirits of this "second" earth bear relation in the Grand Man to the keenness of the external sight; and that on this account they appear on high, and are also remarkably keen of sight.

9970. Because they bear this relation in the Grand Man, which is heaven, and as they clearly see the things which are below, in conversing with them I compared them to eagles, which fly to a great height, and look around with a sharp and far-reaching vision. But at this they were indignant, supposing that I believed them to be like eagles in respect to rapacity, and thus that they were evil. But I replied that I did not liken them to eagles in respect to rapacity, but in respect to their keenness of sight; adding that they who are like eagles in respect to rapacity are evil, but that they who are like them only in keenness of sight are good.

...(Moreover, they were penetrating in sight; and, because they were on high, they saw from thence all things that were below, and also observed them. They were told that they are like eagles, which fly aloft, and see beneath far and wide around. Then were they indignant, supposing that I compared them to eagles, regarded as rapacious birds; but it was granted me to reply that [I compared them] to eagles, because they see everything below widely and sharply, not that they are rapacious; and that yet there is a correspondence, because spiritual food is knowledge and wisdom thence; but that the food of eagles is birds and poultry that are beneath them; which, therefore, they look for in a similar manner. ...

141. They were asked about the God whom they worshiped; and they answered that they worshiped God visible and invisible, God visible under the Human form, and God invisible not under any form; and it was found from their speech, and also from the ideas of their thought as communicated to me, that the visible God was our Lord Himself, and they also called Him Lord. To this it was given to reply, that on our earth also God is worshiped as invisible and as visible; and that God invisible is called the Father, and visible the Lord, but that the two are one, as He Himself taught, saying that no man hath ever seen the form of the Father, but that the Father and He are one; and that He who sees Him sees the Father; and that the Father is in Him, and He in the Father; consequently that the two are the Divine in one Person. That these are the words of the Lord Himself, may be seen in John (v. 37; x. 30; xiv. 7, 9-11).

9971. Being questioned about the God whom they worship, they answered that they worship a visible and an invisible God; a visible God under a human form, and an invisible God not under any form. And it was found from their speech, and also from the ideas of their thought when communicated to me, that their visible God is our Lord Himself, and they also called Him "the Lord." To all this it was given me to reply that on our earth also a visible and an invisible God is worshiped, and that the invisible God is called "the Father;" and the visible God, "the Lord;" but that the two are One, as He Himself taught us, saying, that "no one hath ever seen the shape of the Father," but that "the Father and He are One," that "whosoever seeth Him, seeth the Father," that "the Father is in Him, and He in the Father;" consequently that both are this Divine in one person. (That these are the words of the Lord Himself, see John 5:37; 10:30; 14:7, 9-11.)

...[3] (It was asked what God they worshipped; they said the Lord, concerning whom they had the idea of a Divine Man, and it was acknowledged that it was the same Lord with our Lord; but they said that they acknowledge and worship, besides, an invisible God; but it was granted me to tell them, that we, also, in like manner, worship an invisible God; but that He is the same as the Lord, because what is infinite cannot be seen; but that he appears as a man; and that, therefore, we worship one God, not several, however we may err concerning the person and concerning the persons.) …

142. After a while I saw other spirits from the same earth, who appeared in a place below the former, with whom also I spoke. But they were idolaters, for they worshiped an idol of stone, resembling a man, but not beautiful. It is to be known that all who come into the other life have at first a worship like their worship in the world, but that they are gradually withdrawn from it. The reason is, that all worship remains implanted in man's interior life, from which it cannot be removed and eradicated but by degrees. On seeing this, it was given me to tell them that they ought not to worship what is dead, but what is living; to which they answered that they know that God lives, and that a stone does not; but that they think of the living God when they look upon a stone in the form of a man; and that otherwise the ideas of their thought cannot be fixed and determined to the invisible God. Then it was given me to tell them that the ideas of thought can be fixed and determined to the invisible God when they are fixed and determined to the Lord, Who is God visible in thought under the Human form; and thus that man can be conjoined to the invisible God in thought and affection, consequently in faith and love, when he is conjoined to the Lord, but in no other way.

9972. Afterward I saw spirits from the same earth in a place beneath the former, and I spoke with these also. But these were idolaters, for they worshiped an idol of stone like a man, but not beautiful. Be it known that at first all who come into the other life have a worship like their worship in the world, but that they are gradually removed from it. The reason of this is that all worship remains implanted in the interior life of the man, from which it cannot be removed and rooted out except gradually. Upon seeing this, it was given me to tell them that they ought not to worship what is dead, but what is alive. To this they answered that they know that God is alive, and is not a stone; but they think of the living God when they look upon a stone that is like a man, and that otherwise the ideas of their thought could not be fixed and determined to the invisible God. It was then given me to tell them that the ideas of thought can be fixed and determined to the invisible God, by fixing and determining them to the Lord, who is the visible God; and that in this way a man can be conjoined with the invisible God in thought and affection, and consequently in faith and love, when he is conjoined with the Lord; but not otherwise.

10159. CONTINUATION ABOUT THE SECOND EARTH IN THE STARRY HEAVEN. As I have spoken with the spirits of that earth about the invisible and visible God, I may mention that almost all in the universe worship God under a visible form, and in fact in their idea under the human form, and that this is implanted in them. It is by virtue of influx from heaven that it is implanted in them, for wonderful to say the angels who are raised up in the sphere of the third heaven, come into a plain perception about this subject. The reason is that all in that heaven are in the love of the Lord, and from this are as it were in the Lord, and because all perception, such as belongs to the angels there, is from the order and influx of heaven; for heaven in its whole complex bears relation to a man, as can be seen from what has been shown about heaven as the Grand Man, at the end of many chapters (see the places cited in n. 10030). That heaven in its whole complex bears relation to a man, is from the Divine Human of the Lord; for from this the Lord flows into heaven, makes it, and forms it according to His own likeness. But this secret can with difficulty be comprehended by those who through their own intelligence have extirpated in themselves this implanted idea.

…[6] (Afterwards, it was granted me to see and speak with spirits from the same earth, who were lower down. They were seen lower down, and more forwards, a little further removed; but these were idolaters, for they worshipped a certain idol of stone, resembling a man, but not a handsome man. They were asked why they do that, and why they worship not a living but a dead [God]: they who were the wiser replied that they worship the living God, when their look is directed to the idol; and that they know that God lives, and is not a stone; but still that their ideas can thus be fixed on the Divine, who is otherwise invisible. [Reflect] on the quality of idolaters.)…

143. The spirits who were seen on high were asked whether on their earth they live under the rule of princes and kings; to which they answered that they do not know what such rule is; and that they live under themselves, distinguished into nations, families, and houses. They were asked whether they are secure in this way. They said that they are, since one family does not envy another, nor wish to take anything away from it. They were indignant at being asked such questions, which seemed to imply that there was hostility among them, or need of protection against robbers. What more is needed, they said, than to have food and clothing, and so to dwell contented and quiet under themselves.

10160. The question was asked, whether in their earth they live under the commands of chiefs or kings; to which they replied that they do not know what commands are, and that they live under themselves, distinguished into nations, families, and households. It was further asked whether in this way they are safe. They said that they are safe, because one family never envies another, nor wishes to take away anything from it. They were indignant at being asked such questions; as though it involved a charge of hostility, and of some need of protection against robbers. "What more do men need," said they, "than to have food and clothing, and thus to dwell content and quiet under themselves?"

[2] It was perceived from the most ancient people who were from our earth that they had so lived in their time, and that they then knew not what it was to exercise command over others from the love of self, and from the love of the world to heap up wealth beyond what is necessary; and that they then had inward peace, and at the same time outward peace, and from this heaven among men. Those times were therefore called by ancient writers the Golden Age, and they were described by saying that the people did what was just and right from the law written on their hearts.

[3] The state of life of those times is described in the Word by "dwelling under themselves safely and alone without gates and bars" (Ezek. 38:11). And as their habitations were tents, therefore in memory of this a tent was erected which was for a house of God, and afterward the feast of tents was instituted, in which they were glad from the heart. And as they who lived in this way were free from the insane love of exercising command for the sake of themselves, and of gaining the world for the sake of the world, therefore heaven then let itself down to them, and the Lord was seen by many in a human form.

…[12] (They said that there they do not live under governments; but that there is the family, and the domestics. [They] were asked whether they were thus secure from others. They said, why should they not be secure? what more is needed, when they have food and clothing? of what profit is the rest? They were indignant that such things should be asked, because they implied enmity and protection from it, when no family envies another, nor wishes to take aught from it; and that no such thing is perceived. Thus they live, fearlessly, near each other, according to the state of those of whom mention is made in the Word,*** where blessedness is treated of; the Lord thus guarding them and averting such thoughts)….

144. Being questioned further about their earth, they said that they have meadows, flower gardens, woods full of fruit trees, and also lakes in which are fish; and that they have birds of a blue color with golden wings, and animals of various sizes. Among the smaller they mentioned one kind which had the back humped, like the camels on our earth. They do not, however, eat the flesh of these animals, but only the flesh of fishes, and also the fruits of trees and leguminous plants of the earth. They said further that they do not dwell in built houses, but in groves, in which they make a shelter for themselves among the foliage against rain and the heat of the sun.

10161. Being questioned about their earth, they said that they have meadows, beds of flowers, groves full of fruit trees; lakes in which there are fish; birds of a sky-blue color with golden feathers; and animals larger and smaller. Among the smaller animals they mentioned some which have a humped back, like that of camels on our earth. Nevertheless they do not feed on their flesh, but only on the flesh of fishes, and also on the fruits of trees, and on vegetables. They said further that they do not dwell in built houses, but in groves, in which amid the foliage they make for themselves roofs as a protection against rain and the heat of the sun.

…[7] They then said that they likewise have lakes and fishes there, that they have meadows, flower gardens, and woods full of fruit-trees; that they feed on these and pulse, and a certain fruit of a tree, which [fruits] are as large as our melons and of a sweet taste. They also stated that there are very beautiful birds there, of a blue color, with golden wings, and also smaller and larger animals; the smaller with backs not unlike camels in a smaller mould, dotted with golden spots. They also said that they have no houses, but dwell in wooded glades, and there, among the trees, place for themselves a shelter for the rain and for the heat of the sun; and that thus they dwell under that shelter. There appeared to me such a domicile, and that an idol was there. They stated that they do not feed on the flesh of animals; but some of them [on that] of fishes.)…

145. They were asked about their sun, which is seen as a star from our earth, and they said that it appears fiery; not larger to the sight than a man's head. I was told by angels that the star which is their sun is among the smaller stars, not far distant from the celestial equator.

10162. Being asked about their sun, which is seen as a star from our earth, they said that it is of a fiery color, in appearance no larger than a man's head. I was told by angels that the star which is their sun is among the lesser stars, not far from the celestial equator.

…[7] I inquired [of them] concerning their earth. They said that they there see their sun, which is a star to our eyes, of a fiery color, but not greater than the head of a large man; so that it appears less than our sun. Somewhat less than half. …

146. Spirits were seen, in a similar appearance to what they had when they were men on their earth. They had a face not unlike that of the men of our earth, except that the eyes and nose were smaller. As this seemed to me somewhat of a deformity, they said that to them small eyes and a small nose are marks of beauty. A woman was seen, dressed in a gown on which were roses of various colors. I inquired of what materials they make their garments on that earth. They answered that from plants they gather such things as they can spin into threads, and that they then lay the threads side by side in double and triple layers, and moisten them with a glutinous liquid, and so give it consistency, coloring it afterward with juices from herbs.

10163. Spirits were seen like what they had been when they were men on their earth. Their faces are not unlike the faces of the men of our earth, except that their eyes are small, and also their noses. As this appeared to me somewhat of a deformity, they said that to them small eyes and noses are beautiful. A woman was seen clad in a mantle on which were roses of various colors. When I asked how they procure their garments on that earth, they replied that they gather from plants such things as they can entwine into threads, and that after laying the threads straight they place them together in double and triple rows, and moisten them with a glutinous fluid, and in this way they induce a consistency, and afterward color this fabric with the juices of plants.

[8] (Spirits were seen, who were like themselves had been when men in their earth. They had a face similar to the men of our earth, but with the difference that their eyes and nose were small. This, in my view, deformed them: but they said that small eyes and a small nose, were, with them, a beauty. [9] There was also seen a woman of that description, who was taller in body than the women of our earth, but with a smaller face and with similar eyes and nose. She was dressed in a toga wherein were roses of various colors. She appeared to be dressed in a garment like [we have] in our earth, made of silks of a similar kind. I inquired whence they provide themselves with such garments: they said that they gather materials of such a kind from their herbs, [make them into] webs [barkan*]; and that they weave them into threads, and then arrange these threads with their hands, and, so that they may be connected with others and for the sake of a better join, they moisten them with a glutinous fluid and compress them; and then they color that [fabric] with the colors there, derived from herbs, and other things which are there known; and thus make them into a garment.

I was likewise shown how they prepare the threads: they sit leaning back on a seat, and twist the thread with the toes; and when it is twisted, they draw it to them, and finish it with the hands.

10164. It was also shown how they make the threads. The women sit half reclining on a seat, and twist them with their toes, and when they are twisted they draw them toward them, and work them with their hands.

[10] It was also shown how they make these materials into a thread: their women do this: they sit reclining on a seat and twist these with the toes of the feet, and draw them to themselves with their hands, and thus they are worked into a thread; and [it was said] that they are exquisitely sensitive in the toes of the feet.

147. They also said that on that earth a husband has only one wife, and not more, and that they have from ten to fifteen children. They added that harlots are also found there; but that after the life of the body, when they become spirits, they are sorceresses, and are cast into hell.

10165. They also said that on that earth a husband has one wife, and no more; and that they procreate children there to the number of from ten to fifteen. They added that harlots are also found there, but that after the life of the body, when they become spirits, these are sorceresses and are cast into hell.

[11] They said that they have one wife, and no more; and that of her they have many children, as many as ten, thirteen, and more. It was also perceived, that there are many prostitutes there.) ((((It was said by the angels, that they are in a world, in the circle of the equator, [and the star which is their sun is**] among the lesser ones there.)))) ((There were seen many spirits from thence - many women who were sorceresses, and who were cast into their hell.)) …

A Third Earth in the Starry Heaven

Earths in the Universe
Arcana Coelestia
Spiritual Experiences

148. A THIRD EARTH IN THE STARRY HEAVEN, ITS SPIRITS AND INHABITANTS. Some spirits appeared at a distance who were not willing to come near. The reason was that they could not be with the spirits of our earth who were then around me. From this I perceived that they were from another earth, and afterward I was told that they were from a certain earth in the universe; but where that earth is, I was not informed.

10311. ON THE THIRD EARTH IN THE STARRY HEAVEN. There appeared spirits from afar who were not willing to come near, for the reason that they could not be with the spirits of our earth who were then about me. From this I perceived that they were from another earth, and I was afterward told that they were from a certain earth in the universe; but where that earth is, was not told me.

1670. But whether they may not have been from one of the satellites of Jupiter, which, like [our] moon, are surrounded by a different kind of atmosphere [from their primary], and thus that these spirits are a different kind of creatures in such a little world, and possessed of another kind of bodies, I am not sure, though they intimated to me something of the kind; for as I could not have an idea of any sort of men except such as live on earths surrounded by atmospheres, therefore, although ignorant of the positive fact, yet I would not decidedly reject the supposition, for corporeal forms are governed entirely by the state of the atmospheres, and many other things pertaining to the earths in which they dwell. - 1748, March 23.

These spirits were altogether unwilling to think of their body, and indeed of anything corporeal and material, differently from the spirits from our earth. This was why they were not willing to come near.

But still after the removal of some of the spirits of our earth, they came nearer and spoke with me. But then anxiety was felt, arising from the collision of spheres; for spiritual spheres encompass all spirits and societies of spirits; and because they flow forth from the life of the affections and of the thoughts therefrom, therefore where there are opposing affections there arises collision, and thence anxiety. The spirits of our earth said that they did not dare to approach them, since when they were approaching, they not only were seized with anxiety, but also appeared to themselves as if bound hand and foot with serpents, from which they could not be loosed until they withdrew. This appearance had its origin from correspondence; for the spirits of our earth have reference in the Greatest Man to the external sense, thus to the corporeal sensual, and this sensual is represented in the other life by serpents.# # Man's external sensual is represented in the spiritual world by serpents, because it is in the lowest things, and in comparison with the interiors with man, lies on the ground and as it were creeps; and that they were thence called serpents, who reasoned from that sensual (n. 195-197, 6398, 6949).

10312. Differently from the spirits of our earth, they were unwilling to think at all about their bodies, or even about anything bodily and material; and for this reason they were not willing to come near; for spirits are associated and dissociated in accordance with the affections and the thoughts thence derived. But after the removal of some spirits from our earth they came nearer and spoke with me; yet there was still felt an anxiety arising from the collision of spheres; for spiritual spheres that emanate from the life of their affections and consequent thoughts encompass all spirits and societies of spirits; and therefore if the affections are contrary, there results a collision which gives rise to anxiety.

10313. The spirits of our earth declared that they did not dare to approach them, because when they do so they are not only seized with anxiety, but also, from phantasy, they seem to themselves to be as it were bound hand and foot with serpents, from which they cannot be loosed until they retire. Such a phantasy is from correspondence; for the bodily sensuous of man is represented in the other life by serpents, and therefore by "serpents" in the Word is also signified the sensuous, which is the lowest of the life of man.

1668. CONCERNING SPIRITS FROM ANOTHER EARTH WHO ARE ALTOGETHER UNWILLING TO ADMIT THAT THEY HAVE EVER BEEN POSSESSED OF A BODY. There is a class of spirits who have, during their bodily life, so despised the body that they come to regard it with hatred, nor can they bear to hear it said that they were once clothed with a body. There were some in this region who spoke with me, and said that they were not altogether willing to come hither, as they suppose that here are those who are clothed with a body, and by such they are contumeliously treated, as they are perpetually thinking of bodies, and represent the former as corporeal like themselves, whence ensues an appearance as if they represented serpents, and projected them towards the others, whom they [the serpents] approach, but not so as to fasten their fangs upon them, or to prevent their being easily cast off. Still they sometimes cause them to twine round each of their arms, while they, with uneasy promptings, aim to get rid of them. When I inquired into the reason of all this, they replied that the spirits of our earth cause them all this trouble, because they think themselves corporeal and call themselves men, but these spirits do not regard themselves in this light, wherefore their thoughts are dissonant, and hence the kind of representations spoken of.

1671. They said that they rarely came to the spirits of this region, or to others who think much of their bodies, but that they live to themselves, and that being fewer than others they cannot, like other spirits, represent to themselves that they were ever in such a body.

1672 1/4. ((The anxieties which I perceived were caused by reciprocal aversions. The spirits of our earth are averse to them at their first approach by reason of their repugnance to all thoughts concerning bodies - thoughts with which the sphere of the spirits of our earth is filled, for such a sphere is formed from thoughts (see above), and aversion arises from the concurrence of contrary spheres, and from aversion, anxiety. Thence, also, originate the representation caused by our spirits of serpents twined around them, which they endeavor to throw off as a troublesome annoyance from the arms encircled in their folds. But while I write these things, they do not wish to have anything said which implies the idea of arms; and this again indicates that they were once possessed of a corporeal investment, but that they held their bodies in extreme aversion. - 1748, March 23. In like manner that they were furnished with loins and feet, for serpents appeared about their loins, etc.))

149. Because the nature of the spirits of that earth is such, they appear before the eyes of other spirits, not like others, in a manifest human form, but like clouds, and for the most part like a dark cloud, in which is mingled something of a bright human appearance. But they said that they are white within, and that when they become angels, the dark color is turned into a beautiful blue, as was also shown to me. I asked whether they had such an idea of their body, when they lived as men in the world. They said that the men of their earth make no account of their bodies, but only of the spirit in the body, because they know that this is to live to eternity, but the body to perish. They also said that many on their earth believe that the spirit of the body has been from eternity, and was infused into the body at conception. But they added that they now know it is not so, and that they repent having been in such a false opinion.

10314. As the spirits of that earth are of this nature, they do not appear as do other spirits, in a clearly defined human form, but as a cloud; the better of them as a dusky cloud with a human whiteness scattered about in it. They said that inwardly they are white, and that when they become angels this duskiness is turned into a beautiful blue, which also was shown me.

10315. I asked them whether they had been in such an idea concerning their bodies when they lived in the world as men. They said that the men of their earth make no account of their bodies, but only of the spirit therein, because they know that the spirit is to live forever, and that the body will perish. The face, however, they do not call the body, because the affections of their spirits appear from the face, and the thoughts that come from the affections, from the eyes. They also said that some in their earth believe that the spirits of their bodies have existed from eternity, and were infused into the body at conception; but they added that now they know that it is not so, and they repent of having been in so false an opinion.

1676. ((It was moreover shown to me what kind of form those spirits of the better class possessed, namely, that they were like a black cloud with something of white and human interspersed, destitute of any definite shape, as is usually the case with a radiated cloud. They said that they were white inwardly; then, that they hoped to become angels; then, that this black color would be turned into a beautiful azure, a specimen of which of most splendid hue was shown to me, and from the whole I concluded that they were from that region, or from that earth.))

1673. ((Their opinion during the life of the body had been that they had existed as spirits from eternity, on which account they were very backward to receive the conviction flowing from the fact that they were born, insisting that they had been spirits from eternity. But being still pressed by the conviction that the fact was not so, inasmuch as they would by no means deceive any one, they said that they now knew that they had not existed from eternity, but were born like others, but that they had [somehow] imbibed that opinion of their having been eternally spirits, and thus infused into bodies, just as certain persons on our earth [run into the same conceit]. Still so upright are they that the indications of their penitence for having entertained such an opinion moved me much, seeing that they now know that they were not from eternity, as the Lord alone is from eternity. - 1748, March 23.))

1669. The spirits above mentioned said that they had never been clothed with a body, nor did they appear to themselves in a bodily form, but rather in that of a cloud, in which the human form was scarcely discernible. Certain spirits were thus occasionally represented to me, to wit, as white clouds, with a rude and hardly perceptible resemblance to the human form. When I asked them the cause of this, they said they did not know; for they were unwilling to admit that they had ever been corporeal. I was hence persuaded, especially as they spoke well of the spirits of the earth Jupiter, that they were, in fact, from thence, inasmuch as the inhabitants of that earth despise their bodies, and would fain live as spirits on their earth, and not as invested with a body, wherefore they call those bodies worms, or the food of worms, and because they thus think, and that thought insinuates itself into the ideas of spirits, therefore the above-mentioned serpentine ideas [so to call them] were formed.

1672 1/2. ((I asked of them whether they walked erect or crept like worms; to which they replied that they walked erect. When I inquired how they could do this without feet, requesting at the same time that they should recall the idea which they had [on this subject] during their earthly life. I found that they were unwilling to hear anything of their having had feet. I then inquired whether they were not born of a father and mother. They said they were born. I asked whether they had human faces; they certainly had faces, and again they were handsome, nor could they bear to hear that I thought of them as without faces, but they still insisted that they were without a body, and when I would represent them as worms divested of their exuviae)), (((and emerging as nymphae, this they liked, and would fain have the case to have been thus. I was thence able to conclude that they had been clothed with a body, but that in their lifetime they had so despised their bodies as to hold them as vile filth, and as the exuviae of worms, and that they wished to be divested of them, because they were clogs, and that they had died after having lived as spirits during their lifetime; and also that hence arose the anxiety among them in relation to spirits that loved their bodies. It seems probable, therefore, that they were born on the planet Jupiter, where some are this character.)))

10378. The spirits who are from that earth are upright. The reason is that they are withheld from evils by their not loving to think of earthly and bodily things; for these things withdraw the mind from heaven, because insofar as anyone is in them, so far has he been removed from heaven, thus from the Lord; consequently so far he is in evils and is wicked.

10517. Besides all this they are upright, insomuch that they may be called probities. They bear the injuries done them without any revengeful feeling. They become anxious as soon as they approach those who think about bodily and earthly things, but glad and cheerful on approaching those who think about heavenly things. The anxiety excited in them by the spirits of our earth who were about me, on account of these being of a contrary nature, was plainly perceived. For the spirits of our earth think little about heavenly things, and much about bodily and earthly things; and when they think about heavenly things, they think about truths, and not about good; whereas the spirits from that earth think about good, and but little about truths. From this it is that the inhabitants of that earth love plantations of trees, and their sacred edifice made of trees; and that they hold in aversion works of stone and houses of stone; for trees and wood from the correspondence signify goods, whereas stones and houses built of stone signify truths (n. 3720). Moreover, man is such that he loves those things which correspond to his interior affections, although during his life in the world he does not know this.

1672. They are upright to such a degree as to be called probities, and they suffer the infliction of injuries without any desire of revenge or redress. They flee as soon as ever they approach to spirits who think of their bodies, for no one of them is willing to think of his own body, or to hear anything respecting it, wherefore their societies do not agree with the societies of other spirits, whence an anxiety exists, and of such a nature that I partook of it; I perceived, too, that it arose from the circumstance of the disagreement now spoken of. These societies afterwards spoke to me from a greater distance.

150. When I asked whether they wished to see anything on our earth, and said that this could be done through my eyes (see above n. 135), they answered at first that they could not, and then that they did not wish it; since they would see only earthly and material things, from which they remove their thoughts as far as possible. But still there were represented before them magnificent palaces, like those of kings and princes on our earth, for such things can be represented before spirits, and when represented, they appear altogether as if they were there. But the spirits from that earth set no value upon them, calling them marble images; and then they told me that they had more magnificent ones, which are their sanctuaries, not of stone, but of wood. When it was said to them that these were still earthly, they answered that they were not, but heavenly; because when they look upon them, they have not an earthly, but a heavenly idea, believing that they will also see similar ones in heaven after death.

10316. When I asked them whether they wished to see anything on our earth, which it was possible to do through my eyes, they first replied that they could not do so, and afterward said that they did not wish it, because they could see nothing but earthly and material things, from which they remove their thoughts as far as possible.

10513. CONTINUATION ABOUT THE THIRD EARTH IN THE STARRY HEAVEN. There were represented before the spirits of that earth magnificent palaces, after the likeness of those in which kings and princes dwell on our earth; for such things can be represented before spirits, and when represented they appear exactly as if they were real. But the spirits from that earth held them in no estimation, calling them marble effigies. And then they told us that with them there are things more magnificent, but that these are their holy edifices, not of stone, but of wood. And when it was said to them that these too are earthly things, they answered that they are not earthly, but heavenly, because when they behold them they have not an earthly idea, but a heavenly one, believing that they will see the like in heaven after death.

1678. (((I inquired of them whether they could see objects through my eyes. They replied that they did not see; and when I again pressed them for a true answer, they said that they did not wish to see such things, because they were material, and that they strongly withdrew their vision from them, that they might not see what they did not know.)))

1681. And when I represented to them the magnificent palaces of our earth, which our spirits admired, but those spirits thought little of because they were of stone and such materials, which they call monsters, being mere marble semblances, they remarked that there were still more magnificent ones among them, which they represented before the spirits of our earth, who said that they had never seen anything more magnificent. Some of them, but not the most magnificent, were represented, but only in a very partial manner, to me; more was not granted lest it should inhere in my memory. But they have temples in which they worship the Lord…

1684. CONTINUATION CONCERNING SPIRITS WHO ARE UNWILLING TO ADMIT THAT THEY HAVE LIVED IN THE BODY. SPIRITS OF ANOTHER EARTH. ((I inquired of them how they could so value and love the things by which they were surrounded, such as houses and buildings formed of trees, when yet they were so averse to corporeal things that they could have no interaction with such as were intent upon the interests of their bodies. They hesitated somewhat, scarcely knowing what to answer, but at length replied that the objects above mentioned are their celestial things, and that in their heaven they are delighted with similar things, for in the life of the body they had taken pleasure in these arboreal structures rising upwards from the earth as being celestial, because they knew there were such things in heaven. Since, moreover, they are not carried away, like the inhabitants of our earth, by any earthly loves, such as the love of possessions, wealth, fine mansions, pomps, luxurious living, and splendid garments; and since, too, they are not affected by the number of societies, as they live every family by itself, therefore they cannot value and love anything else than objects of the above kind, from whence it is not to be inferred that they place an undue estimate upon their bodies. - 1748, March 25.

1685. Since, therefore, they had no other pleasures in life than such as are now mentioned, and inasmuch as they hoped, during their lifetime, for similar though more perfect enjoyments [in the life to come], it is not surprising if they are delighted in these things, and prize and love them. Similar but more perfect things are represented to them in their heaven, concerning which some said that they knew that their joy was not essentially in those things, but in the things that flowed from them, and are in them; and, moreover, that they held in aversion bodily things, even their own bodies; whence again it was evident to me that my anxiety, as in a former case, arose from the mutual aversion subsisting between those spirits and ours, as has been already intimated.))

151. They then represented their sanctuaries before the spirits of our earth, who said that they had seen nothing more magnificent; and as I also saw them, I can therefore describe them. They are constructed of trees, not cut down, but growing in their native soil. They said that on their earth there were trees of wonderful growth and height. These from their beginnings they arrange in order, so that they serve for porticos and walks, and by cutting and pruning the branches when they are tender, they fit and prepare them so that while they are growing they may intertwine and unite to make the base and floor of the sanctuary, and rise on the sides for the walls, and bend above into arches for the roof. By these means they construct the sanctuary with admirable art, elevated high above the earth, and they also prepare an ascent into it by successive branches of the trees extending out and firmly connected. Moreover they adorn the sanctuary without and within in various ways, by bending the leafy bows into various forms. Thus they build entire groves. But what these sanctuaries are within, I was not permitted to see. It was only told me that the light of their sun is let into them through apertures between the branches, and is here and there transmitted through crystals, by which the light falling on the walls is variegated into colors like the rainbow, especially the colors blue and orange, which they love more than the rest. Such is their architecture, which they prefer to the most magnificent palaces of our earth.

10514. They also represented their holy edifices before the spirits of our earth, who said that they had never seen anything more magnificent. They were also represented to me, and the manner of their construction was consequently seen. They are constructed of trees, not cut down, but growing in their native soil. They said that on that earth there are trees of extraordinary growth and height. These they set in rows when young, that they may serve for porticoes and arboreal walks;* and while their branches are tender they adapt and prepare them by means of cuttings and prunings to entwine one with another and join themselves together, so as to form the groundwork and floor of the edifice to be constructed; and other branches at the sides rise to serve as walls; and yet others bend into arches above to form the roof. In this manner they construct the edifice with wonderful art, raised high above the ground. They also prepare an ascent into it by means of continuous branches of trees, stretched out and firmly connected together. Moreover, they adorn this edifice in various ways, both without and within, by fastening the leaves together into forms. So do they build an entire grove. But it was not granted me to see the nature of the interior of these edifices, except that the light of their sun is let in through openings between the branches, and is everywhere transmitted through crystals, whereby the light all round the walls is variegated into colors like those of the rainbow, especially the colors blue and orange, which they love more than the other colors. Such is the nature of their architecture, which they prefer to the most magnificent palaces of our earth, and which was also esteemed and praised above these by the spirits of our earth. * Beneath the edifice; see n. 10516 [Reviser.]

1681. ...But they have temples in which they worship the Lord, made with tall trees, which they said were exceedingly lofty, and which they so dispose as to make the thick branches spread wide on every side around. These branches they bend, train, prune, lop, and extend in such a manner as to form palaces in a kind of series, by means of arches with beautiful entrances, one arched recess being joined to another, and so on through a large extent of space. In this manner a whole forest is formed, as it were, [into palaces,] with porticoes long and broad, and with arched entrances and doorways. The visitors upon coming thither find the forest all laid out in walks, of which, however, the more interior portions were not shown to me, except that I perceived the folding-doors or gates [valvas] and the overarchings, and that everything was effected by the beautiful disposition of the branches of trees. Splendid elevated grades or terraces are also formed, which lead upward by a winding ascent. Arranging and conjoining thus the branches of trees, they adapt them both to purposes of use and of ornament, and when they have mounted [to the highest parts] they then fall upon their knees and worship the Lord. The trunks of the trees below, on which these structures rest, stand four and four [four on either side (?)], and of these they dispose the branches this way and that, some for the flooring, some for the doorways, some for the walls, which are also furnished with doors, and some for the roofs, through which the rays of the sun penetrate and give light, while those that support the floor and those around the doors are stripped of bark in order to appear of a whiter hue. The walks underneath and the external adornings were such as inspired our spirits with the deepest admiration, and they described them as being of a magnificence that surpassed description. Two or three of them were shown separately. These were colored, as they [the inhabitants] are greatly enamoured of anything that reflects a bright and beautiful sky color. But beside this there were obscure golden colors, mixed with a slight infusion of white. Their habitations, however, are on the earth, and not on these elevated stagings, which serve them as holy places. Accordingly they commend, and value, and prefer to all others their own architectural arts, and the simple style of building conformed to them.

152. They said, further, that the inhabitants do not live in high places, but on the earth in low cottages, for the reason that high places are for the Lord, who is in heaven, and low places for men, who are on earth. Their cottages were also shown to me. They were oblong, having within along the walls a continuous couch, on which they lie one after another. On the side opposite the door is a semicircular recess, before which is a table, and behind this a fireplace, by which the whole room is lighted. In the fireplace there is not a burning fire, but luminous wood which gives out as much light as the flame of a wood fire. They said that those pieces of wood appear in the evening like a fire of burning coals.

10515. They said further that the inhabitants do not dwell in high places, but upon the ground in low cottages, because high places are for the Lord who is in heaven, and low ones are for men who are on earth. Their cottages were also shown me. They were oblong, having within along the walls a continuous bench on which they lie, one behind another. On the side opposite to the entrance, where it is rounded, there is a table, and behind it a fireplace, from which the whole chamber is illuminated. In the fireplace however, there is no fire burning, but luminous wood which emits from itself as much light as does the flame of a fireplace. They said that in the evening these logs appear as if there were in them a fire of burning coal.

1679. (I spoke farther with them respecting their offspring, and they said they had at most but three or four children; that the house of each was separate from that of every other; and that they were content to live in small chambers, of which one was represented to me. It was of beautiful architecture, having in a kind of rotunda a hearth that supplied light to the whole apartment, in which was a table. Their sleeping-places are at the sides, where there is one single bed continuously extended, like a wall, where they lie one after another. There was a cover-lid of an obscurely golden color.)

1680. (The light in the rotunda was like a living flame rising to a considerable height. They informed me that it was not a burning, but only a shining, fire, and that they have such species of woods among them as when cut and disposed on the hearth diffuse around them a kind of lucid flame. In lucidity and color it resembled our flame, so that I took it to have been a burning flame, which gave light to the whole chamber. Two pieces of wood were represented to me in which there was this kind of light. The appearance was as if they formed a fire of coals, or as if there were a mere fiery something glowing within, and which shone through. Such sticks of wood are cut and placed upon the hearth, and from them the luminousness originates.)

153. They said that they do not live in societies, but each house is by itself; and that they are societies when they meet for worship, and that then those who teach walk below the sanctuary, and the rest in the porticos at the sides; and that in those meetings they have interior joys, from the sight of the sanctuary, and from the worship therein.

10516. They said that they do not live in societies, but each household by itself, and that they are in societies when they come together for worship; and that then those who teach walk beneath the edifice in the porticoes, and the rest at the sides, and that in these meetings they have interior joys, from the sight of the edifice, and from the worship therein.

154. Respecting Divine worship they said that they acknowledge God under the Human form, thus our Lord; for whoever acknowledge the God of the universe under the Human form, are accepted by our Lord and led by Him. The rest cannot be led, because they think without a form. They added that the inhabitants of their earth are instructed in the things of heaven by a kind of immediate interaction with angels and spirits, into which they can be led by the Lord more easily than others, because they reject what is corporeal from their thought and affection.

10377. CONTINUATION ABOUT THE THIRD EARTH IN THE STARRY HEAVEN. The inhabitants of this, as of every earth, acknowledge God under a human form, thus our Lord. For all who acknowledge God under a human form are accepted by our Lord, and are led. No others can be led, for they think of God without a form, thus they think of nature.

10380. I have been informed that the inhabitants of their earth are instructed about the things of heaven by some immediate interaction with angels and spirits, into which they can be brought more easily than others, because they reject bodily things from their thought and affection. But concerning this interaction I can only relate what has been shown me.

1672 1/3. ((They acknowledge our Lord like the spirits of Jupiter, and worship Him alone, whence they say that they are upright.))

I asked what becomes of those among them who are evil. They said that on their earth it is not permitted to be wicked; but that if any one thinks and does evil, he is reproved by a certain spirit, who threatens death to him if he persists in so doing; and that when he persists, he dies in a swoon; and that in this way the men of that earth are preserved from the contamination of the evil. One such spirit was also sent to me, and spoke with me as he did with his own people. Moreover he brought something of pain to the region of my abdomen, saying that thus he does to those who think and do evil, and threatens death to them, if they persist.

10382. I afterward spoke with these spirits at a distance; and I asked what became of those among them who are evil. They said that on their earth it is not allowable to be wicked; but that if anyone thinks and does what is evil, he is chided by a certain spirit who threatens him with death if he persists in so doing; and if he still persists, he dies by a swoon; and by this means the men of that earth are preserved from the contagion of evils. A certain spirit of this kind was sent to me, speaking with me as he does with them; and he also induced somewhat of pain in the region of the abdomen, saying that he does so to those who think and do what is evil, and whom he threatens with death. But this spirit was a chiding spirit. He stood behind my head, and from thence talked with me in a vibratory way.

1682. ((I inquired of them how it was as to those among them who were evil, for they, as it was said, are an upright class of spirits. They replied that it is not permitted to anyone to be bad; and that if anyone does think or speak badly, he is first rebuked by a certain spirit, who says to him that if he repeats the offence he will die, and he does die in a fainting fit if he is again guilty of that which is thus prohibited. In this manner the people are preserved from the contagion of evils. A certain spirit of this class was present, speaking with me as with those to whom he then administered rebuke, and addressed me in a similar manner, [and I observed that] he induced upon a part of the abdomen)) (some degree of pain, as was usually the case with them, to each one of whom the rebuker is accustomed to relate whatever of evil he had thought or done, and to punish him with pain in the bowels, saying to him that if he does thus again he will die, (:which with us corresponds to remorse of conscience, for with those who speak with spirits there are manifest pains:) and one said that they die in a fainting or swooning fit [per deliquium], and that they became such spirits as torture, chide, and admonish men. He was at the back of my head, and thus spoke in a kind of undulatory way. - 1748, March 25.)

They said that those who profane holy things are severely punished; and that before the punishing spirit comes there appear to them in vision the jaws of a lion, wide open, of a livid color, which seems as if it would swallow their head, and tear it from the body, whereby they are seized with horror. They call the punishing spirit the devil.

10383. They said that those who profane holy things are severely punished, and that before the punishing spirit comes there appears to them a lion's mouth wide open, of a livid color, which seems as if it would swallow the head and tear it asunder from the body, causing them to be seized with horror. This punishing spirit they call the devil.

1687. (When the men of that earth are punished on account of evils, there appears to them a mouth with open jaws [rictus], as wide as that of a lion, but of a dark and livid color, at the sight of which they shudder, dreading that it should be either heard or seen. They call him the devil who punishes those, and those only, who in some way profane holy things. - 1748, March 25. Such an open-jawed mouth, on approaching, seems to swallow the head, tear in it from the body, which is reported among them to be attended with extreme pain.)

10381. A certain one of their spirits came to me, who was observed above the head, near the pulsating depression which is called the fontanel, whence he talked with me. He could skillfully explore all things of my thought, and keep them together in order, and show them to me. But he brought forth only such things as he could find fault with. The reason was that spirits from our earth were around me, to whom he was not willing to approach freely, because they think of bodily things. When he found fault with me, it was given me to say that what he blamed was not mine, but belonged to the spirits who were around me; because what I think, I do not think from myself, but from them by influx. He wondered at this, but yet perceived that it was so. It was given to add that it is not angelic to seek for the evils with a man unless we at the same time seek for the goods. On hearing this he departed, perceiving that he had acted from the indignation mentioned above.

1675. (A certain chiding spirit came to me, but in a different manner from those who were of the spirits of the earth Jupiter, and taking his stand at my side addressed me in that position; but still he seemed to hover somewhat above the head, about the region of the fontinel (the fount of pulsation), and spoke with me. He was able to explore the minuter things [of my mind or memory], and to bring them forth, and that too in a skilful connection, so that he would restrain [even my own] restraining thought, nor did he withdraw himself thence. He brought forth the things which he discovered [in my memory], and chided me on account of them. Some things he was not permitted to produce; what he did produce were such things as he supposed to be mine, and for which he regarded me as the responsible cause. After having conversed with him for some time, it was given me to understand that he was one of the spirits of those of whom I am now speaking, who in their lifetime were chiders of their fellow-men, though doing it in a subtle manner. From hence I was able to conclude that the men of that region or planet were distinguished by very profound thought, and that consequently this kind of chiding took place, wherefore it was granted to me to speak in like manner. He would fain also in a similar way become an angel; but when I remarked that it was not angelical to search only into a man's evils to the neglect of his goods, and without an attempt to excuse his evils, he still insisted that this was done for the sake of reformation, and therefore was a good; and when he heard me say that that was not angelical, he replied that neither was it angelical to speak thus with him and to detect his evils, to which when I answered that this was nothing more than declaring the fact as it showed itself to be, inasmuch as I did not inquire into his evils, but he disclosed them himself and I had only said what had come from him, he was then unwilling to remain any longer, being still pleased, however, that I should say that he might become an angel, provided he would not set his heart so much upon the fact of his becoming one - this produced an exhilarating effect upon him, concerning which also [we] held some further conversation together.)

155. As they desired to know how it is with regard to revelation on our earth, I said that it is effected by writing and by preaching from the Word, and not by immediate interaction with spirits and angels; and that what is written can be printed and published, and be read and comprehended by entire communities, and thus the life may be amended. They wondered greatly that such an art, entirely unknown elsewhere, should exist here. But they comprehended that on this earth, where corporeal and earthly things are so much loved, Divine things from heaven cannot flow in and be received in any other way; and that it would be dangerous for them to speak with angels.

10384. As they desired to know how the case is on our earth in regard to revelation, I told them that it is effected by writing, and preaching from the Word, and not by immediate interaction, as on other earths; and that what is written can be printed and published, and be read and comprehended by whole assemblies of people, and in this way the life may be amended. They wondered exceedingly that there is such an art, so entirely unknown elsewhere. But they comprehended that on this earth, where bodily and earthly things are so much loved, Divine things from heaven cannot otherwise be received, and that it would be dangerous for those on our earth to speak with angels.

1677. (The spirits in question wondered when I said that the things [seen and heard by me] were written, and could thus be published to the world, so that by the writing alone they could be made known to many thousands. They remarked that such an art was not permitted, supposing it might prove magical. But when I replied to them that such an art existed in our earth, familiar to every one, and therefore lawful; and moreover that there was a necessity for it, inasmuch as there is no one, to my knowledge, on this earth with whom spirits converse, as they do in other earths, and therefore men could not be reformed through this medium; [and when I further remarked] that though the inhabitants of our earth know from revelation that there is a heaven, that there are spirits and angels, and that there is a life after death, yet that very few believe these truths, because they have not the privilege of conversing with those in the other life, - then they were satisfied and o* persuaded that for those in this earth such communication was necessary, but not for them in their earths, as they are instructed in various ways by angels. These things from the o* above are their words, written down from their own mouth or thought.) * This symbol is a circle with a dot in the center of it.

156. The spirits of that earth appear above in the plane of the head, toward the right. All spirits are distinguished by their situation with respect to the human body; and this for the reason that the whole heaven corresponds to all things of man.# These spirits keep themselves in that plane and at that distance because their correspondence is not with the externals in man, but with the interiors. Their action is into the left knee, above and a little below, with a certain very sensible vibration; which is a sign that they correspond to the conjunction of natural and heavenly things. # Heaven corresponds to the Lord, and man as to each and all things corresponds to heaven, and hence heaven, before the Lord, is a man in a large effigy, and may be called the Greatest Man (n. 2996, 2998, 3624-3649, 3636-3643, 3741-3745, 4625) Concerning the correspondence of man, and of all things pertaining to him, with the Greatest Man, which is heaven, in general, from experience (n. 3021, 3624-3649, 3741-3751, 3883-3896, 4039-4051, 4215-4228, 4318-4331, 4403-4421, 4527-4533, 4622-4633, 4652-4660, 4791-4805, 4931-4953, 5050-5061, 5171-5189, 5377-5396, 5552-5573, 5711-5727, 10,030).

10379. The spirits of that earth appear above, in the plane of the head toward the right; for all spirits are known by their situation in respect to the human body, which is the case because the universal heaven corresponds to all things of man. These spirits keep themselves at a distance, because their correspondence is not with the externals of man, but with his interiors. Their action is into the left knee, a little above and below, with a certain undulatory vibration that is very sensible, which is a sign that they correspond to the conjunction of natural and celestial things. For the feet correspond to natural things, the thighs to celestial things, thus the knee to their conjunction.

1674. ((When certain ones [of these spirits] approached me my face grew hot, which is also a sign of their presence; otherwise they remain at a very considerable distance in the plane of the head, in front towards the right, over against the right side of the forehead.))

1686. (((Their action was into the region of the left knee, above, and a little below, with a certain undulation or vibration quite sensible, from which I concluded that they do not love those corporeal things which pertain to the sole of the foot, but [simply] natural things; for that kind of movement above the knee, and midway of the thigh upwards, signifies that which is celestial, because thus are celestial and natural things conjoined; so that there are those in whom celestial and natural things are conjoined, as there are others in whom spiritual and natural things are conjoined. - 1748, March 25.)))

A Fourth Earth in the Starry Heaven

Earths in the Universe
Arcana Coelestia
Spiritual Experiences

157. A FOURTH EARTH IN THE STARRY HEAVEN, ITS SPIRITS AND INHABITANTS. I was conducted to still another earth in the universe beyond our solar system, which was effected by changes of the state of my mind, and thus as to the spirit. For, as has been sometimes said before, the spirit is conducted from place to place in no other way than by changes of the state of its interiors, which changes appear to it altogether like movements from place to place, or like journeyings. These changes lasted continuously for about ten hours, before from the state of my life I arrived at the state of their life; thus before I was brought thither as to my spirit. I was borne toward the east to the left, and I seemed to be sensibly elevated above the plane of the horizon. It was also given me to observe very clearly the progression and advance from the place where I had been before, until at length those from whom I departed were no longer in sight. Meanwhile I spoke on various subjects with the spirits who went with me.

10734. ON THE FIFTH EARTH IN THE STARRY HEAVEN. I was conducted to yet another earth that is in the universe beyond our solar world, which was effected by changes of the state of my mind, thus in respect to my spirit. For as already stated several times, a spirit is conducted from place to place no otherwise than by changes of the state of his interiors; but which changes appear to him as advancings from place to place, or as journeyings. These changes went on continuously for about ten hours before I came from the state of my life to the state of their life, thus before I was brought there in respect to my spirit. The Lord alone is able successively to change the state of mind in this way, so that at last it approaches the state of another person who is so far distant. I was carried toward the east and to the left, and I seemed to be gradually raised above the horizontal plane; and I was also allowed clearly to observe the progression and advancement from the former place, until finally those from whom I had departed were no longer in sight; and meanwhile as we went along I spoke about various matters to the spirits who were with me.

4832. CONCERNING AN EARTH OUTSIDE OF THE SOLAR WORLD AMONG THE LESSER EARTHS, AND CONCERNING THE LORD THERE. (See five or six pages below: CONTINUATION CONCERNING THE DIVINE HUMAN OF THE LORD [4844-4847.]) (I was elevated from a place where I was, for many hours, about ten, continuously; and it was granted me to observe the elevation and removal from the former place, by steps, and until at length they did not appear. I was in a wakeful state, and, throughout that time, spoke about that matter with the spirits who were near me.

A certain spirit was also with us, who when he lived in the world had been a primate and a preacher, and likewise a very pathetic writer. From my idea of him the accompanying spirits supposed that in heart he must be eminently a Christian. For in the world an idea is received and a judgment formed from one's preaching and writings, and not from his life, unless this is conspicuous; and if there appears anything inconsistent in his life, still it is excused; for the idea, or the thought and perception concerning any one, draws everything to its own side.

10735. There was also with me a certain spirit who during his life in the world had been a very impassioned preacher and writer. From the idea I had about him the attendant spirits supposed that he was pre-eminently a Christian at heart; for in the world an idea is conceived and a judgment is formed from the preaching and from the writings, and not from the life unless this is conspicuous; and if anything of an inconsistent life appears, it is nevertheless excused, because the idea (or thought and perception) about anyone draws everything over to its side.

[2] A certain one from this earth was adjoined to me, who, when alive, had been a celebrated preacher, and also a very pathetic writer. The spirits, from an idea of him derived from such things as I have heard and clearly perceived about him, supposed him to be a Christian in heart even beyond others; for, in the world, one is judged from his preachings and writings and not from his life, and if from the life, they excuse blemishes when they are in such an idea; for the idea, or notion, about anyone, draws all things to its side.)

158. After I had observed that as to my spirit I was in the starry heaven far beyond the world of our sun, for this might be observed from the changes of state and from the apparent continual progression thence, which lasted nearly ten hours, I at length heard spirits speaking near some earth, which was afterward also seen by me. When I came near to them, after some conversation, they said that visitors sometimes come to them from elsewhere, who speak with them about God and confuse the ideas of their thought. They also showed the way by which they come, from which it was perceived that they were of the spirits from our earth. Being then asked wherein their thoughts were confused, they answered that it was by those spirits saying that one must believe in the Divine as distinguished into three Persons, which they still call one God. And when they examine the idea of their thoughts, it is presented as a trine not continuous, but discrete; and with some, as three persons speaking together one to another; and with some, as two seated together, and a third hearkening to them, and then going from them; and though they call each Person God, and have a different idea concerning each, they still call them one God. They complained exceedingly that they confuse them by thinking three and saying one, when yet one ought to think as he speaks, and speak as he thinks. The spirit who in the world had been a primate and a preacher, and was with me, was then examined as to what idea he had concerning one God and three Persons. He represented three Gods, but these as one by continuity, but he presented this trinal one as invisible because Divine; and when he presented this, it was perceived that he then thought only of the Father, and not of the Lord; and that his idea of the invisible God was no other than as of nature in its firsts; from which it resulted that to him the inmost of nature was his Divine, and thus that from this he could be easily led to acknowledge nature as God. It is to be known that in the other life the idea of any one upon any subject is presented to the life; and that by this means every one is explored as to what thought and perception he has concerning matters of faith; and that the idea of the thought concerning God is the chief of them all; for by that, if it is genuine, conjunction is effected with the Divine, and thence with heaven.

10736. I afterward discerned that in respect to my spirit I was in the starry heaven far beyond the world of our sun, for this could be discerned from the changes of state and the consequent apparent continuous progression during almost ten hours. At last I heard spirits speaking who were near some earth, which I afterward saw. When I approached them, after some conversation, they said that they are sometimes visited by guests from a distance who speak to them about God, and confuse the ideas of their thought. They also showed the way by which they come, from which it was perceived that they were spirits from our earth. And when they were asked in what they had confused them, they said by their telling them that it is necessary to believe in a Divine that is distinguished into three Persons, which they nevertheless call one God. And when the idea of their thought is examined, it appears as a Trine that is not continuous but discrete; and with some as three Persons conversing together; and although they call each Person "God," and have a different idea of each, they nevertheless say "one God." They greatly complained that these guests confuse them by thinking of three and saying one, when yet they ought to think as they speak, and speak as they think. The preacher who was with me was then also examined in respect to the idea which he had of one God and three Persons. He represented three Gods, yet these a one by continuity, but he set forth this trinal one as invisible because Divine. And when he set this forth it was perceived that he was then thinking of the Father only, and not of the Lord, and that his idea of an invisible God was nothing but an idea of nature in its first principles, the result of which was that the inmost of nature was to him his Divine. Be it known that in the other life the idea of everyone's thought on any subject is presented to the life, and that by this everyone is examined in respect to the nature of his faith; and also that the idea of thought concerning God is the principal of all; for by this idea, if it be genuine, conjunction is effected with heaven, because it is the Divine which makes heaven.

[3] (When, at last, after ten hours, I was elevated, and perceived that I was outside the world of our sun, I also perceived, from the region of the elevation, that I was in a starry world towards the meridional region:) (then there spoke with me certain [spirits] from some earth there. [4] They said that at times there come certain ones to them from other parts. The way was also pointed out by which they came; it was to the left; and I observed that they were from our earth. They said about those, that certain of the visitors disturb them by saying that they believe in three persons and one God, and, also, that they have the idea of three Gods although they say one with the mouth; for, when they represent persons by means of the ideas of thought, as happens in the other life, there appear three persons, like men, and then they make these, by agreement, to be like one, by means of something appearing, as it were, continuous, and say that the three are thus one. And the three, thus united, they call one God, but not one Divine; from which things [those spirits] perceive what sort of idea, concerning the one God, those have who are from our earth. The preacher who was with me (Scriverius), when he also was in the idea of such a thought, represented three Gods as one in a similar manner; but when he was not in the idea of thought, but only in speech, such as he had been in, in the world, he then said that God is invisible; and, when he said this, he thought of the Father alone, and not of the Lord, and then no other idea resulted from thence, than, as it were, an invisible universe, and thus the quality of nature in her first principles. He was also then examined as to whether he has believed in this way; and it was found that such has been his interior faith, thus, that, inwardly, God has been to him the inmost of nature, but outwardly only names, to wit, God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It was then also found, that, inwardly in himself, he has made nature God, and that still he has had concerning the Holy Spirit the idea of an angel, and concerning it the idea of a visible God, for the reason, as was discovered, that, in the world, he has so often thought, concerning himself, that he spoke from the Holy Spirit; and when [these notions] were examined as to interiors from the idea, it was seen that he understood himself rather than any angel, because he had inwardly believed that he spoke from himself and had life in himself, not [life] inflowing from the Lord.)

Being then asked what idea they had of God, these spirits answered that they did not conceive of God as invisible, but as visible under the Human form; and that they know this not only from interior perception, but also from His appearing to them as a Man; adding that if according to the idea of some visitors they should conceive of God as invisible, thus without form and quality, they could not think at all of God, since what is thus invisible does not fall into any idea of thought. On hearing this, it was given me to say to them that they do well to think of God under the Human form; and that many from our earth think in like manner, especially when they think of the Lord; and that the ancients thought in no other way. I then told them about Abraham, Lot, Gideon, and Manoah and his wife, and what is related of them in our Word, namely, that they saw God under the Human form and acknowledged Him thus seen as the Creator of the universe, and called Him Jehovah, and this also from interior perception; but that at this day that interior perception has perished in the Christian world, and only remains with the simple who are in faith.

10737. They were next asked what idea they have about God. They replied that they do not conceive of an invisible God, but of a visible God under the human form; and that they know this not only from interior perception, but also from His having appeared to them as a Man, adding that if according to the idea of some of their visitors, and of the preacher, they were to conceive of God as invisible, they could not think of God at all, because what is invisible does not fall into any idea of thought. I perceived that this was because what is invisible was to them without form, thus without quality; and an idea that is without form and quality is either dissipated or falls to nature, which is visible. After hearing these things, it was given to say to them that they do well to think of God under the human form; and that many from our earth think in like manner, especially when they think of the Lord; and that the ancients thought in no other manner. I then told them about Abraham, about Lot, about Gideon, and about Manoah and his wife, and what is related about them in our Word, namely, that they saw God under a human form, and that when they saw Him they acknowledged Him as the Creator of the universe, and called Him Jehovah, and this also from interior perception; but that at this day such interior perception has perished in the Christian world, and remains only with the simple who are in faith.

[5] The spirits of that earth said that spirits of such a sort come to them, and disturb them as regards their thought and faith (concerning God, whom they know and perceive to be a man, and this not only from interior perception but also from the fact that He always appears to them as a man; and that they now acknowledge Him as Creator of the universe, which also they clearly know; and that they cannot at all perceive God otherwise than in a human form; and, if they should think according to the opinion of their guests, namely, of an invisible God, that they could think altogether nothing about God. They complained of those who thus disturb them, and prayed to the Lord for succor, which they also know they shall receive. It was granted me to tell them that the men of our earth are such, because their thought is material; and that, yet, they know that the ancients in this earth worshipped God in like manner under a human form, and called Him Jehovah, the Creator of the universe, for instance, Abraham, Gideon, Joshua, and several others; further, that the Lord Himself taught them that there is but one God, and that Himself was that God; that He was one with the Father; that the Father was in Him and He in the Father; and that the Holy Spirit, which is called the Spirit of Truth, because it is the Divine Truth proceeding from the Lord, does not speak from itself, but from the Lord Himself; and that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are only names whereby, in the Word, is expressed the Divine Itself, the Divine Human and the Divine Proceeding; and that this was so said, for the reason that they might acknowledge the Lord as the only God; in a word, the ideas of the spirits of our earth are material, and disturb the ideas of spirits from that earth.)*

* At this place there occurs, in the original MS., the marginal note, "See what is said concerning the Lord, below, where the paper is folded" …

[17] I spoke with the spirits of that earth concerning the Lord, why He put on the human - just as has been written on a separate page; and they said, with affirmation, that [I had written] correctly.***The Latin Edition, here, incorporates in the text the following parenthesis: "(Let those things be added which are written, from heaven, below - a few pages on - concerning the Divine Human of the Lord [No. 4844].)" These things, therefore, now follow.

159. Before this was said, they believed that our company also was of those who wished to confuse them by the idea of three concerning God. When therefore they heard these things, they were affected with joy, and said that some were also sent to them by God, whom they then called the Lord, who teach them concerning Him; and that they were not willing to admit visitors who disturb them, especially by the idea of three Persons in the Divinity, since they know that God is one, consequently that the Divine is one, and not a unanimity of three, unless they would think of God as of an angel, in whom the inmost of life is something invisible, from which he thinks and is wise, and the external of life what is visible under the human form, from which he sees and acts, and the proceeding of life that which is the sphere of love and faith from him, for from every spirit and angel proceeds a sphere of life by which he is known at a distance; and as to the Lord, that the proceeding of life from Him is the Divine Itself which fills and constitutes the heavens, because it proceeds from the esse itself of the life of love and faith. They said that in this and in no other way could they perceive a Trine and a One at the same time. On hearing this, it was given me to say that such an idea of a Trine and a One together agrees with the angelic idea of the Lord; and that it is from the Lord's own teaching concerning Himself; for He teaches that the Father and He are one; that the Father is in Him, and He in the Father; that whoso sees Him, sees the Father; and that He who believes in Him, believes in the Father and knows Him; also that the Comforter, by whom is meant the proceeding Divine, and whom He calls the Spirit of truth, as also the Holy Spirit, proceeds from Him, and speaks not from Himself, but from Him. Moreover, that the idea of a Trine and of One at the same time agrees with the esse and existere of the Lord's life, when He was in the world. The esse of His life was the Divine Itself, for He was conceived of Jehovah, and the esse of any one's life is that from which he is conceived; the existere of life from that esse is the Human in form. The esse of every man's life which he has from his father, is called the soul; and the existere of life therefrom is called the body. The soul and the body constitute one man. The likeness between both is like that between that which is in effort and that which is in the act thence, for the act is the effort acting, and so the two are one. Effort in man is called the will, and effort acting is called action. The body is the instrument, by which the will, which is the principal, acts; and the instrument and the principal in acting are one; thus the soul and the body are one. The angels in heaven have such an idea concerning the soul and the body; and thus they know that the Lord made His Human Divine from the Divine in Himself, which He had as His soul from the Father. The faith also received everywhere in the Christian world does not dissent from this, for it teaches: "Although Christ is God and Man, yet He is not two, but one Christ; yea, He is altogether a one and only Person; for as the body and the soul are one man, so also God and Man is one Christ."# Because there was such a union, or such a One in the Lord, He therefore, otherwise than any man, rose not only as to the soul, but also as to the body, which He glorified in the world; concerning which He also instructed His disciples, saying:

Handle Me and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see Me have.## These things those spirits well understood, for such things fall into the understanding of angelic spirits. They then added that the Lord alone has power in the heavens, and that the heavens are His. To which it was given me to respond that the church on our earth also knows this, from the mouth of the Lord Himself, before He ascended into heaven; for He then said:-

All power is given unto Me in heaven and in earth. # From the Athanasian Creed. ## Man rises again as to his spirit immediately after death, and he is the human form, and that as to each and every particular he is a man (n. 4527, 5006, 5078, 8939, 8991, 10,594, 10,597, 10,758). Man rises again only as to his spirit, and not as to his body (n. 10,593, 10,594). The Lord alone rose again as to the body also (n. 1729, 2083, 5078, 10,825).

10738. Before these things were said, they had believed that our company also was one of those which desired to confuse them about God by the idea of three; and therefore after hearing these words, they said that some have been sent by God (whom they then called the Lord) to teach them about Him; and that they are not willing to admit visitors who disturb them, especially by means of three Persons in the Godhead, because they know that God is one, consequently that the Divine is one, and not a unanimity of three-unless their visitors are willing to think of God as of an angel, in whom there is an inmost of life that is invisible, and from which he thinks and is wise; and an external of life that is visible under the human form, and from which he sees and acts; and also a proceeding of life which is a sphere of love and faith around him. For from the sphere of life proceeding from him, the quality of every spirit and angel in respect to his love and faith is perceived at a distance. And in regard to the Lord they said that the proceeding sphere of life from Him is the Divine Itself that fills the heavens and makes them, because it is from the very Being of the life of love and of faith.

[2] After hearing these words it was given to say that such an idea about what is trine and at the same time one, is in agreement with the angelic idea about the Lord, and that it is from the very doctrine of the Lord about Himself, for He teaches that the Father and He are one, that the Father is in Him and He in the Father, that whoso seeth Him seeth the Father, and whoso believeth in Him believeth in the Father and knoweth Him, and also that the Paraclete, whom He calls the Spirit of truth and also the Holy Spirit, proceeds from Him and does not speak from Himself, but from Him, whereby is meant the Divine proceeding.

[3] And it was given to say, further, that an idea of what is trine and at the same time one is in agreement with the Being and Manifestation [Esse et Existere] of the life of the Lord when He was in the world. The Being of His life was the Divine Itself, for He was conceived of Jehovah; and the being of the life of everyone is that from whom he is conceived. The Manifestation of life from this Being is the Human in form. The being of the life of every man, which he has from his father, is called the soul; and the manifestation of life thence derived is called the body. The soul and the body constitute one man.

[4] The likeness between the two is like that between that which is in an endeavor and that which is in the consequent act; for an act is an endeavor acting, and thus these two are one. In man, endeavor is called "will;" and endeavor acting is called "action." The body is the instrumental by which the will, which is the principal, acts; and in acting the instrumental and the principal are together a one. And so it is with the soul and the body. The angels in heaven have such an idea about the soul and the body; and from this they know that the Lord made His Human Divine from the Divine in Himself, which was His soul from the Father. Moreover, the faith everywhere received in the Christian world does not dissent from this, for it teaches, "As the body and soul are one man, so also in the Lord, God and Man are one Christ."

[5] As such was the union, or such the one, in the Lord, He therefore rose again not only as to the soul; but, differently from any man, as to the body which He glorified in the world. He also instructed the disciples about this, saying, "Feel Me and see, for a spirit hath not flesh and bones as ye see Me have."

[6] From this it is that the church acknowledges the omnipresence of His Human in the Sacrament of the Supper, which could not be acknowledged unless His Human also was Divine. These things were well understood by these spirits; for such things fall into the understanding of angelic spirits; and they said that the Lord alone has power in the heavens, and that the heavens are His. To this it was given to reply that the church also knows this from the mouth of the Lord Himself before He ascended into heaven, for He then said, "All power has been given to Me in heaven and on earth."

4832a (or 4832 1/2) (This number is found at the end of 4844-4847 which are inserted into the middle of 4832 because of ES's instruction).* [18]I afterwards heard from thence, that some are sent to them by the Lord, who teach concerning Him; also, that they do not now admit strangers from this earth - who disturb them, particularly with [the notion of] three persons in the Divinity, whereas they know that God is one, therefore the Divine is also one, and not a concord of three - unless they are willing to think of Him as of an angel in whom is the inmost of life, which is called the soul, and his visible presentation which is in the human form, and the proceeding life which is around him from his love; for every angel is perceived, at a distance, such as he is in respect to love; but the Divine which proceeds from the Lord, inasmuch as it is from the very Esse of all life, fills the universal heaven and constitutes it.

160. I afterward spoke with those spirits concerning their earth; for all spirits know about their earth when their natural or external memory is opened by the Lord; since they have this with them from the world, but it is not opened except by the good pleasure of the Lord. The spirits then said respecting their earth from which they were, that when leave is given them, they appear to the inhabitants of their earth, and speak with them as men; and that this is done by their being let into their natural or external memory, and thus into such thought as they were in when they lived in the world; and that the inhabitants then have their interior sight, or the sight of their spirit, opened, from which they see them. They added that the inhabitants do not know that they are not men of their earth, and first perceive that they are not, when they are suddenly taken away from their sight. I told them that such was the case on our earth in ancient times, as with Abraham, Sarah, Lot, the inhabitants of Sodom, Manoah and his wife, Joshua, Mary, Elizabeth, and the prophets in general; and that the Lord appeared in like manner, and those who saw Him did not know otherwise than that He was a man of the earth, before He revealed Himself. But that this is rarely done at this day, lest by such things men should be compelled to believe; for a compelled faith, such as is that which enters through miracles, does not remain fixed, and would also be hurtful to those with whom faith might be implanted through the Word in a state not compelled.

10751. A CONTINUATION ABOUT THE FIFTH EARTH IN THE STARRY HEAVEN. It was afterward granted me to speak with these spirits about their own earth, for all spirits know about this when their natural or external memory is opened by the Lord, because they bring this memory with them from the world; but it is not opened except with the Lord's good pleasure. With regard to the earth from which they were, the spirits then said that when leave is granted they appear to the inhabitants of their earth and speak with them as men, and that this is effected by their being let into their natural or external memory, and consequently into thought such as they had when they lived in the world; and that at the same time the interior sight of the inhabitants, that is, the sight of their spirit, is opened, and in this way the spirits appear to them. They added that the inhabitants know not but that they are men of their earth, and only notice that this is not the case when the spirits are suddenly taken away from their eyes. I told them that in ancient times it was the same on our earth, as with Abraham, Sarah, Lot, the inhabitants of Sodom, Manoah and his wife, Joshua, Mary, Elizabeth, and the prophets in general; and that the Lord appeared in the same way, and that until He revealed Himself those who saw Him knew not but that He was a man of the earth; but that now this rarely happens, lest such things should compel men to believe; for a compulsory faith, such as enters by means of miracles, does not cleave to the man, and also might be an injury to those with whom faith could be implanted through the Word in a state that is not compulsory.

4832. ...[6] (It was afterwards granted me to speak with spirits from that earth. They related, that, when leave is given them, they appear to men of their own earth, and walk amongst them, and speak with them as men, which happens by their being let into the thought that they are still men in the earth, and the interior sight of the inhabitants being opened; and they said that the inhabitants do not know other than that they are men, and that they then first know them [not] to be men, when they are suddenly removed from their eyes, and disappear. It was similar in this earth, in ancient times, for instance, that angels appeared to Abraham, and also to Lot, also to all the inhabitants of Sodom at that time, and likewise to others in a similar manner, who, at the beginning, knew no other than that they were men; as, also, he who appeared to Manoah and his wife, and also to Joshua. (Let these things be cited from the Word.)

161. The spirit who in the world had been a primate and a preacher, did not at all believe that there were any other earths than ours, because he had thought in the world that the Lord was born on this earth only, and that no one has salvation without the Lord. He was therefore reduced to such a state as the spirits are reduced when they appear on their earth as men (see just above), and thus was sent to that earth, so as not only to see it, but also to speak with its inhabitants. When this was done, communication was also thereby granted me, so that I in like manner saw the inhabitants, and some things also upon that earth (see above, n. 135).

10752. The preacher who was with me did not at all believe that there are other earths besides our own, for the reason that in the world he had thought that the Lord was born on this earth only, and that without the Lord there is no salvation. He was therefore reduced into a state similar to that of these spirits when they appear in their own earth as men (of which just above), and in this state he was let into that earth, so that he not only saw it but also spoke with the inhabitants there. When this was done, communication was given me also in the same way, so that I too saw the inhabitants, and also some things upon that earth. Spirits and angels can speak with men of any language; because their thought falls into the ideas of the men, and thus into the words of their speech.

[7] The Preacher who was with me was wholly in the negative as to other earths than our earth existing, because he had contended against others, that this could not be, because the Lord was born here. Because he was in such a negative opinion, he was brought into a state similar to that in which the spirits of that earth are when they appear to the inhabitants, and so was let go into that very earth, that he might not only see the earth but also speak with the inhabitants there. When this was done, a communication of him with me was granted thence, so that I might then, in like manner, see the inhabitants, and also, in part, some of the things on that earth.)

There then appeared four kinds of men, but one kind after another in succession. First were seen men clothed; next men naked of the color of human flesh; afterward men naked, but with bodies inflamed; and lastly black men.

10753. There then appeared four kinds of men, one kind after another in succession. First, clothed men were seen; then naked men of a human flesh color; afterward naked men who had inflamed bodies; and finally black men.

[8] Thus it was granted me to see, that, in that earth, were four races of men (who were successively seen, and distinguished. He first spoke [with] those who were clothed; afterwards, with those there who were naked; then, with those who appear naked, but still as if with an inflamed body; and, again, with those who had a black body.)

162. When the spirit who had been a primate and a preacher was with those who were clothed, there appeared a woman of a very beautiful face, dressed in a simple garment, with a tunic that hung gracefully behind her and was brought up over the arms. She had a beautiful headdress, in the form of a chaplet of flowers. That spirit was greatly delighted at the sight of this virgin, and spoke with her, and also took her hand. But as she perceived that he was a spirit, and not of that earth, she hurried away from him. There afterward appeared to him on the right many other women, who were tending sheep and lambs, which they were then leading to a watering trough that was supplied with water by a small ditch from a lake. They were similarly clothed, and held shepherds' crooks in their hands, by which they guided the sheep and lambs to drink. They said that the sheep went in the way to which they pointed with their crooks. The sheep seen were large, with woolly tails, both broad and long. The faces of the women when seen nearer were full and beautiful. The men were also seen, and their faces were of the color of human flesh, as on our earth; but with the difference, that the lower part of the face, in place of a beard, was black, and the nose more the color of snow than of flesh.

10754. While the preacher was with those who were clothed, there appeared a woman of a very beautiful countenance, clothed in a simple garment, a tunic that hung behind in a becoming way, and was also drawn over the arms; she also wore a beautiful head covering in the form of a garland of flowers. Upon seeing this virgin, the preacher was very much delighted, and spoke to her, and also took hold of her hand; but as she perceived that he was a spirit, and was not from that earth, she betook herself away from him. There afterward appeared to him a number of other women on the right, who were pasturing sheep and lambs, which they were then leading to a drinking-trough, into which water was brought through a little channel from a lake. These were clothed in the same way, and they held in their hands shepherds' crooks, by which they led the sheep and lambs to drink. They said that the sheep go in the direction in which they point with their crooks. The sheep that were seen were large, and had woolly, broad, and lengthy tails. When the faces of the women were seen more closely, they were full and beautiful. Men also were seen. Their faces were of a human flesh color, as on our earth; but with the difference that instead of being bearded, the lower part of their face was black; and the nose was more of the color of snow than of flesh.

[9] (((When he was with those who were clothed, there appeared a woman with quite a beautiful face, with becoming dress, and a tunic hanging tastefully on her back - the arms, also, were covered by the same garment. Her head was crowned with a chaplet, entwined in the form of a garland which was also adorned with beautiful flowers. He was exceedingly delighted at the sight of that virgin, and spoke with her, and also took hold of her hand; but, inasmuch as she was then aware that he was a spirit not from her earth because dressed differently, she snatched herself away from him. Then, at the right, appeared to him many others of the female sex, who fed sheep and lambs, which they then conducted to their drinking-place, which they had made by leading a little channel from some lake. These were similarly dressed, having in their hands shepherds' crooks, by means of which they led the sheep and lambs to their drink. They said that they [the sheep] go to that place which they indicate with their crooks. The sheep seen were large, with broad and long fleecy tails. The people's faces, also, were seen by me at closer quarters: they were full and fair. But the men are, as to the face, of a flesh-color, as in our earth; but the lower part of the face, instead of having a beard, was black, and the nose more inclining to snow-white than [to flesh-color].

Afterward the spirit above mentioned, who had been a preacher in the world, was led on further, but unwillingly, because his thought was still on that woman with whom he was delighted, as was made manifest by somewhat of a shadow from him still appearing in the former place. He then came to those who were naked, and who were seen walking together two and two, being husband and wife, girded with a covering about the loins and a certain covering upon the head. That spirit when with them was led into that state in which he was in the world when he wished to preach, and said that he would preach to them the Lord crucified. But they said that they were not willing to hear any such thing, because they did not know what this meant, but they knew that the Lord lives. He then declared that he wished to preach the Lord living. But this also they refused to hear, saying that they perceived in his speech something not heavenly, because it had much regard to himself, his fame and honor, for they can tell from the very tone of one's voice whether it is from the heart, or not, and because he was such, he could not teach them. On this he was silent, for in the world he had had much pathetic power, so that he could strongly move his hearers to holiness; but this power had been acquired by art, and thus it was from himself and the world, and not from heaven.

10755. Afterward the preacher was conducted further, but reluctantly, because he was still thinking of the woman with whom he was charmed, as was evident from there still appearing a kind of shadow of him in the former place. He then came to those who were naked, who were seen walking together two and two. They were husband and wife, and were girded with a covering about the loins, and with a sort of covering about the head. When the preacher was with these, he was brought into the state in which he had been in the world when he wished to preach; and he then said that he wished to preach to them the crucified Lord. But they said they did not wish to hear such a thing, because they know not what it is, and that they know that the Lord lives. He then said that he wished to preach the living Lord; but this also they refused, saying that they did not observe in his speech what is heavenly, but what is earthly, because it was much for the sake of himself, and his own reputation and honor; and that they could hear from the very tone of his speech whether it came from his heart, or only from his mouth; and that because he was of this kind he could not teach them; wherefore he was silent. When he lived in the world he had been very impassioned, so that he could deeply move his hearers to what is holy; but this impassioned style had been acquired by art, and therefore was from self and the world, and not from heaven.

[10] (((Afterwards the same preacher was brought farther; which, however, happened against his will, because he was delighted with that virgin, as appeared from the fact that somewhat of a shadow from him still remained in that place. He then came to those who were naked. They were there seen two and two, or in pairs, walking about. The pairs were husband and wife. None were seen who were not associated in twos.))) (They were girt about the loins with a covering; also with some covering [around the head]. …When the preacher was with the naked, he was then brought into the state in which he was in the world; and, then, he wished to teach them. It was asked what)) (he wished to say. He said that he wished to preach the Lord crucified. But they said that they know of no such thing, and that neither did they wish to hear of such a thing, because they only knew a living Lord. They said that he also wished to teach about the living Lord. They also said, that, when he spoke, his speech was of such a nature that they discerned that he speaks for the sake of reputation and profit, inasmuch as there was nothing heavenly in the speech, but only earthly, which was harsh; and thus, that he could not teach them; for they do not attend to words in so far as they are from the mouth, but in so far as they are from the heart, in which aspect there was nothing angelic [in what he said]. Wherefore, he was silent; for, whilst alive in the world, he had been exceedingly pathetic, so that he was able to excite his hearers to piety; but that pathetic power was acquired by art, and from love of the world, as the inhabitants there discerned. Spirits from that earth, by whose means they perceived such things, were then with them; for spirits do not regard externals, but only internals in externals. They called his speech materialistic. See below.)...

163. They said further, that they have a perception whether the conjugial exists with those of their nation who are naked; and it was shown that they perceive this from a spiritual idea of marriage, which was communicated to me, to the effect that a similarity of interiors is formed by the conjunction of good and truth, thus of love and faith, and from that conjunction flowing down into the body conjugial love exists. For all things of the mind are presented in a certain natural appearance in the body, thus in the appearance of conjugial love, when the interiors of two mutually love each other, and from that love desire also to will and to think the one like the other, and so to be together and to be conjoined as to the interiors which are of the mind. Thus spiritual affection, which is of the minds, becomes natural affection in the body, and clothes itself with the sense of conjugial love. The spiritual affection which is of their minds is the affection of good and truth, and their conjunction; for all things of the mind, or of the thought and will, have relation to truth and good. They said also that what is given between one man and several wives is not at all conjugial, since the marriage of good and truth, which is of the minds, can be given only between two.

10756. They said further that they have a perception whether those of their race who are naked have in them the conjugial principle; and it was shown that they perceive this from a spiritual idea about marriage, which being communicated to me was found to be that a likeness of the interiors was formed by the conjunction of truth and good, thus of faith and love, and that conjugial love comes forth from this conjunction coming down into the body. For all things of the lower mind [animus] are set forth in the body in some natural form, thus in the form of conjugial love when the interiors of two mutually love each other, and also from this love long to will and to think the one as the other, thus to be together and to be conjoined in respect to the interiors of the mind. From this the spiritual affection of their minds becomes natural in the body, and clothes itself with the feeling of conjugial love.

They also said that there is nothing whatever of a conjugial nature between one man and a number of wives.

[16] ((Those who were naked and walked about two and two, said that they perceive, at once, whether there is conjugial union between two married partners, as was also shown by means of a spiritual idea, which was of such a nature that there appears a likeness as to interiors of every sort. This [likeness] is formed by the conjunction of truth and good, and thence there is an appearance as one; for, from that conjunction, the conjugial union exists between two; and it was also perceived that similar faith and similar charity, or similar truth and good, conjoined, effect this. It was said, also, that there is no conjugial union at all if there is one husband and two or more wives and that they perceived this by that spiritual idea.))

164. The spirit mentioned above then came to those who were naked, but with bodies inflamed, and at last to those that were black, of whom some were naked, and some clothed; but these different people dwelt in different places on the same earth, for a spirit can be led in a moment to remote parts of an earth, since he does not proceed and is not borne, as a man is, through spaces, but through changes of state (see above, n. 125, 127).# # Movements, progressions, and changes of place in the other life are changes of state of the interiors of the life, and still they appear to spirits and angels as real changes of place (n. 1273-1277, 1377, 3356, 5605, 10,734).

10757. Afterward the preacher came to those who also were naked, but had inflamed bodies; and last of all to those who were black, some of whom were naked, and some were clothed. But all these dwelt elsewhere on the same earth.

…[13] (Afterwards he came to those who had an inflamed body, who so appeared from lobes of the world and luxury in living. These were naked also; but he at once proceeded to the last ones, who were black, some of them being clothed and some naked.) …[11] ((That they were thus distinct, namely, the clothed from the naked, was because they are of wholly different genius; for they who are clothed were of such a genius as the spiritual [angels] in heaven, and those who were naked, such as the celestial [angels] in heaven, concerning whom see places cited, no. [?].

165. At length I spoke with the spirits of that earth about the belief of the inhabitants of our earth concerning the resurrection, that they cannot conceive of men's coming into the other life immediately after death, and then appearing like men as to face, body, arms, feet, and all the senses, both external and internal; and still less of their being then clothed with garments and having mansions and dwellings. And the reason is that most of them there think from the sensual things which are of the body, and therefore believe in the existence of nothing which they do not see and touch. And few of them can be drawn away from external sensual things to what is interior, and so be elevated into the light of heaven in which such interior things are perceived. Hence it is, that in regard to their soul or spirit they cannot have any idea of it as a man, but as of wind, air, or breath, without form, in which there is yet something vital. This is why they do not believe they are to rise until the end of the world, which they call the Last Judgment; when they believe the body, though fallen into dust and dissipated to all the winds, will be brought back and joined to its soul and spirit. I added that they are permitted to believe this, for the reason that those who think from what is external and sensual, as has been said, can form no other idea than that one's soul or spirit can live as a man in the human form, only by regaining the body which it bore about in the world. And therefore, unless it were said that this would rise again, they would reject in heart the doctrine of a resurrection and eternal life, as incomprehensible. But still that thought about the resurrection has this use in it, that they believe in a life after death, from which belief it follows that when they lie sick in bed and do not think as before from what is worldly and corporeal, thus not from things sensual, they then believe that they shall live immediately after death. They also speak then about heaven, and about the hope of living there immediately after death, laying aside their doctrine about the Last Judgment. I told these spirits further, that I sometimes wondered that when those who are in faith speak of the life after death, and of their friends who are dying or who have died, and do not at the same time think of the Last Judgment, they believe that they will live as men immediately after death. But this idea, as soon as the thought of the Last Judgment flows in, is changed into a material idea about their earthly body, that it is to be again joined to its soul. For they do not know that every man is a spirit as to his interiors, and that it is the spirit which lives in the body and in all its parts, and not the body of itself; and that it is from the spirit of every one that the body has its human form, and thus it is the spirit which is chiefly the man, and in a similar form, but invisible to the eyes of the body, yet visible to the eyes of spirits. Hence also when the sight of a man's spirit is opened, which takes place by the removal of the sight of the body, angels appear as men. Thus did the angels appear to the ancients, as related in the Word. I have also spoken sometimes with spirits whom I knew when they lived as men in the world, and have asked them whether they wished to be clothed again with their earthly body, as they had once thought. On hearing which, at the mere idea of conjunction with the body they fled away, being struck with amazement that in the world they should have thus thought from blind faith without any understanding.

10758. Finally I spoke to the spirits of that earth about the faith of the inhabitants of our earth in regard to the resurrection, saying that they cannot conceive that men come into the other life immediately after death, and then appear as men, in face, body, arms, feet, and all the senses external and internal; and still less that they are clothed with garments and have places of abode and habitations; and this merely for the reason that most of them think from the sensuous things of the body, and therefore believe that nothing has any existence except the things they see and touch; and also because few of them can be withdrawn from external sensuous things to interior ones, and thus be elevated into the light of heaven. From this it is that they cannot have any idea of a man in connection with their soul or spirit, but only an idea as of wind, air, or breath, of no form, in which, however, there is something vital. This is the reason why they do not believe that they will rise again except at the end of the world, which they call the Last Judgment, and that then the body though crumbled into dust and dispersed to all the winds is to be brought back and joined again to its soul or spirit.

[2] I added that they are permitted to believe this, because, thinking as they do from sensuous things, they can in no other way avoid the conception that it is impossible for their soul or spirit to live as a man and in the human form unless it gets back that body which it carried about in the world; and therefore unless it were said that this body will rise again, they would at heart reject as incomprehensible the doctrine of the resurrection and of eternal life. Nevertheless this idea about the resurrection is attended with this useful result, that they believe in a life after death. And from this belief it follows that when they lie sick in bed, and do not think as before from worldly and bodily things, thus not from sensuous ones, they then believe that they will live immediately after their decease; and they also then speak about heaven and about their hope of life there immediately after death, in a way far removed from the doctrine about the Last Judgment.

[3] I further told them something that has occasionally excited my surprise, namely, that when those who are in the faith speak of the life after death, and of their friends who are either dead or dying, and do not at the moment think about the Last Judgment, they believe that their friends will live, or are living, as men immediately after their decease. But the moment that there flows in the thought of the Last Judgment, this idea is changed into a material idea about their earthly body, that it is again to be joined with their soul. For they do not know that in respect to his interiors every man is a spirit, and that it is this which lives in the body, and not the body from itself; and that the spirit of everyone is that from which the body has its human form, consequently which is chiefly the man, and in a like form, but invisible before the eyes of the body, yet visible before the eyes of spirits.

[4] And it is also from this that when the sight of a man's spirit is opened, which is effected by the removal of the sight of the body, angels are seen as men; as also did angels appear to the ancients of whom we read in the Word. I have also sometimes spoken with spirits whom I had known when they lived as men in the world, asking them whether they wish to be clothed again with their earthly body, as they had before thought. On hearing this they fled far away at the mere idea of such a conjunction, being filled with amazement that in the world they had so thought from a blind faith without any understanding.

…[15] (I spoke with them concerning the inhabitants of our earth, that, being of such a character [i. e. relating to the external senses], they are unable to conceive that man can live after death, and then appear as a man, as to the face, body, arms, feet and the rest; still less that they can then appear clothed with garments, and, still less again, that they have mansions and habitations; and this solely for the reason that they think exteriorly, and only from sensuals, which are of the body; consequently they cannot be withdrawn from material things; for which reason they cannot form to themselves, concerning the soul, any idea of a man, but either an idea of wind, or another of no form; and, inasmuch as they thus have almost no idea concerning the soul, and yet, from the doctrine of the Church, they know that they are to live after death, therefore they believe they shall not rise again until a certain last judgment, and then with the body. Some believe that the soul is then conjoined to that body; some that in the interval [between death and then] man has no life, and that the soul, which belongs to life, shall then be again infused. They are permitted to believe this, because they believe that nothing lives save the body itself; wherefore, unless that is said to rise, they would wholly reject the doctrine of the resurrection. Still, this idea of the resurrection has this accompanying utility, that they believe in a life after death when they lie sick in bed and mundane and corporeal things have less weight with them. At that moment, those who have lived well uniformly think no otherwise than that they shall live immediately after death. Uninfluenced by the doctrinal concerning the last judgment, they then also speak about heaven with the hope of a life there [immediately after death]…

166. Moreover, ...on that earth...

10768. CONTINUATION ABOUT THE FIFTH EARTH IN THE STARRY HEAVEN. In addition to what has been related, some things were also seen on that earth itself, which was effected by communication with the angels who were there, and who appeared as men of the earth. For when these angels are presented to view as men in the manner above related, they see with their eyes the objects there exactly as do the inhabitants. But when they are not in this state, they see nothing of the kind, but only what is in heaven.

...their dwellings...were seen by me, and were long low houses, with windows on the sides according to the number of rooms or chambers into which they were divided. The roof was arched, and there was a door on each side at the end. They said that they were built of earth and roofed with sods, and the windows of threads of grass, so woven together that the light shone through. Children were also seen. And they said that their neighbors visited them, especially for the sake of their children, that they might be in company with other children, under the sight and auspices of their parents.

10769. Their habitations were seen, which were low houses in the form of the tents that were used by the ancients. They were drawn out to a great length, and had windows on the sides according to the number of the abodes or chambers into which they were divided. The roof was rounded, and there was a door at each end. They said that they are built of earth, and are roofed with sods; and that the windows are made of grassy threads, so woven together that the light may shine through. Little children were also seen there, and they said that the neighbors come to them especially for the sake of their own little children, so that these may be in companionship with other little children under the view and oversight of the parents.

…[9] Then, also, their habitations were seen: they were poor houses))), (rather huts than houses. . . They were rounded above, and extended lengthwise, having a door on both sides, and within, on both sides, they were divided into chambers, 5, 6, 7, according to the number of their family. They said that these are constructed from the soil there, and also from thick grassy sods, and the windows of grassy fibers interwoven, formed so that the light may be able to pass through, thus interwoven in various ways; also, that they could be opened and closed.) [There are] huts.**…

...[16] (Infants are also seen there; and it was said that neighbors come together from their habitations especially on account of the infants; so that they may be in company with the infants of neighbors, under the eyes and authority of the parents.) …

There also appeared fields then whitening with the nearly ripened harvest. The seeds or grains of this harvest were shown, and they were like the grains of Chinese wheat. We were shown also loaves made of the grain, which were small in size and square in form. Moreover there also appeared grassy plains, with flowers therein, and trees with fruits similar to pomegranates; also shrubs, which were not vines, yet bearing berries from which wine is prepared.

10770. There appeared also fields then whitening with the nearly ripe harvest. The seeds or grains of this harvest were shown, which were like the grains of Chinese wheat. Loaves of bread also were shown made from this grain, which were small and [formed] in square pieces. There also appeared grassy plains with flowers on them; and also trees that bore a fruit like pomegranates; and also plantations that were not grapevines, but yet bore berries from which they prepare wine.

[10]...There appeared there houses, or huts, of similar structure; and their fields also appeared, which were a plain of snowy-white: they said that there are grains there, which they eat and prepare in various ways. It was perceived that [they are prepared] similarly to the grain amongst the Chinese; and that such seeds are to them for bread: this they showed, and it was small, like square bits of bread. It was shown, besides, that they had herbs and flowers of various kind. Then also trees and shrubs, whereon were berries from which they prepared wine. Also, large fruits were seen, which were like pomegranates.)

167. Their sun which to us is a star, appears flaming there, and about one-fourth as large as our own sun. In their year are about two hundred days, and the days of fifteen hours length, as compared with the days on our earth. The earth itself is among the smallest in the starry heavens, being scarcely five hundred German miles* in circumference. This I learned from angels by comparison with such things as they saw in me, or in my memory, in relation to our earth. They formed these conclusions by angelic ideas, by which the measures of spaces and times are immediately known in their just relation to the spaces and times elsewhere. In such comparisons angelic ideas, which are spiritual, immensely exceed human idea which are natural. * Or two thousand English geographical miles.

10771. The sun there, which to us is a star, appears there of a flame color, about the fourth part of the size of our sun. Their year is about two hundred days long, and the day fifteen hours, as compared with the time of the days on our earth. The earth itself is one of the smallest in the starry heaven, being scarcely five hundred German miles in circumference.* These things the angels related from a comparison made with such things on our earth, which they saw in me, or in my memory. They drew these conclusions by means of angelic ideas, whereby the measures of spaces and of times are at once known in the right proportion relatively to the spaces and times elsewhere. In such matters, angelic ideas, which are spiritual, immeasurably surpass human ideas, which are natural. * The "German mile" here referred to is equal to 5.753 British statute miles, which would make the circumference of this "Fifth Earth" or planet to be a little less than 2880 American or British miles. [Reviser.]

…[14] I was instructed by the inhabitants of that earth, that their sun appears to them of the size of a fourth part of our sun, and that, in appearance, it goes around their earth; also, is of a flame-color, like our sun - which sun, nevertheless, to our eyes is a star. It was also observed that their earth was about 500 miles [German] in circumference, and that their year was of 200 days, and their day of fifteen hours compared with the hours of our time, which their spirits could know by a sort of spiritual sight respecting the duration of times and extension of spaces. This happens in a spiritual manner, not capable of being expressed by words which belong to the material form; for the words of the speech of our earth are forms of material things, wherefrom spiritual ideas are indeed arrived at, but which are, all the while, founded on material things; from which things if material conceptions be abstracted, the idea perishes. This is the case, because the inhabitants of our earth relate to the external senses.)…

A Fifth Earth in the Starry Heaven

Earths in the Universe
Arcana Coelestia
Spiritual Experiences

168. A FIFTH EARTH IN THE STARRY HEAVEN, ITS SPIRITS AND INHABITANTS. I was led again to another earth which is in the universe out of our solar system, and this also by changes of state, continued for nearly twelve hours. There were in company with me several spirits and angels from our earth, with whom I discoursed in the way or in that progression. I was carried at times obliquely upwards and obliquely downwards, continually towards the right, which in the other life is towards the south. In only two places I saw spirits, and in one I spoke with them.

In the way or progression I was enabled to observe how immense is the Lord's heaven, which is for angels and spirits; for from the parts uninhabited I was led to conclude that it was so immense, that if there were many myriads of earths, and on each earth a multitude of men as great as in ours, there would still be a place of abode for them to eternity, and it would never be filled. This I was enabled to conclude from a comparison made with the extent of the heaven which is about our earth and designed for it, which extent was respectively so small, that it did not equal a hundred millionth part of the extent uninhabited.

10783. ON A SIXTH EARTH IN THE STARRY HEAVEN. Once more was I conducted to another earth that was in the universe outside our solar world, and this also by means of changes of state continued for about twelve hours. In company with me there were a number of spirits and angels from our earth, with whom I conversed on the way or during the progression. I was carried sometimes obliquely upward, and sometimes obliquely downward, continually toward the south. In two places only did I see spirits, and in one I spoke to them.

10784. On the way, or during this progression, it was given me to observe how immense is the Lord's heaven that is for the angels. For from the regions not inhabited it was given me to conclude that it is so immense that if there were many myriads of earths, and in each as great a multitude of men as in our own, still there would be room for them to eternity, and it would never be filled. This I could conclude from a comparison made with the extent of the heaven which is about our earth, and for it.

…[5513a.] ABOUT AN EARTH IN THE UNIVERSE. (In wakefulness. - I was led a journey to some earth in the universe - a thing effected through continual changes of state - which lasted for about twelve hours. I was in company with spirits and angels. I was led in a straight line towards the south, and now indirectly upwards, now downwards, to the side of a mountain, and over mountains; also over gulfs. I also heard, here and there in the way, spirits upon the mountains, speaking to one another. I then reflected how immense was the Lord's heaven; for I was able, from the extent which I traversed, to compute, by making a comparison with the extension of the spirits and angels from our earth - which dimension was known to me - that, if several hundred myriads of earths existed, and from everyone came as many men as from our earth, there would still be room for them to eternity; nor would it ever be filled.)

169. When the angelic spirits who were from that earth came into view, they accosted us, asking who we were, and what we wanted. We said that we came for the sake of journeying, that we were directed thither, and that they had nothing to fear from us; for they were afraid we were of those who disturb them in regard to God, to faith, and things of a like nature, on account of whom they had betaken themselves to that quarter of their earth, shunning them as much as possible. We asked them by what they were disturbed. They replied, by an idea of three, and by an idea of the Divine without the Human, in God, when yet they know and perceive that God is one, and that He is Man. It was then perceived that they who disturbed them, and whom they shunned, were from our earth. This was manifest also from this, that there are from our earth those who thus wander about in the other life in consequence of their fondness for and delight in travelling, which they have contracted in the world; for on other earths there is no such custom of travelling as on ours. It was then discovered that they were monks, who had traveled on our globe from the zeal of converting the Gentiles; wherefore we told them they did well to shun them, because their intention was not to teach, but to secure gain and dominion; and that they study by various arts first to captivate men's minds, but afterwards to subject them to themselves as slaves. Moreover, that they did well in not suffering their ideas concerning God to be disturbed by such.

10785. When the angelic spirits who were from that earth came into view, they accosted us, asking who we were, and what we desired. We said that we were travelers, and that we had been conveyed thither, and that they need not be afraid of us. For they were afraid that we were of those who disturb them about God, about faith, and about other like things, on account of whom they had betaken themselves into that quarter of their earth, avoiding them wherever they could. They were asked by what those persons disturb them. They replied, "By the idea of Three, and by the idea of a Divinity in God without any Humanity, when yet they know and perceive that God is one, and that He is a Man. It was then perceived that those who disturbed them, and whom they fled from, were from our earth. This was perceived also from the fact that those in the other life who wander about in this way from an eagerness and delight in traveling which they contracted in the world, are from our earth; for on other earths there are no such travelings about. It was afterward found that their visitors were monks who had traveled about on our globe from a zeal for converting the Gentiles; and therefore we said that they do well to avoid them, because their intention is not to teach, but to get rich, and to rule; and that they first take pains to captivate the minds of others, and then they subject them to themselves as slaves. We also said that they do well in not suffering their own idea about the Lord to be disturbed by such persons.

[a2] (When I came into view, they accosted me from afar, asking who I was and what I wanted. I told them that I was there for the sake of travelling; and that I was conducted thither, and brought no one any hurt. One then asked what God I worshipped. I said that I worshipped the Lord. They replied that they also worshipped the Lord, and that they had feared whether I was from those strangers (who disturb them, and from whom they flee away) who say, and wish them to believe that God is a trine, whom they name Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and then make this trine one. They said, also, that they answered them that they know that God is one, and that He is the Lord and also man; and that they care nothing for that trine; since, from it, they get an idea of three Gods owing to which idea they are altogether confused, and likewise there perishes with them the illustration they enjoy from the Lord. I told them that we, too, who are on this earth, acknowledge one God, and also that He is the Lord; and I related to them whence they [of this earth] have the idea of a trine: that, namely, in the Word, where their revelation is, those three are named; and that they, therefore, distinguish them, and thus the Divine Itself, into three persons, and have the idea of three thence; also, that they are thus equally able to think otherwise, but that they still know that God is one, since, nevertheless, those three names are only names of the one God, and are not persons. I told them, moreover, what idea I had of the Lord, by making a comparison with an angel, [thus]: an angel has his internal, which in man is called the soul, which thinks and wills; and he has an external, called the body, which sees, speaks and acts; and he also has a sphere of love, or affection, thus of life, around himself: these three make one angel. From this comparison, may be comprehended what sort of an idea ought to be entertained of the Lord, that, namely, the Father is in Him, as Himself says; His Divine-Human is the Son; and the Holy Proceeding, which fills the heavens and constitutes them, is the Holy Spirit. Thus, this trine is one. When they heard this idea, they said that they comprehend, from that, whence the visitors got the idea of three; and, further, those who were in illustration said that they know that this is so; but they grieved that those strangers separate between the Human and the Divine in the lord, when, nevertheless, they know that the Lord, as man, is God; and that, as regards the Lord, God and man are one.)

They said further, that the above spirits confuse them by asserting that they ought to have faith and to believe the things they say; but they replied to them, that they know not what faith is nor what is meant by believing, since they perceive in themselves whether a thing be true or not. They were of the Lord's celestial kingdom, where all know from an interior perception the truths which with us are called the truths of faith, for they are in enlightenment from the Lord; but it is otherwise with those who are in the spiritual kingdom. That the angelic spirits of that earth were of the Lord's celestial kingdom, it was granted me to see from the flaming light whence their ideas flowed; for the light in the celestial kingdom is flaming, and in the spiritual kingdom it is white. They who are of the celestial kingdom, when the discourse is about truths, say no more than yea, yea, or nay, nay, and never reason about truths whether they be so or not so. These are they of whom the Lord speaks:

Let your discourse be yea, yea, and nay, nay, for whatsoever is more than this is from evil. Hence it was that those spirits said that they did not know what is meant by having faith or believing. They consider this, like a person's saying to his companion who sees houses or trees with his own eyes, that he ought to have faith or to believe that they are houses and trees, when he sees clearly that they are so. Such are they who are of the Lord's celestial kingdom, and such were these angelic spirits.# We told them that there are few on our earth who have interior perception, because in their youth they learn truths and do not do them. For man has two faculties, which are called the understanding and the will; they who admit truths no further than into the memory, and thence in some small degree into the understanding, and not into the life, that is, into the will, these, inasmuch as they are not capable of any enlightenment or interior sight from the Lord, say that those truths are to be believed, or that they are objects of faith, and also reason concerning them whether they be truths or not; yea, they are not willing that they should be perceived by any interior sight, or by any enlightenment in the understanding. They say this, because truths with them are without light from heaven, and to those who see without light from heaven, falsities may appear like truths, and truths like falsities; hence so great blindness has seized many there, that although they do not do truths or live according to them, still they say that they can be saved by faith alone, as if it were the knowledge of the things of faith which constitutes man, and not the life according to that knowledge.

10786. They said further that these persons also confuse them by telling them that they ought to have faith, and to believe all that they say; and that they reply to them that they do not know what faith is, or what it is to believe, seeing that they perceive within themselves that the thing is so. For they were of the Lord's celestial kingdom, where all know from interior perception the truths which with us are called truths of faith, because they are in enlightenment from the Lord, differently from those who are in the Lord's spiritual kingdom. That they were of this nature it was also given to see from the flame-like source of their ideas. When there is discourse about truths, those who are of the Lord's celestial kingdom say no more than Yea, yea, or Nay, nay; and they never reason about them as to whether they are so or are not so. These are they of whom the Lord says, "Let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay; that which is more than these is from evil." From this it is that these spirits said that they do not know what it is to have faith, or to believe. They consider this to be like someone telling his companion, who sees houses or trees with his own eyes, that he ought to have faith or believe that they are houses and trees, while he clearly sees that such is the fact. Such are they who belong to the Lord's celestial kingdom, and such were these angelic spirits. We told them that there are few on our earth who have interior perception, for the reason that in their youth they learn truths and do not practice them. For man has two faculties, which are called the understanding and the will; and as those who do not admit truths further than into the memory and thus a little into the understanding, but not into the life, that is, into the will, cannot be in any enlightenment or in interior sight from the Lord, they say that things must be believed, or that people must have faith. And they also reason about these things as to whether they are true or not; nay, they do not wish them to be perceived by any interior sight or understanding. They speak in this way because with them truths are devoid of light from heaven, and to those who see without light from heaven, falsities can appear as truths, and truths as falsities. From this a blindness so great has taken possession of many there, that although a man does not practice truths, that is, live according to them, they nevertheless say that he can be saved by faith alone.

[a3] (They said, moreover, that those strangers confuse them by saying that they ought to have faith and believe, and that they are ignorant what faith is and what believing is, since they perceive in themselves that a thing is so, or so. To this, it was replied, that it is not necessary to tell those who are in illustration that they should believe, or have faith, since this would be like as if a man, who, with his own eyes, sees gardens, trees, fields and the like, should be told that he must believe that the gardens, the trees, and the fields exist - since he sees them; and that the case is similarly circumstanced with the faith of the things which they say, most of which are such as they do not understand. I said, further, that the reason that they say "faith," is, because man's two faculties are understanding and will; and that most of them know things from the Word, and thus understand, but do not do; and that, therefore, because the sowing of the Divine virtue from the Word goes no further than into the understanding, and not into the will, they say "believing," and "faith," when they would have said differently, if, from willing, they also did. They were given to understand that [those referred to] are able to be regenerated, but no others have the understanding illustrated save those who live according to those things [the Word teaches], and thus desire Divine truths in themselves. They comprehended this; and I perceived how greatly they were in illustration, also that their interiors were opened and in light and that they were in the celestial kingdom, - the subjects of which neither tolerate "faith," nor are willing to "believe," but say "yea, yea," or "nay, nay.") …

...[a17] (As regards their spirits, moreover, they bitterly complain, of the strangers who come to them from other earths, that they greatly disturb them as respects those things which belong to their worship, and said that they flee from them; also that the strangers speak of such things as they are not able to understand, but which they say ought to be believed; and that they themselves who say this do not understand those things; and that they aim at nothing else than that they may rule over them. Many of those [strangers] appeared, but were separated from the spirits of that earth: the spirits of [that] earth were on the western side, but the former ones on the eastern side. Amongst others who come thither are monks; and it was perceived that they were of those who, in the world, have traveled all round about and converted the heathen. They also travel about in the other life, in similar fashion. They said of one of these, that, when he first came, he did not say anything else than that the faith ought to be held about the Lord, that He was born, and that He was crucified and suffered for us; and that they ought to venerate His missionaries. When they hear this, they say that they know the Lord to be Man, and that they cannot learn anything from them [i.e. the monks,] since the Lord Himself teaches them; also, that they do not know what they are aiming at.)...

We afterwards discoursed with them concerning the Lord, concerning love to Him, concerning love toward the neighbor, and concerning regeneration; saying that to love the Lord is to love the commandments which are from Him, which is to live according to them from love.## That love toward the neighbor is to will good and thence do good to a fellow-citizen, to one's country, to the church, and to the Lord's kingdom, not for the sake of self, to be seen, or to merit, but from the affection of good.### Concerning regeneration, we observed that they who are regenerated by the Lord, and commit truths immediately to life, come into an interior perception concerning them; but that they who receive truths first in the memory, and afterwards will them and do them, are they who are in faith; for they act from faith, which is then called conscience. They said that they perceived these things to be so, and thus perceived also what faith is. I discoursed with them by spiritual ideas, whereby such things may be exhibited and comprehended in light. # Heaven is distinguished into two kingdoms, one of which is called the celestial kingdom, the other the spiritual kingdom (n. 3887, 4138). The angels in the celestial kingdom know innumerable things and are immensely more wise than the angels in the spiritual kingdom (n. 2718). The celestial angels do not think and speak from faith, like the spiritual angels, but from an internal perception that a thing is so (n. 202, 597, 607, 784, 1121, 1387, 1398, 1442, 1919, 7680, 7877, 8780). The celestial angels say only concerning the truths of faith, yea, yea, or nay, nay, but the spiritual angels reason whether it be so or not so (n. 202, 337, 2715, 3246, 4448, 9196). ## To love the Lord is to live according to His commandments (n. 10,143, 10,153, 10,310, 10,578, 10,648). ### To love the neighbor is to do what is good, just, and right, in every work and in every function, from the affection of what is good, just, and right (n. 8120-8122, 10,310, 10,336). A life of love towards the neighbor is a life according to the Lord's commandments (n. 3249).

10787. We afterward spoke to them about the Lord, about love to Him, about love toward the neighbor, and about regeneration, saying that to love the Lord is to love the commandments which are from Him, that is, to live according to them from this love; that love toward the neighbor is to will good and from this to do good to one's fellow-citizen, to our country, to the church, to the Lord's kingdom, not for the sake of self, to be seen, or to have merit; but from the affection of good. With regard to regeneration, we said that those who are being regenerated by the Lord, and who introduce truths at once into the life, come into interior perception about them; but that those who receive truths first in the memory, and then in the understanding, and finally in the will, are those who are in faith; for they act from faith, which is then called conscience. They said that they perceived these things to be so, consequently also what faith is.

...[a4] (That they were in illustration, and perceived in themselves what was true and good, I was enabled to know from the fact that many things were told them about charity, about love, and about regeneration, and they immediately knew them to he as stated.)

170. The spirits with whom I now discoursed were from the northern part of their earth. I was afterwards led to others who were on the western part. These also, wishing to discover who and what I was, immediately said that there was nothing in me but evil, thinking thus to deter me from approaching nearer. It was perceived that this was their manner of accosting all who came to them; but it was granted me to reply that I well knew it to be so, and that with them also there was nothing but evil, by reason that every one is born in evil, and therefore whatever comes from man, spirit, and angel, as from what is his own, or his proprium, is nothing but evil, inasmuch as all good with every one is from the Lord. Hence they perceived that I was in the truth, and I was admitted to speak with them. They then showed me their idea concerning evil with man, and concerning good from the Lord, how they are separated from each other. They placed one near the other, almost contiguous, but still distinct, yet as it were bound together in a manner inexpressible, so that the good led the evil, and restrained it, insomuch that it was not allowed it to act at pleasure; and thus the good bent the evil in whatever direction desired, without the evil knowing it. In this manner they exhibited the dominion of good over evil, and at the same time a state of freedom.

10808. CONTINUATION ABOUT THE SIXTH EARTH IN THE STARRY HEAVEN. These spirits, with whom I now conversed, were from the northern part of their earth. I was next conducted to others who were from the western part. These too, wishing to search out who I was, and of what quality, at once said that there was nothing but evil in me. They thought that in this way I should be deterred from approaching nearer. It was perceived that this is the first thing they say to all who come to them. But it was given me to reply that I well know that such is the case, and that in them likewise there is nothing but evil; for the reason that everyone is born into evil, and therefore whatever comes of man, spirit, and angel, coming as it does from what belongs to himself, that is, from what is his own, is nothing but evil; because all the good that is in anyone is from the Lord. From this they perceived that I was in the truth, and I was admitted to speak with them; and they then showed me their idea about evil in man, and about good from the Lord; in what manner they are kept separate from each other. They set one near the other, almost contiguous, but still separate, yet as it were bound in an unspeakable manner, so that the good led the evil, and bridled it; so that it was not allowed to act at its pleasure; and that in this way the good bent the evil to what it desired, without the evil being aware of it. In this manner they set forth the rule of good over evil, and at the same time the free state in which evil is led by good to good, thus to the Lord; for from their idea of good they had an idea of the Lord, because it is from Him.

[a5] (After this, I came to other spirits of the same earth, who were still farther on, at the western side of that earth. These told me that, with me, there was nothing but what was evil. I replied, that I knew it, and that the case was the same with them and with everyone; and that all the good which is with anyone is from the Lord. They thence perceived that I was in the truth; therefore, they spoke with me about that matter, and showed their idea of good, [namely] that it is from the Lord, and of evil, that it is in man; also, that the Divine always leads to good, although evil follows with it; but, still, one is distinct from the other; so that the Divine governs, and leads, and restrains, lest evil should be in freedom and prevail.)

They then asked how the Lord appeared with the angels from our earth. I said that He appears in the sun as Man, encompassed therein with solar fire, whence the angels in the heavens have all light; and that the heat which proceeds thence is the Divine good, and that the light which proceeds thence is the Divine truth, each from the Divine love, which is the fire appearing around the Lord in that sun. That sun, however, appears only to the angels in heaven, and not to the spirits who are beneath, since they are more removed from the reception of the good of love and of the truth of faith, than the angels who are in the heavens (see above, n. 40). It was granted them thus to inquire concerning the Lord, and concerning His appearance before the angels from our earth, because it then pleased the Lord to present Himself before them, and to reduce into order the things which had been disturbed by the evil spirits of whom they complained. This also was the reason why I was led thither, that I might see these things.

10809. They then asked how the Lord appears with the angels from our earth. I said that He appears in the Sun as a Man, encompassed there with solar fire, from which the angels in the heavens have all their light; and that the heat which proceeds from it is Divine good, and that the light which is from it is Divine truth, both from the Divine love, which is the fiery appearance round the Lord in that Sun; but that that Sun is seen only by the angels in heaven, and not by the spirits who are beneath, because these are more remote from the reception of the good of love and the truth of faith than are the angels who are in the heavens. But as regards the sun of the world, it is seen by no one in the other life, yet it appears in their idea as something that is black and not visible, from its being opposite to the Sun of heaven, which is the Lord. The reason why it was given them to inquire about the Lord and about His appearance before the angels from our earth, was that it then pleased the Lord to present Himself as present with them, and to reduce into order the things that had been disturbed by the evil ones there about which they had complained. It was in order that I might see these things that I had been brought there.

[a6] They afterwards asked me how the Lord appears to the angels of our earth. I said that He appears in the sun, and that (He is the sun of heaven, from which proceeds all the Light there is with the angels and spirits, or all the light there is with all in the other life. They said that they know this is the case; but that, still, the Lord appears to them in a different way, when He descends and appears present.)

171. There was then seen a dark cloud toward the east, descending from on high, which in descending gradually appeared bright and in the human form; and this form at length appeared in a flaming radiance, around which were little stars of the same color. In this manner the Lord presented Himself before the spirits with whom I was speaking. To this Presence were then gathered together from every side all the spirits who were there; and when they came, the good were separated from the evil, the good to the right and the evil to the left, and this at once, as of their own accord. And those on the right were arranged according to the quality of their good, and those on the left according to the quality of their evil. The good were then left to form a heavenly society among themselves; but the evil were cast into the hells. I saw afterward that this flaming radiance descended quite deep into the lower parts of the earth there; and then it appeared, now flamy verging to brightness, now bright verging to obscurity, and now in obscurity. And I was told by angels that the appearance is according to the reception of truth from good, and of falsity from evil, with those who inhabit the lower parts of that earth; and that the flamy radiance itself did not at all undergo such variations. They said also that the lower parts of that earth were inhabited as well by the good as by the evil; but well separated, in order that the evil might be ruled through the good by the Lord. They added that the good were by turns taken up thence into heaven by the Lord, and others succeed in their place, and so on continually. In that descent the good were in like manner separated from the evil, and all things were reduced into order. For the evil, by various arts and crafty devices, had introduced themselves into the dwellings of the good there, and infested them; and this was the cause of that visitation.

10810. There was then seen a dim cloud toward the east descending from some height, and which as it came down gradually appeared bright, and in the human form; and finally this form was in a flaming radiance, around which were little stars of the same color. In this way did the Lord present Himself before the spirits with whom I was conversing. To this presence then were gathered from every side all the spirits who were there; and as they came the good were separated from the evil, the good to the right, and the evil to the left, and this at once as of their own accord. And those who were to the right were arranged in order according to the quality of their good, and those who were to the left according to the quality of their evil. Those who were good were left to form a heavenly society among themselves; but the evil were cast into the hells. I afterward saw that the flaming radiance descended into the lower parts of the earth there to a considerable depth, and as it did so appeared at one time as a flaming that verged to brightness, at another as a brightness that verged to dimness, and at another as a dimness. And I was told by the angels that this appearance is according to the reception of truth from good, and of falsity from evil, with those who inhabit the lower parts of that earth; and that it was not at all because that flaming radiance underwent such variations. They also said that the lower parts of that earth are inhabited by both the good and the evil; but that they are well separated, to the intent that the evil may be directed by the Lord by means of the good. They added that the good are by turns raised up by the Lord from thence, into heaven, and that others succeed in their place; and so continually. As the flaming radiance descended, the good were in the same way separated from the evil, and all things were reduced into order. For by various arts and cunning tricks the evil had introduced themselves there into the abodes of the good, and had infested them; and this was the cause of that visitation.

[a7] (Then was shown me, to the life, how the Lord appears with them. A dark cloud appeared at the front, at a certain altitude, descending; and, in descending, the cloud appeared more and more in the human form, and when it came to the spirits it then appeared in a flaming brilliancy, around which were little stars of the same color; and, when it was there, the spirits of that region assembled together from all places, and then it divided them - those who were good at the right hand, and those who were not good at the left, and thus arranged them in order according to the quality of their uprightness and goodness, and afterwards, thus arranged in order, sent them back. They said that this takes place as often as they begin to become evil and the upright to be led away by the evil. I afterwards saw Him descending pretty deeply; and then it [i.e. the cloud\ appeared bright, but on the way the brightness was differently varied, and, at length, changed to obscurity; and it was said that this is altogether according to the uprightness and goodness of those whom it passes through - with those who are in truths it appears bright, with those who are in falses from evil, dark; with those who are in good, flaming. The spirits, there, also saw this; and they said that it often happens, and that it happens in that way. It was told them, also, that all things are thus reduced to order which were become disarranged; and that, as often as they are brought into evils and thrown into disorder, so often [the cloud] reduces them thus to order.)…

[a9] …(Then, too, all the evil are separated by the Lord from the good and cast into hell and thus those there are purged. This was the first visitation upon them - which they have been expecting.)

That cloud, which in descending gradually appeared bright and in the human form, and then as a flamy radiance, was an angelic society, in the midst of which was the Lord, From this it wan given to know what is meant by the Lord's words in the Evangelists, where He speaks of the Last Judgment:

That He will come with the angel in the clouds of heaven with glory and power.

10811. That cloud, which as it descended appeared gradually brighter, and in the human form, and afterward as a flaming radiance, was an angelic society, in the midst of which was the Lord. From this it was given to know what is meant by the Lord's words, where He speaks in the Gospels about the Last Judgment: that "He will come with the angels in the clouds of heaven with glory and power."

...[a8] (That which appeared sent to them was an angelic society from the Lord, in the midst of whom, at the time, the Divine of the Lord was; for His presence in the heavens is the Divine with angelic societies.*)...

172. Afterward some monkish spirits were seen, namely, those who had been travelling monks or missionaries in the world, and who have been spoken of above; and a crowd of spirits was also seen, who were from that earth, most of them evil, whom they had drawn over and seduced to their side. These were seen at the eastern quarter of that earth, from which they drove away the good, who betook themselves to the northern side of that earth, and have been spoken of above. That crowd, together with their seducers was collected into one body, to the number of some thousands, and was separated when the evil were cast into the hells. I was granted to speak with one spirit who was a monk, and to ask what he did there. He replied that he taught them concerning the Lord. I asked, what besides. He said, concerning heaven and hell. I asked, what further. He said, concerning a belief in all that he should say. I asked, what further. He said, concerning the power of remitting sins, and of opening and shutting heaven. He was then examined as to what he knew concerning the Lord, concerning the truths of faith, concerning the remission of sins, concerning man's salvation, and concerning heaven and hell; and it was discovered that he knew scarcely anything, and that he was in obscurity and falsity concerning all and each of them, and that he was possessed solely by the lust of gain and dominion which he had contracted in the world and brought with him thence. Wherefore he was told that, because he had traveled so far led by that lust, and was such as to doctrine, he must needs deprive the spirits of that earth of celestial light, and bring in the darkness of hell, and thus bring them under the dominion of hell, and not of the Lord. Moreover he was cunning in seducing, but stupid as to those things which are of heaven. Because he was such he was then cast thence into hell. Thus the spirits of that earth were liberated from them.

10812. Afterward there were seen monkish spirits, who in the world had been traveling monks or missionaries, as above related. And there was also seen a crowd consisting of spirits of that earth, most of them evil, whom they had drawn over to their party and had seduced. These were seen at the eastern quarter of that earth, from which they drove away the good, who as before related appeared at the north side of the earth. That crowd, together with those who had seduced them, were gathered into one to the number of several thousands, and were separated, and the evil from among them were cast into the hells. It was also granted me to converse with one spirit, a monk, and to ask him what he was doing there. He said that he was teaching them about the Lord "What else?" "About heaven and hell." "What else?" "About belief in all things which I shall say." "What else?" "About the power of remitting sins and of opening and closing heaven." He was then examined as to what he knew about the Lord, about the truths of faith, about the remission of sins, about the salvation of man, and about heaven and hell; and it was found that he knew scarcely anything, and that he was in obscurity and falsity about each and all things, and that there was nothing seated in him but the cupidity of acquiring wealth and dominion. He had contracted this cupidity in the world, and consequently he had it in him, and he was therefore told that as he had traveled so far under the influence of this cupidity, and as such was his condition in respect to doctrine, his presence among the spirits of that earth could have no other result than the taking away of heavenly light, and the introduction of the darkness of hell, the effect of which would be that hell would rule in them, and not the Lord. Moreover, in spite of his stupidity in respect to the things that belong to heaven, he was cunning in leading people astray; and being of such a character he was then cast into hell. In this manner were the spirits of that earth freed from those monkish missionaries.

[a19] (I then saw that a visitation was made upon those strangers, and that they were assembled in one place, up to several thousands, and cast out thence; and thus [the residents] were freed from such ones. With those also who were cast out, was the monk, who appeared naked, but only to the waist, being girt with a mantle, and, as to the feet, encased in shoes.)…[a22] (I next spoke with the monk who had been with those [strangers]. Inquiry was made as to what sort of a man he was, and what he did there? He said, That he taught them about the Lord. - What else? About heaven and hell. - What else? About faith in all the things he was going to tell them. - What else? About the Pope, that he has the power of opening heaven to whomsoever he pleases. They heard this, and investigated as to whether he believed in the Lord. It was found [that he believed] in no God; and, as to what heaven and hell are, he knows nothing more than that heaven is above and hell beneath; and about faith, that people ought to believe whatever he wished. When they heard about the Pope, they said that there is folly with every man, and that he [the monk] ought to be ranked amongst fools; for they could not imagine that such things could come into the mind of anyone. He was asked, What more? He said, That he should rule over them. To this they said: "What is this? What is it to rule?" - also, that thus he wished to take from them all heavenly light, and bring them into the darkness of hell; since he knew nothing except such things as were from hell, not even what the Lord is, of whom he had the idea of a humanity altogether like that belonging to himself. It was thence manifested that he tarried there, animated by the lust of ruling. They asked me why he wanted to rule. I said, In order that all might be his slaves; that, thus, he might thereby rule the hells; for dominion is their love which they hug. At these things they were amazed. Moreover, he was exceedingly cunning in leading others astray, and gloried in that skill, although he knew nothing of Divine truths.)...

…[a21] (The strangers call the spirits of that earth simple, because the former place all understanding and intelligence in evil-doing; but I said that the spirits of that earth appear simple in such things, but yet they are a thousand times wiser [than the strangers]. With them is heaven; but with the strangers hell - where wickedness is wisdom, and wisdom, simplicity and almost nothing.) …

173. The spirits of that earth mentioned also, among other things, that those strangers, who, as has been said, were monkish spirits, used all their endeavors to persuade them to live together in society, and not separate and solitary; for spirits and angels dwell and associate in like manner as in the world; they who have dwelt in communities in the world, dwell also in a similar state in the other life; and they who have dwelt in a separate state, divided into houses and families, dwell also in a separate state in another life. These spirits on their earth, while they lived there as men, had dwelt in a separate state, house and house, families and families, and thus nation and nation apart, and hence they knew not what it was to dwell together in society. Wherefore when it was told them that those strangers wished to persuade them to dwell in society, to the intent that they might rule and have dominion over them, and that they could not otherwise subject them to themselves and make them slaves, they replied that they were totally ignorant what was meant by ruling and domineering. That they flee away at the very idea of rule and dominion, was made manifest to me from this, that one of them, who accompanied us back again, when I showed him the city in which I dwelt, at the first sight of it fled away, and was no more seen.

10813. Among other things, the spirits of that earth also said that those visitors who as has been said were monkish spirits, were extremely desirous that they should live together in a society, and not separated and solitary. For spirits and angels dwell and live together in a like manner as in the world, because everyone's life in the world follows him. Those who in the world have dwelt congregated together, so dwell there; and those who have dwelt separated into houses and families dwell there in the same way. When these spirits lived on their earth, they dwelt separate, household by household, family by family, and thus nation by nation; and consequently they did not know what it is to dwell together in a society; so that when they were told that the reason why those visitors desired this was in order that they might command or have dominion over them, and that otherwise they could not subject them to themselves and make them slaves, they replied that they did not at all know what it is to command and have dominion. That they flee at the mere idea of command or rule, I observed from the fact that when I showed the city in which I dwelt to one of them who accompanied us back, at the first view of it he fled away and was seen no more. Be it known that when it pleases the Lord, spirits and angels can see through a man's eyes the things which are in the world; but the Lord allows this solely with one to whom He grants to speak with spirits and angels, and to be with them. It was granted them to see through my eyes the things which are in the world as plainly as I myself see them, and also to hear men speaking with me.

...[a12] (Further, that they live among themselves house-by-house, and never together, but that still there is social interaction with them between the families; and that also they have only one married partner, and not more, because this, with them, is against Divine order.)…

[a20] (When I went away from these, a spirit from them followed me, in order that he might see the sort of objects that were on our earth. He saw many utensils made of porcelain, or of Indian clay. He saw things made of iron, of silver, and of various kinds of wood, and many articles of household furniture. He said that he had never seen such things; and, when I wished to show him a town, which lay open to the gaze when I ascended in the house, he instantly fled away, being unwilling to see it for the reason mentioned above: since, when I had the idea of a town, I had also government by kings and by primates, and many like matters, in the idea.)...

174. I then spoke with the angels who were with me concerning dominion, saying that there are two kinds of dominion, one of love towards the neighbor, and the other of self-love; and that the dominion of love towards the neighbor is among those who dwell separated into houses, families, and nations; whereas the dominion of self-love is among those who dwell together in society. Among those who live separated into houses, families, and nations, he has dominion who is the father of the nation, and under him the father of families, and under these the father of each house. He is called the father of the nation from whom the families originate, from which families the houses are derived; but all these exercise dominion from love, like that of a father towards his children, who teaches them how they ought to live, does good to them, and as far as he can, gives them of his own. It never enters into his mind to subject them to himself, as subjects or as servants, but he loves that they should obey him as sons obey their father. And because this love increases in descending, as is known, therefore the father of the nation acts from a more interior love than the father himself from whom the sons are next descended. Such also is the dominion in the heavens, inasmuch as such is the Lord's dominion; for His dominion is from the Divine love towards the whole human race. But the dominion of self-love, which is opposite to the dominion of love towards the neighbor, began when man alienated himself from the Lord; for in proportion as man does not love and worship the Lord, in the same proportion he loves and worships himself, and so far also he loves the world. Then from necessity that they might be safe, the nations with their families and houses, formed themselves into one body, and established governments under various forms. For in proportion as self-love increased, in the same proportion all kinds of evil, as enmity, envy, hatred, revenge, cruelty and deceit, increased with it, being exercised against all who opposed them. For from the proprium in which they are who are in self-love, nothing but evil springs, inasmuch its man's proprium is nothing but evil, and because the proprium is evil, it does not receive good from heaven. Hence self-love, while it has dominion, is the father of all such evils.# And that love is also of such a nature that as far as the reins are relaxed it rushes on, until at length every one possessed by it wishes to domineer over all others in the whole world, and to possess all the goods of others. Yea, even this is not enough, but he wishes to have dominion over the whole heaven, as may be evident from the Babylon of this day. This then is the rule of self-love, from which the rule of the love of the neighbor differs as much as heaven does from hell. But however great such dominion of self-love is in societies or in kingdoms and empires, still even in these is found also the dominion of love towards the neighbor among those who are wise from faith in and love to God; for these love the neighbor. That these also dwell in the heavens distinguished into nations, families, and houses, although in societies together, but according to spiritual affinities, which are those of the good of love and the truth of faith, will by the Divine mercy of the Lord be told elsewhere. # Man's proprium, which he derives from his parents, is nothing but dense evil (n. 210, 215, 731, 874, 876, 987, 1047, 2307, 2318, 3518, 3701, 3812, 8480, 8550, 10,283, 10,284, 10,286, 10,731). Man's proprium consists in loving himself more than God, and the world more than heaven, and in making light of his neighbor in respect to himself, except it be for the sake of himself, and thus from motives of self-love and the love of the world (n. 694, 731, 4317, 5660). All evils flow from self-love and the love of the world, when they have dominion (n. 1307, 1308, 1321, 1594, 1691, 3413, 7255, 7376, 7480, 7488, 8318, 9335, 9348, 10,038, 10,742). These evils are contempt of others, enmity, hatred, revenge, cruelty, and deceit (n. 6667, 7372-7374, 9348, 10,038, 10,742). And that from these evils every falsity flows (n. 1047, 10,283, 10,284, 10,286).

10814. It was then given me to speak with the angels who were with me about rule of various kinds, and to say that there are two kinds of rule; one of love toward the neighbor, and the other of the love of self; and that the rule of love toward the neighbor prevails among those who dwell separated into houses, families, and nations; but the rule of the love of self among those who dwell together in a society. Among those who live separated into houses, families, and nations, it is the father of the nation, and under him the fathers of families, and under these the fathers of each household, who rule. He is called the father of the nation from whom come the families, and from the families the households. But all these rule from love like that of a father toward his children, who teaches them how they ought to live, bestows benefits upon them, and as far as he is able gives them of his own. Nor does it ever enter into his mind to subject them under himself as subjects or as servants; but he loves that they should obey him as sons obey their father. And as this love grows as it descends (as is known), therefore the father of the nation acts from a more interior love than the immediate father of the sons himself. Such also is the rule in the heavens, because such rule is of the Lord; for His rule is from His Divine love toward the whole human race.

[2] But the rule of the love of self, which is opposite to the rule of love toward the neighbor, began when man estranged himself from the Lord; because insofar as a man does not love and worship the Lord, so far he loves and worships himself; and so far also he loves the world more than heaven. It then became a matter of necessity-for the sake of their safety-for the nations with their families and households to betake themselves into a united body, and to begin governments under various forms. For insofar as this love increased, so far increased evils of every kind, such as enmities, envyings, hatreds, revenges, deceits, and fierce ragings against all who opposed them. Moreover, this love is of such a nature that insofar as the reins are given it, it rushes on until at last all such persons wish to rule over all in the whole world, and everyone wishes to possess all the goods of others; and even this is not enough; he also wishes to rule over the universal heaven; as can be seen from the modern Babylonia. This then is the rule of the love of self; from which the rule of love toward the neighbor differs as heaven does from hell.

[3] But although such is the nature of the rule of the love of self in societies, there is nevertheless a rule of love toward the neighbor even in kingdoms, with those who are wise from faith and love to God, for these love the neighbor. That these also dwell in the heavens, divided into nations, families, and households (although they are at the same time in societies, but according to spiritual relationships, which are those of the good of love and the truth of faith) of the Lord's Divine mercy elsewhere. A continuation about this sixth earth in the starry heaven will be found at the end of the following chapter.

[a23] ([It has been mentioned] that they dwell alone, house-by-house, family-by-family, and tribe-by-tribe, and that the patriarch is supreme amongst them, and they revere him. He does not, however, rule over them from the love of self, but from the love of them, or towards them; therefore, he wishes well to them more than to himself, like a parent to his children. They consult him and he advises them about every matter whatever. Thus, the rule of love is amongst them - the rule of love for the sake of others, as different as possible from the rule of the love of self. That love, also, is from heaven, where the Divine love is of such a nature; and self-love is from hell, because there the love of self reigns. But, at this day, no such rule, or no such republic, can be established, inasmuch as there resides in everyone, from heredity, the love of reigning over others for the sake of his own honor and repute, and the love of possessing the wealth of the world beyond necessaries; and, if it could, it would also wish to possess all things in the universal earth.) * Compare Heaven and Hell, 69. -ED. …

[a18] (I said that the inhabitants of our earth dwell together in towns. When they heard this, they all fled as from fear; but, still, I spoke with them at a distance about that matter. They said that those strangers wish them to do the same, and that therefore they fled; knowing, that if they should live together, then many evils would assail them, as the lust of ruling, and also of possessing the goods of others, and of envying others, and thus enmities - of which evils they know nothing when they live alone, house-by-house. They also comprehend that those strangers endeavored to persuade them to such practices in various ways, solely from the lust of governing; and therefore it was that they fled away as soon as they heard of towns.) ...

175. I afterward questioned those spirits about various things on the earth from which they were, and first about their Divine worship and revelation. In regard to worship they said that the nations with their families assemble at one place every thirtieth day, and hear preaching; and that the preacher then, from a pulpit raised a little above the earth, teaches them Divine truths, which lead to the good of life. Concerning revelation they said that it came in the early morning, in a state midway between sleep and wakefulness, when they are in interior light not yet interrupted by the bodily senses and by worldly things. And that they then hear angels of heaven speaking of Divine truths, and of a life according to them; that when they awaken, an angel in a white garment appears to them by the bed, who then suddenly disappears from their sight; and that from this they know that what they have heard is from heaven. In this way Divine vision is distinguished from vision not Divine; for in vision not Divine no angel appears. They added that revelations are made in this manner to their preachers, also sometimes to others.

10833. CONTINUATION ABOUT THE SIXTH EARTH IN THE STARRY HEAVEN. I afterward questioned those spirits about various things in the earth from which they were; and first about their Divine worship. To this they replied that the nations together with their families assemble every thirtieth day at one place, and hear preachings, and that from a pulpit raised somewhat above the ground the preacher then teaches them truths Divine which lead to the good of life. They were asked from what source they have a knowledge of truths Divine. They said that it is from revelation; and with regard to revelation they stated that it takes place in the morning, in a state midway between sleep and waking, when they are in interior light not yet interrupted by the senses of the body, and by worldly things; and that they then hear angels of heaven speaking about truths Divine and a life according to them; and that when they become awake an angel appears to them at the bedside in a white garment, who then suddenly disappears from their eyes, and from this they know that the things which they have heard are from heaven. In this way a vision of Divine origin is distinguished from a vision that is not Divine; for no angel appears in a vision that is not Divine. They added that revelations are made to their preachers, and sometimes also to others, in a similar way.

…[a13] (Moreover, that they are called together every thirtieth day and listen to preachings by those who are illustrated by the Lord; and that this takes place under the open sky; also, that [the minister] preaches in a somewhat high pulpit, and teaches. Concerning revelation, they said that there are revelations with those who teach and preach, and sometimes also with others; and that revelation takes place in the following way: in the morning time, in the interval between sleep and waking, they hear, as it were, angels out of heaven, on Divine Truths and on a life according to them; and when they wake up an angel in white suddenly appears beside the bed and vanishes. It is thus evident to them that those things which they have heard are Divine. This happens in order that they may know the difference between Divine visions and visions not Divine; for, in the latter, no such angel appears.)…

176. To an inquiry concerning their houses, they said that they are low, of wood, with a flat roof, around which project caves sloping downward; and that in the front part dwell the husband and wife, in the next adjoining part the children, and after them the maid-servants and men-servants. Of their food they said that they drink milk with water, and that they have the milk from cows, which are woolly like sheep.

Of their life they said that they walk naked, and that to them nakedness is not a cause of shame; also that their social interaction is with those who are within their families.

10835. In reply to a question about their houses, they said that they are low, of wood, with a flat roof, around which is a coping sloping downward; and that in the front part of the house dwell the husband and wife, the children in the part adjoining, and the menservants and maidservants behind. With respect to their food, they said that they live on fruit and vegetables, and that they drink milk with water, and have the milk from cows which are woolly like sheep.

10836. With regard to their life, they said that they go about quite naked, and that nakedness is no shame to them; also that their interaction is with those who are within the families.

[a15] (The men wear on the head a felt hat, round in the brim, and black. Their houses are low, made only of white-colored woods, over which is a roof, flat on the higher part, with a sloping cornice at the sides. At one part of that house are the wife and husband, with the maids and men-servants. The house is also continued into the distance, where the fleece-bearing cows are.)… …[11]

They said, also, that they live on fruits and vegetables, and not the flesh of animals, and that they drink milk mixed with water, and that they have fleece-bearing [cows], like sheep but of the size of cows and young bullocks. …

177. In regard to the sun of that earth they related that to the inhabitants it has a flamy appearance; that the length of their years is two hundred days, and that a day equals nine hours of our time, which they could conclude from the length of the days of our earth perceived in me. And further, that they have perpetual spring and summer, and consequently that the fields are ever green, and the trees ever bearing fruit. The reason of this is, because their year is so short, being equal only to seventy-five days of our year; and when the years are so short, the cold does not continue long in winter nor the heat in summer, whence the ground is continually verdant.

10834. With respect to the sun of that earth, which to us is a star, they said that it appears to the inhabitants of the size of the human head, of the color of flame; that their year is two hundred days long, and that a day is equal to nine hours of our time, which they were able to infer from the length of the days of our earth as perceived in me; and further that they have perpetual spring and summer, and consequently that the fields are in bloom, and the trees bear fruit, continuously. The reason of this is that their year is so short, being equal only to the time of seventy-five days of our year; and where the years are so short, there the cold does not linger in winter, nor the heat in summer, in consequence of which the ground is constantly in a state of spring.

...[a10] Afterwards, I inquired of them about their earth, what kind it was, and especially about their sun on that earth. They said that it was of the largeness of a man's head and of a flaming color; also, that their day equals only nine hours of our time; which they could tell by virtue of the ratio of our days, which was with me. I inquired about their years: they said that each has 200 [of their] days, which was nearly 76 days of our time. Hence I was enabled to conclude that they do not have winter but an almost autumnal season instead; for, since the days are so short, and the years so short, the cold cannot become severe, but there must be perpetual summer. They also said that it was always summer with them; and that their fields and their trees are continually in bloom...

178. Concerning betrothals and marriages in that earth, they related that a daughter, when she arrives at a marriageable age, is kept at home, nor is she allowed to leave the house till the day she is to be married; that then she is conducted to a certain connubial house, where there are also many other young women of marriageable age brought together, and there they are placed behind a screen, which reaches to the middle of the body, so that they appear naked as to the breast and face: and that then the young men come thither to choose for themselves a wife. And when a young man sees one that seems suited to him, and to whom his mind draws him, he takes her by the hand; and if she then follows him, he leads her to a house prepared, and she becomes his wife. For they see from the face whether they agree in mind, inasmuch as there every one's face is an index of the mind, and in nothing does it dissemble and deceive. That all things may be done decently and without lasciviousness, an old man is seated behind the virgins, and an old woman at the side of them, to make their observations. There are many such places to which the young women are conducted: and also stated times for the young men to make their choice. For if they do not find a maid to suit them in one place, they go to another; and if not at one time, they return again at a future time. They said further, that a husband has only one wife, and never more than one, because this is contrary to Divine order.


10837. As regards betrothals and marriages among the inhabitants on that earth, they related that a daughter of marriageable age is kept at home, and is not allowed to go out until the day when she is to be married; and that she is then conducted to a certain wedding house, whither also have been brought a number of other young women who are marriageable; and they are there placed behind a partition that is raised as high as the middle part of their bodies, so that they are seen undressed merely in respect to the breast and face; and then the young men come thither to choose one for a wife; and when a young man sees one who is like himself, and to whom his mind draws him, he takes her by the hand; and if she then follows he leads her into a house that has been made ready, and she becomes his wife. For in that earth people see from the faces of others whether they agree in their minds, because there the face of everyone is the index of the mind, being quite free from pretence and deception. That all things may be done in a becoming manner, and without lasciviousness, an old man sits behind the virgin girls, and at their side an old woman, and they keep watch. There are a number of such places to which the young women are led, and there are also stated times when the young men may make their choice. For if they do not see a girl who suits them in one place, they go away to another; and if not at that time, they return at a subsequent time. They said further that a husband has only one wife, and never more, because this is contrary to Divine order.

[a14] (They said that they walk about, there, entirely naked, inasmuch as [they are] in their own homes and around them, and because nakedness, with them, has nothing to do with shame: there is nothing lascivious in it. Maidens, however, do not go out, but stay at home till they arrive at a marriageable age. They are then taken to stated places, and posted behind a certain bench, by which the lower parts are screened and the breast-parts left exposed; and then the young men who were about to marry come to the place and see them, and choose themselves one for a wife. They see, instantly, from their faces, whether they are like themselves in minds and habits, inasmuch as their interiors are not hidden, but are manifest from their countenances. This occurs in different places. The young men who are about to take a wife come thither, and, if they do not meet with one, they go back. Also, when they have chosen, she follows him; and they dwell in a place prepared for them. There is always an old man, above, at the back, who sees to it that things pass off becomingly; and at one side is an old woman, who also takes precautions that all things go on decorously.) …

[a12]… and that also they have only one married partner, and not more, because this, with them, is against Divine order.) …

[16] (I saw the men there. Their faces were longer than the faces of the men of our earth. They were flesh-colored, as with us, but the eyes were exceedingly piercing and glittering from internal light; for they have internal light, because they are in such a state.)

Concerning the Fourth Earth in the Starry Heaven

Arcana Coelestia
Spiritual Experiences

10585. CONCERNING THE FOURTH EARTH IN THE STARRY HEAVEN. To this earth, now to be described, I was not conveyed as to other earths; but the spirits themselves who were from that earth were brought to me. And when they were at a distance they were seen as a roll stretched out in length, not continuous, but in distinct parts; for there were many of them, and they were in companies. At first they were carried toward the lower parts, and it was perceived that they were trying to rise up from thence, and thus to come to me; but that they could not. Wherefore they proceeded a little to the left in front even to the earth Mars, and there they strove to rise up, which was done, but with difficulty. The reason of this was that they were of a totally different genius from the spirits of our earth; and those who are of a different genius are conveyed through various ways, so that spirits may be associated with them by means of whom conjunction may be effected. For it is the affections and thoughts that conjoin and disjoin spirits and angels. Insofar as they differ in respect to these, so far they appear separated from one another; but still they are conjoined by means of intermediate spirits, when it so pleases the Lord. This was the reason why they were brought as far as the earth Mars.

3267. CONCERNING THE INHABITANTS OF ANOTHER WORLD, OR SOME UNIVERSE IN THE STARRY HEAVEN. (There was, as it were, a volume of spirits, not so continuous as a volume of other spirits, thus as it were separated [discrete], and quite extended in breadth and length; which was perceived in the earth under me. I thence recognized that it was a certain class [genus] of spirits unknown to me. This volume endeavored to struggle upwards, thus to come hither, but it could not, or those spirits could not. It continually appeared as if held by an object; so that they could not struggle up. It was thus perceived that they had a different nature which did not accord with the nature of spirits of this earth; for there was such an obstacle.

3268. Wherefore they proceeded, as it were, by extending but still by proceeding elsewhere; [the volume] sought, or [they] sought some place where they could struggle out; but for some time in vain [for the reason, that they should have spirits with whom they should be associated, so that they could have been able to come to me): at length [they proceeded] towards the planet Mars, and there, on one side, they found a freer place for struggling out, but still an obscure [place], inasmuch as such spirits are not found there; it is only [known] that they are still capable of being conjoined in some respect.

3269. (They then spoke thence, at first concerning the spirits of the planet Mercury, who were present at a distance towards the right, about, as it appeared to me, near the end of this universe: concerning whom the spirits, new-comers in their company, spoke, saying that they are of no account; they at once perceived [sentiebant] their nature, that it did not accord with theirs.

3277. I also perceive that they have reference to such a memory, because they thus come to the knowledges of uses, and are first content [when] therein, as is the custom with the old; not that they rejoice, or take gladness in the knowledges of uses, but that thus they are contented. Their life is such, for it was communicated to me. - 1748, September 23).

3280. (As respects their mind [animum], they are also in some relation to those of Mercury, but in a lesser degree, to wit: that they are not so willing to spread abroad what they know. Wherefore they are restrained but a little, thus in a less degree than the spirits of Mercury. They also extol [exalt] themselves somewhat above others, but because they are ancient, not in a childish manner [they wish me so to write it]. They are, therefore, like the spirits of Mercury, a memory not of scattered facts [rerum], but a memory of uses continued progressively to the ninth use; hence it seems that a thought is, may be inferred from those things which have been said concerning the way of thinking of the spirits of Mercury.)

10586. After they had been conjoined with them, they immediately appeared above the head, thus near me, for by means of this conjunction there was effected a consociation of the affections and derivative thoughts with the spirits of our earth who were about me; and presence appears according to the consociation in respect to these, as can be seen from what has been said above. They then spoke with me, and said that they had there found consociate spirits.

3284. They afterwards withdrew, and indeed, backward above the head, and there immediately assembled their [spirits] whom they greeted by volume [voluminatim] by means of a sort of undulation, like waves, rising and falling in the middle; and they related to them what was done, and said to them; that they worship only their inmost life, and that whoever in the other life is of such a sort, from amongst their spirits: thus [whatever] societies can inspire such a life in them, that they worship them as god; wherefore they have not one god, but innumerable [ones]. They are now told that the Lord who rules the universe is one, and that one must needs rule: and from Him [is] the life of all.

10587. The discourse at first was about their speech on their own earth. They said that they discourse together among themselves by an internal way; and not like others by an external way; and this by means of the atmosphere, and by means of sight, which is effected in the following way. They think within themselves, and the ideas of thought are communicated to the other by a certain flowing into the interiors of the ears by a way unknown on this earth, although it is known to those who are learned in anatomy. For there is a certain canal within the mouth, called the Eustachian tube, which is open in the mouth, and ends in the chamber of the ear, and is encompassed with a thin membrane. Through this channel the air of the breath inflows with a gentle sound, and so the speaking thought is communicated. As already said, this is effected by means of the atmosphere. Moreover, when they are speaking among themselves in this way they also move the lips both in general and in particular, and these little motions advance toward the eyes, especially toward the left eye, and their interior thought and its life there manifests itself. As before said, this is effected by means of sight. From this it was evident that their face acts as a one with their thoughts; for the face has been wholly formed to portray and represent the things the man is thinking and loving. From this the face is also called the index of the mind. But this is the case with the sincere; but it is very different with the insincere, with pretenders, and with hypocrites. To confirm me that such is the case, they were allowed to move my lips and my face in a similar way; and then to perceive the objects of their thought by means of the accordance. They were asked whether any speak there by means of sonorous words, or articulated sound. They said that they do not know what is meant by the articulation of sound, but that they know what sound is. On hearing these things, I perceived the reason why they were conducted to the spirits of the earth Mars, and were consociated with them before they came to me; for a similar speech prevails among them, as can be seen where the inhabitants and spirits of Mars have been treated of (n. 7359-7362).

3278. ((They afterwards appeared above the head, quite high, saying that they have found those with whom they can be. So they spoke with me thence, and showed me the quality of their speech, to wit: [that] there is a general [communis] speech by means of the lips. My lips also moved according to the manner of their speech, in an undulatory manner; then, also, there is a particular speech by means of the motion [moving] of the muscular fibers in the lips, which I could only perceive in a general manner [communiter] to be so. When they were asked, whether or no they had a face, so that they could speak with the face; this they at first did not wish to say; but were compelled by this: that their bearded man might not be violated. They showed that their speech extended from the lips towards the eyes, which signifies extension to the intellectual [principle]; afterwards they also signify [their] gladness, or life from knowledges of uses, by means of an influx of their life into the eye, as I believe, especially [into] the left [eye].) …

10588. From hearing their discourse, a doubt occurred concerning their respiration, whether it was similar to that of the men of our earth; and it was said that it is indeed similar, but that it is not articulated on the way as it is going forth into sound, as is done with us in the trachea and the larynx; and also that their lips are moved not only by the influx of ideas into their fibers, but also by an inward breathing of the lungs.

3279. (Moreover, when I began to doubt whether they had lungs like us whereby we speak with articulate sound, they showed me by living experience how from their lungs flows an aura or atmosphere into the lips; for [it flowed] from near the interior locality of the thorax towards the circumference of the thorax, and thus upwards by means of a sort of influx of ideas into the fibers, and so into the motive [fibers], but by means of such internal pulmonary breathing; thus by an affiatus. - 1 748, September 23.)

10589. Some of the spirits of our earth suggested a doubt whether these were from the starry heaven; wherefore it was given to the angels to explore whence they were; and it was found that they were from a star, which is their sun, very far distant from the sun of our world; and that its situation is beneath, near the Milky Way; and that this star is among the lesser stars.

10708. CONTINUATION ABOUT THE FOURTH EARTH IN THE STARRY HEAVEN. When I inquired further about their way of speaking, they said that the inhabitants of that earth have not articulate speech, such as I have; but still it ends in what is sonorous with a kind of speaking as it were articulate. It was explained that this quasi-articulate speaking is not effected by means of words; but by means of ideas, such as are in the proximate thought in which a man is when he is speaking. These ideas are distinctly different from those of the interior thought in which a man is when he is not speaking, but is forming a judgment about things. From this sonorousness thus modified by means of ideas the discourse is perceived more fully than is discourse by means of words; for the general affection which is in the sound of man's speech, being thus modified by ideas, gives a more interior and thus a fuller perception.

3278. … (Such is their speech: it was asked whether they had no articulate voice. They replied that they do not know what is the speech of words, consequently what is articulate sound; [they know slightly] what is sound; for they speak with me through spirits, or by means of ideas which flow [labuntur] into words with me; for their thought is of ideas as amongst all others, only that it does not flow into words, but into such slight motions of the lips; which is the same.))

3901. CONCERNING THE INHABITANTS OF THE STARRY HEAVEN. While I was engaged in writing the things (related) concerning the spirits of an earth in the starry universe, who advance to the ninth use,* they were present with me as also their god above my head, as had been the case before. They spoke indeed, but very little, being inclined to silence. They said that they could speak and yet wondered at their ability to do so, observing that when they spoke with me, as on this occasion, the speech was very obscure to them, so that they scarcely knew what they said, forasmuch as their life was not in our speech; wherefore they have a speech in which their life is, which they derive from the ninth use, where unto they advance. They are thus endowed with such a speech as can scarcely be expressed by ideas similar to ours, and their speech would be as obscure to us as ours is to them; for where the life is, there is the speech, and there also is the light and the intellectual of speech. * For an explanation of what is here meant by the "ninth use" the reader referred to the AC 10,709.

3902. I observed, as I had sometimes done before, that these spirits, as well as others, when I walked through the streets, and they had been with me during nearly the whole day, yet, from their not reflecting, they had observed nothing, not even the objects that were before my eyes, as books, papers, and the like, although they could see through my eyes. Hence it appears what is the quality of the spirits with men, through whom they do not see, to wit, that they have no concern about anything [they see], neither do they reflect upon it, thus that they neither see nor hear anything with others. - 1748, November 7.

10709. They said, further, that when they are speaking among themselves, they for the most part advance to the ninth use, and that there are some in the universe who in speaking advance to the fifth use, some to the seventh, to the tenth, to the fifteenth, to the twentieth, and even to the fiftieth. When I wondered what this meant it was explained, namely, that it consists in speaking remotely from the thing that is the subject of the discourse. This was illustrated by examples, as for instance, when someone is in a place of worship, and it is asked where he is, they do not say that he is there, but that he is not at home, that he is far from his house, and so on. By this they mean that he is with God, thus in the place of worship, for he who is in a place of worship is with God, and insofar as he is with God he is not at home, or in his own house; by being in his own house they also mean being at home. To take another example: When someone binds another by such things as are of his love, they say to him, "thou knowest how to do it," or "now thou art in it," or "now it is in thee," or otherwise, provided it is remotely expressed. This is called speaking to the fifth, the ninth, the fifteenth, the twentieth, even to the fiftieth use. To "speak to the use" is a customary expression in heaven; and its meaning is according to the degree of the remoteness from the thing which is the subject. And wonderful to say, when anyone speaks in this remote manner, they at once know to what degree it goes without counting it. They who are in the cogitative speech in which are the inhabitants of that earth, and many others who in like manner speak together by means of the face and the lips, and by what is sonorous varied according to the ideas of thought, instantly perceive the thing which is so spoken of; for the thought itself unfolds and publishes itself more fully by such speech than by the speech of words, which is relatively material.

3270. After some speech [talk] and exploration, it was made apparent that they attend to nothing but to use; they do not care for the first object, but the use thence [derived] whatever the uses may be, which belong to any objects whatever [they wish that these things be said]: but they do not subsist in that [proximate] use, but in its use; nor in this, but in this one's use, as far as the ninth use; they subsist there, because their nature is of such a quality.

3272. When exploration was made as to what is their nature, inasmuch as it was wholly unknown to me, that ever spirits could be given, who did not stop in the proximate use of objects, but proceeded from this use to the ninth degree of progression. Wherefore the idea is to be apprehended by means of examples; one example was also granted me; to wit, [they asked] why I wished to know it, or what was the use of my knowing it; then I immediately said, the proximate use; then passed over the progressing uses, to the proximate use, or a certain general [use]; but they did not admit this, saying that after that comes the use, which in like manner progresses to their ninth. The progression was also given; hence it was granted to know that there was, as it were, a sort of multiplication of uses in themselves, till they came to their qualities and quantities, and there rested. There was then also granted me by communication, a living perception of their nature, that they are of such a character.

3273. It was further said that in the earths of the universe [some] are given, who progress to the fiftieth use.

3274. Meantime, when they got to the ninth use, they then know objects, with the proximate use, or the proximate [next] use removed from the object [for they now wish that [it be said] they care nothing for the object [but] only for the use of the object): so that they know this [proximate] use obscurely, progressing thence more manifestly according to the degree of progression, up to the ninth [use], which they think they see clearly, yea, most clearly, because they are in [of] such a disposition.

3276. And when I told them that in this world [hic] are proximate uses, they then said concerning them, that they are not so valuable - [they said so] - for the reason, as was given me to think, that to them proximate uses are in obscurity, and do not accord with their nature.

3285. Such things as have been written concerning these spirits of another universe [to wit] that they do not rest till [they reach] about the ninth use, occurred to me on this same day, as if I have previously been precisely similar things, and that I have similarly meditated as to what such progressive uses signify; so that they certainly appeared to have been as it were previously shown to me. In like manner also, I have formerly thought that such recollections exist, and yet [these things] did not take place previously; of which matters Cicero also writes; and thus, I think this [proceeds] from the spirits of [that] universe: for they wish that these things may not be mentioned. Wherefore they inject such recollection; hence, also, it is apparent from whence [comes] so lively a recollection of such things; and that they can do it so vividly comes from their life, which is very similar to a persuasive [life]: for when they hold anyone in such persuasion, as is their life, then the man cannot do other than think so.

10710. On account of such a method of thinking and speaking, the spirits of that earth cannot be together with the spirits of our earth, because the spirits of our earth think and speak from the thing itself, and not remotely from it. Neither can they be together with the spirits of the earth Mercury, because these also stop in the nearest use; and therefore insofar as they can, they withdraw from both.

3271. (Also because they could not struggle forth into the atmosphere of the spirits of this earth, nor into [that] of others, only [into that] of certain [belonging to] the planet Mars; and because the spirits of Mercury in general [in communi] were thus removed; and therefore because their nature does not accord; besides that, they only wish to know and be acquainted with uses, yea not merely the uses next [proximate] to the object, but the more remote [ones], yea to the ninth advance [progressum]; wherefore they could not at all accord with the spirits of our earth, who, save only angelic spirits, do not care for even the proximate use, except for such uses as tend downwards, and terminate in material, corporeal and terrestrial things.

10711. They wish to be bearded, and to appear old, for the reason that they always choose and set over them some bearded old man, who is as it were their king and high priest. The common people also worship him, and love to live according to his manner of living, insomuch that they believe that his life is communicated to them; but the more intelligent of them worship God. Such a bearded old man, who had been their high priest, was one of those who were with me, and as he had accepted Divine worship from the common spirits, and had led them to believe that his life was communicated to them, he was severely punished, which was done by wrapping him up in a cloth and whirling him round; and then he was cast into the hell near his own earth.

3275. I also saw a man, a little to the right, a little above; but only as a sort of graceful cloud; he did not turn his face to me, only the left [side of it]. I thus saw a grayish beard, long [and] quite becoming - so [that he seemed] old; and when I told them that I had seen one of their inhabitants, and indeed of such an appearance, they said that they are old, and are such, in their earth. Satisfied that he was seen on the right, there, [and] not on the left. On the left would be a sign of uses [that were] not good.

3281. That old [vetustus] man, who was seen is adored by them, as their god; to wit; they apprehend that so seems he who rules all things; to whom, therefore, they wish to be similar; thus [to be] old with a gray beard; and when they were told that such [a personage] does not rule the universe, and that he could have been conducted to them, in order to confess it, they therefore wished to see and hear him, and when he was shown them, he told them that he was a thief, who [is] above my head, and directed the things which I wrote. He confessed before them, that he told them he was thief, who [is] above my head, and directed the things which I wrote. He confessed before them, that he is nothing, and perceives himself to be ruled by another Supreme [being]; he wishes to say that he was ruled, on account of his spirits, one superior to himself; but inasmuch as they are of such a nature [this] is permitted them; but thus they are brought by a shorter way to worship of the Lord who rules the universe; and that he might demonstrate to them, that it was he himself, he spoke with them, according to the inmost life of their nature.

3282. So that he entered by their thought, thus by the speech of ideas, completely into their interior life, which was also granted me to perceive; so that I then [saw] that [it was] their inmost life]. He said that he was not the Supreme. When they perceived his life from whom they said they have their life, they then confessed that it was he; so I spoke with them [saying] that they can be rendered still better: therefore they worship such a bearded [man] but recognize him from [his] life. It was granted to perceive that there are many [of such a sort]: yea, that they suppose everyone who is such as to be able to infuse the like life in them to be their god. This was said to them.

3283. It was said concerning these that still they are in a good way, and thus are easily led to heaven, so as to become angels, which they ever love to become, as I now perceive. That they are in a good way, is hence confirmed in general that they love uses, and that they possess a life of uses, not uses of cupidities. That, although they worship the bearded [man] on account of its suiting their life, they still become angels, because [they do it] in simplicity and ignorance. Just as it is the case with those who worship some saint in this world: when he does this from simplicity and ignorance, especially boys and girls, they are easily brought in the other life to worship the Lord. It is different with adults, who know it to be false, and being imbued with phantasies confirm the simple-minded for the sake of [on account of] their pride and their pleasures, who are represented [as] in a bad way, and immersed in worldly, corporeal and terrestrial things.

3286. In order that they might know what god they worshipped, of whom [mention has been made] previously, as being bearded, he was held by the evil spirits of this earth, and these of the grossest sort, as it were bound; over [above] my head, so that he pressed the head, quite a long time; and meanwhile they employed him, or his life to perpetrate the evil, which here I do not describe; and after that he was shown to his spirits who were congregated, in order that [it might be apparent] what they feel [sentiant] concerning their god, who could thus be held by the grossest and worst spirits, and was unable to liberate himself. In order that they might still [farther] know it, they wished to depart, yea, beneath the world, thus supposing they were absent, and immediately some of them were snatched up in a moment, on high above me; and it was thus shown that he could not liberate himself nor could they believe that they were far away in the universe, when they may thus be presented in a moment, and all be present most completely [proesentissime] in the sight of the Lord: he is still detained, and is beheld by them, and is silent. Wherefore, they now say: we behold the god whom we worship to be like the devil, [and] not [like] a god. These are their words, he is described as so hideous, that they have not seen [one] more hideous. - 1748, September 23.)

3296. CONTINUATION CONCERNING THE INHABITANTS OF ANOTHER WORLD, OF A CERTAIN UNIVERSE, IN THE STARRY HEAVEN. When their god, whom they worshipped, and whom [I have mentioned] previously, was angry, at being thus exposed to his spirits, having become angry, he attempted to injure me, in his modes, by casting himself on [superinjiciendo] my head: I do not know the nature of his curses, or magic, but that he practiced them in his manner was felt. I felt something within me, like an expiration of air. I said to him, that I knew how this takes place, to wit, how they respire, when the lips are moved, besides other things which I do not remember. I said that he could do me no injury; meanwhile I sought to sleep, and so fell into slumber, and dreamed something concerning my lost writings, and the fire-places in which they were burnt. I awaked from that sleep and perceived around me many spirits, also [some] who were of this earth; then also, good angelic spirits in the midst of their crowd.

3297. When I supposed that thus they were continuing my dream, for they were in a turbulent state, I then heard how they grievously punished and mangled some one, who was their god; who, as I perceive, thus lay in wait for me the whole night. They who punished and mangled him were his spirits from that earth. They continually supposed that they were thus treating me with the greatest fury; which also, I perceived and heard; and meanwhile I reflected upon their cruel punishment, how they treat those who despise that god, and do aught [against] him. He thus instigated them; for he is evil, and loves himself.

3298. Their punishment [inflicted on him] was of this sort: they wrapped [rolled] him in a woolen cloth [sheet] from feet to head, and thus rolled [wrapped] him around in their manner; and after he was rolled [wrapped] around in their manner, they held in their hands the knot [where the cloth] [sheet] was tied, and twisted it; so that it [he] was tied and twisted more tightly than I ever saw on any other occasion; and thus they rolled him around [convolvendo] between their hands, and mangled and tore him, by a cruel mode of attrition [contritus]. It cannot so [easily] be described. That rolling about [involutio] was repeated several times - he was let out, and rolled up, and subjected to attrition [contritus]. They also endeavored to adjoin the [a] phantasy; but I perceive that the force of the phantasy was removed by the Lord, lest they might produce such a feeling as they endeavored to inflict; and when he had escaped from their hands, there was present towards the left, somewhat deeper, another cohort of his spirits, who -

3299. - seemed to me to treat him in a similar manner. If there was any difference, I did not observe it. After he escaped from them, other cohorts treated him cruelly, and so, I think, to the forth cohort in succession. At last, being liberated, he came to me, and is now with me; and they were then told, that it was their god, whom they thus treated; and this [was shown] so plainly that they could not deny it. For it was present, and if they doubted, would confess it; and they saw him present, also that it was he, and that they had not at all touched me. The angels above, moderated all [this], as [they are present] near all punishments.

3300. Immediately after, another spirit, an evil-doer, was similarly treated: and many others; and their chief [primarius] was thus wrapped up in a cloth [sheet] and carried and shown to spirits and angels, and acknowledged who he was.

3301. I afterwards spoke with the spirits of that earth concerning their god; then concerning the Lord, [saying] that he rules the universe, does good to all, and punishes no one; also, that the Lord knows each and all things from every [each] one's infancy, [and] now that the Lord knows each and everything from each one's infancy to eternity.

3302. There was then shown a certain one [quoedam] [who was carried] - her face was white [bright], which I could not see for the whiteness [brightness]. She was carried from the anterior, backwards to the left; and it was insinuated, [and] then manifested, that she was his mother; for he thought of his mother; but the thought fell upon the evil-doers, who were punished, as has been told. For he wished to call his foster-mother; perhaps because she was worshipped by them as a goddess; and then he was shown to me, such as he was during his life - he had a brownish face, here and there of a muddy color [lutea] and of human yellow; but [in general] a brownish black; he was exceedingly hideous [and had] a seat near the ground; he was seated, as it were, upon something humble, in the corner. I do not know whether he has a house, or is outside of a house. He nods [shakes] his head, like an old man. This was the most general movement of those who speak by slight motions of the lip - for this is the result [of that].

3303. Meanwhile, when the punishment of mangling continued, angelic choirs were in the majority [in pluralitate] in the same place where the punishment [was going on], as also round about there; and they spoke with me thence: to whom [the evil spirits] did no harm; I hardly know whether they knew [it].

3304. The nature of those spirits is, to still raise doubts, when the knowledges of truth are told them, because their god permitted also [evil spirits] to affect them in such a manner; and they received more grossly the influxes of evil spirits. At length it was granted to tell them, that there are truths which do not admit of doubts. - 1748, September 24.

10712. When they were allowed to see the objects of this earth through my eyes, they paid very little attention to them, because it is customary for them to think far away from the nearest objects; thus not to see them, except in shade; for such as is the thought of a man, such is his sight; because it is the interior sight which is of the thought that sees in the exterior, and through it. They then said that their earth is very rocky, and that there are only some valleys between the rocks which are cultivated. But it was perceived that it was so only where these people dwelt; and that in other places it is different. They were with me for almost an entire day.

3305. That they have a life similar to the persuasive [life] I have often said; and it was now also said, inasmuch as something thereof was infused into another.

3306. They beheld through my eyes something of the city, houses, and grove. They said, that they have not such things, but [have] mountains and valleys. So that, as far as they know, there are no delightful places but what pertain to valleys. Moreover, they saw the city, and wondered, and thus [saw] that they were in another earth. - 1748, September 24.

3400. CONCERNING SPIRITS OF ANOTHER EARTH. -CONCERNING THE STUPENDOUS DEEDS OF A CERTAIN KIND OF SPIRITS WHO WERE UNKNOWN. There appeared to me a spirit, a little in front, above, in bed: who also appeared behind, above, for he could change his situation, and it was then shown from many things: yea, he changed the situation of nearly all in the sphere.

3401. I first observed that spirits who spoke from their places in other spheres could not then have spoken; that he entered into their phantasies, and [the phantasies] of those spirits of whom I could not imagine such a thing: so that they said they could not speak as before, which I also heard; thus also did he enter into their ideas, and constrained [them] by means of phantasies, and also cast them into other regions by means of phantasies; so that they would be on another side; they were now in other regions, and spoke differently from what they did before.

3402. He did not wish to speak; but when I was thinking, and supposed that I spoke with him, he then had such phantasies that he did not at all think concerning those things of which I thought: besides, also, contrary to my apperceived opinion; but when I thought and spoke, then he excited all men or spirits with whom I am acquainted: for he was not in the idea of my thought, but only in the idea of those who, as it were, were adjoin to my ideas, not next, but remotely; in a word, he excited persons or spirits who were far away or remote from my ideas: for every idea whatever of man's is accompanied, not only by places, but also persons, just as if persons were adjoined to them. Therefore, when I was thinking, they perceived nothing at all from my idea, but the idea of his phantasy was afar off, yea in persons, as I have said, whom he so excited, that it [seems] wonderful and incredible to others that it can so happen.

3403. Hence may be concluded that there are spirits who can excite such things from the ideas of others, as the thinker is never aware of it, as was previously confirmed to me from those who saw excrements when I was not giving heed, and that there are other spirits who excite from every idea whatever such things as are suitable to them and their nature, as has been often observed previously. Wherefore spirits are given, who excite all things, whatsoever that are in man's idea: some, proximate things; some, the more remote things; some, even things that follow after [consequentia]. This was such a one that he only excited men that I knew, and thus that flowed from the idea and were remote, but not the next ones, that is, those of whom I thought.

3404. He was shown to me, so far as his nature is concerned, to wit, that as it were from his eyes, but it was from the ears, there appeared to go forth, on both sides, rays, like bright stings, such as pertain to certain insects who have stings on both sides; but his were bright which it was granted me to force towards myself and dispose [arrange] differently; he drew back these bright stings, and spread them out now towards me, now to the sides, now towards the hinderparts of his head: and it was said that when he thrust forth the rays towards the occiput, and there united them, then he collected all; thus [he was then] remote from the idea; for when he thrust forth the bright stings at the back, and united them, then he excited persons remotely from the idea; when he extended them towards the sides, left and right, that [he was] thus in the idea, not so remotely; and when he applied them towards me, that he then [excited] those who [are] nearer in the idea; when [he put them forth] straight out and indeed crossed them, which I also seemed to myself able to have done, then [he excited] those who were nearest in the idea. It follows, and is insinuated, that the matter is so. Except that he was shown [to me] nothing appeared of his face, as I was told, save only the beard and ears, from which the stings [came out] - but he could vary these things, so that spirits were ignorant of what form was his face. Moreover he is invisible.

3405. Since he excited persons by means of his phantasies, for whatever was in the idea concerning persons he collected and held the intuition therein, thus enters the ideas of spirits which he penetrated, therefore persons, to wit, that is spirits, could not resist: but he excited their ideas, and so enter into their ideas, and as it appeared, attracted them to himself as has been said. I also heard other persons who complained, and then seemed not in their own place as before, but in a place between him and me: yea, as it seemed to me, he also excited the whole of Gehenna, which was heard near at hand under my left ear, so that Gehenna was near the left ear, and I heard their shrilly sounding gyres; thus by his phantasies he perverted spheres, so that they were no longer heard in their place: wherefore if such begin to rule, the situation of the Grand Man would be perverted, as to the world of spirits. When they acted into my body their action was into the middle of the left arm, or into his forearm [cubitum], as [which] was shown.

3406. I slept at intervals [passim], and awoke three or four times, and when I awoke he was present in his place, and continued: for he had no power on sleepers. There were also some spirits with me, who were asleep, whom he could not excite, but [only those] who were awake. In [my] sleep I dreamed that dogs had those things which were mine: that I pursued them because they carried off my things; but suddenly they ran along a certain steep way, and hid themselves; and [the way] appeared still steeper down. But the dogs hid themselves under a table, with some one, thus not seen by me; when I awoke I thought concerning the dogs and concerning the precipice that was before [me]; then the greatest possible horror of the precipice [hissna] affected me: and thus twice or thrice when I thought concerning the precipice, which horror [hissna] inflowed from him, who has so great a horror for such a thing, I was told that he never dared to think concerning the angels or concerning heaven, and that such horror [hissna] now springs up; so that he can by no means attract [draw] angels and angelic spirits by phantasy; if so, he would surely perish.

3407. When he awoke he continually called the devil, so that he cried out nothing but diabolic things, while present with me [apud me], perhaps because they [are those] who continually call the devil, and think they can effect everything; these he attracts, for thus he calls forth many, because such things inhere in the phantasy of many; thus cohorts are excited into whose phantasies he enters, and so attracts them; thus he can [attract] cohorts.

3408. When he spoke, I then supposed that he was thinking those things what he spoke; but they said that he does not think at all of these things, but spoke them as if not thinking; and that then he revolved in his mind very different matters, so that he did not know what he spoke. It was granted me to perceive that much men are given in this world, who when they speak pay no heed, and scarcely know what they speak, but that words flow from the mouth, and they meantime think entirely different things: as concerning men, whom they either destroy, mislead or persuade [inducant], they do not even [think] of those with whom they speak, but of others, entirely unknown, whom they remember from the idea of their speech, or [the idea] of others when they speak. It is now insinuated that there are many of such a character that they can speak concerning matters, whereof they do not think, and [can] think concerning other things, so that men never know what they think of others.

3409. When I thought concerning the dragon, the he is of such a character, to wit: that he thinks one thing when he speaks another; he replied to me that he knows [those who are] of such a character, but that he is not apprehended [capiatur] by them; but when that abominable spirit began to operate, then the dragon was let into the Ancient Jerusalem, and there hid in a most obscure [place] with Jews; it was said that the Jews are thus hidden when such spirits come and operate, to wit: are wrapped up [involved] in a darksome [principle] and are thus covered up [from view], that the phantasies of [that] abominable spirit may not reach them. It was granted me to perceive that the Jews are thus kept far from faith, so that they wholly deny the Lord, for the reason that they can be hidden in [that] most darksome [principle], and that otherwise they would be drawn forth and projected [cast out] by such [evil spirits]. The dragon with the Jews, thus thinks that they hide themselves in darksome [places] wherein they say they involve themselves; but it is now shown to the dragon, and he also confessed it, that he could draw him forth together with the Jews, and so cast him into his own net. The dragon supposed that he could resist by involving himself in darkness; wherefore it was granted him to contend against [the evil spirit]; and he confessed that he could not resist, unless the Lord should guard him, wherefore he is now suppliant.

3410. It was afterwards shown me, in what light he was, -it was said, that he was in a light [lumine]. There was in the light a fiery [principle] but obscure, as when darkness and the light of a fire are mingled. I was then instructed that there were many of such a character whose subject he was, who are nocturnal igneous lights, thus are surrounded with such a light, and these are they who when they see in the other life that spirits can accomplish so much with their phantasies, then not only believe that the diabolic crew can accomplish everything, yea by phantasies, which, I think, [I have treated] of here and there, in other places, and so persuade themselves, [but] also addict themselves to such things, and learn to act by phantasies so that they may be able to effect all things: they thus suppose that they are able to direct all things; thus addict themselves thereto and wish to be of such a sort: thus suppose that the universe is subject to them or their phantasies. It was also shown me, that this is their character, and thus they suppose they are rulers [lords] of the universe. They are nocturnal lights, yea, waxen lights, rather, because there is in them more of sulfur than tallow.

3411. I wished to know whence such come; for I did not wish that they should be from our earth. He said, that he was from the stars; others said that he was a cannibal; concerning whom I spoke with spirits, and it was shown that they were of such a character: moreover the nature of their delight when they kill man and wish to eat him, which delight was great; also that such have lived; wherefore they are so denominated; but I am unawares whether such still live; thus whether the Calmucks are of such a character. I was informed that such [persons] can hardly go forth from any other world than this, wherein they hold each other in such deadly hatred, that not only do they most cruelly treat others, but when the actuality once comes into play, that easily does the cruelty there let loose, extend itself as amongst the cannibals. I also spoke concerning the Jews, that they hold Christians in such a deadly hatred; whether true I know not, but it is reported that [such is the case] at Prague - yea, that nothing is more pleasant to them than human blood; also that some are possessed by such insane anger or fury, as even to desire to feed on such things in [their] fury.

3412. Wherefore this world has now wandered so far into externals, as so far into cruel thoughts, inwardly that externals are by themselves, and speak well so that no one apperceives that [ut, I think] internals think cruelties; wherefore the last times of this [world] are at hand, unless they return to reason.

3413. Still because the sphere of that phantasy is dispersed, only around me the regions are altered, so that they who appeared below are now above; but it should be observed that only the regions are thus changed before them who are not in faith; yet the regions of the Grand Man, still remain to eternity before those who are in faith, for it is impossible that phantasies can effect anything as regards the Grand Man; for the sphere of those phantasies is dispelled whensoever it pleases the Lord - only to me was it shown how the case stands.

3414. There also came cohorts, who are wont to disperse illy - associated [things] like the hilled [spirits who are] highway robbers; then also the east wind which [I have mentioned] before. But they could not shake off [disperse] the sphere of those phantasies. On the other hand they [those phantasies] also carried them away, so penetrating was the sphere of those phantasies; but another more subtle east wind was heard and perceived around my head and ears; into it they could not operate by phantasies.

3415. It was asked what they wished to do with those whom they drew to themselves, and collected by phantasies; they said that they would wrap them in a net and cast them into a sea or abyss; wherefore some wished that they should mean a flood: that by such [phantasies] they perished as by a flood. Whether there was such a correspondence of a flood, then in the antediluvian times appears probable; but that the flood took place is evident from very many things whereof I spoke with them: but as to Noah's Ark, there were many things which induce me to believe that it signifies something else: for instance, that there must be place and food [pasana] also water for so many animals, which [were contained] therein, and that [the ark] must have been so capacious. But I drop these matters, because there are spirits who desire to confuse thereby, what facts have actually transpired: so that I think that each and everything written by Moses in Genesis, is of such a character, for example that [there was] such a paradise, and Adam and other things besides.

3416. It was shown me that all those whom he thus collected, he involved [wrapped] in a great net: for [by his] phantasies he induced a great net, so that they were involved [therein] and also lamented: but were let out, aggregated in balls [conglobatim]. It seemed that only one was involved: who [it was] I do not know; when I asked they induced [the appearance of] various persons: for such is their custom, that they substitute now this one, now that; who was enclosed in the net, that execrable spirit complained; and then one who was enclosed in the net, spread [exspatiatus] himself within the net, into various regions under my feet by various flexures. It was insinuated in me, that it was that spirit who induced phantasies. But concerning the various spreading [exspatiatione] of the last part of the net where he was enclosed, it would be prolix to write, for the flexures were numerous. - 1748, September 30.